Rare usage of the 3d British Empire Postcard







A very fine 3d British Empire postcard,


cancelled by a superb Penny Post Jubilee Special Date stamp used at the July 2nd 1890 Exhibition.


The message is in German and the address is to Dusseldorf.


There are no postal markings on the reverse:


this may be because the message takes up the whole of the space


so no date stamp receiver was applied as it would partially cover the message.


In The Report of the Controller of the London Postal Service, R C Tombs, for the May 1890 Exhibition, 


of the 20,508 ordinary postcards sold on its first day, only 1,208 were of a type for the foreign service.


In The Report of the Controller about the July 2 1890 Exhibition,


he mentions that 2,166 postcards were sold there and of these only 311 were used for the foreign service:


barely a quarter the number that were sold at the May 1890 Exhibition. 


Hence the number of the 3d cards sent to Germany from the Exhibition will likely have been extremely small. 


A rare item of Exhibition quality. 


Price: £95.00



Provincial usage of the 1890 Commemorative Envelope on Day of Issue





Very fine 1890 Commemorative Envelope used on the Day of Issue with Insert.


Used localy within the Leeds area on July 2nd 1890 and a very scarce Provincial usage.


The Leeds Philatelic Society was formed in 1890 and the person who sent the envelope


and the recipient may well have been some of its very early Members. 


Booth prices this envelope used on the Day of Issue at £150.


An Exhibition quality item. 


Price: £80.00



Provincial usage of the 1890 Commemorative Envelope on Day of Issue






A very fine 1890 Commemorative Envelope, no insert, posted from Bradford Yorkshire,


to the Imperial Hydropathic Hotel in Blackpool.


Cancelled by a Bradford square circle for July 2nd 1890: the Day of Issue for this envelope. 


On the reverse are date stamps for Preston and Blackpool both July 3rd 1890.


The Imperial Hydropathic Hotel, was opened in 1867 but pulled down in 1976 to make way for a modern construction.


The image is from the internet where other images are available and more information about the many famous people who stayed there.


Imperial Hotel, Blackpool, Lancashire, 1890-1910.



The hydropathic craze swept Britain from the 1840s onwards,


when a German practitioner named Vincenz Priessnitz developed a series of treatments using ordinary cold water,


thus saving the need to visit a spa town.


There were dozens of treatments, some including the use of electricity.


Booth prices this First Day of Usage at £150. 


A very scarce tem that would make a very interesting display page enhanced by the History of this Hotel.


Price:  £90.00


NB: have not previuosly seen any examples of this envelope addressed to an hydropathic hotel.




July 2 1890 Jubilee Celebration of the Penny Post Post: from one founder of the Leeds PhilatelicSocity to another






1d brown UPU letter card, superb used with the full reply card still attached also in superb mint condition.


It has been franked by the Penny Post Jubilee date stamp for July 2nd 1890.


Addressed to Skipwith who was a founder member of the LEEDS PHILATELIC SOCIETY in 1890.


The writer, from his handwriting , is Egli, who was also a founder member.


No other date markings as perhaps the Post Office decided it had a date stamp on already and was used locally in Leeds.


A remarkable item as the Leeds Phlatelic Society was formed on May 31st 1890 , barely a month before this item was posted.


One imagines that at their next meeting this item would have been of great interest to members.


Price:  £85.00

NB: Leeds Philatelic Society is one of the first to be formed in the UK.

The card in finer condition than the scan suggests.




Furniss Caracature given away free with a Stamp Magazine in 1906







In 1906 the Editor of the Stamp Collector’s Fortnightly magazine acquired a number of the Furniss caricature of the Uniform Penny Post Jubilee envelope.


With the Christmas Edition of the magazine was offered an example of the original Furniss envelope


only to postal subscribers to the magazine but not with copies sold in newsagents. 


On the envelope flap was printed in dull red ‘Presented with the Christmas Number of the Stamp Collector’s Fortnightly December 15th 1906’. 


The example offered here is in fine condition.


The flap has been stuck down for display purposes but is supplied with a superb original insert.


Unsure as to the numbers originally supplied to subscribers but in our experience it is seldom offered.


 Very scarce. 


Price: £50.00




Pair of the rare 3d Postcard sent from the July 1890 Exhibition from and to the same person in Australia


and reference to those present including Royalty







Two 3d British Empire cards posted at the July 2nd 1890 Exhibition to the same addressee in Australia.


In remarkably fine condition, some wrinkling on the card with the shorter message, as in the scan.


They have interesting messages on the reverse especially the one which was redirected.  


The latter mentions that:


'Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are present and a very pleasant evening is being spent’.  


The writer goes on to say that:


'Madame Valleria, Mr Sims Reeves, Mr Ben Davies and several other distinguished have given their services for the occasion’. 


There is a wealth of information, and some pictures of these famous people, on the internet.


In The Report of the Controller of the London Postal Service, R C Tombs, for the May 1890 Exhibition,


of the 20,508 ordinary postcards sold on its first day, only 1,208 were of a type for the foreign service


and only 12 were addressed to Australia.


In The Report of the Controller about the July 2 1890 Exhibition, he mentions that 2,166 postcards were sold there and


of these only 311 were used for the foreign service: barely a quarter the number that were sold at the May 1890 Exhibition.


Hence the number of the 3d cards sent to Australia from the Exhibition will have been extremely small


and very possibly less than the 12 sent from the May 1890 event .


For one to be offered from the few that have survived is very unusual indeed but to have a pair,


both sent to the same address with a description of the Celebrations and the names of celebrities present is remarkable.


An extremely rare pair of items which is more than likely to be unique.   


A memorable and important Exhibition pairing.


Price the pair: £985.00  SOLD


NB: As a display item it could be enhanced by information from the internet about the guests.

The redirected card is whiter than the scan suggests.



Used close to the date of postal invalidation

and sent from a famous philatelist to his mother




A very fine Post Office Jubilee Envelope, no insert, sent from

EGHAM Surrey to London on June 5th 1915. 

This item was used just a few weeks before it became

invalid for postal use on July 1st 1915.

On the reverse top flap is a London receiver for the same day as posting.  

The London cancellation appears to be the dater portion of an Alma or Bee continuous impression machine

which we have not previously seen used in this manner.

A very late usage of this envelope issued on July 2nd 1890. 

A superb item which would form an excellent display page

with the additional information set out below.

 Price: £145.00  


The addressee is the Dowager Baroness de Worms and her husband was

Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright, a relative of the Rothschild family. 

More information about him, including a photograph, is available on the internet.


The Dowager Baroness de Worms

was married to the George the 2nd Baron de Worms who died in 1902. 

They had three children including the eldest son, Anthony George de Worms.


He became the 3rd Baron de Worms in 1902 and died in 1938.


He was a keen philatelist and became a member of the Royal Philatelic Society. 

His Collection included a block of mint 1840 2d blues which became part of

the reunited mint marginal block of 18 illustrated in the new Gibbons QV Volume 1 page 286.  

He resided at Milton Park in Egham, Surrey.


This Post Office Jubilee Envelope was posted from Egham, Surrey to his mother, the Dowager Baroness. 


t is more than likely that her son, the then Baron de Worms, a philatelist, addressed and sent it to his mother. 

He would have been aware that it was soon to become invalid for postal use.

Have not seen another example of this Envelope sent to a Member of the Aristocracy

who was a well known philatelist.



Registered Penny Post Jubilee Envelope and Insert with an interesting message




A fine Penny Post Jubilee envelope registered from the City, London

and cancelled by a superb Threadneedle Street Registered EC oval  for JULY 4th 1890.

Both the envelope and the insert are in much finer condition than the scan suggests.


The envelope was issued on July 2nd 1890. 

Few examples are known registered especially so close to the day of issue. 

The 2d registration fee was paid by a fine 2d Jubilee SG200 affixed to the back of the envelope.


The blue crayon lines do not touch the 2d.

The insert has a very interesting message on both sides even making a reference to the fact that

the printing plates are to be destroyed: this was announced in the press at that time.


The sender, to his wife, was hoping that their children, ‘chicks’,

would be encouraged to continue their ‘stamp craze’.


An attractive item that would make a superb display page

especially when the description was expanded using the message on the insert. 

Price: £125.00 SOLD


The browning is either much fainter on both the envelope front and back,

and similarly with the insert, or is not present at all.

The 2d is in the true green shade and not as in the scan.



Late usage of this 1890 Envelope


Post Office Jubilee Envelope with insert, issued on July 2nd 1890. 

The example here is a late usage from WOKINGHAM, a double strike,

to Cheltenham, September 22nd 1913

 with a Cheltenham receiver on the reverse. 

The envelope was roughly opened resulting in a small peripheral tear at the top

 and on the reverse some further damage. 

This may have happened because the recipient was

eager to open it to see what it contained? 

A very scarce provincial late usage. 

Price: £45.00


The cleanest and whitest example and one of the finest seen of the Furniss Caricature


Harry Furniss Caricature of the official Penny Post Jubilee Envelope,

mint, no insert and sealed with no contents.

There are ‘bumps’ on the front caused by the top flap edges and the sealed rear bottom ‘flap’ edges.

The cleanliness and whiteness of the envelope are the one of the finest we have seen:

it must be close to what it would have been when leaving the printers!   

Remarkable and rare. 

Price: £120.00



Very Rare used Furniss Caricature: redirected on CHRISTMAS DAY.



Harry Furniss Caricature of the official Penny Post Jubilee Envelope with insert: 


originally sent to Blackheath on Christmas Eve 1896 then


redirected to Bristol on Christmas Day

with a London date stamp for 8:30 pm December 25th.  


The insert carries a Christmas Greeting. 


Few used examples are known of this attractive caricature.


This is one of the latest known usages and


the ONLY ONE known with a Christmas Day cancellation.  


A considerable rarity in overall fine condition


and finer than the scan.


Price:  £585.00



Harry Furniss signed letter



Very fine signed four page letter from HARRY FURNISS


to a W H Robinson arranging an engagement for the


following season and discussing terms, London May 12th 1902. 


It relates to him presenting his new show ‘COMEDY in CHARCOAL’ in Walsall


for which Furniss was asking 35 guineas: do read the part transcription. 


The letter itself is relatively easy to read. 


A rare letter from this famous illustrator and cartoonist


who lampooned the July 2nd 1890 official Penny Post Jubilee Envelope.


Superb display item.    


Price:  £175.00



Elliott Caricature: the finest example extant?



Rare: 3d Empire Card sent to Germany from the Exhibition.



THREE different Exhibitions.



Registered Usage on the FIRST DAY OF ISSUE



Very Rare Usage of the 1d red imperf at the July 1890 Exhibition.



Envelope posted at the July 2nd 1890 Penny Postage Exhibition: 

the 1d postage to Southampton has been paid by a an almost full-margined 1d red imperf, Alphabet 1. 


This has been cancelled by the Special Exhibition Cancellation. 


We cannot find any other example of a 1d red imperf postally used and cancelled in this way

at the July Exhibition though we are aware of a similar usage at the May 1890 Penny Postage Exhibition.  


A considerable RARITY.


Price:  £495.00


NB: Although there are age markings on the envelope they are FAR LESS pronounced than in the scan. 


Rare Sheet of Proof Impressions May 1890.

 151358. The Guildhall Exhibition to commemorate the Penny Postage Jubilee May 1890: 

a sheet with an embossed Royal Coat of Arms and TWELVE PROOF Impressions in black of the metal handstamp

(moveable date and time code slugs) to be used at the Exhibition to cancel mail that was posted but not for cancelled to favour items.

In 'The Penny Postage Jubilee 1890' by Werner Bauschke, the different types of Special Handstamps used at the Exhibition are illustrated.

The proof strikes here are S3: numerals and date in heavier type; May 16th 1890 was the first day of the three day Exhibition. 

On the first day the Exhibition was only open from 9.00pm until Midnight:

the Time Code '12' was therefore never used and only known as proof strikes.

Bauschke further notes that NO PROOFS exist in the Post-Office Archives. 

An enlargement of one of the strikes from the sheet is illustrated above.

The sheet has a light diagonal crease in the bottom left corner

but the browning on the right hand edge is NOT present - a shadow from the scanner. 

Overall it is in very fine condition and would make a superb Display Piece. 

We know of only one other complete sheet with these twelve Proof Strikes. 

An attractive and rare item. 

Price:  £395.00  SOLD

NB: the sheet is NOT mounted on the black card background used for scanning.


Used shortly before Invalidated for Postage.

151484. The Post Office 1890 Jubilee Envelope, in very fine condition,

sent Registered within London on June 15th 1915. 

The 2d egistration fee paid by an Edward V11 1d and a George V 1d.

The Insert Card enclosed with the envelope has an interesting message. 

There are several transit cds's on the reverse for this same date.

This envelope ceased to be valid for postal use from July 1st 1915.

This is the latest official usage of this envelope we have seen

before the date of  invalidation by the Post Office. 

Superb item.

Price:  £160.00  SOLD

NB: there is no browning around the address.


RARE usage 1d Fiscal of SG F12 at the 1890 Exhibition.

1069. July 2 1890: Superb uncreased envelope posted at the Exhibition to a London address

with a 1d FISCAL, SGF12;  small fault at the top,tied by the Exhibition cancel in blackish violet.

Ink. London WC July 3 1890 cds on reverse. 

Rare usage.   

Price: £85.00 


Rare Usage: 1d Fiscal SG F20 Die 2.


1071. July 2 1890: Superb clean envelope posted at the Exhibition to a London address

with a 1d FISCAL SGF20 from the very scarce Die 2 and tied by the Exhibition cancel in blackish violet. 

London WC July 3 1890 cds on the reverse. 

A rare usage of Die 2.  

Price: £170.00


Very rare usage during WW1.



Envelope with letter to Constantinople First Day of Usage



An interesting address and message.


July 2 1890: Fine 1/2d brown postcard sent to Moorfields Eye Hospital from Somerset House. 

On the reverse is the dater portion of a Hoster machine in RED for July 3rd 1890:

a rare usage of this dater cancellation on an item posted from the Exhibition.

An interesting address and message.

Price: £58.00 



RARE: Insert with FIVE Types of Cancellations


1065. July 1890 Jubilee Conversazione at South Kensington Museum:


very fine insert from the Jubilee Post Office Envelope with


FIVE of the special postmark types used at the event.


Three on the front and two on the reverse. 


Scarce item. 


Price: £150.00  


ALL SIX Cancellations on the ONE CARD.

15054.  July 2 1890: Very fine 1/2d brown postcard with three of the Exhibition cancellations on the front

and three others on the reverse including the scarce smaller Penny Postage Jubilee cds seldom used.

The only example we have been able to offer with all

SIX of the cancellations used at the Exhibition on the one card. 

Rare and superb.  

Price:  £225.00 

NB: the browning of the envelope is not as deep as the scan.



Rare Provincial usage of the Envelope on the DAY of ISSUE.

151226: July 2nd Commemorative Envelope and insert:


very scarce provincially used example sent from Kirk Merrington to Bishop Auckland on the Day of Issue.


On the reverse is the Kirk Merrington cds for July 2nd 1890 and this is the only


example we have seen used provincially with two Day of Issue date stamps. 


 In the 1891 census, the population of Kirk Merrington was only 2128 souls. 


A rare item.  


Price:  £55.00  SOLD


A RARE usage at the 1890 Exhibition.

151224: Halfpenny newspaper/ printed circular wrapper


cancelled by a superb and upright July 2nd 1890 Exhibition cancellation.


Sent locally in London with a July 3rd 1890  cds on the reverse.


We cannot recall seeing another example of this wrapper used in this way.


Price:  £45.00



July 2nd 1890:  the Five Exhibition cancellations. A mock up by the printers?

151589.  Penny Post Jubilee July 2nd 1890:

insert card presented on a brown card with three of the Exhibition cancels

and the two Tube Post cancellations flanking them. 

Not sure of the status of this - was it prepared

at the printers as a mock up for approval by the Post Office? 

Rare item. 

Price:  £285.00


Card with all SIX cancellations in use at the July 2nd Exhibition.

151596.  Brown card with strikes of all six cancellations, possibly proof strikes,

available at the July 2nd 1890 Exhibition including two strikes of the scarcer smaller circular date stamp. 

NB: the image has been cropped to remove staining at the top and right side: the top strike is partially affected.

A rare item.

Price: £300.00


Both Exhibitions



An early trial of design?



A possible proof strike

151591.  A cut out mounted on card of one of the cancellations

used on the First Day of the May 1890 Penny Postage Jubilee.

Possibly a proof strike. 

Price:  £30.00



Olde English: Guildhall Penny Post Jubilee Advert


A notice re the event at the Guildhall in aid of the Rowland Hill Benevolent Fund. 

Apparently written in Olde English by F E Baines to advertise the event.

The first we have been able to offer. 

Very scarce.

Price:  £125.00  SOLD


A Postcard that has travelled round the World

151594.  Cut outs from an original newspaper published in October/November 1890. 

A sketch of a postcard posted at the July 2nd 1890 Exhibition and

sent round the world taking 107 days

to arrive at its destination back in London on October 17th 1890. 

One wonders where is the original postcard and has it survived?  

Price:  £55.00


Rare usage of an Australian stamp at this 1890 Exhibition

151536.  A fine 1d pink envelope with a Victoria Australia 6d Stamp Duty

tied by the July 2nd 1890 Penny Post Jubilee Exhibition cancellation.

Sent locally with a July 3rd 1890 cds on the reverse. 

Extremely unusual usage and the first we have seen of an Australian stamp used in this way.  

Price:  £75.00  SOLD

NB: the browning around the stamp is NOT present - an effect of the scanner.




1841 2d blue embossed envelope with Dickensen blue threaded paper:

cancelled by a legible but lightly applied strike of the Penny Post Jubilee Exhibition cancellation held at

The South Kensington Museum on July 2nd 1890.  The envelope was addressed but not posted.

The only example we have seen of this 1841 envelope used in this way. 

A RARE item despite the light cancellation and in better condition than the scan suggests.

Price:  £60.00 


FIVE of the Exhibition Cancellations on the Commemorative Envelope.

151225: July 2nd 1890 Commemorative Envelope and insert:


an example with FIVE types of handstamps


used at the Exhibition, three on the front and two on the reverse.


Some age marks but NOT as pronounced as the scan suggests.


All the strikes have been carefully applied to the envelope and


the two on the reverse are unusually finely struck for these.


Scarce to find five on the same envelope and especially so neatly applied and arranged.


Price:  £135.00 



RARE usage of THREE of the EXhibition Cancels posted to SCOTLAND.

15052.  July 2 1890: Jubilee Post Office Envelope with insert sent

from the Exhibition to Broughty Ferry, Scotland with a Dundee cds on reverse for July 3rd 1890. 

Two of the South Kensington cancels also on the front with the Post Office 1790

cachet struck in the scarcer purple; an unusual usage as such. 

A rare sending to Scotland from the Exhibition.

Price: £70.00   

NB: The browning at the top, sides and the centre is an effect of the scanner.



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