This Section has a very wide range of stamps and covers


including 1d reds and 2d blues, imperf and perforated,


large selection of bantam 1/2d, 1d Plate Numbers and much more.


Do scroll down to the end.


There are several distinctive Maltese crosses from England, Scotland and Ireland.


You will find other MX examples in the Scottish and Irish Section,  


on embossed envelopes in the Stationery Section


and in the 1d Blacks and 1840 2d Blues Section



 TWO Christmas Day, SUNDAY, Cancellations 1853 




1d Red, 'LG', Plate 174?, QV clear profle, tied by a partial CUPAR FIFE numeral, to a legal entire to Edinburgh: Letter dated December 24th 1853. 


On the reverse top flap are TWO Christmas Day date stamps: Cupar Fife Dec 1853 and Edinburgh receiver for the same date.


Very scarce to find an item which has two different Chrtistmas Day cancellations. 


The rarity of this item is considerably enhanced as Dec 25 1853 was a SUNDAY and this example


is the only multiple Christmas Day SUNDAY Cancellations we have seen during the period 1840-1901. 


An Exhibition item.


Price: £45.00


1d red from black Plate X1




1d red , 'GD', very fine with full margins: tied to a legal entire from London to Rochester.


On the reverse top flap are a London date stamp for May 31st 1841,


a Rochester receiver for June 1st 1841 and a clear MX offprint.


The London MX leaves QV with a clear profile.


Gibbons prices this plate on cover at £350.


A very attractive example. 


Price: £90.00



Two examples showing the screw heads of the duplex



1d Plate 184 on an envelope from sent locally in Liverpool, October 25th 1872


and another envelope, Salisbury Hotel London on the reverse, 1d Plate 138 to Sheffield, May 1st 1873.


both show an impression of a screw head keeping the duplex in place.


Offered as a pair which is ready for display.


Price the pair: £38.00



1d red and a 2d Plate 3 on reused letter.




1d red, 'TI', fine full margins, tied by the '181' of INVERARY to an entire to Liverpool with


on the reverse an Edinburgh date stamp for November 12th 1844


and a Liverpool date stamp for November 14th: unusually the type normally used on maritime mail! 


The letter was turned and sent to Edinburgh, there is a Liverpool date stamp for November 16th 1844


on the reverse top flap and an Edinburgh receiver for November 18th 1844. 


A 2d Plate 3, 'QI' with full margins, affixed to the returned item and with an indistinct numeral cancellation.


Not tied but appears to belong and offered as is.


An unusual item. 


Price: £55.00



Plate 5: Fourth Repair, STATE 3





1d red Plate 5: two pairs, 'PK-PL' and 'QA-QB'.


The latter pair clearly show the thinning of the check letters, and from the date, September 18th 1841,


It would appear that these are from the Fourth Repair, SG Spec AS33a, State 3,


 which took place between 4th March and April 22nd 1841.


Both pairs are tied to a legal entire from London to Denbigh:


on the front is a Denbigh receiver date stamp for Sunday September 19th 1841.


'QA'  has a verical filing crease and the others are not full margined; however this is a very rare franking.


Gibbons prices a pair of Plate 5 1d reds, on stamps alone, from the initial printIng at £450 and a single on cover at £400.


A single of AS33a, on stamp alone, is priced at £350. 


The contrasting letters on 'PK-PL' with 'QA-QB', emphasises the thinning on the latter pair with the MX's well clear of them.


Despite the faults this is a display item and offered at a fraction of the combined Gibbons prices. 


Price: £95.00  RESERVED







1d Plate 138: a stunning example of missperfing on piece


and tied by DEREHAM 241 duplexes for May 23rd 1873. 


One of the best examples of this perforation variety we have seen.


A display item.


Price £120.00


NB: some folding bewteen perfs as per scan.



Edinburgh NPB 1878




1d Plate 209: fine/very fine strip 'SH-SJ',


with Edinburgh Newspaper Branch cds's for April 26th 1878.


A scarce type and seldom found in a multiple usage. 


Price: £25.00



Entire from a famous English Victorian lady to the USA during the Retaliatory Period


and links to William Wordsworth







2d Plate 3, strip of six, ‘EA-EF’, tied to a 3 page entire from Ambleside to Boston Massachusetts, July 19th 1848. The margins as per the enlarged scan. On the reverse top flap are an Ambleside date stamp for July 19th 1848; a Liverpool receiver for July 20th 1848 and a Liverpool maritime date stamp, used on transatlantic mail, for this same date. This item was sent to the USA during the Retaliatory Rate period. It was carried on the Cunarder ‘America’ which left Liverpool on July 22nd 1848 and arrived in Boston/New York on August 4th. This was only the 5th sailing after the introduction of the Retaliatory Rate and the first for the Cunarder ‘America’ in this period.  The US levied a charge of 24 cents per 1/2oz on incoming mail from Britain to which was added 5 cents for inland postage ie a total of 29 cents. This letter has a red ‘29’ on ‘ED’ and another overlapping ‘EE’ and ‘EF’. 

In the ‘Daisey’ Grand Prix Collection, sold at Christies on October 8th 1996, Lot 593, a strip of 6, 2d Plate 3, on a letter from Paisley to New York, June 2nd 1846, realized an inclusive total of £1,900 almost 30 years ago.The strip had a reduced crease across all the stamps and one stamp a scissor cut.


What makes the item offered here rarer and more significant is the writer of the signed 3-page letter: Harriet Martineau, and the contents. In it she mentions William Wordsworth, who she knew well, Dr Arnold and a relative of Sir Humphrey Davy: the inventor of the miners’ safety lamp.  The letter is addressed to Mrs Channing: her husband was a famous pastor in America: more on the internet.


The internet has a considerable amount of information about this remarkable lady. Very, very, briefly: born in Norwich in 1822, her father was a textile manufacturer. From an early age she suffered from incipient deafness which led her to burying herself in literature and began to write. The family business collapsed in 1829 and so Harriet turned to writing and found a publisher for a series of stories popularizing the new subject of political economy. These caused a sensation and she became a public figure. Her friends included: Charles Darwin; Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens, William Wordsworth and Florence Nightingale to name but a few. She travelled widely and frequently in America and was entertained by President Jackson. She wrote travel books about America which were critical of the American  political and social scene especially slavery. Returning to England she later fell severely ill and spent five years in retirement in Tynemouth. Harriet went to convalesce in the Lake District and so much liked the area that she had a house built in Ambleside, ‘The Knoll’, moving in in 1846. She was by then a very wealthy woman and helped local communities in various philanthropic ways. In 1855 chronic ill - health stopped her walking the fells. She became even more prolific with her writing. Harriet died peacefully in June 1876 at ‘The Knoll’. The letter offered here was written in her study at ‘The Knoll’.


There is a fantastic wealth of information about Harriet Martineau on the internet. We have several articles about her and her life: the brief description, given above, of her life just skims the surface. These will be provided with the item together with a book by her, ‘Sketches from Life’, written at The Knoll, with a Foreword by her. It was published in 1856 and has fine line engraved illustrations.  Birmingham University has an Archive of her letters, mainly we believe between her and her publisher. A family descendent also has many of her letters.  However, there are only a few other personal letters in private hands.


Do Google her name and see for yourself her remarkable life. There are images of her too and even details of 'The Harriet Martineau Society.'  ’The Knoll’ is still in Ambleside but privately owned and so not open to the public. A Victorian lady ‘trail blazer ‘and  'glass ceiling breaker' ,as yet to be fully discovered and appreciated.  


An opportunity to acquire a truly significant item both philatelicly and historically and one that would make an outstanding and memorable Exhibition item.


Price: £3,550.00


In the Embossed Section of the website is item 153859, a letter from Dublin to New York carried on the same sailing of the Cunarder 'America', in the Retaliatory Period, as the Harriet Martineau item.


NB: As indicated on our Homepage, interest-free Deferred Terms are available once an item has been Reserved.




Single usage threehalfpence Plate 1




Threehalfpence SG52, 'DB', very fine Plate 1:


tied to a medical report from Congleton to Edinburgh by a Congleton duplex for October 26th 1877.


On the reverse are two partial strikes of the Carlisle Sorting Tender date stamp for October 27th 1877. 


Stamp tied by a larg part of the Congleton duplex dater stamp.


Gibbons prices this stamp on cover at £275.00 for the less scarce Plate 3.


A fine example of a scarce single usage of this scarcer plate.


Price: £55.00 


NB: a filing crease at the right is clear of the stamp.



1d Plate 83: listed and illustrated re-entry variety on cover, Spec BS72a





1d Plate 83, ‘IL’ with very large margins and a portion of the stamp beneath.


There is a very light and small ‘scratch ‘in the margin at the side of the ‘L’ square.


The numeral, '159’ of Glasgow ties the stamp on a clean wrapper to Edinburgh.


On the reverse is a date stamp of Edinburgh, June 27th 1849,


and a partial strike of the Queen Street (Edinburgh) Scots Local.


The ‘159’ of Glasgow is well clear of the bottom margin in which are the re-entry marks,


listed and illustrated by Gibbons, on page 214/215 in the latest Line Engraved Volume I Specialised Catalogue.


The variety is SG Spec BS72a.


Gibbons prices this on stamp off cover at £100 which in our experience is much underpriced.


We have previously been able to offer only one other example of a re-entry on Plate 83 ie on stamp only


The item here is the first example we have been able to offer on cover, or can recall seeing on cover.


An exceptional and rare item of Exhibition quality.


Price: £110.00


All lettered 'AA': first on the sheet.



29 1d's, all lettered 'AA', first on a sheet, unchecked for cancellations and varieties.


Six stamps are cancelled by MX's and twenty three with numerals.


On the back of each stamp is a plate number in pencil:


we have not checked the plating so can not confirm if these are correct.


A rare assemblage in overall fine condition.


Price: £68.00


Belfast Spoon English Type a




1d SG29, ‘MG’, very fine with a clear profile.


Tied to a clean envelope from Belfast to Shrewsbury


by a Belfast English Type a Spoon for September 13 1856.


Leaving a clear profile and most of QV’s head too.


An unrecorded month of usage by Arundel.   


Shrewsbury date stamp for 15th September 1856 in blue


on reverse top flap that displays well when raised.


The envelope has some light creasing and


a light horizontal crease away from the 1d stamp.  


A fine item.  


Price: £45.00



SG48 Plate 3 on an Invitation from a Bishop



1/2d SG48 Plate 3, 'AC', fine: tied to an entire by a very fine Bradford Yorks duplex


for November 23rd 1871 and delivered locally. 

As seen in the scan the printed letter was an invitation from BISHOP RYAN

to a Teachers’ Tea Party followed by an Amateur Concert.

Also with the item is the recipient’s reply of acceptance to the invitation.

An unusual invitation especially with the hand-written reply.

On the internet is a wealth of information about Bishop Vincent William Ryan DD including


he was the Inaugural Bishop of Mauritius from 1854 to 1869.


In May 1870 he was transferred to the vicarage of Bradford and was Rural Dean from 1870 to 1876


 In 1875 became Archdeacon of Craven. In 1872 he went on a special mission to Mauritius.


He lived from December 1816 to January 1888. 


This would make an interesting display item. 


Price £45.00 


NB: 1/2d plate 3 is one of the scarcer plates and priced by Gibbons on cover at £130.


The apparent browning is a trick of the scanner


SG48 Plate 8



SG48 1/2d Plate 8, ‘OC’: very fine with plate number visible on both sides,


tied to a piece by a very fine Ipswich ‘105’ duplex for May 29th 1872. 


Gibbons prices at £120 on stamp: no price quoted for on piece. 


Very fine example of this scarce plate. 


Price: £48.00


SG48 Plate 4




1/2d SG plate 4, ‘ND’, fine:


tied to a small piece by a Glasgow cds for September 3rd 1873. 


Difficult to find with a cds cancellation. 


Price: £38.00


SG48 Plate 20



1/2d SG48, Plate 20, ‘NI’, fine:


cancelled by a London cds for October 1880.


A very difficult plate to find with a cds


and one of the scarcer of plates 1-20. 


Price: £55.00


SG48 Plate 20



SG48 1/2d Plate 20, ‘MM’: fine


cancelled by an almost complete Newspaper/Printed


matter date stamp for November 10th 1879.

A rare combination of plate and cancellation. 

Price: £45.00


SG48 Plate 19



SG48 1/2d Plate 19, pair ‘AU-AV’:


small defect in top left corner of ‘AU’.


A difficult plate to find in a used multiple.


Gibbons prices at £130 as two singles. 


Price: £35.00



SG48 Plate 12



SG48 1/2d Plate 12, ‘GE’:

very fine tied to a small piece by a very fine/superb

Glasgow cds for May 30
th 1877.

Gibbons prices at £90 including the premium for cds. 

Price: £38.00



SG48 Plate 5


SG48 1/2d Plate 5, ‘EQ’:

fine tied to a small piece by a blurred Edinburgh cds


for September 20th 1878.

Gibbons prices at £90 including premium. 

Price: £25.00


SG48 Plate 6


SG48 Plate 6, ‘LU’:


fine, with a cds for June 22 1873.


Gibbons prices at £90 including premium. 


Price: £30.00



SG48 Plate 1



SG48 Plate 1, ‘DI’:


fine/very fine, cancelled by a part cds and numeral.


A difficult plate and a Gibbons price of £100. 


Price: £35.00


Please note:


further down this Section is a large selection of all 1/2d plates,


some on cover, including Plate 9. Some blocks including Jersey usage




2d Plates 7-14 including Plate 12



A fine/very fine complete set of the 2d’s Plates 7-14 which includes the scarce Plate 12. 


Gibbons prices for these total £370; Plate 12 is priced at £140. 


An attractive set. 


Price: £75.00


2d Plate 7: two singles



The scans do not do justice to the colour of the 2d's.




2d Plate 7: two fine singles, ‘OA’ and ‘NA’, tied to a written invoice from Birmingham to Paris.


Stamps tied by Birmingham duplexes for August 20th 1859.


The stamps appear to have been affixed to a previously creased wrapper:


the light vertical creasing does not affect either 2d.


A single Plate 7 is priced by Gibbons at approx £200 on cover.


‘NA’ has a very strong vertical burr rub at the right side. 


An attractive and scarce item. 


Price: £48.00


1d Plate 94 strip of 7 used in Redruth




1d plate 94, ‘JC-JI’, a very unusual used strip of seven on piece.


Tied by REDRUTH duplexes for September 28th 1865. 


It is possible that the 7d includes a 1d Late Fee charge.


Offered with a strip of 4 Plate 76 used in Manchester.


Plate 94 is a somewhat scarcerplate.


Price: £22.00


NB: the price is for the 1d Plate 94 strip: the 1d plate 76 is included 'foc'.



Envelope to Switzerland: 6d paid by two vertical strips of 1d SG40





Fine envelope from London to Switzerland:, May 28th 1862. 


A 6d postal charge has been paid by two vertical strips of three of 1d stars SG 40. 


Very unusual to find the 6d fee paid in this way and particularly with vertical strips of three. 


An attractive and rare item. 


Price: £40.00


Exceptional strike of Number 2 in Cross



1d red, variable margins, tied to a legal entire


from London to Taunton, January 5th 1844,


by a superb strike of the Number 2 in Cross.


Difficult to see how a better strike on cover could be found.


Gibbons prices at £550.00. 


A fine display item. 


Price: £85.00


A very fine Number 3 in Cross



1d red three-margined, ‘AF’, tied to a wrapper used locally in London, March 9th 1844,


by a fine/very fine strike of the distinctive Number 3 in Cross: no cross at the top.


Filing crease well clear of the 1d. 


Gibbons prices at £600. 


Price: £75.00


A fine Number 5 in Cross




1d red, ‘LC’, plate 34: fine wth almost 4-margins and tied to a very clean wrapper from Lombard Street,


 London to Kendal, August 2nd 1843, by a fine/very fine Number 5 in Cross.


There is a very fine Kendal date stamp in blue on reverse for the following day. 


Gibbons prices at £550. 


An attractive and fine Display item.


Price: £80.00


Very fine upright Number 5 in Cross



1d red, ‘SL’, Plate 33?:


3-margins on a clean entire from Lombard Street, London to Cheltenham, May 12th 1843,


by a very fine upright strike of the Number 5 in Cross.


Gibbons prices at £550.


Price: £80.00


Superb upright Number 6 in Cross



1d red, Plate 34, 3-margined tied to an entire from Lombard Street, October 11th 1843, to a Wine Merchant in Edinburgh,


by an exceptional upright strike of the Number 6 in Cross.


Hard to see how a better strike could be extant.


The London and Edinbugh date stamps display well when the rear flap is raised.


Some 'rust' spots aaway from the stamp.


An Exhibition quality strike.


Gibbons prices at £450.00


Price: £110.00


Number 7 in Cross




1d red, 3-margined, ‘MH’, tied to a wrapper, no side flaps removed for display, by a Number 7 in Cross.


Sent from London to Chipping Norton, June 2nd 1843, received the following day.


On the reverse top flap are offsets from being in contact with


another stamped item with the ink still wet.


Gibbons prices at £450. 


Price: £55.00


Fine Number 9 in Cross



1d red, almost 4-margined, ‘QC’,


tied to a small entire used locally from Grays Inn, London, October 9th 1843,


by a fine Number 9 in Cross.


Gibbons prices at £550. 


Price: £68.00


Fine Number 10 in Cross




1d, 3 plus margins, ‘LB’, tied to a neat invoice from London to a Wine Merchant in Exeter, September 7th 1843,


by a fine strike of the very scarce Number 10 in Cross.


Gibbons prices at £1,000. 


Price: £150.00

Please note: there other examples of Numbers in Crosses, 1-12 on cover,


towards the end of this Section so do scroll down.



1d Plate X1 Glasgow MX






Entire from Glasgow to Dundee, April 17th 1841.


The 1d, ‘HB’, Plate X1, is tied by a very fine Glasgow MX and is full margined except touching at top right margin.


There is a light paper fold crossing the stamp near the top which is not visible on the stamp. 


Gibbons prices this 1d red Plate on cover at £350.


An attractive item which displays well and


shows a usage of the 1d red within the first two months of issue.  


Price: £58.00


The Rare 3d Rate





An entire from London to Cheltenham, March 5th 1845.


On the reverse top flap is a very fine Cheltenham date stamp for March 6th 1845


and showing an error in the letter spacing. 


The postage paid by a 1d, red, plate 46, I - I’ and a 2d, plate 3, also lettered ‘I - I ’.


The 1d red is 2-margined and the 2d 3-margined.


An example of the rare 3d mixed franking.


The odds of the letterings on both stamps being the same is perhaps 9,600 to 1.


We cannot recall previously seeing the same lettering with a mixed value franking.


The error in letter spacing of ‘Cheltenham’ displays well when the rear flap is raised.


A remarkable and a probably unique combination of features


making it an interesting display item. 


Price: £58.00

NB: the 1d red was possibly for a late fee payment




The very rare 5d rate to Ireland





A wrapper from Liverpool to Cork, January 26th 1854.


The franking is a very rare 5d:


a single 1d ‘OL’, 2 plus margins and a pair of 2d plate 4, ‘TI-TJ’, also with 2 plus margins.


On the reverse the transit date stamps are neatly separated.


Despite the poor margins, this is a rare item and an example of the 5d rate:


the 1d red was possibly added as a late fee.


A collectable example of the very rare 5d rate.


Price: £75.00



1/2d Plate 9



1/2d Plate 9, 'OX'.


Fine used, LIverpool cancellation and showing a part of


the imperf right margin variety. 


Priced by Gibbons at £850 without the variety. 


Priced: £185.00 


There is a large selection of the bantam 1/2d , examples from every plate

including some covers, used blocks and varieties, further down this Section.


2d Plate 12




2d Plate 12, QB: the scarcest of all the 2d plate numbers, 7-15.


One of the lightest used examples we have seen for this plate.


The light partial cancel allows the fine blue colour to be seen.


There is a pulled perf top right as seen in the enlarged scan.


Gibbons prices Plate 12 at £140


but with the premium of 150% this increases to £350. 


Rarely found so fine.


Price: £40.00



Leamington Cross on letter: this item not recorded by Rockoff and Jackson





1d Plate 28, ‘QE’, with three margins, tied to a commercial letter,


by a Leamington Cross, leaving almost all of QV’s head clear.


The 1d red apears to show an ivory head variety.


To the left of the 1d red is a Leamington date stamp for June 14th 1843. 


On the reverse is an unclear Birmingham date stamp for June 15th?


Gibbons prices this MX, B1tq, at £600. 


A very collectable item. 


Price: £70.00 


NB: this example is not listed by Rockoff and Jackson.



1d red pair on piece from Jersey to Guernsey 1851




1d red pair, fine with full margins, 'RI-RJ', each tied to a dated piece


by partial '409' numerals of JERSEY, Channel Islands.


The red Jersey date stamp is for June 29th (1851).


Applied close to it is a GUERNSEY date stamp in blue for June 30th 1851.


A rare example, albeit on a piece, of inter-island mail. 


Price: £48.00



 Scarce usage of 1d imperf



1d red, 3-margined, 'MF', Plate 172?


Cancelled by a partial strike of the Reading Sideways duplex, '635'.


This is a rare usage of a sideways duplex on a 1d red imperf.


Price: £38.00



Printed Freight List by Book Post: a proof-quality Quayside strike



1d Plate 153, fine used, on a printed Freight List


from H.H.van der Werff , Ship and Steamer Brokers, Newcastle-on-Tyne and North Shields.


The item has been sent from Newcastle under the 'Bookpost' scheme and tied by


an EXCEPTIONAL, proof-quality, strike of the Quayside Newcastle-on-Tyne duplex for October 16th 1872.


It is hard to see how a better strike could be found.


An Amsterdam receiver on reverse for October 18th 1872.


Some light creasing at the left and the apparent browning is either not there


or much fainter than the scan suggests. 


An attractive display item.


Price: £38.00


The Brighton Cross close to replacement




1d red, 'GH' Plate 13:


a full margined example, wrinkles in 'G' square; a ragged margin at right.


Tied to a clean wrapper to East Grinstead, September 22nd 1841.


This appears to be the worn out cross:


Brighton is believed to have received a replacement from the GPO in November 1841


and the item offered here is the latest recorded by Rockoff and Jackson before the replacement.


On the reverse is a 'N' in a circle: County Cat. SX251, Northern sub office an given an 'F' rarity rating. 


Gibbons prices the Brighton distinctive on cover at £750 and 1d plate 13 at £325.


A rare combination of features and an interesting display item.


Price: £135.00



Marginal Inscriptional


 1d 'AI', fine with 3-plus margins and a MX cancellation.


A marginal inscriptional example 'Letter. In Wetting'(the back).


Very scarce especially with a Maltese Cross.


Price: £48.00


1d Plate 55



1d 'TG-TH', Plate 55,


full margined pair, huge in places, unclear numeral cancellation


which leaves clear profiles on both stamps.


some creasing but almost full original gum.


An attractive multiple.


Price: £38.00



2d Plate 3: MX cancellations



2d Plate 3: numeral cancellations










The following are selections of 2d Plate 3 from a partial reconstruction of Plate 3. 


There are 28 examples with black Maltese Cross cancellations and


53 examples with a numeral cancellation: included are some multiples. 


The shades range from SG13 to SG15.

All are at least fine/very fine used with clean backs.

The margins are as per the scans with a large majority full margined.

Gibbons prices Plate 3 with an MX at £275 and with an 1844 numeral at a minimum of £100

If you see any that could be on interest, please let us know the letterings,


 if it has a MX or numeral cancellation


and we will send you a full description and price



The next nine items are 1d reds on cover with Late Usages of the Maltese Cross.



Late usage of the Padiham Cross in 1846







1d 'RG', Plate 54, very fine with full margins:


tied to an entire from PADIHAM, dated February 12th 1846 by a Maltese Cross of Padiham. 


On the reverse is a very fine undated circle of HOLLTROYDS, unrecorded in the County Catalogue


and a very fine Padiham udc, County Cat LA772, recorded in use 1939-42


hence the example offered here is some 4 years later: an isolated strike?  


There is also a Preston date stamp for February 12th 1846 and a London receiver for the following day.


Holytroyds, '952', recorded by Parmenter with a H* rarity,


was sent from the GPO between September 2nd 1845 and March 17th 1846.


The address on the letter is also interesting and may repay research.


A remarkable and superb Exhibition item. 


Price: £575.00


NB: Danzig recorded a Padiham Cross only for July 1845.



Late usage Padiham Cross in 1844






1d, 'JJ', fine, Plate 36, with full margins:


on a neat wrapper, filing spike in the centre not visible on the reverse.


Stamp cancelled by a Padiham Cross and a fine/very fine Padiham undated circle neatly placed on the front.


On the reverse top flap are date stamps for Blackburn, June 8th 1844, and a partial Preston June 9th 1844.  


An attractive and very scarce item that would display well. 


Price: £110.00



Aspatria Cross: late usage in December 1845






1d 'SI', basal shift, Plate 61, full margins, close at the right but clear:


tied by a partial double strike of the Aspatria (Cumberland) Maltese Cross to a clean wrapper to Cockermouth.


On the reverse is an Aspatria undated circle, a Maryport date stamp for December 3rd 1845


and a Cockermouth date stamp for the following day.


Danzig records this late usage of a Maltese Cross in 1845-46. 


An attractive item and rare. 


Price: £285.00 



Late use of the Maltese Cross at Grantham in 1848





1d SG8, 'QG', 4-margined, small NE corner wrinkle,


on a small neat envelope addressed to Ruddington nr Nottingham. 


The letter left Grantham on September 21st 1848 and was sent to London. 


It was then sent to Nottingham being received on September 22nd 1848.


It would seem that it went sent to London because


the post office official miss-read Ruddington for Paddington! 


Numeral cancellations replaced the Maltese Crosses in England on May 1st 1844:


this MX was used more than 4 years after it was withdrawn from use. 


A rare and interesting example of the LATE usage of the MX.  


Price:  £380.00


NB: On the reverse is a WALTHAM undated circle, County Cat LC187,


1843-48, so this is its last year of usage.



Late usage of the Beverley Cross in 1850






1d red, 'MG', good margins on three sides but touching at the centre area of the bottom margin:


tied by a Maltese Cross to an entire dealing with lands in the Estate of Rowlston Hall, near Hornsea.


The fine Hornsea undated circle on the reverse is County Cat YK1400, 1842-51.


As this letter was addressed to Hull and looking at the main mail roads in that part of East Yorkshire,


this item would have gone to Beverley, where it was cancelled, and then on to Hull.


Beverley did have a Maltese Cross and Rockoff and Jackson, Volume 1, Page 48,


illustrate four examples of this cross, two on 1d reds.


They comment on the degradation of the cross in use and in the 1843 example, their latest, there are significant changes to its shape. 


The example offered here, letter dated 17th November 1850, shows a double-lined effect.


The Hull receiver is for this same date.


Danzig does not record a late usage of the Beverley Cross and ,from our researches, we can not find another example.


An interesting item which would make a very fine display page.


Price: £340.00 


NB: It appears that the name of the Hall is now Rolston Hall, near Hornsea.


If Googled, there is a colour photograph of it on sale in 2022 at £1.85 million.


The condition of the item is finer than in the scan; the brownish areas are a trick of the scanner.



South Shields Cross: Late Usage in 1852



1d red APRIL 7th 1852: 


Late Use 1d red imperf, not full margined, but tied by a very fine


black cross of South Shields to an entire to Leeds.


Danzig in ‘The Cancellations of the 1841 Penny Red’, page 91,


illustrates another late usage of the South Shields cross for April 3 1852.


This April 7th 1852 late usage of a Maltese cross is


A very LATE USAGE of the MX


As seen in the scans the date markings from South Shields and Leeds display well when opened. 


A significant rarity.


Price:  £435.00  



Late usage of the MX in Scotland.



1d SG8, 'AC', full margins except just touched top corner of NW corner square.


Tied to  commercial entire from Portobello to Old Melrose by a very fine MX.


Letter dated inside Portobello October 24th 1844 and with cds's on the reverse confirming the date.


As Scottish MX's were replaced by numerals in June 1844,


this is a LATE USAGE of an MX in Scotland.


Price: £225.00



Late usage of an MX at Bruton.



1d SG8, 'BC', margins close in places but clear all around.


Letter is from Bruton, dated inside November 13th 1844 and again on the inside flap.


The stamp is tied by a fine MX, applied at Bruton, Bruton undated circle on reverse;


Bruton was never issued with its own dated canceller.


On reverse is a Shaftesbury cds for the following day - missing '4' in the date. 


When the top flap is raised, these cancellations are displayed well. 


Numeral cancellations introduced on May 1st 1844 in England,


hence this is a LATE usage of a Maltese Cross. 


Rare item. 


Price: £290.00 



1d Plate 70 LATE USAGE of a PRESTON CROSS: 1846




1d red Plate 70, 'RA': very fine with almost full margins, touching in NW corner square,


on a very clean and uncreased entire from PRESTON to GIGGLESWICK near Settle(Yorks).


The letter is dated inside Preston October 11th 1846, the date should have been October 10th 1846 as


on the reverse, both struck in blue, are date stamps of Preston and Settle for October 10th 1846.


The 1d red tied by a fine strike of the Preston cross: this was replaced by the numeral '628' on May 1st 1844. 


the first example recorded from the Preston Office. 


An extremely rare item of Exhibition quality. 


Price:  £485.00 


NB: Plate 70 was put to press on June 30th or July 30th 1846.





Number 7 in Cross





1d Plate 36, 'AJ-BJ', full margins but very close at the top.


An unusual vertical pair cancelled by the Number 7 in Cross.


Some indication of other strikes of this cross.


As per the scan of the reverse side, there is a corner crease on 'AJ' and


a horizontal crease almost between the pair. 


Gibbons prices a single Number 7 in Cross at £160, hence £320 for the pair


without the premium for a pair of Plate 36.


A scarce item.


Price: £ 55.00



Early usage of this London Late Fee duplex



1d Plate 163, ‘LC’, with four margins,


tied to a piece by the London late fee duplex, ‘38’, with indented corners, for August 30th 1853.


Parmenter notes this cancellation in use from August 19th 1853. 


This example is the second earliest usage we have been able to offer on the 1d red. 


This cancellation is very difficult to find on a 1d red with full margins


and especially with an August 1853 usage.


There is possibly a very minor rub in the margin of the ‘C’ square. 


A rare/very rare item that displays well. 


Price: £58.00




1d SG21: very early usage of Die 2





1d Perf 16, SC watermark, SG21: fine,


tied to a clean wrapper to Manchester by a London '28' in diamond and bars.


On the reverse is a Lombard Street date stamp for March 1st 1855


and a Manchester receiver for the following day.


The earliest known date of usage for the new introduction of Die 2, SG21, is February 17th 1855.


This example is only 12 days after the EKD and the earliest usage of Die 2 we have been able to offer.


The stamp has been affixed over a very light horizontal crease in the paper


which does not affect the stamp.


Gibbons prices SG21 on cover at £110.00.


Price: £55.00



Triangular Mourning Envelope



1d SG40, pulled perfs NE corner, tied to a triangular mourning envelope


by a London duplex for April 20th 1863.


There is a filing crease below the 1d which does not affect it. 


The first mourning envelope in this shape we have seen. 


A rare item. 


Price: £95.00



Unrecorded type

for Bishop Auckland




1d SG40, very fine used, 'MB',


cancelled by a type of '80' of Bishop Auckland not recorded in use. 


Illustrated by Parmenter who notes it was sent from the GPO


on September 24th 1858 but unrecorded in use.


Struck in a shade of blue ink.


Gibbons prices a 1d SG40 cancelled in blue at £180 before a premium


for he rarity of the cancellation.


Probably a unique combination. 


Price: £95.00



Group of mixed NBP Glasgow and Edinburgh Cancellations




A selection of Glasgow and Edinburgh Newspaper Branch Cancellations


including the scarce Glasgow McKay 1207 on


bantam 1/2d Plate 6,1d plate number 205 ? and 1d venetian red


and other types on 1d Plates 184 and 195.


A good basis for expansion. 


Price £38.00



Athboy:  an Irish Blue Cross





1d red Plate 36, 'NG', full margins, some ragged perfs but clear of the design.


Large dated piece, top part front and back, from ATHBOY to Bath?


The 1d is tied by a lightly struck BLUE cross.


 On the reverse is an Athboy date stamp for Febuary 19th 1844 in the same shade of blue ink as


the Athboy Penny Post  and the Maltese Cross.


The Athboy MX in blue is unrecorded by Danzig.


Gibbons prices a 1d red with a blue cross on full cover at £1,700 and on stamp alone at £650. 


A very rare combination of features and an attractive Irish item item that displays well. 


Price: £485.00


NB: the scans do not do justice to the blue ink.



1d Plate 8 Liverpool Cross




1d Plate 8, 'ML', fine with four margins, tied by a Liverpool cross to Oldham


on a printed invoice from Summerfield, Fair and Ebans Manufacturers of Mustard.


On reverse top flap is a Liverpool date stamp for October 29th 1841


which displays well when the flap is raised. 


A 1d red from Black plate 8 is priced by Gibbons on cover at £500 in this earliest state.


Scarce plate on cover with full margins.


An attractive and scarce item. 


Price: £125.00



1d SG17 used before the Official Date of Issue





1d SG17, on a wrapper from London to Essex. 


On the reverse top flap is a very fine London date stamp for March 3rd 1854.


The stamp is creased and tied by a filing crease.


The official date of usage of 1d SG17 was March 12th 1854


and Gibbons Notes in QV Volume 1 that examples used before that date are rare.


The example here at March 3rd 1854 is one of the earliest we have been been able to offer.


The date displays well when the top flap is raised. 


The crease in the stamp is reflected in the price. 


A very collectable example of this rare pre-issue date. 


Price: £65.00




1d Block of 4 on piece



1d red, 'CD-DF', block of 4 tied to a piece by the Manchester numeral '498':


'DE' has full margins and the others 3/2 margins.


The date on the front 8.9.52 can not be verified as no markings on the reverse.


Gibbons prices a block of 4 with alphabet 1 at £325.00.


There are vertical burr rubs between the bottom and top pair. 


Price:  £38.00



2d Plate 3




2d Plate 3, very fine/fine used, FF', with a complete MX.


Full margins and a very clean reverse.


Priced by Gibbons at £275.


An attractive example.


Price:  £75.00



SG14 2d Plate 3 pair




2d SG14, Plate 3, pair 'GI-GJ', full margins:


Fine/very fine used pair printed on unlisted Thin Paper


and cancelled by an almost single central MX with small traces of others.


'GI' with a clear profile.


There is a very strong burr rub between the stamps and


some evidence of others at the left and right margins.


A single with an MX priced by Gibbons at £275.


Plate 4 on thin paper priced at £225 but not listed on plate 3.


The stamps have been printed on unusually white paper.


A very rare combination of features.


Price: £225.00



2d Plate 3: an unrecorded variety





2d SG14, Plate 3, 'MB': both are fine and have full margins, close but clear on the right hand stamp.


In the top margin is a variety the like of which we have not seen previously and is not listed by Gibbons.


There is a series of blurred 'dots' or 'marks', more pronounced and developed on the right hand stamp.


The printing of each stamp is slightly blurred: this is more pronounced on the right hand stamp.


 A very unusual and rare variety: a Display item.


Price for the two:  £120.00



2d Plate 3 on The Times Newspaper to Rhode Island USA with a Liverpool Ship Letter cancellation.







Complete and fine copy of The Times, March 7th 1846, with a 2d blue Plate 3, fine/very fine with four margins.


Tied to the newspaper by a London Inland Office '21' in diamond and bars, recorded by Parmenter


in use from February 1846, hence the example here is a very early usage: he gives it a 'G' rarity ie very rare.


The paper is addressed to Phiip Aaalen and son, Providence, Rhode Island USA. 


Also the sender had written per American Packet Ship from Liverpool, March 11 1846:


the stamp was affixed on top of the first part of the instruction.


On the front  to left is a partial strike of the Ship Letter Liverpool for March 13th 1846.


At that time only Cunard were operating a regular service to the USA.


In 1846, Cunard were operating a limited number of sailings and, according to Hubbard and Winter


 in their reference book 'North Atlantic Mail Sailings 1840-75', had only one sailing in March 1846:


the 'Hibernia' which left LIverpool on March 4th and arrived in Boston on April 1st.


The next sailing was the 'Caledonia' which left LIverpool on April 4th 1846 arriving in Boston on April 20th.


One must assume the paper was held back until this sailing: almost 6 weeks from the date of its publication! 


There were we believe only two other surviving Newspapers bearing the 1841 2d blue before this and Item 153424 above.


This example going to the USA is believed to be the only survivor with a Liverpool Ship Letter cancellation. 


A very rare/unique item of Exhibition quality which would display well. 


The display could be enhanced by using some of the Advertisement on the front page of the paper


as they give an interesting glimpse of the Social History of that period


including Passage to Australia, China, Ceylon, Canada, USA and others.


Price: £780.00


NB: the Ship Letter Liverpool is County Cat LL 632



Leeds Special Cross




1d red, 'QE', not full margins but cancelled by a fine/very fine


Leeds Special Cross: SG Spec B1ts and priced at £450.


A difficult cross to find so well struck.


A very collectable example.


Price: £55.00



1d imperf used in Jersey




1d 'AL', Plate 110, fine/very fine used with the '409'


of JERSEY (Channel Islands).


A very fine strike of the first type


of this numeral.


Seldom found with such a clear strike on a four margined 1d.


On the reverse is a very small pre-printing wrinkle


and the watermark shows vertical guide lines.


A very scarce combination of features


Price: £45.00



1d imperf used from Jersey




1d imperf , 'RF': fine used with full margins


and an almost  full '409' of Jersey (Channel Islands).


This is the first type of the '409' numeral.


Scarce cancellation on a 1d red with four margins.


Price: £30.00



1d pair cancelled by a single Glasgow numeral.





1d pair, 'SK-SL', 'SK' full margins, 'SL' three margins. 


The margins are rather wragged


but the stamps are cancelled by a superb SINGLE '159' of Glasgow.


This single strike was Contrary to Post Office Regulations at the time.


Price: £30.00




1d pair SG22 missperfed deep colour




1d SG22, ''DG-DH', a pair fine/very fine in a rich colour,


tied to a commercial entire from London to Hereford.


London date stamp on the reverse top flap for April 14th 1855 and a Hereford receiver for the following day.


Gibbons prices a single on cover at £180.


Very scarce on cover as a pair and with misperfing such that each stamp has portions of four other stamps. 


A rare item. 


Price: £95.00



1d: superb with cds




1d SG40, 'OC', an exceptional example:


near perfect centering for this issue and with


an almost complete and upright cds of Liverpool for July 3rd 1859.


A rare/very rare stamp in this condition and


one of the finest we have been able to offer. 


Exhibition quality.


Price: £45.00 


NB: the scan does not do justice to this item.



Greenock Dotted Circle on 1d Plate




1d Plate 87, 'JI', NE blunt corner:


tied to an envelope by a very fine/superb Greenock Dotted Circle Type 2 for Febuary 15th 1865.


There is not a letter inside but an ink impression of some of the writing has transferred


to the inside of the envelope and is visible through the paper back and front.


We can not recall seeing such an effect for some considerable time. 


Price: £25.00


NB: there is a horizontal crease well clear of the 1d and cancellation.



Greenock Dotted Circle on 1d Plate




1d Plate 143,'KN', very fine in a deep shade:


tied to an envelope by a fine strike of the Greenock Dotted Circle for November 2nd 1871. 


There is a horizontal crease well away from the stamp and cancellation. 


On the reverse is printed in a blue oval ' Walter Grieve Son & Co. Greenock'.


An attractive item with a fine strike and a scarcer plate. 


Price: £35.00



2d Plate 3: Edinburgh Special Balloon Cross and other varieties





2d Plate 3, 'EK', full margins and part of the adjacent stamp at the right and a burr rub in the left margin. 


Cancelled by an exceptional strike of a Balloon Cross of Edinburgh.


Rockoff and Jackson in Volume 1 have an analysis, with illustrations, of these crosses.


The example offered here is Type 4 which they illustrate and describe it as


'the most elegant and distinctive of the Edinburgh Special Crosses'.


It has been recorded in use between December 29th 1842 and September 9th 1843.


The stamp is printed on unlisted Thin Paper on Plate 3 but listed on Plate 4 at £225 ie with a numeral cancel.


Stamp 'EK' is listed as SG Spec ES11d: 'Shifted transfer, distorted white letters of the value and basal duplication'. 


This might explain the burr rub and the basal markings.


On the reverse near where the burr rub is located on the front, there are some markings, and in the corner as per the scan.


Nothing shows on the front of the stamp.


Gibbons prices an Edinburgh cross on stamp at £350.


 With the other varieties and the quality of the cross, the combination of features is likely to be unique.


An Exhibition quality. 


Price: £185.00



2d Plate 13: Greenock dotted circle




2d SG47, deep blue, 'GI', Plate 13: 


fine/very fine, tied to a piece by the Greenock Dotted Circle Type 2, December 30th 1871.


Unrecorded by Arundel on any 2d issue.


The 2d has a clear profile.


A rare usage and an attractive display item.


Price: £45.00



2d Plate 9 Geenock Dotted Circle




2d SG46, 'GG-GH', Plate 9:


very fine used, tied to a piece by a lightly struck Greenock Dotted Circle Type 2


for July 1863 which leaves a clear profile on both stamps.


Unrecorded usage by Arundel on any 2d issue


but in The Scottish Post in 2007, Robinson noted a usage on 2d Plate 9.


A rare multiple usage and a display quality item.




NB: this item and the 2d Plate 9 on piece would make a very fine display page.



Queen Street Scots Local in Black and Blue





Queen Street Scots Local, Type XV111 on pieces: 


The Black example is struck on a 1d perf 16, and the Blue example on piece on a 1d perf 14. 


Gibbons prices a Scots Local in black on piece at £40 and in Blue at £110.


BUT  they note in SG Line Engraved, Volume 1 2020, that the blue price is for 'Neilston' in blue


and other Offices in blue are generally worth considerably more.


This is the first example of Queen Street in blue we have seen and able to offer. 


An attractive, and rare pair, which would make a fine display item.


Price: £75.00



1d Per14 Large Crown






1d SG29, 'CA-DB', fine/very fine used block of 4 with the '147' of BUNGAY.


Parmenter gives this an 'F' rarity ie Rare.


In the watermark can be seen two vertical guide lines: rarely do you see the two lines rather than one.  


The crown watermark is shifted to the left so the second line can be seen.


A rare/very rare multiple usage of this rare numeral.


Gibbons prices an 'ordinary' used block of four of SG29 at £75.00. 


A remararkable combination of feature. 


A fine display item. 


Price: £48.00



1d pair with Edinburgh Roller cancellations




1d SG29/33, ‘DB-DC’,


a pair with some irregular perfs, tied to a wrapper used locally in Edinburgh by


two very fine strikes of the Edinburgh Roller Cancellation with separated segments.


Edinburgh date stamp on the rear flap for November 10th 1856.  


Very fine examples of this scarce strike neatly applied. 


Price: £25.00



Bantam 1/2d: complete set of plates 1-20 on piece all used at WORCESTER: unique?




Plate 9




A complete set of 1/2d SG 48/49, Plates 1-20, all tied to small pieces


by either a duplex(10) or cds(5) of WORCESTER.


All are fine to very fine and the plate 9 has both plate numbers visible:


dates range from 1871 to 1880.


Gibbons priced in excess of £1,500 as single stamps


without the 200% premium added for the cds examples


or for those lightly cancelled with clear profiles.


A remarkable and likely to be a unique grouping. 


Price:  £490.00



Plate 1: a fine mint vertical pair of this very scarce plate






A very fine mint vertical pair of the 1/2d from the scarce plate  1.


Mounted on the top stamp but the bottom one is unmounted.


Priced as two mint singles by Gibbons at £650.


Very difficult to find this plate in such a fine mint pair.  


Price: £175.00



SG48 Plate 1: very early usage



SG48 1/2d plate 1 with Birmingham cds for October 6th 1870.


This stamp was issued on October 1st 1870.


A very fine used example of this difficult plate


and the earliest we have been able to offer of this issue.


Gibbons prices this at £300 including the premium.


Price: £70.00


NB: this example may well be the earliest known usage in Birmingham.




Plate 3: Kilkenny cds



1/2d Plate 3, 'LG': a fine used example, with a partial KILKENNY cds


and parts of three other stamps caused by the missperfing.


Price:  £23.00



1/2d plate 3: superb original colour




1/2d Plate 3, ‘QM-QN’:


a superb pair tied to a fine envelope to Chippenham by


a superb London W/37 duplex for November 14th 1871.   


On reverse is a very fine Chppenham cds receiver for the following day. 


A single Plate 3 on cover is priced by Gibbons at £125 plus.


A very attractive item. 


Price: £55.00


Plate 4 strip




1/2d SG48 Plate 4, 'NA-ND', a fine strip tied to a piece by a Liverpool duplex for April 12th 1872. in a deep shade.


A scarcer plate and especially in a multiple: a single stamp priced by Gibbons at £50. 


Orange PD ties two of the stamps to the piece indicating this strip had a usage on overseas mail.


'ND' affected by a light vertical filing crease. 


An attractive and scarce item. 


Price: £45.00



1/2d SG48: Plate 4




1/2d SG48 Plate 4, 'FV-GW':


very fine lightly used block of four with rich colour.


Montrose duplex cancels for November 15th 1872.


A difficult Plate to find in a block and in this condition.


Gibbons prices a used block of four in the cheapest plate at £200.


An estimated price for this block is £330.


A rare/very scarce item.


Price: £75.00



Plate 5





1/2d Plate 5, 'CD-CE', very fine pair tied to an uncreased envelope,


with original contents, by a fine Ashbourne duplex for September 2nd 1872


Gibbons prices a single plate 5 on cover at £70.


On reverse is a superb cds of Wirksworth fo Setember 3rd.


A fine cover of display quality. 


Price: £47.00



SG48 Plate 6




1/2d SG48, fine deep shade, block of four, 'OC-PE',  London '76' cancellation.


Each of the horizontal pairs shows the 'Halfpenny' watermark.


Priced by Gibbons at £200.


Very scarce item.


Price: £55.00


Plate pair 6 with full 'halfpenny' watermark




1/2d Plate 6, 'PT-PU', fine used pair, a couple of short perfs,


showing the full 'halfpenny' watermark. 


Cancelled by a London SE/11 in oval and bars.


Price: £20.00



Plate 8 mint example





1/2d Plate 8, 'QC': a mint example with a small part of original gum.


A rare stamp in mint condition and priced by Gibbons at £600.


 Priced as unused:  £80.00 


NB: the apparent mark on the front is the watermark as seen in the scan of the reverse.


The colur is better than in the scan.



SG49 Plate 8: imperf margin



1/2 SG49 Plate 8 in a vertical pair with the imperf side margin variety


and part marginal inscription.


The top stamp has a blunt corner as in the scan.


An estimated Gibbons price for a single plate 8 witht his variety is £280.


It is offered at the price for a single, with no charge for the top stamp.


A rare multiple with this variety and the first we have been able to offer in this plate.


Price: £58.00  SOLD



Plate 8




The browning around the stamp is a trick of the scanner.


1/2d Plate 8: fine used, 'CN':


tied to a small piece by a Woodford cds for August 5th 1872.


The cds is well clear of the plate number on both sides.


Gibbons prices this second scarcest plate of the 15 in the series at £120


 before a premium for the cds .


Price: £55.00



1/2d Plate 9




1/2d Plate 9, 'QJ': trimmed perfs at the bottom but


the plate number is clearly visible on both sides.


Priced by Gibbons at £850 for this key plate.


Price:  £68.00



1/2d Plate 9




1/2d plate 9, 'DT': fine/good used.


Plate number visible at the right.


Numeral '53' of Bath.


Gibbon prices this key plate at £850. 


Price: £120.00



1/2d Plate 9 on Bankruptcy hearing 1872



1/2d SG48, Plate 9, fine example of the rarest plate, tied to a clean and uncreased printed entire


referring to a public examination of bankrupt Joseph Taylor, Leather Seller and Boot Maker.


To be held in The London Bankruptcy Court in Lincolns Inn Fields, April 13th 1872. 


The London WC cancellation leaves the plate number 9 clearly visible at the right.


No postal markings on the reverse as sent locally within the WC area.


Gibbons price for this plate on cover is £1,600. 


Price:  £445.00



SG 48, Plate 10



1/2d SG48, fine used, block of four, 'AK-BL'  fine colour, tied to a piece:


two/three stamps with clear profiles. 


Priced by Gibbons at £200 in this plate.


An attractive item.


Price: £60.00



Plate 10 pair showing complete 'halfpenny' watermark




1/2d Plate 10, 'BQ-QR', very fine used pair


with a Kendal February 6th 1878 duplex.


Extremely clean reverse. 





Plate 11: watermark Inverted and Reversed








1/2d plate 11, cancelled by partial Newspaper Branch, NPB’s.


This pair has the watermark variety Inverted and Reversed.


Priced  by Gibbons as two singles at £200.


Seldom found in a pair.


Price: £80.00



Plate 11 on printed invoice for rent




1/2d Plate 11, 'EA', very fine, tied by a Hungerford duplex for April 13th 1878 t


o a clean printed invoice, from Hungerford Vicarage, for rent.


The numeral of the duplex leaves most of QV's head clear. 


Plate 11 priced by Gibbons at £70 before a premium is added for so very fine used. 


An attractive item.


Price: £30.00



1/2d Plate 12: unmounted mint



1/2d Plate 12, 'NI':


fine unmounted mint with the usual crackly gum.


Priced by Gibbons at £120 for mounted mint.


The colour is better than in the scan.


Price: £55.00



Plate 12



1/2d Plate 12, 'ID',


very fine with superb colour, tied to a clean invoice from a building merchant, with a printed 'KIRKCALDY Harbour Head.' 


The 1/2d tied by a cds of Kirkcaldy, and a bar of the '210' of the duplex, for October 27th 1879.


Plate 12 priced by Gibbons at £70 on cover.


A light central vertical filing crease but overall a very clean item. 


Price: £40.00


SG48 Plate 12




1/2d SG48, Plate 12, fine used block of four, 'MA-NB', deep colour:


cancelled by a Barnsley duplex, '49', September 29 ??.


Part original gum with some paper adherence on reverse.


Priced by Gibbons in this plate at £200.


Price: £50.00



Plate 12 with a superb Glasgow NPB on an Invoice





1/2 Plate 12, 'QG', tied by


an exceptional Glasgow Newspaper Branch for May 15th 1879,


to a printed invoice from a Seed Merchant.


There is a hand written note at the bottom 'P Rail to Inches Station'. 


The 1/2d has a some very minor wrinkling caused it would seem


from being affixed over a pre existing fold in the invoice.


This type of NPB is scarce on cover and rare with such a superb strike.


On the reverse top flap are very fine/superb cds's of Lanark and Douglas for May 15th 1879


which display well when the top flap is raised. 


An attactive and rare item which displays well.


Price: £50.00



1/2d Plate 13: mounted mint




1/2d Plate 13, 'QT':


a mounted mint example with a hinge remnant on the reverse.


The colour is better than in the scan.


Priced by Gibbons at £120. 


Price: £45.00




Plate 13 on The Worcestershire Advertiser: printed Advert with rates for several area Newspapers






1/2d Plate 13, tied by a superb Worcester cds for September 29th 1879, sent to Abergavenny


and on a very fine printed Advert for the rates in local and nearby area Newspapers including:


Worcester Advertiser; Kidderminster Times; Tewkesbury Record; Bromsgrove Independent


and the Ledbury Free Press.


Plate 13 with a cds priced by Gibbons at £210 on cover. 


A rare survivor with the printed advert in a finer condition than the scan suggests


and one that would make a superb display item. 


Price:  £65.00


NB: we have not previously seen this type of printed Advert.


The top perfs of the 1/2d are NOT toned as in the scan.



Unmounted mint Plate 14




1/2d Plate 4, ‘PR':


fine/very fine unmounted mint with the usual crackly gum.   


Priced by Gibbons at £120 mounted mint. 


Price: £55.00



Plate 14 with Glasgow cds on entire






Printed Invoice with a 1d revenue inside from Glasgow to Douglas via Lanark.


Postage paid by a very fine 1/2d plate 14 and tied by a superb Glasgow cds for January 9th 1879.


On the reverse is a Lanark cds for January 9th 1879 and a partial Douglas cds for the following day.


1/2d plate 14 on cover priced by Gibbons at £70


to which a premium of 200% could be fairly added for the cds cancellation. 


An attractive and scarce item. 


Price:  £48.00 



Plate 14



1/2d plate 14, vertical pair 'RT-RS', very fine with clear profiles. 


Tied to a piece by a superb Newbridge duplex for July 1st 1878.


This Newbridge  is in Ireland (County KIldare).


Gibbons prices a single plate 14, before the premium for the clear profiles,


on cover at  £70: no price for on piece. 


An attractive and scarce Irish usage.


Price: £25.00



1/2d Plate 14: on printed metals price and Freight costs to Nova Scotia





1/2d Plate 14, 'CG', fine, tied to a commercial printed METALS list


with the prices for Freights and Insurances prices when shipped  by Steam to North America.


Liverpool Exchange duplex for March 4th 1880 and printed on the front is


the name of the steamer on which it was to be carried: 'Per POLYNESIAN (s.s.)


The item is addressed to A Company in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. 


A superb item that would make an attractive and interesting display page when further researched.


Price: £70.00



1/2d block Plate 14 used in Jersey and with varieties




1/2d Plate 14, fine used block of four, ‘HB-IC’, cancelled by the ‘409’ of JERSEY in the Channel Islands.


This ‘409’ numeral variety is illustrated by Parmenter in


‘Barred Cancellations Volume 3 England’ and listed as 3VSOB:  narrow figure four with a serif.


He notes that this was sent from the GPO on October 9th 1874 and no dated copies known.


 It was given an ‘H rarity’ ie very few are known to exist. ‘HB’ and ‘HC’ both show a broken pin perf variety.   


The watermarks have been shifted resulting in ‘HC’ and ‘IC’ with


only a very small part of ‘penny’ of ‘halfpenny’ on each stamp. 


Do not recall seeing examples with so little of the watermark


except for the variety ‘No watermark’ which is priced by Gibbons at £1,250. 


A used block of four in this plate priced by Gibbons at £200 before any addition for the varieties.  


 Very rare/unique combination of features and as such likely to be a unique usage in the Channel Islands. 


Price: £135.0



Two Plate 15's on a Shipping Price List to Sweden from Newport, Mons






Shipping price list from NEWPORT, Wales, to Sweden. 


Postage paid by two fine 1/2d Plate 15, ‘TI’ and ‘OD’.


Each stamp tied by a Newport-Mons cds for June 29th 1878.  


On the reverse is a scarce Newport –Docks cds for the same date. 


The printed shipping price list has a wealth of information


from many overseas locations to the UK including Wales and Scotland. 


A very scarce item with a multiple usage of the bantam 1/2d’s each having a cds. 


Allowing for the Gibbons premium for a cds, each 1/2d is priced in excess of £210 on cover. 


An attractive item of display quality. 


Price: £95.00



Dumb cancellations: an unusual mixed franking. 1d Plate 207 and 1/2d's Plate 15




1d Plate 207 and 1/2d Plate15:


tied to a piece in an unusual arrangement by dumb cancellations. 


The two pairs of the 1/2d, 'HK-HL' and 'II-JI', are a separated strip


and the 1d plates 207, 'TJ' and 'TK' are a separated pair. 


Plate 15 is a scarcer plate.


An interesting and unusual item. 


Price:  £40.00



1/2d Plate 15 on envelope to France




1/2d Plate 15 and a pair of 1d Plate 184, NE corner rub on 'CF':  


tied to an envelope to France by a Birmingham duplex for June 12th 1879.  


The 1/2d is tied by the Birmingham cds: plate 15 is priced by Gibbons on cover at £115 plus 200%  


for  the cds ie in excess of £300 allowing for the premium.  


Scarce plate to an overseas destination. 


Price:  £58.00



1/2d Plate 15 with a very rare SUNDAY usage




1/2d Plate 15: fine/very fine used block of 4,


St Austel duplex for SUNDAY September 19th 1880.  


A scarce plate in a used block and rare with a Sunday usage. 


Gibbons prices the cheapest plate at £200 in a used block of four.


An estimated price for this item is £330.


A very rare combination of Plate and Sunday usage.


Price: £65.00



1/2d Plate 20 from Moffat





1/2d Plate 20, fine, tied by a fine Moffat ‘256’ duplex for February 23rd 1880,


to a printed letter referring to a meeting of the Parochial Board of the Parish of Moffat.  


It is giving Notice of a Meeting at the Court House Moffat on March 5th 1880


The purpose was to adjust the Pauper Roll.


Hence the postage was 1/2d not a 1d, 1/2d being the Printed Letter Rate.


The envelope has a central vertical filing fold well clear of the stamp.


On the reverse is a partial strike of the Edinburgh and Carstairs Sorting Tender for February 24th 1880,


Wilson Figures 714/715. 


Code ‘D’ indicates the mail was on the Down trip and


all were used as back stamps as is the example offered here. 


Plate 20 has an estimated price on cover by Gibbons of £200 and on stamp only at £85


This plate is difficult to find on or off cover but especially the latter.

It is the third rarest of the 15 plates in the series.


A rare combination of features. 


Price: £70.00



The next six items are all addressed to the same address in Edinburgh


and franked by the bantam 1/2d from various plates.


1/2d Plate 3 from DUMFRIES



1/2d Plate 3, fine vertical pair:


tied to a clean envelope to Edinburgh, a couple of small peripheral faults at the top,


by Dumfries duplexes for April 1st 1873.


 Edinburgh receiver on the reverse for the following day. 


Gibbons prices a single Plate 3 on cover at £125 and on stamp only at £55. 


Price:  £45.00


1/2d Plate 4 from DUMFRIES



1/2d Plate 4, fine vertical pair:


tied to a clean envelope, a light horizontal crease which crosses the stamps but is not visible on them.


The Dumfries Duplexes, February 24tt 1873, are neatly applied and there is a


very fine Edinburgh receiver on the reverse for the following day. 


A single Plate 4 on cover priced by Gibbons at £115 and on stamp only at £50.


An attractive item.


Price:  £35.00



1/2d Plate 4 from LOCKERBIE




1/2d Plate 4, vertical pair lightly cancelled.


Tied only by the bars of a single Lockerbie duplex, February 4th 1873: Contrary to Post  Office Regulations.


A clean envelope with a light horizontal crease that crosses the top stamp but is not visible on the front of the stamp. 


On the reverse is a very fine strike of the Edinburgh Travelling Post Office,


Wilson figure 691, for February 5th 1873: its last year of recorded usage.


An interesting combination of usage and cancellations.


A single Plate 4 on cover priced by Gibbons at £115 and on stamp only at £50. 


Price:  £45.00


1/2d Plate 11 from DOUNE




1/2d Plate 11, vertical pair on a clean envelope to Edinburgh from Doune.


The stamps are tied, Contrary to PO Regulations, by a single strike of the numeral’ 107’, of DOUNE (Perthshire). 


On the reverse are superb cds’s of Doune for April 28th 1880 and for Edinburgh the same day.


The envelope is crossed by a light horizontal crease that goes between the stamps and there is no sign of it on the stamps.


We can not recall seeing any items of mail from Doune or usage of its '107' numeral. 


Historical Info available re Doune on the internet.  


Plate 11 priced by Gibbons for a single stamp on cover at £70 and a stamp on its own at £30.


An unusual and scarce item. 


Price: £38.00




TRURO blue cross on entire




1d Plate 32,  fine/very fine, 'AF' with distinctive letter 'F, four margins some large but ragged.


Tied to an entire to St Austel by a partial strike of the Truro BLUE MX.


Letter dated June 30th 1843 and a partial strike on the reverse of the St Austel receiver for July 1st 1843. 


The letter refers to a legal claim and dispute for the use of someones water supply. 


Gibbons prices a blue MX on cover at £1,700.


Very difficult to find blue MX's on 1d reds with full margins on cover.


Price:  £335.00


1d Plate 17 multiples with Dumfries Crosses




Wrapper from DUMFRIES to Edinburgh, April 7th 1842.


The 6d franking is made up of a pair and a strip of four: all from Plate 17 and in the distinctive shade for this Plate.


The pair, ‘RK-RL’ show the listed variety, SGSpec BS6d, and in the strip of four, ‘QI-QL’, ‘QI’ also shows this variety.


A filing crease affects ‘QJ’; the watermark on each stamp is near the bottom.


The pair has full margins as has the strip of four except for ‘QL’.


The stamps are cancelled by the Dumfries Common Cross both noted and illustrated by Rockoff and Jackson in Volume 1;


used from May 10th 1840 to February 13th 1843: no multiple usage of this cross is listed.


Gibbons prices a single of Palte 17 on cover at £225, a pair not on cover at £300


and hence an estimated price on cover of a pair at £500. 


A rare item and the largest multiple franking of Plate 17 on cover we have seen.


The canceller needed cleaning hence the impressions show dirt build up.


A fine Display item that could be paired with 153397


making a remarkable and unique pair of covers sent to the same addressee.


Price:  £265.00



Plate 21: four singles and a pair with distinctive DUMFRIES crosses on variety





Wrapper from DUMFRIES to Edinburgh, June 30th 1843, franked by four singles and a pair from Plate 21.


None are full margins and crossed by a filing crease as seen in the scan.


However, ‘ML’shows clearly the ‘M over K double letter and basal shift’, SG SpecBS10c,


 illustrated by Gibbons in QV Volume 1 and priced at £250 on stamp alone: no price given for on cover.


Sadly this stamp is heavily defective.


The six stamps are cancelled by five strikes of the distinctive Dumfries Cross: SG Spec B1tj and priced by Gibbons at £1,100 on cover.


The quality of the strikes allows the characteristics to be seen.


Rockoff and Jackson Volume 1, record only 15 examples of this distinctive cross on 1d red covers.


The only multiple usage recorded by them is on one cover with a pair of 1d reds.


The EKD they note for this distinctive cross is June 17th 1843 and the only other June 1843 date is for June 19th 1843.


The example offered here at June 30th 1843 is one of the earliest known and the earliest multiple usage.


Despite the faults and lack of margins this is a remarkable item and more than likely unique with such a variety of features.


We have never seen the ‘M over K’ variety on cover.


It would make an interesting Display page. 


Apart from Item 15150 in the Scottish Section, this is the largest multiple usage of any distinctive and listed cross we have seen. 


Price: £345.00


NB: This item and 153398 would make a unique pairing


and is offered at a discounted price of £565.00



A Unique Study of Watermark Types on 1d red Imperfs




Two display pages, 30 1d reds, showing different shapes and positions on the stamp of the small crown watermark. 


Please note that the contrast of the images has been altered to make the titles, and the positions of the watermarks, clearer.


The top stamp on Page 2 has the watermark INVERTED and is priced by Gibbons at £400: it is fine/very fine with 3 plus margins.


Some stamps show watermark guide lines, vertical and horizontal.


A remarkable study which took the philatelist many years to assemble choosing the best examples he could find


and replacing them when finer examples were found.


Almost certainly a unique Display item the like of which we have never seen.


Price: £175.00



1d Inverted Watermark 




1d, 'LA', alphabet 1, an attractive example with fine colour, full margins and INVERTED watermark.


A partial Scottish numeral and with a vertical crease at the left as seen in the scan.


This variety priced by Gibbons at £400 and undervalued in our experience. 


Price: £95.00


1d Inverted Watermark 




1d 'HA', alphabet 2, fine used with large margins, clean reverse and INVERTED Watermark.


Priced by Gibbons at £400 which is an undervalued figure in our experience.


A very scarce item so fine with this variety.


Price:  £175.00


1d on entire to New York



1d Red, 'RL', Plate 107? almost full margins,


tied to an entire from London, July 4th 1851, by the  '21' in diamond and bars of the Inland Office.


Cancelled Contrary to Post Office Regulations by a double strike and rated Very Rare by Parmenter.


From the London date and the m/s instruction on the front,


this item would have been carried on the Cunarder 'America' which departed on July12th 1851.


A rare combination of features and even more so if this is Plate 107. 


Price:  £110.00


NB: There are 'dirty' marks on the reverse and the bottom of the letter has been folded for display purposes.



1d red on entire from Liverpool to France



1d red, fine used with fine colour.


Almost full margins, just shaved at the corner of the SW letter square, and with part of the stamp below in the bottom margin. 


Tied to two pages of a commercial letter to Cognan, France by a Liverpool '466' and a French date in orange.


On the reverse top flap are various transit marks including Liverpool, March 8th 1845,


and a London receiver for March 10th: March 9th 1845 was a Sunday.


An attractive and scarce item.


Price:  £130.00



2d Plate 4 used with '92' of BOLTON




2d SG14 Plate 4,'KL': a remarkable very fine with four huge to clear margins.


Cancelled by the '92' numeral of BOLTON leaving an almost clear profile. 


The misalignment of the impressions on this plate is clearly visible.


An attractive and unusual display item.


Price: £65.00




KINROSS Cross on Plate 17 






1d Plate17, 'SB', full margins except at NW very close to possibly just touching.


Tied to a wrapper to Edinburgh by the KINROSS Cross.


Filing crease just into the stamp at the right but not apparent from the front.


The 1d shows the listed variety: Basal Shift, Spec B56d.


On the reverse is a Kinross date stamp for September 13th 1842 and an Edinburgh same day date stamp.


 Rockoff and Jackson Volume 1 p141, list only six examples of this cross on the 1d red on cover.


None are noted in 1842 those listed being for 1843 and 1844. 


They also comment that covers from Kinross are not very common: its population in 1841 was only 2,822.


This is the first example we have been able to offer of this cross on cover


and is finer than those illustrated by Rockoff.


Plate 17 on cover is priced by Gibbons at £225.


A rare combination of Cross, Plate and Date. 


Price:  £85.00  RESERVED


Rare 5d rate on internal mail




1d red 'BF' and 2d blue Plate 3 pair, 'BK-BL':


tied to a long envelope from London to Manchester, June 4th 1847.


The 1d is not full margined and neither is the pair of 2d blues ('BL' has a fault at the bottom),


but this is a very rare example of the 5d rate for internal UK mail. 


The 1d was problably added as a Late Fee .


Price: £75.00


NB: the browning at the right and near the stamp is considerably fainter than in the scan.


Dot in Cross variety





1d Plate 23? 'QI': fine 4-margined showing the 'dots' in the centre of the cross


caused by the pin holding the metal   cross to the handle.


A very fine example of the 'dot in cross' variety.


Price:  £38.00



Double strike of the MX




1d Plate 36, 'PG', 4-margins:


tied to a piece by a double strike of the MX Contrary to PO Regulations.


One cross is almost clear of the stamp.


A fine display item.


Price:  £45.00



1d red from black plate 10 with distinctive 'T'





1d Plate 10, 'TC', fine 4-margins with almost a complete MX.


Some paper adherence on reverse and part original gum. 


Plate 10 has seven distinctive letters of which


the short stumpy 'T'  is one of them.


Priced by Gibbons at £200.00.


A very fine item.


Price:  £60.00



The EKD for the Limerick Cross on a 1d red




1d Plate 5?, 3 plus margins: on a very clean letter to Drumsna and dated inside LIMERICK 10th March 1841.


On the reverse is a Dublin diamond shaped date stamp for March 11th 1841.  


Rockoff and Jackson, Volume 1 page 156/157 illustrate and comment on the Limerick Cross. 


The earliest usage on a 1d red that they list is for March 30th 1841 on a cover to Dublin.


The example offered here is the earliest recorded usage of the Limerick cross on a 1d red on cover. 


Danzig in 'Cancellations of the 1841 1d Red', notes that March 1841 usages of the 1d red


are scarcer than those of the 1d black in this same month.


The Limeric Cross is listed by Gibbons, Spec B1tu, and priced at £1,500 on cover.   


A very scarce/rare item.


Price:  £235.00



2d Plate 9 pair: MALTA A25 duplex




2d Plate 9, very fine vertical pair, 'CC-DC', cancelled by a Malta A25 duplex.


 'CC' has a part cds of Malta.


A very scarce usage. 


Price: £40.00



2d Plate 15: watermark displaced with marginal letters




2d Plate 15, 'TH', fine/very fine with a part cds for April 23 1877.


The watermark is shifted upwards and has 'GE',of 'POSTAGE'


from the bottom margin watermark which is inverted.


An unusual item with a very scarce watermark variety on this issue.


Price:  £35.00



Letter makes reference to the recently deceased Prince Albert:

his character and the influence on all ranks of English Society







1d SG40, neatly tied to an envelope with contents by a London WC/12 duplex for February 23rd 1862.


The letter, sent from Russell Square, is from one Clergyman to another.


It includes comments on a sermon given on the Death of Prince Albert, (died on December 14th 1861).


Refers to the Prince's character, his Domestic Life and his Influence on all ranks of English Society.


A rare contemporary insight as to the influence of Prince Albert, soon after his untimely death.


Would make a very interesting display when fully researched and written up.


A rare/very rare item.


Price: £55.00



Number 12 in Cross: single usage on entire with a paper seal






1d Plate 43?, 'FL', full margins, close but clear at the NW square:


tied to an entire by a fine strike of Number 12 in Cross.


This cancellation is more usually found in multiple usage on heavier items of mail: a single usage is rarer. 


The letter descibes a rent collection problem. 


It is sealed by a complete paper seal showing an embossed Dove of Peace.


A London date stamp on the top flap for February 21st 1844 and an apparent offset of another Number in Cross. 


Gibbons prices Number 12 in Cross on cover at £1,400 before a premium added for its single usage:


Danzig adds a 50% premium for such usage. 


Price: £290.00


NB: there is a selection of other Numbers in Cross, 1-12, on cover further down this Section.




2d Plate 3: Edinburgh Special Balloon Cross and other varieties





2d Plate 3, 'EK', full margins and part of the adjacent stamp at the right and a burr rub in the left margin. 


Cancelled by an exceptional strike of a Balloon Cross of Edinburgh.


Rockoff and Jackson in Volume 1 have an analysis, with illustrations, of these crosses.


The example offered here is Type 4 which they illustrate and describe it as


'the most elegant and distinctive of the Edinburgh Special Crosses'.


It has been recorded in use between December 29th 1842 and September 9th 1843.


The stamp is printed on unlisted Thin Paper on Plate 3 but listed on Plate 4 at £225 ie with a numeral cancel.


Stamp 'EK' is listed as SG Spec ES11d: 'Shifted transfer, distorted white letters of the value and basal duplication'. 


This might explain the burr rub and the basal markings.


On the reverse near where the burr rub is located on the front, there are some markings, and in the corner as per the scan.


Nothing shows on the front of the stamp.


Gibbons prices an Edinburgh cross on stamp at £350.


 With the other varieties and the quality of the cross, the combination of features is likely to be unique.


An Exhibition quality. 


Price: £185.00



Plate 3: Number 8 in Cross




2d SG14, Plate 3, 'RL':


fine with full margins, cancelled by a fair strike of the Number 8 in Cross.


Priced by Gibbons at £1,000 and offered as a very collectable example


at a fraction of the Gibbons figure. 


Price: £145.00



2d Plate 3 pair with full margins 




2d SG14, Plate 3, 'FG-FH':


fine used pair with an indistinct numeral '53'? leaving a clear profile on 'FG'.


Parts of the adjacent stamps above are visible in the top margin.


'FH' has a very tiny crease in the NE corner not visible from the front. 


An attractive pair and priced by Gibbons at £225: underpriced in our experience. 


Price:  £110.00   



2d Plate 3 Pale Blue shade: unrecorded variety 



2d pale blue Plate 3, SG13, 'HJ':


full margins, very close but just clear at the 'J' square,


mounted by a hinge to thin card for display purposes.


The light numeral cancellation leaves most of QV's head clear


and allows this scarcer shade to be seen to advantage.


The enhanced illustration shows a Double Letter 'H' which is NOT listed by Gibbons.


The listed double letters are priced at £140.


An attractive display item.


Price: £60.00



Plate 4: re-entry variety




2d SG14, Plate 3, 'TG-TH': fine full margined pair;


a light vertical crease goes between the stamps and does not touch the designs. 


Stamp 'TH' shows a fresh re-entry, the First State, SG Spec ES14c, and priced at £250.


Being in a pair a comparison with 'TG' allows the rentry marks in the top corner stars to be seen.


A pair of Plate 4 priced by Gibbons at £250 without this variety. 


Price:  £95.00



2d SG15 Plate 4: thin paper variety




2d deep blue SG15, Plate 4, 'MI-MJ':


pair with margins showing portions of four other stamps, especially at the top margins.


Margins at the base are very close but clear on 'MI' to just clear to touching at the 'M' square on 'MJ'.


Printed on very thin paper which allows the '193'? Scottish numeral to be seen and the impression of the stamps.


Gibbons prices a single in thin paper, Spec SG E14q at £225.


There is a premium for a pair and the scarcer Deep Blue of SG15


which gives an estimated Gibbons price of £500 plus.   


A very scarce item. 


Price: £110.00



2d Plate 4: thin paper unlisted



2d SG19 Plate 4: fine used misperforated pair, ‘DJ-DK’, with a super clean back.


The pair also show the misalignment of the stamps typical of Plate 4.


A 2d pair is priced by Gibbons at £200 pro rata. 


The imperf plate 4 in this shade, SG13, is listed by Gibbons on thin paper. 


The pair offered here is also printed on thin paper but not listed by Gibbons. 


An attractive and very scarce item. 


Price: £55.00



Late Usage: 1905


1d Plate 148, 'HE',


fine used with a Londonderry date stamp for November 5th 1905.


Plate 148 was put to press in April 1871


so the example here is a late usage of this issue. 


Price: £30.00



1d Plate 84: fine block of 6



1d SG43, Plate 84, 'ED-FF', fine used block of 6:


London duplex February 4th 1865. 


Attractive multiple. 


Price:  £30.00



1d plate 90: superb with original colour



1d plate 90, ‘ME’: an exceptional example,


tied to an envelope from London to Edinburgh by a London ‘5’ in diamond of bars for January 30th 1869


leaving almost all of the Queen’s Head clear allowing the superb colour to be seen to advantage. 


A very attractive example of a 1d plate on cover.  


Exhibition quality. 


Price: £22.00



1d Plate 114: superb strip




1d Plate 114, 'TJ-TL': a superb used strip of three


with deep rich colour and a clean reverse. 


Central stamp cancelled by almost only a London SE District


cds for August 21st 1868.


The stamps are in Post Office condition.


Very difficult to find in such a fresh condition.


A display quality item.


Price: £30.00



1d Plate 122 used from BALLINASLOE




1d SG44, Plate 122, 'BE-'CG', fine used block of 6,


lightly cancelled by the '32' of BALLINASLOE.


An attractive and scarce multiple with Irish usage. 


Price: £45.00



1d Plate 139 used in Castlebar Co Mayo






1d Plate 139, 'NG-OH': a very fine fresh block of four in Lake-Red,


cancelled by part strikes of the '107' numeral of Castlebar, Co Mayo


leaving 'OG' with almost a completely clear QV's head.


Some short perforations at the left as per the scan.


A scarcer plate, especially in a block.


Gibbons prices a single at £20 and a block of four at an estimated £145.


An attractive and very scarce Irish usage.


Price: £48.00





1d Plate 211: very scarce block of 4





1d SG43, Plate 211, 'SB-TC', fine used block of four:


cancelled an Edinburgh duplex with stars, August 1878.


The block has a large part original gum hence the crackly appearance of the reverse.


There are some blind perfs between 'TB' and 'TC' and other stamps that are with partly perforated


as seen in the scan of the reverse.


Plate 211 is a scarce plate especially in a block with an estimated Gibbons price of £225 plus. 


A rare combination of features and a fine display item when written up. 


Price:  £65.00



Very early usage 





SG51 plate 1:


A very fine example and rarely found with such a


superb upright cds - Exeter October 28th 1870. 


One pulled perf at the top.


The stamp was issued on October 1st 1870 so this an early usage.


Priced by Gibbons with premium for cds at £160 plus.


A rare item.


Price: £68.00



SG52 Plate 1 with a variety of features




Threehalfpence, SG52, Plate 1, 'AE':


cancelled by a complete NORWICH cds for December 16th 1872.


This is an example of the 'short' 'A' row perforation. 


The watermark shows an unusual shift on this issue.


This stamp is seldom found with a complete cds. 


A very scarce/rare combination of features.


Price: £65.00



SG52 Plate 3




Threehalfpence SG52, Plate 3, 'CL':


Very fine used with an almost complete LEITH cds


for November 22nd 1880.


Very difficult to find this stamp with such a neatly applied cds.


Price: £70.00


NB: This stamp and either of the Plate 1's with a cds


would make a rare and attractive display pairing.



A very rare numeral cancellation



1d SG29, creased but cancelled by the '18' in oval of bars: Deptford suburban office. 


Parmenter drades this as H* ie very few examples recorded and only on stamp. 


He prices this at £200 and this is the first example we have been able to offer


or indeed can recall seeing. 


Despite the crease, a very collectable example of this rarity. 


Price:  £40.00



A very rare numeral cancellation




1d  SG 40: a fine example cancelled by a full ‘49’ in oval of bars,


of the London District Post for GREENWICH.  


Parmenter in ‘Barred Numeral Cancellations of London’ gives this an ‘H’ rarity


ie very few exist and known only on stamp and priced at £200.


This is the first example of this extremely rare cancellation we have been able to offer. 


An Exhibition item. 


Price: £120.00



2d Plate 8 on wrapper from Edinburgh




2d SG45 Plate 8, ‘EG’:


superb used tied to a creased banking wrapper by a lightly applied duplex for June 11th 1861. 


The cancellation leaves QV’s profile and most of the head clear. 


Gibbons prices this plate at £150 on cover. 


 Price: £45.00

NB: the shade variation of the front of the wrapper


is fare less pronounced than the scan suggests.





2d Plate 8: T.0.1


2d SG45 Plate 8, 'EO', fine used,cancelled by the T.0.1.


A rare/very rare cancellation on this stamp.


The first we have seen.


Price: £65.00



'TO5': letter written on board Cunarder 'RUSSIA' its 4th Sailing 1867




1d Plate 89, tied to a small very clean and uncreased envelope to Leith


by an exceptional strike of the very rare 'TO5' Travelling Office.


The recipient inscribed at the top of the envelope:


'22 Oct. 1867 - From Frank.  Dated off Queenstown on Board 'Russia' .......... 20th 1867 expect to arrive on Tuesday 29th inst.' 


Queenstown cds on the front for October 20th 1867 - a Sunday. 


Edinburgh cds on reverse for October 22nd 1867. 


The 'Russia' was a Cunard Steamship which began service on the transatlantic run from Liverpool via Queenstown in 1867,


this letter was carried on only its 4th crossing and it stayed on this route until at least 1875.


It left Queenstown on Sunday October 20th 1867 and arrived in New York on Wednesday October 30th. 


In a private communication one of the UK's leading postal historians of this period, described the item as a


'Great Rarity and one that could be unique' .


This is arguably one of the, if not the, finest 'TO' covers extant. 


Hard to see how a finer strike of the 'TO5' could be found.


A significant rarity from the line-engraved period.


An important item of outstanding Exhibition quality.


Price: £1,850.00


NB: understandably Parmenter gives T.0.5 a 'very rare' rating.









1d, ‘TC’, Plate 34?, into at bottom margin, tied to a wrapper by a very fine SLIGO MX.


Sent to Dublin with a Sligo date stamp on the front for March 19th 1844


and a Dublin diamond receiver for the next day on the reverse. 


Rockoff and Jackson note two variations of this neat small cross: Type 1 and 2.


From their illustrations the example offered here is Type 2.


They record only seven examples, five Type 1 and two Type 2. 


The latest of the two Type 2’s is February 12th 1844 so the example here


extends the recorded usage by some five weeks. 


A very scarce and attractive item.   


Price:  £85.00


NB: the 1d stamp appears to have been affixed over an existing paper crease


as the surface of the 1d is not affected.  



Bristol Cross: double strike






1d Plate 37, ‘MF’, fine with full margins tied to a clean wrapper by a double strike,


Contrary to PO Regulations of the BRISTOL MX. 


Wrapper dated inside July 9th 1844 and on the reverse is a Bristol date stamp in orange for July 10th 1844


and a Wells Somerset date stamp for the following day. 


An Exhibition quality example showing a double strike of the MX. 


Price: £95.00


NB: Rockoff and Jackson Volume 1, devote some pages to the Bristol Cross.


From the illustrations the examples offered here are from Type 1 of the two Types.


The latest they record for Type 1 is March 15th 1844.



Further down this Section are several further examples of covers


with double strikes of Maltese Crosses on the 1d red.




Manchester Type 1 Crosses






1d, Plate 33, ‘TG-TH, ‘TG’ 3 plus margins and ‘TH’ full margins, some wrinkling at the NE corner.


Both neatly struck, and ‘TG’ neatly tied to a wrapper to Leek. by very strikes of


the Manchester Type 1 cross as illustrated by Rockoff and Jackson Volume 2.


There is no Type 1 Cross recorded by them on a pair of 1d reds.


On the rear flap is a date in m/s for October 5th 1843 and a partial Manchester date stamp for this same date.


Also on the reverse is a partial Newcastle under Lyne for October 6th and a partial Leek receiver. 


A pair of Plate 33 is priced by Gibbons at £160 and on cover at £320.


Both stamps show the listed variety, SG Spec BS22b: basal shifts. 


An attractive item that would display the crosses well.   


Price: £60.00



Grouping of 1d reds: some with rare cancels





An unusual grouping of 1d imperfs showing a variety of usages including the Dublin Cross,


Bristol sideways duplex rare on this 1d and unrecorded by Danzig and


the Edinburgh 131 with stars noted by Danzig but no date quoted. 


The latter two types of cancellations are not listed by Gibbons on the 1d imperf


but are on the 1d perforated series. 


Stamps with faults or poor margins but very collectable examples. 


Price the group:  £55.00



Single Queen Street Scots Local: Contrary to PO Regulations




1d , SG17?, SC perf 16, ‘GI-GJ’, fine pair, cancelled contrary to regulations


by a single strike of the Scots Local Queen Street, Type XV111 on a wrapper and rare as such. 


On reverse is a superb hexagonal Glasgow date stamp for March 8th 1855 and an Edinburgh date stamp for the following day. 


On the front is a contemporary ink date and Queen Street. 


A rare example of a Scots Local used as a single strike on a pair of 1d perforated. 


Price:  £95.00


NB: it may be an Archer Plate (94) but is sold as SG17



1d Plate 58 pair with RPS Cert: mixed inks






1d Plate 58, pair, ‘DK-DL’, on a letter sheet to Dunbarton from Stewarton each stamp cancelled by the ‘307’ of Stewarton.


On the reverse are three boxed datestamps: Stewarton for January 10th 1846;


one for Kilmarnock on the same date and and one for Dumbarton on January 11th. 


An RPS cert states that the cancellations on the 1d’s are in mixed inks. 


The Stewarton date stamp on the reverse is in a blue/green and matches the colour of the ‘307’ numeral cancellations on the 1d’s. 


Gibbons prices a single 1d red imperf on cover with a blue numeral cancellation at £650.   


Price:  £220.00

NB:  the condition of the front of the letter sheet is much better than the scan suggests.

The browning at the left is much fainter than in the scanned image.



Number 2 in Cross: double strike




1d, 3-margined, tied to a wrapper, sideflaps removed for display,


by a double strike of the Number 2 in Cross: Contrary to PO Regulations. 


Sent locally in London with two London date stamps on the reverse both for April 19th 1844. 


The 1d shows a basal shift and possible reentry marks in the NW square.  


Gibbons prices this cross on cover at £550.00 


Price:  £65.00


NB: there is a wide selection of Numbers in Crosses on cover, from numbers 1 to 12,

further down this Section.



Plate 3: unlisted Thin Paper




2d ‘GB’, plate 3: fine 4-margined, close but clear at the ‘G’ letter square.


Cancelled by a light MX priced by Gibbons at £275. 


Some plate corrosion is developing in the value tablet area. 


Printed on unlisted Thin Paper. 


Price:  £60.00



Plate 3: a fine pair





2d , ‘FC-FD’, Plate 3: fine pair, margins very close at the top of ‘FC’ but just clear. 


Light numeral cancellations of ‘Aberdeen’ which  leaves  QV’s profile clearly visible.


A pair priced by Gibbons at £225.


An attractive item with very fine colour.


Price: £70.00



Strip of three Plate 4 printed on Thin Paper





2d, Plate 4, ‘ND-NF’, fine/very fine used  strip of three,


margins all around, close but clear at the ‘N’ square of ‘ND’.


Trace of ‘NG’ in the right margin of ‘NF’.


Printed on the listed ‘Thin Paper’,  SG Spec ES14q. 


A pair in this plate with the variety is priced by Gibbons at £625


and a strip of three pro rata at £935. 


Cancelled possibly by the ‘736’ of Stockton, Co Durham. 


‘ND’ shows the broad ‘D’ characteristic of this plate. 


An attractive item.


Price:  £220.00

NB: this multiple shows well the missalignment problem on this plate.


2d Plate 3: EKD of any Irish numeral on this value




2d, Plate 3, ‘AE’, four margins, close but clear at the NW corner and with the open ‘A’ characteristic of this plate.


Tied to a wrapper from BELFAST to Edinburgh by a fine ‘62’ of Belfast.


On the reverse is a blue Belfast date stamp for JUNE 27th 1844 and an Edinburgh receiver for June 29th 1844. 


On the front is a handwritten date of 27 June 1844 and unusually ‘Private & Confidential’.


Although the 2d is creased this a very rare item.


The EKD of any Irish numeral is June 22nd 1844, from Dublin '186', on a 1d red.


The example offered here is believed to be the earliest known usage of the Belfast ‘62’


AND the earliest known usage of any Irish numeral on the imperf 2d blue.


We cannot trace from our research an earlier used example. 


An Irish rarity and an Exhibition item.   


Price:  £295.00 



2d Plate 3 pair : single '159' of Glasgow




2d Plate 3, ‘EA-EB’, ‘EB’ almost full margined, in the scarcer deep full blue shade. 


‘EA’ has the open ’A’ characteristic of this plate.


Tied to a wrapper to London by a SINGLE strike of the ‘159’ of Glasgow: contrary to PO regulations. 


There is a Glasgow date stamp on the front for July 14th 1849 and a London receiver on the top flap for July 16th 1849:


July 15th was a Sunday. 


A scarce usage of a single numeral on a cover. 


Price: £85.00 



NB: there are selections of the 2 blue plates 3 and 4 with MX and numeral cancellations,

in singles, multiples and blocks, on and off cover, further down this Section.



Mullingar '545' cancelled Contrary to Regulations




1d SG17, finevery fine miss perfed strip of three and a single:


tied to piece and cancelled Contrary to Regulations


by two strikes only of the '345'numeral from MULLINGAR, Co. Westmeath.


An attractive and rare item in a deeper shade than the scan shows.


Price:  £95.00



SG17 SINGLE '545' of Mullingar




1d SG17, very fine pair tied to a piece by a single Mullingar ‘345’


leaving both stamps with virtually clear profiles.


The stamps show missperfing with portions of the adjacent stamps in the top margins.


Superb colour.


Price: £58.00



1d SG17: SINGLE '345' of Mullingar



1d SG17, fine/very fine pair cancelled contrary to PO regulations


by a single ‘345’ of Mullingar. 


Clear profile on ‘PI’ and  superb colour. 


Price:  £45.00



Blue '58' of Banbridge Co Down




1d, ‘ED-EF’, Large crown perf 14, ‘ EF’ creased, tied to a piece


by fine strikes in blue of  the ‘58’ of BANBRIDGE, Co Down.


A single 1d with blue numeral on piece is priced by Gibbons at £225. 


Danzig does not record this numeral on a 1d red imperf.


Priced essentially as a single.


Price:  £55.00



2d Plate 15: thin white lines



2d Plate 15, ‘OB’, very fine used:  tied to a clean wrapper from London to Ashburton by a


London duplex for June 6th 1878 leaving a very large portion of the Queen’s head clear .


This allows the superb colour of the 2d to be seen to advantage.


A filing crease is well clear of the stamp.


On the reverse are cds’s for Newton Abbot and Ashburton, both for June 7th 1878. 


The 2d shows some degree of missperfing. 


Gibbons prices Plate 15 on cover at £100 plus before adding a premium for the largely clear Head. 


An attractive item.  


Price:  £45.00   



1d imperfs both full margins




Two 1d reds, ‘PB’ and ‘HC’, both full margins:


‘PB’ has a bend/corner crease SE area; ‘HC’, tied to an entire by the ‘930’ of YORK, leaving a clear profile.


On the reverse top flap and neatly spaced are:


a York date stamp for December 8th 1851; a MICKLEGATE (York) in blue and a Darlington receiver for December 9th? 1851.


These transit markings display well when the flap is raised.


An interesting address being the Railway Office, Darlington, Durham. 


A scarce item. 


Price: £30.00



22 1d reds imperf all lettered 'AA': first off a sheet of 240





1d red imperf: 'AA': twenty two examples, ALL LETTERED 'AA', the first stamp on each sheet of 240.


Variable condition and margins as per the scan, a few with MX's, the rest with numeral cancellations.


Each has on the reverse a plate number in pencil: we do not gaurantee the plating as we have not checked it.


An unusual and rare assemblage and a basis for expansion.


Price: £47.00



A pot pourri of Line Engraved items. 




1. 1d Plate 149; tied to a piece with a portion of the sheet division ornament at the left.

This marginal marking appears only twice per sheet of 240 stamps  

indicating the middle point of the sheet in the left and right margins.


2. 1d Plate 158 used: showing portions of two watermarks.


3. 1d SG17 used: showing a significant misspefing


4. d Plate 75, ‘LK’: a used example showing in the top ‘star’ corners traces of the ‘Union Jack Re-entry’,

Gibbons Spec BS64a, illustrated by Gibbons in QV Volume 1 2020 Edition and priced at £3,000. 

A very useful space filler of this rare re-entry.   


Price for the group: £110.00   


NB: there is no trade discount on this item.



Double strike of the OLDHAM cross: unrecorded by Rockoff and Jackson





1d Plate 35? 'PE', almost full margins, just touching at the right:


tied by a double strike of the OLDHAM cross on a fragile wrapper to Liverpool, March 26th 1844.


The second strike of the MX is almost clear of the stamp. 


Rockoff and Jackson do NOT list any example of this cross. 


A very scarce item.


Price: £45.00


Further down this Section are several other examples of covers with double strikes


of the Maltese Cross from a variety of English, Scottish and Welsh  locations.




1d Full Margins: Number 5 in Cross



1d Plate 38? 'LH': fine/very fine 4-margined tied to an entire to Bungay


by a very fine strike of Number 5 in Cross, December 22nd 1843.


Difficult to find this cancellation on a full-margined 1d red on cover. 


Priced by Gibbons on coiver at £550.  


Price: £135.00



1d Full Margins: Number 10 in Cross 




1d Plate 32, 'GJ', fine with 4-margins tied to an entire, Sept 6th 1843, to Pontefract by a


fine strike of the Number 10 in Cross.


This cross on cover with the Number 10 is very scarce/rare with a full-margined 1d red.


Priced by Gibbons at £1,000 and from our experience it could be undervalued.


Price:  £285.00


NB: The apparent browning at the top is a trick of the scanner and


the letter is regarding the sale of a house in Ackworth, Yorkshire.



Please Note: there is a large selection of Numbers in Crosses on covers further down this Section.




Multple usage of Plate 11 To France and Gibraltar






The two envelopes are from Storrington Sussex, from the same sender, one to


Gibraltar and the other to Marseilles both from Pulborough.


Both sent to the same addressee within 3 days of each other.


Interestingly both to a Poste Restante and the one to Gibraltar


indicates Spain but it was a GB Protectorate at that time.


Spain would love to have Gib as part of Spain but the Island's population voted to stay British.


Each is franked by Five 1/2d plate 11: the Gib one by a separated block of 4


giving two vertical pairs plus a single and the French one similarly.


The latter has one stamp with an upright cds and the stamp above with virtually a clear head.

The condition of the envelopes is better that in the scans and have survived remarkably well


as the envelopes are thin paper.


Can not recall being able to offer a bantam franking to Gibraltar.

The historical ownership of Gib could be incorporated in to the write up for display purposes:


lots of info on the internet

Despite the trimming of the Marseille's envelope they would make a rare/very


rare pairing and an interesting display item.


Price the pair: £120.00


NB: Gibbons prices a single 1/2d plate 11 on cover at £70.00


The envelope to France would make a fine piece if trimmed at the left




Posted Since 10:30 Last Night: a rare usage





2d Plate 9 ‘RL’: very fine tied to piece by


the Edinburgh POSTED SINCE 10:30 LAST NIGHT Code 10 for June 12 1863. 


This is a Type 2 ie no stars flanking the ‘131’ numeral.


This is listed by Arundel as RA26. 


This is a very scarce type but rare usage on other than the contemporary 1d .


Arundel notes only one other usage of RA26 on a value not the1d’s


and that is on a 2d Plate 9 on piece only at £70. No 2d plate on cover is noted. 


Not sure if the example ofered here on 2d Plate 9 is the one noted by him. 


A rare/very rare item. 


Price: £60.00



1d Plate 83: listed re entry





1d 'LK', Plate 83, full margins, close but clear 'K' square, cancelled by a Scottish numeral.


This re-entry is illustrated in the latest QV Volume 1, page 215. It is listed as Spec BS72a.


The large margin at the top allows the re-eentry marks to be seen in full.


Gibbons prices this re-entry at £100 which is underpriced in our experience.


The finest example we have seen of this variety and rare as such.


Exhibition quality for this example.


Price: £50.00


Dublin Type 1 Cross




1d red ‘DF’, not full margins but tied to a piece by a superb strike of the DUBLIN Type 1 cross


leaving clear the Queen’s profile and a large part of the head.   


SG Spec B1ti and priced by Gibbons at £125.00. 


A display-quality strike. 


Price: £38.00


Belfast Cross




1d red, ‘EE’, full margins tied to a piece by a fine strike of the BELFAST cross,


SG Spec B1tb, and priced by Gibbons at £250.00.


A very difficult cross to find that is well struck and on a 4-margined 1d red. 


There is a small printing flaw at the top: foreign matter on the plate?


This item would display well. 


Price: £55.00



A superb upright strike of the Number 4 in Cross




1d Plate 36, ‘OL’, two plus margins, tied to an envelope sent to a Vineyard in Bath


 by a superb upright Number 4 in Cross: the rarest of the London Numbers in Crosses.


There is a London date stamp on reverse for August 26th 1843.


Gibbons prices this cross on cover at £1,600. 


The 1843 date on the front is in a contemporary style: perhaps by a collector at that time. 


A very collectable example of this cross offered at a small percentage of the Gibbon’s price. 


Price: £145.00


NB: The envelope is much cleaner than the scan suggests.



Dublin Special Cross and a very rare Dublin Late Fee mark






1d red, 2 plus margins, tied to an envelope to Belfast by the Dublin Special Cross. 


On the reverse, neatly applied and separate from each other are:


a Dublin date stamp for October 24th 1843; a Belfast receiver for October 25 1843 Mg (morning duty)


and a fine strike of the very rare Dublin postage late mark, McKay Fig 1071.


It is thought that these marks indicated posting after the normal hour of despatch (the earlier time stated)


 but before the despatch of the mails (the second time stated),


so that on payment of a Late Fee the letter could be sent forward that evening.


A rare/very item that allows the markings to be displayed well. 


Price:  £75.00


COLERAINE Cross on superb entire





1d Plate 21, ‘GD’, very fine with full margins: close but clear at the 'D' square.


Tied by a fine Coleraine cross to an extremely clean Banking letter from COLERAINE to Ballymoney.  


Rockoff and Jackson Volume 1, list eleven examples, all are on 1d reds and all to Ballymoney.


Seven of these are from the Rockoff Collection.


The earliest date is July 4th 1842 and the example here has a superb


Coleraine date stamp for August 22nd 1842 on reverse:  


the second earliest date and not recorded by them. 


An Exhibition quality item with this very scarce cross. 


Price:  £185.00 


NB: we have seen this cross on cover offered by other specialist dealers at up to £350.



Very early usage of Plate 5 and possibly the EKD




1d Plate 5, ‘CD’?, three margins, tied to a large part wrapper to Aberdeen by a superb London cross.


On the reverse is a London date stamp for February 23rd 1841 and an Aberdeen date stamp for February 25th.


The 1d red issued on February 10th 1841 and this is the earliest usage of 1d red plate 5 we have seen or can trace. 


The letter ‘D’ is thinned and therefore not the original state of the plate.


From the date this is probably from the second printing which began on February 4th 1841.


A very rare item. 


Price: £225.00



Double strike of the ALLOA Cross




1d Plate 15, 'EK', full margins: tied to a clean entire to Edinburgh


by a double strike of the very scarce ALLOA Cross. 


Rockoff and Jackson record only one example of this cross, a poor strike, used on June 16th 1841.


The example offered here was used on January 19th 1842.


The stamp has a very light horizontal pressed light near the top


and not visible from the front of the stamp. 


1d plate 15 priced by Gibbons on cover at £135;


it was withfrawn from press on February 15th 1842.


Price: £40.00



Double strike of the WISBEACH Cross





1d Plate 29 ‘QF’, full margins tied to a tired family letter by a double strike of the WISBEACH cross


which is NOT recorded by Rockoff and Jackson.


This is contrary to Post Office regulations as is placing the stamp top left corner.


The letter is dated January 4th 1843 but on the reverse is a partial Wisbeach date stamp for January 14th 1843. 


No other date markings on the reverse. 


A scarce item. 


Price: £40.00



Double strike of the Aberdeen Cross






1d, almost three margins, on a small neat envelope to Ellon from Aberdeen.


The stamp is tied by a double strike of the Aberdeen cross with the two strikes only overlapping to a small extent. 


The stamp is also tied by the Ellon boxed date stamp for July 8th 1842. 


An attractive example of a double strike of an MX Contrary to PO Regulations. 


The Aberdeen cross is illustrated by Rockoff and Jackson in Volume 2. 


This is the first example of an Aberdeen MX double strike on cover we have been able to offer. 


Price:  £48.00

NB: the item is in finer condition than the scans suggest: the brown marks are either not present or much fainter



Double strike of the Marlborough Cross




1d ‘BK’, Plate 26? very fine with full margins but close to just touching in the NE corner. 


Tied to a clean entire to Newbury by a Double Strike of the MARLBOROUGH Cross on December 18th 1842


and a partial Newbury date stamp for the following day both on the top flap.  


Rockoff and Jackson illustrate in Volume 3 a number of examples of this cross.


They record six examples between 1841 and 1844 but none with a double strike:


the latter was Contrary to Post Office Regulations at that time.


An attractive and rare item from a location which had a population of only 1,391 in 1841


and which displays well. 


Price:  £55.00


PAISLEY Cross Double Strike May 28th 1844 





1d, ‘CI’, Plate 40, full margins but very close/touching at right. 


Tied by a double strike of the PAISLEY Cross, to a clean wrapper to Glasgow, side flaps removed for display purposes.


On the reverse are boxed date stamps for Paisley: May 28th 1844 and a timed Glasgow for May 29th 1844 7:30AM. 


Rockoff and Jackson Volume 2 page 219, devote the whole of this page to the Paisley Cross.


They list only 9 examples on the 1d red on cover between March 16th 1841 and


January 4th 1843 and none have a double strike of the MX.


Almost all the illustrations of the cross show poor or partial strikes suggesting that the cross was not kept clean.


The example offered here is the latest usage recorded and within a month of the MX being replaced by the numeral ‘277’.  


The double strike of the MX was contrary to Post Office Regulations .


A very scarce/rare item which would make a fine display page.


Plate 40 is scarce with a single MX and priced off cover by Gibbons at £140 and on cover at approx £260. 


Price:  £55.00



PENRYN Cross Plate 15 with Variety





1d ‘QG’, Plate 15, variety basal, SG Spec BS4d.


Full margins, part of ‘QF’ in top margin, but cut in ‘G’ letter square.


Tied by a lightly struck PENRYN MX and a partial Penryn date stamp at left for December 3rd (1841)


and on the reverse a well-struck Exeter receiving date stamp for December 4th 1841.  


The MX leaves both the superb colour and the basal shift clearly visible. 


Gibbons prices this plate on cover, without a basal shift, at £135. 


Rockoff and Jackson do NOT list the Penryn Cross.


Price: £39.00



1d Plate 22 full margins London Cross





1d ‘GI’, Plate 22, guide line NE square:


very fine with full margins and part of ‘FI’ in top margin.


Tied to a clean entire from London to Croydon, June 26 1842


on top flap by a London MX leaving a clear profile.


Blandford Street in red on the front.   


An attractive item and priced by Gibbons at £120. 


Price: £ 48.00



Torrington Cross on Plate 22 and Constant Variety





1d ‘AA’, Plate 22: very fine/superb with four square margins and


tied by a TORRINGTON Cross to a clean entire to Bideford, November 25th 1842. 


Stamp ‘AA’, first off the sheet, has the listed constant variety in the SW letter square,


SG spec BS11c, which is illustrated in QV Volume 1 page 168.


The MX is clear of the variety and this cross is NOT listed by Rockoff and Jackson.


An attractive item and very scarce so fine. 


Price:  £58.00



1d Plate 25 with Constant Variety illustrated by Gibbons






1d ‘RL’, Plate 25, very fine, four margins on a clean commercial entire from DERBY to Aberystwyth:


there is a Derby cds on reverse top flap for August 3rd 1842.


Stamp tied by a partial MX allowing the very fine fresh colour to be seen.


The cancel also leaves the ‘L’ letter square clear where the constant variety is clearly visible.


This variety is illustrated by Gibbons in the latest edition of QV Volume 1, page 170


together with the other two varieties on this plate. 


An attractive display item. 


Price:  £40.00


STIRLING Type 1 Cross: rare multiple usage






1d, fine pair ‘GA-GB’, Plate 21,


with almost full margins and tied to a legal letter from STIRLING to Falkirk which refers to enclosures.


This explains the 2d postal charge.


On the reverse is a boxed Stirling date stamp for June 9th 1842 and a boxed Falkirk date stamp


for the next day which display when the top flap is raised.


The stamps are cancelled/tied by fine strikes of the Stirling Type 1 cross.


Rockoff records only six earlier usages than the one offered here.


He notes the only usage on a pair, ‘GA-GB’ ,on June 15th 1842 to Falkirk.


The example offered here IS that item but he recorded the wrong date.


This is the only pair of 1d reds on cover Rockoff records for the Type 1 cross.


In fact this is the only multiple he notes for either Type 1 or the Special Stirling crosses. 


An interesting item and clearly very scarce. 


Price: £75.00  RESERVED



York normal cross: early usage of new obliterator 





1d, ‘OI’, fine, full margins except barely touched at the left side of the ‘I’ square.


Tied to a neat small envelope from York to Derby, November 17th 1842 ,


with a Derby Sunday receiver for the next day,


by a superb strike of the YORK  ‘common’ cross leaving a clear profile.


Rockoff, Volume 2, records a new MX obliterator sent to York on September 7th 1842.


He notes only six 1842 examples between October 6th and December 9th 1842 and


only one earlier 1d red usage than the example offered here.


In view of the superb strike of the MX it is likely that this was a usage of the new MX obliterator.


A very attractive item. 


Price: £45.00



Leeds Type 2 Cross one of the latest known usages





1d red Plate 34, ‘NE’, fine full margins: tied to an entire from LEEDS to Leek.


On reverse top flap is a Leeds date stamp for March 23rd 1844


approx 5 weeks before the MX was replaced by the numeral ‘447’.


The MX is the Leeds Type 2 listed and illustrated by Rockoff and Jackson, Volume 1.


They list very few of this cross the latest usage being April 4th 1844. 


The example offered here is the second latest usage.


This is the first example of the Leeds Type 2 cross we have been able to offer. 


This cross is not listed by Gibbons.


Price: £55.00 


NB: the letter mentions having to spend a lot of time in the Post Office.


Possibly waiting to be served? If so nothing has changed in almost 180 years! 



DUNDEE Cross: late date





1d red fine Plate 37? missing imprimatur, ‘BG’, full margins but close in a couple of places.


Tied to an entire from DUNDEE to London, Dundee boxed date stamp on reverse for March 20th 1844


and an Edinburgh transit cds for the following day.


The MX when applied appears to have 'bounced' giving a partial double impression. 


Rockoff and Jackson, Volume 1, list and illustrate the Dundee cross, p97.


Their latest listed is March 11th 1844 so the example offered here is a later date.


Their latest example is illustrated and is an incomplete strike.


Price: £45.00



Very early usage of this scarce duplex






1d Plate 65, ‘DG’, fine and full margined very close but just clear under ‘D’ square,


tied to a clean legal letter from London to Manchester


by a very fine and scarce ‘38’ duplex with the chamfered corners, for September 22 1853.


This duplex is usually referred to as a Late Fee cancellation but there is some doubt about this.


Parmenter records this duplex used from August 19th 1853 so the example offered here


is almost within the first month of usage and is one of the earliest known. 


A very difficult duplex to find on a 1d red imperf cover.


Price: £130.00



1d Plate 77 exceptional margins






1d red, Plate 77, ‘TA’, fine very large/huge margins.


Tied to a wrapper from FALKIRK to Glasgow by a fine strike of the ‘139’ of Falkirk.


On the reverse top flap is a fine blue Falkirk date stamp for September 20th 1849.


There are traces of adjacent stamps on three sides and


the fourth has a very small trace of a ‘7’ from the plate number.


The 1d shows signs of plate wear. 


An attractive item  with a very scarce/rare set of features. 


Price: £45.00



1d black plate X1 Edinburgh Cross



1d Plate X1, ‘GI’: fine with 3 margins and just tied at the top by a superb Edinburgh MX


to a letter from Edinburgh to London, August 19th 1841 receiver on reverse for this date.


An Edinburgh cross Type 1 or 2 is listed by Gibbons on a non-black plate as Spec B1tk


but unlisted  on a 1d red from a black plate: this appears to be Type 2.


1d red from this black plate priced by Gibbons on cover at £350. 


Price: £52.00




EKD of a Scottish numeral outside of Glasgow




1d, ‘GG’, almost three margins, tied to an entire from Granton to Dumfries


by a fine ‘256’ of Moffat: letter dated June 22nd 1844.


On the reverse top flap is a TOO LATE in red of Moffat.  


Auckland records a proof strike of this for June 1840 but NO recorded usage.  


Also on the top flap is a boxed Moffat date stamp for June 22nd 1844


and a partial Dumfries receiver for June 23rd 1844.


This is believed to be the EKD for any Scottish numeral outside of Glasgow.  


A Scottish rarity that displays well.  


Price:  £125.00



1d Plate 119 used in 1909






1d Plate 119, ‘GI’: a good used example tied to an envelope to Blackpool by a very fine/superb


EGREMONT S.O, Cumberland for September 10th 1909. 


On the reverse is the printed name: William Lewthwaite Wholesale Philatelic Depot, Egremont, Cumberland. 


Plate 119 was put to press on 15th August 1868 so the example here was used some 41 tears after this date. 


A collectable example of a very Late Usage of this issue during the Edwardian era. 


Price: £35.00



Exceptional duplex strike on clean envelope




1d plate 134, fine, tied to a clean envelope by an exceptional strike of the Charing Cross duplex f


or December 22 1876 leaving the Queen’s head virtually totally clear.


Hard to see how such a cancellation could be found in a better quality.


An attractive and superb item.


Price: £25.00 



Unusual usage of a London Duplex




1d SG29, placed Contrary to Post Office Regulations at bottom left


of a neat small envelope from London to Hampton.


Stamp is tied by the numeral portion of the London duplex of ‘80’ in bars.


A full strike has been unusually applied away from the stamp and is for September 12th 1856:


done so a date was visible but still not totally clear!


On the reverse is a Lewisham SO.


A very scarce combination of features. 


Price:  £35.00



1d Plate 143: Red on Red





1d Plate 143, ‘LK’, a scarcer plate.


Fine used with only a RED transit cancellation.


A rare/very rare ‘red on red’ combination. 


Price: £75.00



Very rare 1841 usage of 2d Plate 3





2d Plate 3, ‘BE’, full margins, with a small central rub and some pre affixed very light wrinkling.


Tied to an OHMS letter re tax returns, dated September 17th 1841,


by a somewhat indistinct black cross: the letter mentions enclosures.


Sent from TRURO to Penzance, blue Truro date stamp for September 17th on the front and a Penzance date stamp for


September 18th 1841 on the reverse top flap which displays well when the flap is raised.


The 2d Plate 3 shows corrosion markings top and bottom: a common problem with this plate.


Examples of 2d Plate 3 used on cover in 1841 are VERY RARE:


we have found from our research only two offered for sale in the past 20 years or so. 


These were for October 1841 and the example offered here is the second earliest we recall seeing:


see Item 152644 below in this Section for the earliest: September 7th 1841.


The reason for the rarity of 1841 usages of 2d Plate 3 has been established


by Alan G Druce in Volume 1 of his award-winning publication: 


'Perkins Bacon Great Britain Line-Engraved Postage Stamp Printings 1840-1846'.


He shows evidence that the initial supply of the 2d Blue Plate 3 was one of only 4,919


unspoilt sheets returned to the Stamps and Taxes Office by February 24th 1841.


The second printing of this stamp was delivered by December 19th 1841 and was only 2,000 sheets.


He further concludes that the majority of 1841 used examples will be from the first printings


carried out between February 27th 1841 and March 13th 1841. 


An extremely rare item.  


Price: £480.00


NB: a specialist dealer offered a 4-margined 2d blue on a wrapper from Manchester to Preston, October 23rd 1841. 


This was in May 2009: the stamp was not tied by the black MX and priced at £1,800.



Clitheroe 'baloon' Crosses.




Dated piece, on both the front and rear, from CLITHEROE, Lancashire, April 21st 1842.


An unusual franking of four single 1d reds, 'DA', 'HA', 'FA', 'EA' and seen less often than a block of four.


‘DA’ with a vertical crease, ‘HA’ with full margins close but clear at the ‘A’ square and


with a very prominent vertical guide line in the NE square which is also visible on the imprimatur sheet.


Each stamp is from PLATE 18 and cancelled by the characteristic/distinctive


‘balloon’ type of cross illustrated for Clitheroe in Volume 1 page 75 by Rockoff and Jackson


in their publication on the MX. They only record examples of this cross on single 1d reds ie no multiple usage.


An attractive and very scarce/rare item..


Price: £120.00


NB: Gibbons price a single 1d red in this plate at £140 on stamp alone.




EKD for any Scottish numeral on a 2d plate on cover






2d Plate 3, fine, SG14, ‘PL’:


three margins with a small part of marginal inscription at left


and portion of another stamp at bottom.


Stamp tied to an entire from GLASGOW to Inverary by a fine ‘159’ of Glasgow. 


On the reverse are date stamps for Inverary, incomplete but 24 is showing, and Glasgow for June 25th 1844.


The EKD for a Glasgow numeral replacing the MX is June 19th 1844.


The example offered here is believed to be the EKD for a 2d plate with a Glasgow numeral


and very possibly the earliest usage on a 2d of any Scottish numeral .


Very fine item and rare. 


Price: £125.00



2d Plate 4 with Queen Street Scots Local






2d SG19 Plate 4, fine/very fine used pair:  cancelled by a very fine complete strike


of Queen Street Scots Local of Glasgow Type XV111.  


There is a trace of a partial second strike beneath the top one and some hinge remnants on the reverse. 


The outline of the strikes can be seen on the reverse as a result of the stamps being printed on Thin Paper.


This variety is not listed by Gibbons but is on the imperforated Plate 4 issue, Spec ES14q.


A single stamp without the Scots Local priced by Gibbons at £100.


A  rare item.


Price: £90.00 



2d Plate 3 with varieties





2d SG14 Plate 3, ‘OB’: fine 4-margined example with a complete black cross. 


Printed on unlisted Thin Paper. 


In ‘OB’ the letter ‘O’ is narrow: characteristic of this Plate.


Only five characteristic letters of this plate are listed. 


A very scarce combination of features. . 


Price: £95.00



2d Plate 3 with varieties and corrosion





2d SG14 Plate 3, ‘DG’:


very fine with full margins and cancelled by a black cross with a small part of another.


Printed on unlisted thin paper and in ‘DG’, the ‘D’ is narrow, characteristic of this Plate.


Only five characteristic letters of this plate are listed.


The stamp shows areas of corrosion especially in the NE corner star and in TWO PENCE. 


A rare combination of features: a display item


Price:  £125.00



Missent to Glasgow then sent on to Edinburgh





1d, ‘TA’, full margined and tied to at front and back by the ‘27’ of AYR


with an Ayr date stamp in red on the reverse top flap for July 10th 1849. 


There is a date stamp of Edinburgh for July 11th 1849 and another for Glasgow on the front for May 10th 1849. 


The latter has been partially overstruck by a boxed MISSENT To GLASGOW, GW 184,


recorded by Auckland recorded in use to 23rd May 1848 and given a rarity/price code of ‘G’.


The item offered here extends its usage by virtually a year: an isolated strike?


So the item was wrongly sent  to Glasgow and then sent on to Edinburgh


with the Missent strike added to possibly explain its delay in delivery. 


Attractive and very scace item that displays well. 


Price: £55.00 








1d star Large Crown: a remarkable missperfing with portions of three other stamps.


NE corner fault but a very collectable example


illustrating the problem in perforating sheets of stamps in that era.


Liverpool duplex?


Price: £20.00




2d rate with two single 1d's




1d, fine/very fine, two single Plate 32, ‘EG’ and ‘BG’: the latter has four square margins and ‘EG’ has almost full margins. 


Both have fine colour and each tied by a superb/very fine MX which just slightly overlap at one point.


Entire, with pages missing, from London, March 221843 and received in Brighton the next day.


An attractive double singles franking. 


Price £30.00



Rare usage of the GREENOCK Cross on a 2d blue






2d blue Plate 3, ‘DH’ with characterisic narrow 'D' of this plate.


An almost three-margined example, part of another stamp at left, in a shade close to or at deep blue,


tied by a lightly struck GREENOCK cross to a commercial entire to Edinburgh. 


On the reverse is a red boxed Greenock date stamp for May 1st 1843. 


The Greenock distinctive cross, Spec SG14ug, is priced on cover at £2,000.


Rockoff has no examples of this cross on a 2d blue. 


A rare item and offered at a fraction of the Gibbons price.


Price: £195.00

A finer example of this rare combination can be found in the Scottish Section: 153006



Mountmellick 338 in Blue on Plate 86 with full margins






1d red, ‘SB’, fine four margined Plate 86 tied to an entire from MOUNTMELLICK to Dublin by the ‘338’ of Mountmellick


and a date stamp in the same shade of blue alongside for December 7th 1848. 


Gibbons price a blue numeral on cover at £650 without a premium for an Irish usage. 


An attractive and very scarce item.


Price: £230.00



2d Plate 3





2d blue Plate 3, SG14, ‘TA’:


superb/very fine with impressive margins


and showing portions on stamp ‘SA’ in the top margin.


Cancelled possibly by the ‘875’? of Whitby.


Printed on THIN PAPER: not listed on Plate 3 but is on Plate 4 as


Spec ES 14q and priced by Gibbons at £225.00.


An attractive and very scarce item so fine. 


Price:  £110.00



2d Plate 3: huge margins





2d SG14, Plate 3, ‘GJ-GL’:


huge margins all around, with portions of six other stamps and a side margin with a trace of inscription.


Cancelled by unclear numerals caused bya debris-filled canceller and  ‘GJ’ tied at the left to a piece


with a POOLE? date stamp at the left for September 13th 1845.


 On the reverse at the left are hinge strentheners.


 A pair of used Plate 3’s is priced by Gibbons at £225 hence pro rata at £335 plus for a strip of three.


An unusual and scarce multiple with such large margins. 


Price: £110.00

NB: the 'browning' on the piece is far less than the scan suggests.




2d Plate 4 with an unusual 'variety'






2d Plate 4, SG13, ‘JK-JL’, tied to a clean wrapper to Leith by three strikes of the ‘131’ of EDINBURGH Contrary to PO Regulations. 


On reverse is an Edinburgh date stamp for March 13th 1852 and a similar date on a faint Leith date stamp on the front in red.


The pair have exceptionally large margins: ‘JK’ has portions of stamps at the side and bottom margins


and ‘JL’ a trace of another stamp at the bottom. ‘JK’ has the listed variety ‘upper shifted transfer’, Spec ES13e.


The stamps are printed in the scarcer pale blue shade and ‘JK’ has vertical guide lines in the watermark.


Also ‘JL’ has a winding hair in the top half which appears to have been on its surface when printed:


we have not previously  seen such a ‘variety’ on a line-engraved stamp. 


A pair of Plate 4, in this shade and with the listed variety on cover is priced by Gibbons at £600 plus.


An attractive, unusual and very scarce item. 


Price: £285.00  



Very rare Paddington cancellations





Paddington Branch Office:


very fine P/11 in bars tieing a fine pair of 1d’s plate 191 to a piece. 


Parmenter gives this strike a rarity rating of ‘H star’ ie recorded on stamp only. 


A very rare and possibly unique multiple usage of this extremely rare cancellation. 


Price: £55.00 



Rare Western District cancellations





Western District Office:


fine strikes on a fine vertical pair of 1d plates of W/1 in bars. 


Parmenter gives this an F rarity ie Rare. 


A rare multiple usage. 


Price: £30.00.



Rare Western District Cancellations 





Western District Office:


fine/very fine strikes on a vertical pair of 1d plates of W/7 in bars. 


Parmenter rarity F ie Rare. 


A rare multiple usage. 


Price: £30.00




Early usage of 10 in cross on an entire from Trinity House with a Station datestamp and redirected






1d red, ‘FB’, margins good on three sides and very close to touching at the top margin.


Tied to an entire to Gloucester from Trinity House London by the Number 10 in Cross;


redirected with the new address on the reverse. 


A London date stamp for April 19th 1843:


an early usage of this Number in Cross introduced on April 1st 1843


 and one of the earliest we have seen. 


Top flap has a Gloucester Station date stamp for April 20th 1843. 


The number 10 in cross on cover priced by Gibbons at £1,000 in the latest QV Specialised Volume 1.


 We cannot recall being able to offer any Number in Cross used on cover with a Station postmark.  


A very unusual/rare combination of features. 


Price: £160.00  



Number 1 in Cross on Surcharged Letter





1d imperf, almost full margins, tied to an envelope, top flap roughly opened, by the Number 1 in Cross.


 Surcharged in Edinburgh with ‘More to Pay’ and  ‘2’ handstrikes neatly placed and redirected to Stranraer. 


On reverse are London January 29th 1844, Edinburgh Jan 30th 1844 and a Stranraer boxed date stamp for FE 2 1844. 


Gibbons prices this cross on cover at £550.00


Very scarce combination of cancellations/usage


Price: £75.00 


NB: an interesting addressee worthy of internet research.



Superb embossing on a St Valentine's Day Envelope





1d Plate 147, showing the effect of the thick crackley gum,


tied by a Paddington duplex to a superbly embossed envelope to St John’s Wood. 


Posted on St Valentine’s Day, February 14th 1874. 


 A few very small brown/age marks but this one of the finest embossed envelope


posted on this special day we have been able to offer


Exhibition quality and rare as such. 


Price: £95.00  SOLD


NB: the envelope is finer than the scan and the small brown marks are


either not present or fainter than the scan suggests.




1d Plate 215: displaced watermark





1d Plate 215: a fine vertical mint strip of five, ‘BK-FK’. 


On the reverse of each stamp can be seen clearly that the crown watermark is displaced


resulting in the bottom of the crown going on to the next stamp.


SG prices a single mint plate 215 at £90. 


A rare multiple that displays well. 


Price: £175.00



Portions of SEVEN adjacent stamps






1d, ‘KG’, Plate 49: a remarkable example tied to a commercial entire from Torquay to Halesworth, Sussex


by the ‘803’ of Torquay leaving a clear profile.


The Torquay August 8th 1845 date stamp is conveniently struck on the front. 


The 1d has no less than the portions of SEVEN adjacent stamps:


the most we have seen for an imperf 1d stamp on cover! 


The margins are clear except at the bottom tip of the ‘G’ square when it is either just clear of barely touched. 


A rare item that displays well.   


Price: £85.00



Stamp lost in transit and surcharged






1d SG29, missperfed, on an interesting commercial entire from St Albans to Holborn Hill, London.


Ironically the letter refers to 'spoilt stamps'


In transit, a stamp, almost certainly another 1d, was lost.


The letter was surcharged ‘More to Pay’, McKay Fig 1403 and rated scarce.


A m/s ‘2’ in black and Above  ½ oz, written on the front. 


The remaining 1d was cancelled by a ‘675’ of St Albans.


Parmenter illustrates this cancellation as it is the small variety of '675' first sent from the GPO on August 27th 1856.


He notes the EKD of usage to be 25th October 1857. 


On the reverse of the letter is a St Albans date stamp for October 21st 1856 and a London receiver for the following day.


Hence an earlier usage than Parmenter records.


 An attractive entire with a number of features that would make it an interesting display item. 


Price:  £58.00



Pen Cancelled





1d, ‘ND’, 3-margined on a small neat envelope from Glasgow to Whitefield, nr Govan, December 8th 1846.


The stamp tied by pen cancellations.


The only example pen cancelled from Glasgow that we have seen. 


Price:   £80.00

NB: the browning is far less pronounced than in the scan on both front and back.


A trick of the scanner







1d, ‘LG’, close margin at left: neatly tied by a BLUE MX of TULLAMORE to a front to Athlone with a


Tullamore date stamp for October 18th 1843 and an Athlone receiver for the following day. 


Despite the lack of margins an item that displays well.


A Blue MX on full cover priced by Gibbons at £1700 and on stamp at £650. 


An attractive item. 


Price: £135.00




Preston cross in BLUE





1d red, Plate 20?, ‘NE’, a fine 3-plus margined example tied to a wrapper,


side flaps removed for display, by a lightly struck PRESTON BLUE CROSS, SG Spec B1sc.


On reverse top flap is a Preston date stamp for May 10th 1842


and a Whitchurch receiver for May 12th 1842. 


Both display well when the top lap is raised and there is also a complete paper seal.


Gibbons prices a blue cross on cover at £1,700. 


A very collectable example which displays well and offered at a fraction of the Gibbon’s price. 


Price:  £350.00



1d Plate 29 Number 1 in Cross on a pair






1d red Plate 29, ‘EC-ED’, a fine/very fine pair with rich colour and 3-plus margins, ‘ED’ has almost full margins.


‘EC’ has vertical guide lines in the ‘C’ and NE corner squares and ‘ED’ a trace of a vertical guide line in the NE square. 


These varieties are on the imprimatur sheets. 


Both stamps are tied to an entire to Rye by Number 1 in Cross with ‘ED’ having a clear profile.


On the reverse is a London date stamp for June 26th 1843 and a Rye receiver for the following day.


Gibbons prices a pair of Plate 29, off cover, at £175 with an ordinary cross.


A single 1d red on cover with a Number 1 in Cross is priced by Gibbons at £550. 


An attractive and very scarce item which displays well. 


Price: £125.00


NB: there is a light folding crease that crosses the stamps at the top which does not affect their surface.



Early usage of Number 12 in Cross





1d red, not full margined, but tied by the Number 12 in Cross to a legal entire to Newcastle - u – Lyme


which makes reference to a list of charges enclosed but which is not inside the item offered here.


On the front is a m/s ‘2’ in black and a London double ringed ‘More to Pay’:


explained by the letter originally having an enclosure. 


Gibbons prices a 1d red on cover with a Number 12 in Cross at £1,400 before a premium for its single usage.


The Number 12 in Cross was issued on April 1st 1843. 


The example here has a London date stamp on reverse for April 11th 1843. 


This is the earliest we have seen of this number in cross used on a more to pay letter. 


A rare/very rare combination of features.  


Price:  £165.00


NB: the number 12 in cross is more usually found on heavier weight items of mail


which needed a multiple franking of 1d reds.


A single usage of a 1d red with this cancellation is hence rarer and Danzig adds a 50% premium for it.



Single usage Number 12 in Cross 1d red full margins






1d red Plate 33, ‘TK’, fine with full square margins.


There is a vertical guide line in the ‘K’ square as on the Imprimatur Sheet and a basal shift, SG Spec BS22b. 


The stamp is tied to a wrapper from London to Newport, Dundee by a fine strike of the Number 12 in Cross.


On the reverse top flap are date stamps for London May 24, Edinburgh May 26 and Dundee May 28 1843 – a Sunday. 


On the front is a strike of the Newport  May 28? 1843: Aukland FI562b, in blue,


which predates the EKD previously noted as 16th February 1844.


The stamp has been affixed over a pre-existing fold in the paper and the surface is therefore not affected by it. 


Gibbons prices this number in cross on cover at £1,400 excluding the premium for the scarcer single usage. 


A fine item with a rare/very rare combination of features and which displays well with the top flap raised.   


Price:  £400.00


NB: this number 12 in cross on cover is seldom found with a full margined 1d red and is more usually applied


on heavier weight items of mail which needed a multiple franking of 1d reds.


A single usage of a 1d red with this cancellation is hence rarer and Danzig adds a 50% premium for it.




2d SG23: misperfed





2d SG23, Plate 4,‘NK’: a fine example, a few shortish perfs as in the scan,


lightly cancelled by a London Inland Branch ‘17’ in diamond and bars,


which appears to be given a G rarity grade ie very rare by Parmenter .


The stamp is grossly misperfed and the printing misaligned. 


One of the most extreme misperfing we have seen on SG23. 


The basic stamp is priced by Gibbons at £225.00. 


A rare item. 


Price: £75.00



1d SG40 used block of 12: SUDBURY






1d SG40: a very scarce/rare used block of 12, ‘AJ-DI’. 


Cancelled by eleven strikes of the ‘760’ of SUDBURY


Used blocks of this size are much scarcer than those of the 1d plate numbers. 


Some perf faults and light creases with some hinge reinforcement as per the scan. 


A used block of four SG40 priced by Gibbons at £75 and a 1d plate number block of four at £25. 


Displays well.


Price: £95.00 



1d Plate 44: unusually large margins






1d red Plate 44, ‘QL’:


very fine/superb with large/very large square margins and showing overall plate wear.


Plate 44 put to press on 28th February 1844, withdrawn from press on 11th September 1844


and destroyed on April 1st 1845.


Tied to a front and dated top flap to Brighton by the ‘820’ numeral of Tonbridge Wells, July 3rd 1845. 


An attractive item which displays well with the back flap raised. 


Price:  £45.00



York Distinctive Cross






2d Plate 3 SG14, ‘HI’: 


very close at the top of the NE corner but just clear.


The corner of the ‘H’ square is as per the scan. 


Cancelled by a complete YORK distinctive cross, SG SpecE1up,  


and priced by Gibbons at £2,000.


The stamp is also printed on thin paper.


Although not listed by Gibbons, this paper variety is known; it is listed on Plate 4.


We cannot recall seeing this MX on a thin paper example.


Price: £420.00 



2d SG23 Derby Sideways Duplex






2d blue SG23 Plate 4, ‘BB’,


 very fine with a clear profile, tied to a very fine mourning envelope


to Bristol by a DERBY sideways duplex for August 30th 1855. 


SG23 priced by Gibbons on cover at £375 plus a premium of 125% for so very fine used. 


A very scarce and attractive item.


Price: £175.00



A very rare numeral cancellation






1d  SG 40: a fine example cancelled by a full ‘49’ in oval of bars,


of the London District Post for GREENWICH.  


Parmenter in ‘Barred Numeral Cancellations of London’ gives this an ‘H’ rarity


ie very few exist and known only on stamp and priced at £200.


This is the first example of this extremely rare cancellation we have been able to offer. 


An Exhibition item. 


Price: £120.00



1d pink wrapper: TWO SUNDAY dates






1d pink stationery wrapper with sideflaps removed and uprated with a fine 1d SG40 plate 60? 


Cancelled by the ‘160’ of Camelford, Cornwall and sent to Eastbourne, Sussex.


On the reverse, with no overlapping, are transit date stamps of: Boscastle and Camelford BOTH for


SUNDAY October 9th 1859 and London and Eastbourne for the following day.


Boscastle was not issue with its own numeral so although posted in Boscastle


it was sent to Camelford where it received the ‘160’ numeral.


The 1d may be a Late Fee payment .


A rare item with two different Sunday date stamps. 


Price: £55.00



1d Plate 29 on Thin Paper






1d red Plate 29, a strip of four ‘KC-KF’, KC and KD are three-margined


and KE and KF are full margined: KF is very close but clear at the ‘F’ square. 


Each stamp cancelled by a firm and barely overlapping MX’.


This scarce multiple is printed on THIN PAPER which makes the


MX’s show so clearly on the reverse as seen in the scan.


This paper variety is not recorded.


However, the contemporary 2d blue Plate 3 is known printed on thin paper


although Gibbons has yet to list it. 


An attractive item which displays well and very scarce/rare with these features. 


Price: £95.00



1d Plate 80 and Newbury Temporary Datestamp







1d Plate 80, ‘AA-AD’, strip of four cancelled and tied by ‘544’ of NEWBURY, Berkshire, on envelope to Basingstoke.


On the reverse is a fine, very scarce, handstruck Newbury temporary handstamp in blue for September 13th 1848 Code 3.


This is County Cat. BK269 recorded in use 1847-48.  


On the front is a Donnington udc in red which is unrecorded for any county.  


1d red AA is affected by a light vertical crease from the envelope at the right.


Stamps AA, AC and AD are four margined and AB is almost four margined being touched at the left base.


A scarce multiple and an item with a very scarce combination of features.


Price: £85.00



1d Pair with Full Margins





1d Plate 22, ‘NB-NC’, tied to a piece by light black MX’s.


Full margins, ‘NB’ just touched by a small marginal scissor


cut at the side of the NE letter square otherwise a fine/very fine pair. 


A pair in this plate priced by Gibbons at £160.


An attractive item.


Price: £45.00



The next two items are ARCHER Trial Perforations:


rare usages outside of London and with Certs.



Archer Plate 94 used in Edinburgh with Certificate







1d ARCHER Experimental Perforation, SG16b: fine, 'NI', from plate 94,


tied to a letter from The Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee RAILWAY COMPANY.


Used locally within EDINBURGH, June 8th 1854, and tied by the '131' of Edinburgh;


this is and a very rare usage in Scotland.


Filing fold clear of the stamp. 


The item is offered with an RPS Certificate.


Priced by Gibbons at £1,700 in this plate.


Price: £835.00


Archer Plate 100 used in Carlisle with Certificate







1d ARCHER Experimental Perforation, SG16b: fine, 'OA', from plate 100


tied to a Life Insurance entire by the '165' of CARLISLE. 


Sent to London, April 11th 1854 with Carlisle cds on the reverse.


Envelope with some slight imperfections but a


Very rare provincial usage of this trial separation.


Item offered with a BPA Certificate. 


Priced by Gibbons at £1,500 in this plate.  


Price:  £780.00



Rare combination of franking and cancellation






Registered dated piece from Camden Town November 30th 1852. 


The 6d registration fee paid by a strip of three, 2d SG14 Plate 4, ‘AE-AG’ and used


with a fine full margined pair of 1d reds, ‘EG-EH’. 


The stamps are tied by the ‘51’ in oval of bars applied in the London District Post Registration Clerks Office. 


Parmenter grades this as a Rare cancellation as is our experience.  


‘AE’ is two margined; ‘AF’ has three margins and some surface rubbing. ‘AG’ has three margins. 


A rare  franking with both these 1d and 2d values but even rarer with this cancellation. 


Despite some faults, a rare and attractive item which displays well. 


Price:  £200.00



An unusual multiple with a rare cancellation






1/- embossed, SG55: an unusual multiple cancelled


by the ‘51’ in oval of bars of the London District Post Registration Clerks Office. 


Parmenter grades this cancellation as Rare which is our experience. 


This is rarely found on the embossed issues and particularly so with multiple usage


Gibbons prices a single at £1,000. 


An impressive item which displays well. 


Price: £280.00 


NB: This item shows the irregular embossing with the two right stamps virtually touching unlike those at the left.


Items 153054, 153055 and 153056, would make a very fine and rare display grouping




Missent To Worcester: a unique quartet








MISSENT TO WORCESTER, County Catalogue, WO927.


The following four envelopes, all with a 1d red, have this very scarce cancellation, in different shades of ink. 


It is recorded, in the County Catalogue, struck in Blue and Red and used between 1852 and 1854. 


This quartet includes unrecorded examples in Black and Green.


Three of the envelopes are addressed to Sir Thomas Phillipps Bart, Middle Hill, Worcester.


1.    Addressed to Launceston, Cornwall from Derby: the 1d red, almost full margins, is tied by the ‘242’ numeral of Derby.


On the reverse are date stamps for Derby, July 27th 1847 and Bristol, 927July 28th 1847.


There is a very fine strike of Missent To Worcester in BLACK.


2.   Addressed to Sir Thomas Phillipps, Worcester, redirected to Broadway.


1d red, just full margins, tied by the London numeral ‘14’ for the Inland Office and with a very fine Missent  to Worcester in BLUE. 


On the reverse are fine date stamps for London December 30th 1852 in black, Worcester for December 31st 1852


in the same shade of blue as the Missent and a Broadway receiver for January 1st 1853 in red.


None overlap and all are upright.


3.   Addressed to Sir Thomas Phillipps, Worcester, redirected to Broadway.


1d red, tied by the London ‘15’, of the Inland Office and with a fine/very fine Missent To Worcester in RED. 


On the reverse is a Worcester date stamp for January 20th 1854 in the same shade of red as the Missent,


and a Broadway receiver, in red, for the following day.


4.   Addressed to Sir Thomas Phillipps, Worcester, redirected to Broadway,


1d red, 3-margins, tied by the London Inland Office ‘12’ with a Missent To Worcester in a shade of GREEN.


On the reverse is a London date stamp for February 21st 1852, a Worcester date stamp for February 22nd 1852


in the same shade of green as the Missent and a partial strike in blue of the Broadway receiver.


In a Spinks Sale of October 2004, was a trio of covers to Sir Thomas Phillipps with this same Missent To Worcester in Black, Blue and Red. 


It sold for approx £600 including the Buyers’ Premium. 


The County Catalogue lists an earlier Missent To Worcester, WO 922, exactly the same size as WO927, but with concave corners


rather than convex, and recorded only in Black and Green: it was used in 1827.


The Black ink strike does appear to have concave corners rather than convex/rounded. 


The Green strike also appears to have concave corners at the bottom. 


Perhaps the examples offered here in Black and Green, were struck with this earlier variety brought back into service on occasion?


An attractive and superb quartet of items which is very likely unique.


It would make a memorable Display which could be usefully enhanced by information, and images of, Sir Thomas Phillipps available on the internet.


Price: £545.00.


NB: There is a considerable amount of the information on the internet about Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1869), including photos of him and a picture of his residence, Middle Hill. 


Briefly: he was probably the world's most prolific collector of books, artefacts, paintings, and especially rare manuscripts, of all ages, countries, languages, and subjects.


In his lifetime he acquired some 40,000 printed books and 60,000 manuscripts - buying at a rate of forty to fifty items per week.


His was arguably the largest collection a single individual has ever created. 


His love of books and manuscripts was very real, and he was a scholar as well as a collector.


He was a trustee of the British Museum, made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1819, and became a Fellow of many learned societies in Britain and abroad. 


In modern money he spent around ten million pounds on his Collection and nearly went bankrupt.




2d Plate 3 inscriptional with other varieties






2d SG14, Plate 3, ‘PK-PL’:


both three margined and cancelled by the ‘186’ of DUBLIN. 


‘PL’ has a full deckle edge with a part inscription: ‘cement’.


This is from ‘In wetting the back be careful not to remove the cement’:


one of the instructions printed in the margins to help the public understand  


how to use these new ‘labels’ as they were called.


The watermark in the margin has the letters ‘GE’, part of ‘POSTAGE’.


The stamps are printed on THIN paper, unlisted by Gibbons for Plate 3


but catalogued on Plate 4 at £225 for a single stamp. 


A pair in Plate 3 printed on ordinary paper is priced by Gibbons at £225.


‘PK’ has the listed variety: Spec ES11d and shows the basal duplication, priced at £140. 


A rare combination of features and especially so with marginal inscription. 


Price: £90.00



Number 5 in Cross on Printed Advert Letter





1d red Plate 35, ‘NG’: fine with full margins, close but clear at the right, tied to


a printed advert by a Number 5 in Cross, for the Palladium Life Assurance Society. 


Sent to Halesworth, there is a London date stamp for September 2nd 1843. 


The letter refers to a life assurance policy held by Lord Huntingfield. 


This is the first example of a printed advert with a Number in Cross that we can recall seeing.


Gibbons prices the Number 5 in Cross on a 1d red cover at £550. 


An attractive and rare item. 


Price: £275.00


NB: A biopic of Lord Huntingfield, taken from the internet, is supplied with the item.


He died in 1844.



Green numeral 156:


Chapel en le Frith





1d SG Spec C6, perf 14, ‘GC’: a fine example, some uneven perfing. 


Cancelled by the ‘156’ of Chapel en le Frith, Derbyshire, in GREEN. 


Parmenter illustrates this numeral and gives it a G rarity grade ie very rare. 


He only records it in black ink. 


We have not previously seen this numeral in black and, struck in green,


it may well be a unique survivor as we have not been able to trace another example.


Gibbons prices an ‘ordinary’ numeral in green at £350 on a stamp.


The example offered here with this very rare numeral would be considerably more. 


Price: £165.00



AIDRIE numeral in GREEN





2d perf 14, Large Crown?, ‘BI’,


NW corner  fault, and perfs at the right jut touched by


the trimming of the piece to which it is attached.   


Tied by the numeral ‘17’ of AIRDRIE in superb GREEN ink.   


Gibbons prices a green numeral on a 1d perforated stamp on piece at £500. 


No prices are quoted for coloured numerals on any 2d perforated issue,


only on the 2d imperf plates 3 and 4 which are priced on stamp at £6,000. 


We have neither previously been able to offer any 2d issue with a green numeral,


nor have been able to trace another example. 


An extremely rare item which displays well. 


Price: £250.00



READING Cross: last few weeks of usage






1d red Plate 35, ‘FH’: a full margined example, small rub in the margin NE corners,


tied to envelope to London by a READING cross leaving most of the Queen’s head clear.


On the reverse is a Reading date stamp for April 14th 1844:


the ‘4’ in the day slug has been wrongly set up with an inverted ‘7’. 


There is a London receiver for April 15th 1844. 


Rockoff and Jackson do not record a Reading Cross. 


The Maltese Cross cancellations were replaced by numerals in England and Wales


on May 1st 1844: Reading’s numeral from that date was '635'.


This is the latest usage of the Reading cross we have seen. 


An attractive and rare item.


Price: £65.00



Plate 16 with BLUE MX






1d red, Plate 16, ‘BF’: a fine example with almost full margins,


very close but just clear/touching in NE corner.


cancelled by an almost complete BLUE Maltese cross. 


Gibbons, Spec B1sc, prices this at £650.  


An attractive item and particularly scarce with such a complete blue cross. 


Price: £140.00 


NB:  the stamp shows an early stage of the Ivory Head variety.



The Rape of Arundel






Very fine bantam 1/2d Plate 13, ‘OK’:


tied to a printed entire to Petworth by a superb ARUNDEL cds for April 10th 1879. 


On the reverse is a partial Petworth receiver for the following day.


The entire is giving notice of a  Meeting of the Commissioners.


The topic for discussion to be: Commission of Sewers for the Rape of Arundel.


Gibbons prices this plate on cover at £70 before adding the 200% for the cds cancellation. 


A very fine item that displays well. 


Price: £65.00


NB: A Rape is a traditional territorial sub-division of the county of Sussex in England,


formerly used for various administrative purposes.


Their origin is unknown, but they appear to predate the Norman Conquest.  


Historically the rapes formed the basis of local government in Sussex. 


More info on the internet.



Number 4 in Cross: one of the earliest known usages






1d red, ‘OB’, large margins three sides,


clear on the bottom but just touching at the SW corner square.


The stamp tied to a part front and entire, by a superb strike of the Number 4 in Cross. 


Letter dated London March 23rd 1843.  


On the reverse is a superb London date stamp for March 23rd 1843 and a


Winchester? date stamp for the following day neatly placed next  to the London cds.


These two adjacent date stamps show the different abbreviations for March, ie MA and MR, in use at the time.  


The proof strike for the Number 4 in Cross is March 23rd 1843 but the EKD is March 21st 1843.


We sold the only known EKD example many years ago. 


The example offered here at March 23rd 1843 matches the earliest,


other than the EKD, we have seen or been able to offer. 


There is a T.P/Queen St CS on the front.


Gibbons prices this cross on stamp at £600 and on cover at £1600.  


A rare item which displays well.  


Price:  £255.00



1d with Marginal Inscription and Unrecorded UDC






1d red, ‘GA’, almost full margins very close to touching at the right, with full deckle edge and


inscription ‘’(t)he Back be Careful..’ on an entire from KILLEARN, dated February 27th 1847, to Lennoxtown.   


On the reverse is a KILLEARN undated circle in red: this is unrecorded by Auckland. 


The only listed postal mark is Killearn/Penny Post but Auckland notes that after this strike ended its usage,


boxed numerals of the Glasgow Penny Post were employed. 


The 1d is tied by a smudged Glasgow numeral and on the reverse is a Glasgow date stamp for February 28th 1847.


A tear on the top flap has been strengthened, in the dim and distant past, by a piece of cellotape


the trace of which is on the front at the top but does not touch the stamp margin.


It is visible on the outside of the rear top flap well way from the Killearn udc. 


A very rare/unique combination of features. 


Price: £120.00



Number 7 in Cross: the finest strike extant on cover







1d red Plate 31, not full margined, on a clean wrapper from London to Romsey, Hants.


The stamp is tied by a truly exceptional upright strike of the Number 7 in Cross: 


the quality of this strike is virtually proof-like.


Not only is this the finest strike we have been able to offer


but it is arguably the finest extant on cover. 


Hard to see how a better strike could be found.   


On the reverse is a London date stamp for May 23rd 1843


and a Romsey receiver for the following day.


Gibbons price the Number 7 in Cross on cover at £450. 


Exhibition quality. 


Price: £160.00


NB: we cannot recall seeing a better strike on cover from any of the 1-12 Numbers in Crosses.



More Numbers in Crosses from 1-12 on cover can be found further down this Section.



DUBLIN CROSS: 1d Plate 35



1d red plate 35, ‘NB’,


superb large margined example on clean wrapper, inside flap repaired,


used locally in Dublin, July 27th 1843.


Stamp tied by a superb DUBLIN Type 11 characteristic cross, Spec B1tf. 


Superb item and priced by Gibbons at £300.  


Price:  £145.00



Dublin Special Cross on 1d Plate 40



1d red 'OJ', Plate 40, very fine 4-margined, tied to a clean and uncreased legal entire

 by a very fine strike of the DUBLIN special cross, Gibbons spec B1tf. 

The back flap when raised show the Dublin date stamp for May 8th 1844

and the London receiver for May 10th 1844 which do not overlap.  

Plate 40 is scarce with any type of Maltese cross rather than a numeral cancellation,

and very scarce with a distinctive listed cross.

An attractive item that displays well. 

Price: £185.00




Dublin Type 11 Cross: an unrecorded SECOND break in the cross.


1d Plate 31, ‘QK’: three plus margins tied to a wrapper to Nenagh

by a superb Dublin Type 11 distinctive cross.

On the reverse is a DUBLIN diamond date stamp for August 11th 1843

and a Nenagh date stamp for August 12th 1843.

The Dublin cross is dealt with in some detail by Rockoff and Jackson Volume 1, pages 91-93. 

The example offered here has a known break/gap in the outer part of the cross

and Rockoff illustrates only five examples, two off cover and three on covers: all are on the 1d red.

This example is not recorded by them and this has a SECOND break

in the next section of the outer part of the cross as seen in the scan. 

Examples showing the two outer breaks are NOT recorded by them

and we have not seen another such example on or off cover. 

Gibbons prices a Dublin Type 11 without the break at £300 on cover. 

A superb example of the known, and previously unrecorded, break. 

Price: £195.00

NB: the known break is at the outer right of the cross in the scan. 

The unrecorded break is in the outer at the top.

Both breaks are clearly seen in the scan.

The browning on the front ie either not present of fainter than in the scan.



DUBLIN distinctive Cross: rare type with break.





1843 1d pink embossed envelope, December 27 1843:

with very fine strike of the characteristic DUBLIN cross.

Seen clearly at the right is the BREAK in the outer cross.

Rockoff Volume 1 page 93, lists only three recorded examples

of this constant variety on cover:

 NONE are recorded on the 1d pink envelope.

 SG spec B1tf and priced by Gibbons at £300 on a 1d red on cover

but much scarcer usage on embossed envelopes.

Price: £150.00 



Dublin Special Cross with constant break





A fine 1d pink stationery envelope from DUBLIN to Liverpool, November 2nd 1843.


Cancelled by a superb Dublin Special  Cross with the constant break in the outer arm of the cross.


Rockoff and Jackson illustrate in Volume 1, only five examples and none are on a stationery envelope.


Of the five they show, three are on 1d red covers and two are on 1d reds off cover.


Priced by Gibbons on cover at £300 without the break.


A superb example of this rare variety.


Price: £175.00


NB: the break can be seen in the bottom outer arm of the cross.




DUBLIN Cross: constant break variety.





2d deep blue Plate 2, ‘RD’: large margins but just clear to shaved NW corner.

Very small shallow thin on reverse at top left but cancelled by

a very fine/superb strike of the characteristic DUBLIN CROSS, Spec DS7vj. 

This cross clearly shows the constant break in the outer frame which is illustrated by Rockoff,

Volume 1, p 92/3, between March 1843 and March 1844 with

only 3 out of 41 covers showing this variety all on 1d reds.

As far as we are aware, the example offered here of this variety

is the only one known on the 1840 2d blue and is a late usage within the MX period.  

The characteristic Dublin cross, without the rare break, is priced

by Gibbons in the latest, QV Volume 1, at £2,500. 

A considerable rarity.    

Price:   £560.00 



Dublin Cross with outer breaks





2d blue plate 3, ‘IH-II’: pair, ‘II’ full margins, just clear SE square, with a contemporary written date of 1844,

and tied by two superb strikes of the DUBLIN Type 11 characteristic cross to a piece. 


Both crosses clearly show the constant break in the outer frame which is recorded by Rockoff,

Volume 1, p 92/3, between March 1843 and March 1844

with only 3 out of 41 covers showing this variety and all on 1d reds. 


None are recorded on the 2d blue and as far as we are aware, the examples offered

here of this variety are the only known strikes on the 1841 2d blue.


The characteristic Dublin cross, without the constant break,

is priced on a single 2d blue by Gibbons at £500.  


A very rare and attractive item.   


Price:  £385.00  



NB:  Items 15195 and 15196 would make a unique pairing.




The rare 355 of Newport Mayo in BLUE to Kirkwall


1d red, margins in places, on a front and side flap from

NEWPORT MAYO to KIRKWALL in the Orkneys.  

The stamp is tied by a full strike, neatly applied, ‘335’ of Newport Mayo in BLUE ink.

On the front is a very fine date stamp, June 22nd 1848,

from this location struck in the same blue ink as the numeral.  

On the side flap is a red Kirkwall boxed date stamp for June 26th 1848, Auckland OK19c.   

Danzig gives the blue ‘355’ rarest grading and no date of usage. 

Gibbons lists the cheapest  blue numeral Spec B1xb, at £325 on piece and at £650 on cover. 

These figures do not carry the premium for an Irish numeral of the rarity offered here.  

Moreover, this is the only example we can recall seeing

of an item from Ireland to the Orkneys with a 1d red and blue numeral:

it is likely to be as such a unique example from this rare location. 

An rare and attractive item which displays well. 

Price: £135.00


2d Blue Plate 3 with Double Letter and Thin Paper varieties



2d deep full blue, SG15, Plate 4, ‘PC-PD’.

Fine/very fine pair, full margins, with ‘PC’ having the ONLY double letter on Plate 4, Spec ES15f.

The pair is printed on THIN paper, SpecES15q. 

This paper variety is priced by Gibbons on a single stamp at £225.

Allowing for the Gibbons price for an ordinary pair of Plate 4 at £250,

this pair has a Gibbons price well in excess of £1,000.

 A rare combination of varieties which we have not previously seen. 

Superb item.

Price:  £195.00:


2d SG19 with re-entry


2d SG19, ‘HI-HK’, Plate 4: a fine/very fine missperfed strip of three, tied to a piece by

the ‘745’ numeral of STONE in Staffs and by partial red and orange transit marks,

Aus England per Aachen and P in oval respectively.  

Stamp ‘HK’, shows in the top star squares the re-entry marks of SG Spec F1f. 

There are only two re-entries on this plate the other being ‘CE’.

Both are illustrated in SG Volume 1 page 299 and both priced at £200. 

Being in a strip, the re-entry on ‘HK’ can be neatly seen in comparison to the non re-entry stamps. 

 A single SG19 without any varieties, is priced at £100. 

A rare strip with this variety and missperforation on piece which displays well.  

Price: £155.00

NB: the stamps also show misalignment as seen on the imperforated Plate 4, SG14.

The 2d strip of three SG19, item 152929 below, is from the same sheet

and the adjacent stamps on the same horizontal row 'H'.


2d SG19 on Registered Front


2d SG19, ‘HE-HG’, Plate 4: a fine/very fine missperfed strip of three

tied to a trimmed Registered Front to London by the ‘620’ numerals of PLYMOUTH. 

On the front is a Plymouth date stamp for June 30th 1854. 

The stamps have been affixed, Contrary to Post Office Regulations, in an inverted position. 

Gibbons prices a single SG19 at £100 and on cover at £200.   

A very scarce item. 

Price: £ 110.00

NB: the stamps also show misalignment as seen on the imperforated Plate 4, SG14.

The Item above, 152928, has the strip of three following ‘HE-HG’,

from the same sheet and the same horizontal row ‘H’.

Items 152928 and 152929,  would make a superb display pairing.


Superb 2d Plate 5


2d SG 35, ‘QK’, Plate 5:

a superb used example with a

part 131 numeral of Edinburgh.

A rare stamp in such fine condition.

Price: £47.00  SOLD



2d Plate 12 from Edinburgh 


2d blue, SG45, very fine Plate 12.

Tied to a clean commercial banking entire to Haddington by

a fine/very fine EDINBURGH duplex for July 12th 1869.

There is a Haddington date stamp on reverse for the same date.

Hence the letter was delivered the same day it was posted.

Plate 12 is by far the scarcer of these 2d plates ie plates 7-12,

and priced by Gibbons on cover in excess of £400.

This is before adding the Gibbons premium for such

a fine example so lightly cancelled.

A very scarce item which would display well. 

Price: £140.00




CHELMSFORD Cross On Plate 9



1d Plate 9, ‘TG’: fine full margins except barely touched/clear at the left top corner. 

Tied to an entire to London by a CHELMSFORD cross. 

On the reverse top flap is a Chelmsford date stamp for April 27th 1841

and a London receiver for the following day. 

Rockoff and Jackson Volume 1 record only two other examples of this cross and this is the first we have seen. 

The letter is of an interesting academic content with a reference to

 ‘Complaint of the Black Knight’ and ‘The Cuckoo and the Nightingale’ re pronounciations.

Further research may identify the writer: initials IAR. 

Gibbons prices Plate 9 on cover at £375.

 A rare combination of features and an interesting display item. 

Price: £125.00  

NB: Nichols and Son were a long established printers and there is a wealth of information

on the internet including their household on the 1841 census.

In the 1d Black Section is a Chelmsford MX on cover: Item 153043.



1d red Mixed Plates to Geneva

152857.  1d ‘FG’, Plate 152 and 1d ‘BH’, plate 157:

both are three margined and tied to a letter on thin paper to Geneva from DUDLEY. 

‘FG’ is tied by the ‘293’ of Dudley.

‘BH’ is just tied by a small part of the numeral which leaves almost all of QV’s head clear.

It also has portions of two other stamps.

The 1d reds are clearly in different shades and indicative of printings from different plates. 

On the reverse top flap is a Dudley date stamp for January 21st 1853 and

a Geneva receiving cds on the lower flap for January 24th 1853.  

A rare mixed plate usage of the 1d red imperf to this Suisse destination.  

Price: £145.00



1d Plate 9: Red and Black MX's with Certificate.


1d red, Plate 9, ‘PD’, very fine 4-margined, firstly cancelled by a complete RED cross

and then by a complete BLACK cross, SG Spec 57vk, with a clean Certificate. 

Priced by Gibbons at £2500.

This example is certainly one of the, if not the, finest extant. 

An item of Exhibition quality and importance.

Price: £1500.00 




Letter from ROME to Scotland: problems getting married.


152849.  1d Plate 151, ‘RB’, fine, margins very large to good. 

Tied to a letter from ROME by the 131 of Edinburgh.

The well written and legible family letter is dated ROME 24th June 1853.

The very unusual contents refer to the problems he is having, as a Scotsman and British subject,

of getting a marriage arranged in Rome and an official to legalise the marriage.

Reference is made to the Prussian Embassy where clergy men can marry Bristish subjects

 and to a Consular Agent who has permission from Lord Palmerston, when he was in Office in 1849,

to marry British subjects in the Consular Office.

‘Instead of bans a licence may be had from England and put up

on the walls of the Consulate for 21 days’, and so the letter goes on.

A fascinating insight to such problems in Rome for a British subject at that time.

The writer passes comments of how long a letter may take to reach its destination because of the

‘variety of routs between Rome and England and no one fixed as the direct one for postal communications’.  

In view of this last comment it would seem the letter was carried privately, perhaps by a friend coming to Scotland,

and readdressed on arrival to St Boswells Green, and a 1d red affixed.

On the reverse top flap is an Edinburgh date stamp for July 4th 1853 and a St Boswells boxed date stamp for the following day.

The letter would be worth transcribing and make a very interesting and unusual/memorable display page. 

A rare item. 

Price:  £135.00


A rare cancellation


1d Plate 149, ‘CK’, excellent margins, small light corner crease NW. 

Cancelled by the ‘57’, London District Post Chief Office. 

Listed by Parmenter as Type 57A and given a RARE rating. 

A rare cancellation on an exceptional 1d red.  

Price: £38.00



2d Plate 3: extreme corrosion



2d deep blue Plate 3, SG15, ‘TK’: very fine, with full margins,

except for a very small thin in the top margin. 

Cancelled by a black cross and a small portion of a second. 

The value portion of the printing shows extreme corrosion:

more than any we have previously seen or can trace on this issue.

The cancellations are clear of the variety.  

Priced by Gibbons without the variety at £275.  

A rare Exhibition item. 

Price: £140.00  SOLD


2d Plate 3: corrosion




2d blue Plate 3, SG14, ‘JG’: fine, margins good

but very close at the left and just clear to possibly touching in the NW corner.

The letter ‘J’ and the value printing shows significant corrosion

and the black cross is clear of the varieties.

Priced by Gibbons without the varieties at £275. 

Very scarce item. 

Price: £110.00  SOLD


Killarney Cross: first example since 1989


2d deep blue Plate 3, SG15, ‘MG-MH’: ‘MG’ three margined and ‘MH’ full margins, very close at the top but clear. 

Each stamp is cancelled by a partial strike of the solid outer KILLARNEY cross

first recorded in this state by Danzig in the Phillips Auction sale of his Collection in 1989.

It was on a 1d red:  a small envelope to Glannire,  October 25th 1841.  

Rockoff and Jackson, Volume 1 p139, illustrate this actual item.

They record and illustrate only two other Killarney examples which are more normal crosses

but with speckles of debris between the inner and outer crosses: they are on 1d reds.

The authors refer to the Danzig item as the cross having

‘a bizarre appearance of total opacity between the inner and outer crosses with a preserved diamond’. 

In the examples offered here, the central diamond is visible especially on ‘MH’.

From our researches, until the item offered here,

another example of this bizarre form of the Killarney cross

has not been found since the Danzig item more than 30 years ago. 

The Danzig example realised an inclusive figure of £235 in 1989. 

An extremely rare item and likely to be unique on the 2d value and especially on a pair.    

Price: £325.00

NB: the black and white image is taken from the 1989 Danzig Sale catalogue.

Interestingly the cross on the 1d red and on the pair of 2d blues

s been applied in virtually the same orientation.



London duplex with a second below the first



1d SG29, ‘KD’, fine, and tied to a very fine mourning envelope used in London

by a very fine/superb strike of the scarcer London ‘78’ duplex for June 9th 1856. 

This is the only non-Creswell number 78 duplex with 7 bars at each side.

Very unusually there is a second complete strike below the first and the only example

we can recall seeing of this which was against P O Regulations at that time. 

It has an unrecorded Code 1. 

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price: £38.00

NB: there is a partial offset on the reverse.


1d printed on cream paper


1d SG38, ‘MD’: a very fine example of the printing on cream paper. 

The stamp has been placed contrary to Post Office Regulations at the top left

on a clean and neat envelope used within London.

As a consequence it is tied by only a partial strike of the London duplex number ‘75’.

A full strike has been applied on the right for May 29th 1857.

This type has 6 bars to the side of the inner circle and is recorded used to September 1857. 

Gibbons prices the 1d SG38 at a minimum of £140 on cover. 

An attractive and unusual item. 

Price:  £70.00


1d block of four



1d SG39/40, Plate 42?, ‘KC-LD’: fine/very fine mint block of four.  

Three stamps have hinge remnants but ‘LD’ is unmounted. 

An attractive and very scarce block in such fine condition.

Price: £175.00




1d Plate X1: PENRITH Cross


1d Plate X1, ‘FC’, fine 4-margined :

tied to an entire to Edimburgh, part of the letter missing inside, by a PENRITH MX. 

On the reverse top flap are date stamps for Penrith, September 4th 1841

and Edinburgh September 5th 1841 - a SUNDAY. 

Rockoff and Jackson record and illustrate examples of the Penrith Cross

on cover between 1841 and 1844. 

The example offered here is the second earliest recorded on a 1d red

and the third earliest: the earliest is on a 1d black for April 24th 1841.

It is not listed by Rockoff and Jackson.

Gibbons prices a 1d red from black plate X1 on cover at £350. 

Price: £155.00


2d Plate 3 with rare numerals


2d SG14, Plate 4, ‘KB-KD’:

a fine/very fine used strip of three with large margins all round. 

‘KC’ has a clear profile. ‘KD’ has a trace of the adjacent stamp in the right margin.

‘KD’ also has a barely visible horizontal bump/crease. 

The stamps are cancelled by the ‘454’ of LEOMINSTER, (Herefordshire),

and given an 'F' rarity rating by Parmenter ie Rare.

We have seen this numeral on a 1d imperf but not on a 2d imperf.

The misalignment of the images on the printing plate can be seen clearly.

Gibbons prices a pair in Plate 4 at £280 and hence £420 pro rata. 

A rare item with rare numeral cancellations. 

Price: £265.00


Number 6 in Cross on entire



1d red Plate 36, ‘FD’, fine with 3 plus margins. 

Tied to an entire from London to Lancaster, by a superb, upright, Number 6 in Cross. 

On the reverse is a London date stamp for November 2nd 1843

and a very fine Lancaster receiver in blue for the following day. 

The reverse flap has a tear as per the scan. 

Gibbons prices the Number 6 in Cross at £450 on cover. 

An attractive example of this London type of Cross

Price:  £110.00


Plate 2 with one of only three re-entries



1d red black plate 2, ‘SA’: a fine 3 plus margins tied to an entire from GRIMSBY to Louth . 

On the front is a Grimsby date stamp for December 16th 1841; there are no postal markings on the reverse. 

The 1d red shows re-entry marks in the NW and NE squares which is the listed variety; SG Spec AS18a.

There are only three recorded re-entries on this plate.

There is a small gum spot in the NE square, clear of the re-entry,

and a tiny nick in the SE corner clear of the design.

Gibbons prices 1d plate 2 on cover at £550 and an estimated price with the re-entry at £750: undervalued.

The MX leaves the variety clearly visible.  

As there are only three re-entries on plate 2, it is rare to find an example on cover. 

A rare/very rare item. 

Price: £280.00


St Columb Cross in BLUE


1d red Plate 23, ‘FK’: nearly three margined, on an entire from ST COLUMB, Cornwall.

The stamp is tied by a BLUE Maltese cross and on the front is a St Columb date stamp for

December 2nd 1842 in the same shade of blue as the MX.

There are no postal markings on the reverse. 

Danzig records a Blue cross used in St Columb between March and November 1842. 

Gibbons prices a Blue MX on cover at £1,700. 

The example here extends its use to December 1842.  

A rare example of a blue Cornish cross.

The only other place in Cornwall to use a blue cross was Truro.

 An attractive and rare item with an unusual address which displays well.  

Price: £445.00

NB: The letter is addressed to LANSON. 

This was a very old name for Launceston, used by Cornish people,

and there are still old road signs pointing to ‘Lanson’.



Pair 1d Plate 14: listed double letter 'B' on 'BF'


1d Plate 14, ‘BE-BF’, a very fine/fine full margined pair, close at the top of ‘BE’ but clear. 

Tied to a piece by black MX’s and alongside is an EASTBOURNE PENNY POST, County Cat SX46,

very scarce/rare especially in combination with the 1d reds from a scarce plate.

Stamp ‘BF’ has a double ‘B’ listed by Gibbons as Spec BS3b and the MX’s are clear of the variety. 

A pair in this plate priced at £275.

 An attractive display item. 

Price: £145.00.


The variable blueing especially on the front of 'BF' suggests an early stage of Ivory Heads.

Stamp 'BF' has a partially struck second Maltese Cross. 


Pair 1d Plate 14: listed double letter 'B' on 'BF'


1d Plate 14, ‘BF-BG’, a fine/very fine pair with full margins:

very close but just clear NW corner of ‘BF’.

Stamp ‘BF’ shows the listed double letter ‘B’, Spec BS3b,

and the MX is clear of the variety.  

A pair in this plate is priced by Gibbons at £275.  

A very scarce item. 

Price: £85.00

NB: the stamps show an early stage of an ivory head.


1d Plate 21: Bristol Penny Post


1d Plate 21, 'RI', a fine/very fine 4-margined example

tied by a fine black cross to a part front and back flap.

On the flap are strikes of the BRISTOL PENNY POST,

County Cat. BS152, for July 14th 1842.

This strike is recorded in black and red ink from 1842.

The examples here are mostly red but some letters

are in black so apparently partially mixed inks? 

Either way it is the first year of usage for both shades of ink.

 An unusual item which would display well.  

Price:  £75.00


A debris filled Cross!


1d red, 'LC', three margins, ragged at the left, cancelled by a MX with,

the largest amount of debris we can recall seeing. 

On the reverse is a very small black ink 'spot' near the centre

caused by ink from the cancellation coming through the paper.

It may be a very tiny thin but it may well be an area of natural variation in paper thickness

which the ink has permeated at the densest point. 

An unusual item which displays well. 

Price: £55.00  SOLD


Union Jack Re-entry: a very rare example on cover




SG8 1d Red Plate 75  'LK':

a 3+ margined copy of the famous Union Jack re-entry, SG Spec BS28c.

 Tied to a wrapper from Leeds to London by Leeds '447' and

the cancel leaves almost all of the re-entry visible.

Priced by Gibbons in QV Volume 1 at £3,000 on stamp alone. 

This variety is rarely found on a full cover.

A rarity and an Exhibition item.

Price: £725.00


Number 4 in Cross: one of the earliest known usages



1d red, Plate 26, ‘KK’: fine with almost full margins,

very close to just touching at the bottom centre, with part of the adjacent stamp at the left. 

Tied to an entire by a superb strike of the Number in 4 Cross: the rarest of all these type of crosses. 

On the reverse is a London Charing Cross distinctive date stamp for MARCH 24th 1843

and an Edinburgh receiver for Sunday March 26th 1843. 

There is a trace of a very light surface crease/wrinkle at the right side following a very light crease in the entire. 

Gibbons prices this rarest of the numbers in crosses at £1600on cover. 

The proof book entry for the number 4 in cross is March 23rd 1843 and the EKD is MARCH 21st 1843.

An attractive item and one of the earliest known usages which would display well.

Price:   £385.00  



Number 6 in Cross upright strike: 'Half Bank of England Notes enclosed'


152316.  1d red 'GD', Plate 37, very fine/superb large/very large 4-margined example:

 on a clean wrapper to Preston from London December 13th 1843.

Stamp tied by a very fine upright strike of the Number 6 in Cross. 

On the inside flap is a note about the contents: 'Half Bank of England Notes enclosed'.

It is known that for security in transit, some organisations and individuals would send two letters

 to the same addressee, each letter with half of the same bank note(s) in it..

It may be the case here but in view of the sums mentioned it might be some

form of a money order which in effect was as good as cash?

We have not previously seen this type of description of enclosures.

A very unusual and rare combination of features that would display well 

A superb Display item.

Price: £320.00 


NB: Plate 37 is scarce with a MX cancellation and rarer still with a Number in Cross.

Gibbons in the latest Edition of the QV Volume 1 prices a Number 6 in Cross on cover at £450.

The slight browning near the top of the stamp does not affect the 1d red.


There is a large selection of other Numbers in Crosses on cover

further down this Section.


A turned wrapper with 1d reds in both directions.



152653.  A turned wrapper with 1d reds affixed for each journey.

Sent originally to Lewes, October 21st 1846, possibly from Feversham?

It was turned and sent to East Grinstead on the day of receipt, October 22nd 1846.

1d ‘OE’on the original sending is almost 4-margined and not affected by the filing crease on being turned.

The 1d red ‘JD’ on the turned wrapper is almost 3-margined and tied by the ‘451’ of Lewes.

On the reverse is a fine Lewes date stamp for October 22nd 1846 and a partial date for East Grinstead

An interesting, attractive and scarce item. 

Price: £58.00  


LEEDS Distinctive Cross on a 1d red black plate


1d red Plate 8, ‘TD’.

Not full margined but tied to a part front and back by the Leeds Distinctive Cross, SG Spec AS2ua. 

Gibbons prices this cross on a black plate on full cover at £4,000 and on stamp alone at £900. 

On the part back, refolded to show the date markings, is a LEEDS date stamp for May 26th 1841

and a Sheffield receiver for May 27th 1841.


he 1d red is cancelled by a partial double strike of the Leeds cross.

A very light folding crease just crosses the top margin of the 1d but does not touch the design because of the very large margin.

An opportunity to acquire an easily identifiable distinctive Leeds cross at a very small fraction of Gibbons price. 


Displays well.


Price: £245.00



Embossed envelope sent on St Valentine's Day


1d plate 119 NW corner fault, tied by a BRADFORD YORKS duplex for February 14th 1871: St Valentines Day.

The lace-effect embossed envelope, addressed to a Miss Owen, in Bradford,

has an initial ‘M’ in the address panel and may discreetly identify the sender.

The embossing on the envelope is in fine condition except for two small areas near the top

which have been reinforced by hinges inside the flap.

A very attractive and fine example of this envelope sent on St Valentine’s Day and

as it was posted to a local address, would have been delivered on the same day unlike our mail in 2020! 

Price:  £85.00

NB: the slight browning near the top is far fainter than in the scan.



Newcastle under Lyme: latest usage of its MX


1d, Plate 38, ‘FE’, fine with almost full margins, on a large part legal entire,

side flaps removed, from Hanley-Staffs to Newcastle – under – Lyme. 

On the front is an undated circle of Hanley, County Cat. ST201:

a scarce/very scarce strike and the only postal marking used in Hanley.  

On the top flap is a Newcastle under Line date stamp for April 27th 1844.

This type is unrecorded in the County Catalogue.   

On the bottom inside flap is a contemporary written date of April 27th 1844

and the name of the law firm who sent the letter.

The stamp is tied by a MX of Newcastle under Lyme which is unrecorded by Rockoff and Jackson. 

This is the latest usage of this cross we have seen being replaced

only a few days later on May 1st 1844 by the numeral ‘546’.  

A rare item which displays well. 

Price: £140.00 

NB: Plate 38 is a scarce plate on cover with a Maltese Cross.


Unrecorded Blue Penny Post and Sunday usages


1d, KB, fine 3-margined, tied to a wrapper by the ‘714’ of SKIPTON. 

Addressed to Lancaster, on the front top left is a fine/very fine strike

of the GISBURNE PENNY POST, County Cat., YK 1040. 

A very scarce strike in recorded Black ink, but this example is rare as struck in unrecorded BLUE ink.

On the reverse is a very fine Skipton date stamp for December 29th 1844 and a superb red Lancaster date stamp,

County Cat. LA637, mileage removed, for this same date. 

BOTH of these date cancellations are for a SUNDAY. 

A remarkable and a likely unique combination of features including a very rare combination

of both sending, and receiving, Sunday dates. 

An item which would make an excellent display page. 

Price: £125.00 

NB: The wrapper is in much finer condition than the scan suggests

with very little brown maks on either the front or the reverse side: a trick of the scanner.

Perhaps the subpostmaster/mistress struck the Gisburne Penny Post in an unusual colour

as they were still recovering from the Christmas celebrations.

Or thought the blue colour was a more festive one than black!!



Error of Lettering: OP-PC



Three halfpence, SG53, Plate 1, ‘OP-PC’, very fine used,

excellent colour, with error of lettering and a clear profile

with the light cancellation away from the letter squares. 

Paired with a fine/very fine used example from Plate 3.

showing the correct lettering, ‘CP-PC’. 

The error priced by Gibbons at £2,000. 

An Exhibition pair

Price: £690.00



Hexham Cross on 1d Plate 12


1d Plate 12, ‘CK’, fine full margins, very large in places and close but clear at the NW corner. 

Tied to an uncreased wrapper to the Fleece Inn, Darlington, by a fine strike of a HEXHAM cross. 

On the reverse top flap is a Hexham date stamp for July 7th 1841

and a small Darlington date stamp for the same day.

There is some damage to the bottom flap caused when the letter seal was broken.

The Hexham cross is unrecorded by Rockoff and Jackson. 

1d Plate 12 on cover is priced by Gibbons at £200.   

An attractive item with a scarce plate on cover with full margins. 

Price: £68.00

 NB: The Fleece Inn was one of the oldest in Darlington

but after 300 years it closed in 1968. 

More information available on the internet



Kildare Blue numeral and a very rare Irish Skeleton


1d red, Plate 77, ‘TC’: very fine, four large margins, tied to an envelope to

Leek, Staffordshire by an indistinct ’265’ of KILDARE in a distinctive shade of Blue. 

On the reverse is a Kildare date stamp, in the same blue shade, for November 11th 1848.

Danzig lists Kildare in blue but no year of usage and gives it the second rarest price code.

On the reverse is a Dublin date stamp for this same date.

Also on the reverse is an unframed Skeleton handstamp for Newcastle St, struck in blue, for November 12th 1848. 

MacKay notes in ‘Irish Postmarks since 1840’, that he has never seen an unframed Irish Skeleton cancellation

only the single ring variety: his comment is echoed by our own experience.

This rare strike is made extremely rare/unique as November 12th 1848 was a SUNDAY usage.

There is a blue receiver of Leek for the following day.  

An Irish rarity. 

Price: £375.00

NB: The scans do not do justice to any of the coloured cancellations.

Rockoff and Jackson in Volume 3, do NOT list an example of blue, or any other colour, for the Kildare ‘265’ on cover. 

This reflects Danzig with no known date of usage but suggests an even greater rarity than assigned by Danzig.




1d with Inverted Offset



1d red, ‘NB’, not full margined, with the ‘132’ numeral of BRIGHTON.

On the reverse is an OFFSET which is INVERTED.

We cannot recalling seeing another offset on a 1d red imperf. 

At the bottom on the front is a trace of a hinge

from the stamp having been displayed. 

A rare/very rare item.  

Price: £75.00 


Poulton Penny Post with a BLACK MX

152319. 1d red, 'DK', Plate 16: a fine 4-margined example with a clean back. 

Cancelled by the POULTON PENNY POST in black and

 in combination with a Maltese cross.

The MX was usually struck in blue but occasionally in black.

This colour being much scarcer than in blue. 

The MX on the item offered here is in BLACK. 

Gibbons prices a Penny Post with a MX, Spec B1wa, at £320.

No indication of the colour of the MX is quoted.

This is the first example of this Penny Post with a black MX combination

we have been able to offer.

A very rare item.

Price: £210.00

NB: Danzig notes that the Poulton Penny Post combined with a black MX

is much scarcer than with a blue one.

 Poulton Penny Post with a BLUE MX



1d red, ‘FC’, Plate 36, fine with four margins,

cancelled by a blue cross and a Poulton Penny Post in black. 

On the reverse is a fine Ivory Head:

the scan does not do justice to this variety.  

Gibbons prices a Penny Post combined with a Maltese cross,

Spec B1wa, at £320.

A very difficult combination to find on a full-margined 1d red. 

Danzig notes that the Poulton Penny Post combined with a black MX

Price:  £185.00



The next three items are with a letter in a diamond with bars.


Letters had adhesive stamps, at the appropriate rate, attached to letters from

Officers and Seamen in Her Majesty's Navy abroad. 

These were put into the Ships Bag, with the stamps uncancelled,

and dispatched to the UK by packet boat.

On arrival at the Foreign Office of the Post Office,

they were cancelled by the letters in diamond with bars

which were used only for that purpose.

These cancellations are found occasionally used for other than these reasons

and may have been used in error


Scarce multiple usage of B in diamond and bars



1d Plate 121, a very fine/superb strip of three from this scarcer plate


neatly struck by the B in diamond and bars.


A very scarce and attractive multiple usage. 


Price: £48.00


B in Diamond and Bars



6d Plate 12, SG125: fine used and fixed to a card with a fine pair of 1d’s Plate 145.


A very rare usage on the 6d value and scarce on a multiple of the 1d’s.


Gibbons prices the 6d at £300.  


Price: £60.00


B in Diamond and Bars on piece



1d Plate 117, 'AA', faults, tied to a piece from overseas mail. 


Very scarce and tied by transit marks.


Price: £35.00.



Superb embossing on Valentine envelope


1d 1d Plate 89, fine pair, on a Valentine envelope with superb embossing.

Stamps tied by a HARROGATE duplex for February 13th 1865.

On the reverse, top flap roughly opened but not affecting the embossed front,

is a London cds for February 14th 1865.

At the bottom is a very small central tear and a small area of creasing bottom right.

A very scarce 2d franking on this size of envelope and

it has the best embossing we have seen on a Valentine envelope.

A very attractive and rare item: Exhibition quality.

Price: £110.00



1d SG17: used before the official date of release


1d SG17, tied to a dated PIECE from LONDON to Birmingham re Port Wine

with a  Lombard Street date stamp for MARCH 1st 1854 and a Birmingham receiver for the following day. 

The piece is dated February 27th (1854). Gibbons in QV Volume 1 p133, notes that a perforation machine

started in operation in London on January 27th 1854 and a second machine on February 22nd 1854:

these were designed by James Napier. 

Instructions were sent to Postmasters on March 12th 1854 NOT to issue the new perforated stamps

until stocks of the imperforated stamps were exhausted.

The earliest recorded cover is stated by Gibbons to be February 24th 1854 and they

 note that covers dated before March 12th 1854 are RARE.

The item here used on March 1st 1854, is the earliest we have been able to offer or indeed seen. 

A very rare early usage. 

Price:  £240.00 

 NB: this item was displayed in an important line engraved Collection. 

The earliest date we have previously handled was March 3rd 1854


DUMFRIES Special Cross


1d, 'SC', Plate 38, very fine, square margins on a FRONT with Kirkcudbright, November 21st 1843, date stamp. 

The 1d red is tied by a fine DUMFRIES Special cross, SG Spec B1tfa, priced at £1,100 on full cover.

Rockoff and Jackson record and illustrate examples from June 1843

but the example offered here is NOT listed by them: none are recorded for November 1843.

A very scarce cross and especially so on this plate. 

Price: £225.00 


2d Plate 4: Leeds Spoon


 2d Plate 4, 'EA', very fine with full margins except just touched below the 'E' square.

Cancelled with the numeral section of the LEEDS Spoon, '447'.

A very scarce spoon but rare/very rare on this 2d blue.

The stamp has a very clean back and is printed on the listed variety

 'THIN Paper': SG Spec ES14q, priced by Gibbons at £225.

We have not previously seen this spoon on the 2d Plate 4.

Very few examples of a spoon cancellation are known on the imperf 2d value. 

Superb item. 

Price: £120.00



2d Plate 3: a very rare example used in 1841. 

Links to Henry Fox Talbot and his Family  




2d Plate 3, 'DB', guide line NE corner, fine with full margins but touched along a short distance at the right.

Printed in the deep blue shade and with a trace of another stamp at the left. 


Tied to an entire letter, dealing with financial matters, from London to HARLING, Norfolk, by a superb Maltese cross.

On the top flap is a London date stamp for SEPTEMBER 7th 1841 and on the front a Thetford date stamp for the next day. 


Examples of 2d Plate 3 used in 1841 are VERY RARE: we have found only two offered for sale in the past 20 years or so. 


These were for October 1841 and the example offered here is the earliest we can recall seeing.


See Item 153221 near the top of this Section for the second earliest: September 17th 1841.


The reason for the rarity of 1841 usages of 2d Plate 3 has been established by

Alan G Druce in Volume 1 of his award-winning publication: 

'Perkins Bacon Great Britain Line-Engraved Postage Stamp Printings 1840-1846'.


He shows evidence that the initial supply of the 2d Blue Plate 3 was one of only 4,919 unspoilt sheets

returned to the Stamps and Taxes Office by February 24th 1841.

The second printing of this stamp was delivered by December 19th 1841 and was only 2,000 sheets.

He further concludes that the majority of 1841 used examples will be from

the first printings carried out between February 27th 1841 and March 13th 1841.


This rare item is made more unusual by the addressee and the writer.

The letter, reinforced by hinges, is addressed to

 The Rev'd George Montgomerie at Garboldisham Rectory, Harling, Norfolk.

The Rev'd Montgomerie was a close friend of all the Talbot family

and especially Henry Fox Talbot and his mother, Lady Elisabeth Fielding.

 He was a very fine artist and it is said that if Henry Talbot could have drawn as well as George Montgomerie,

there would have been little reason him to invent the new art, ie photography.

The letter is signed 'C M': the initials of Capt.Crisp (Molineux) Montgomerie, his eldest brother.

On the internet can be found transcripts of correspondences between the Revd George Montogomerie

and Talbot: the originals are in the Talbot Collection, British Library.

Sadly the Revd George Montgomerie, apparently, took his own life in the Rectory at Garboldisham on June 6th 1850.

Another of his brothers, Thomas Montgomerie, took over at Garboldisham Rectory as noted by Talbot himself.


A superb rarity that would make an important Exhibition, and memorable, display item. 


Price: £720.00


NB: a specialist dealer offered a 4-margined 2d blue on a wrapper from Manchester to Preston, October 23rd 1841. 


This was in May 2009: the stamp was not tied by the black MX and priced at £1,800.


NB: Scroll down to the next Item 152623:


a long letter, written from Crisp, to Revd Mongomerie in 1843,


with two marginal 1d reds, and again signed 'C M'.



Friends of FOX TALBOT and his family:

extremely rare letter with reference to Talbot's mother.


1d plate 23?, a separated marginal pair, 'Al' and 'BL'; 'AL' full margins and 'BL' almost so. 

Lightly cancelled by Dover crosses and showing ivory head characteristics.

On an entire from Dover to Harling, March 3rd 1843, and tied by an unclear Thetford date stamp.

The letter is addressed to the Rev'd George Montgomerie at Garboldisham Rectory, Harling, Norfolk.

Scans of the letter follow: some of it was written on the flaps.

The letter, dated March 3rd 1843, refers to a variety of domestic matters and opinions including the writer's view on the dangers of drink

and that manufacturing would be the ruin of the Nation. 

The letter is signed 'C M': the initials of Capt.Crisp (Molineux) Montgomerie a brother of Revd.George (Stephen Molineaux) Mongomerie.


The second scan of the letter has a reference to LADY E FIELDING and that 'I left a note for her Ladyship at the ship in Dover'.

Lady Elisabeth Fielding was the  MOTHER of William Henry FOX TALBOT.


The Rev'd George Montgomerie was a close friend of all the Talbot family and especially Lady Elisabeth and Henry Fox Talbot.


He was a fine artist as the following drawing of Laycock Abbey, taken from the internet, clearly shows.

Laycock Abbey drawn by George Mongomerie dated 1832


It is said that if Talbot could have drawn as well as Montgomerie, there would have been little reason for


the new art, ie photography, to even have occured to Talbot.


On April 13th 1843, barely a month after George received the letter from his brother offered here, Talbot took portraits of his friend.

The Revd George Montgomerie April 13th 1843 taken by Henry Fox Talbot.

Images taken from the internet.


Talbot mentions taking the portraits, and the process he used, in his research notes detailed below.


Talbot's research notes re George Montgomerie's portrait.

Image taken from the internet.


On the internet can be found transcripts of correspondences between the Revd George Montogomerie

and Talbot: the originals are in the Talbot Collection, British Library.


Sadly the Revd George Montgomerie, apparently, took his own life in the Rectory at Garboldisham on June 6th 1850.

Another of his brothers, Thomas Montgomerie, took over at Garboldisham Rectory as noted by Talbot himself.


A remarkable and unique item that would make an important and memorable Exhibit.


Price:  £595.00

NB: an enclosure is mentioned which explains the 2d postage.

The letter would be worth transcribing.



2d Plate 3 with variety


2d Plate 3, 'PK', fine on a wrapper from LONDON to Kendal.

Stamp has three clear margin, trace of the stamp below in the bottom margin. and very close to touching at the top.

It is tied by a very fine Maltese cross and on the reverse of the wrapper is a Lombard Street

 date stamp for August 1st 1842 and a blue Kendal receiver for the next day. 

Stamp 'PK' has the listed variety, SG Spec ES11d, 'Shifted transfer, distorted white letters and basal duplication'. 

The cancellation leaves this variety clearly visible.

Gibbons prices 2d Plate 3 with MX on cover at £650 before an addition for the variety.

An attractive and very scarce/rare item with this variety on cover with an MX. 

Price: £235.00


The next five items show the range of coloured cancellations that

TULLAMOORE, Co. Offaly, used in the 1840's and 50's.

They are offered individually but should you be interested in them all do get in touch.

They would make an excellent and rare Exhibit.

This grouping was put together over a long period of time:

we know because we found one of these items for our client

and that was a long time ago!






1d, Plate 60, 'OH', 3-margined example, very close but clear at the bottom, part of the adjacent stamp at the right

and just crossed at the far left side by a vertical filing crease.  

The 1d red on this wrapper to Dublin is tied by a double strike of the '438'  of TULLAMOORE, in GREEN.  

Alongside is a Tullamoore date stamp in the same GREEN as the numeral cancellations, for February 27th 1846. 

Danzig note a green example for December 1845 and a green usage in 1848 but no date is given.

Gibbons prices a green numeral, Spec B1xc, on cover at £7,000. 

The scan does not do justice to the green.

An extremely rare item that displays well.

Price: £785.00 

NB: Neither the Lady Mairi Bury nor the Chartwell Collections had an example

of a green numeral cancellation on stamp or on cover from any location.

From our researches we have not found another example offered for sale.


The Tullamoore numeral in Deep Blue


1d red, 'IF', full margins to just clear/ barely touching the bottom corner of the 'I' letter square,

on a wrapper from TULLAMOORE to Ballinasloe.

The stamp is tied by a very fine '438' of Tullamoore in a deep blue.

On the reverse is a blue supporting Tullamoore date stamp for February 11th 1852. 

Danzig notes a blue usage in 1852 but no date is given,

Priced by Gibbons as a blue numeral at £750 on cover without an allowance for an Irish location: 

Danzig prices Irish blue numerals higher than those from England or Scotland. 

A fine display item. 

Price:  £385.00

NB: there is a filing spike hole near the Ballinasloe date stamp on the front.


The Tullamoore numeral in Blue on 1d pink envelope


1d pink stationery envelope to Westminster from Tullamoore, cancelled by a BLUE numeral '438' of TULLAMOORE.  

On the reverse is a Tullamoore date stamp, in the same shade of blue, for January 31st 1853; 

a Dublin date stamp for the same day and a London receiver for February 1st 1853. 

Danzig notes a blue usage of the '438' on the 1d red in 1852, no date given.

 The example offered here extends the usage of this blue numeral into 1853. 

Danzig prices Irish blue numerals higher than those from England or Scotland and

Gibbons prices a blue numeral on a 1d red at £750 without allowance for the scarcer Irish usage.

The envelope is in a finer condition than the scan suggests:

the apparent browning at the top left is a trick of the scanner.

A fine and very scarce item. 

Price: £325.00 

NB: In our experience, blue numeral cancellations are much scarcer on stationary envelopes

than on the 1d red on cover and seldom found with blue Irish numerals.


The Tullamoore numeral in Blue


1d red, 'EA-EB', Plate 69?, not full margins but in a deep rich shade

with some signs of plate wear especially on 'EB': the scan does not do justice to the shade.

The stamps are tied to an envelope to Dublin by lightly applied strikes of the '438' of TULLAMORE.

 Alongside the 1d's is a Tullamore date stamp, in the same shade of BLUE as the numerals, for September 6th 1846. 

On the reverse, in red, is a Dublin receiving date stamp for September 7th 1846.

On the inside flap of the envelope is an interesting message:

'I have been offered a seat in The Privy Councll but I have declined the offer. D.M.'

There is a complete wax seal that may provide clues as to the sender, 'D.M. 

Danzig prices Irish blue numerals higher than those from England or Scotland and

Gibbons prices a blue numeral on a 1d red at £750 without allowance for the scarcer Irish usage.

An atractive and scarce item.

Price:  £250.00

NB: the addressee was from a well known Irish family being himself a lawyer.

There is a lot of information on the website about the Corballis family

which could enhance the write up of this item.



Manchester Fishtail Cross: earliest known usage on a 1d red


1d red Plate 1b?, 'LH', not full margined, just crossed at the top left area by a light crease,

on a part entire, dated March 2nd 1841, to Canterbury.

The side flaps have been removed for display purposes and the letter reduced to some extent. 

On the reverse are overlapping date stamps for: Manchester March 2nd 1841; London March 3rd 1841

and Canterbury March 3rd 1841. 

The 1d is tied by a fair strike of the MANCHESTER Distinctive Cross, SG Spec AS2 ub.

 Rockoff and Jackson record the Earliest Known Date(EKD) for this cross as March 2nd 1841:

two examples are listed, both on 1d blacks;

one sold at auction in1988 and the other in 'The Sayeed Collection', 2002. 

The EKD for a 1d red on cover was March 3rd 1841 in the FLETCHER Collection, British Library. 

The example offered here is March 2nd 1841 and hence

the EKD for the 1d red with this cross in private hands.

A considerable rarity.

Price: £585.00

NB: Gibbons prices this cross on a 1d red from a black plate at £2,500




From the Isle of Man and redirected to France.


1d red, 'QA', pronounced basal shift, 3-margined, into along the top and a light horizontal crease. 

Tied to a neat wrapper by the '407' of the ISLE OF MAN: Isle of Man date stamp on the reverse for February 25th 1848. 

Originally addressed to London and then redirected to Nantes, France; London receiving date stamp for February 28th 1848

 and a London redirection date stamp for March 3rd 1848. The various French transit marks display well.

The 1d red has been affixed Contrary to Post Office Regulations at the bottom left.

We have handled only a small number of 1d red imperfs sent from the Isle of Man but

this is the ONLY one redirected overseas.

Parmenter gives this '407' a rarity 'F' grade ie rare.

A rare item. 

Price: £125.00 

NB: the browning on the front of the wrapper is far less pronounced than in the scan


Portadown: late usage of 1d red



1d red, 'RB', Plate 167: fine/very fine, full margins, on a wrapper from PORTADOWN to Lurgan. 

Stamp tied by a legible strike of the '375' of PORTADOWN.

On the reverse are very fine date strikes for Portadown, April 29th 1857 and

for Banbridge and Lurgan for the following day.

The 1d red imperf was replaced by 1d SG17 on March 12th 1854. 

The example offered here is a rare Irish LATE USAGE of the 1d imperf issue. 

Price: £95.00



A rare Christmas Day Station Cancellation


1d Plate 139, fine, on an envelope to Cheadle from Teddington, December 24th 1870.

On the reverse is a very fine/superb STAFFORD STATION cds for DECEMBER 25th 1870.

Christmas Day Station cancellations are rarely found. 

The example offered here is a particularly rare example as this Christmas Day in 1870 was a SUNDAY. 

During Queen Victoria's entire reign,1837 to 1901, there were only NINE Christmas Days that fell on a Sunday.

The first was 1842 and the last 1898: this is the only example we have seen.

A superb and very rare item that would make an interesting display page. 

Price: £95.00 

NB: The Stafford Station cds was in use from July 7th 1869 until September 30th 1905.

1d Plate 139 is one of the scarcer plate numbers.

The envelope is finer than the scan suggests.



1d red, with a hair attached from Ayr to Fraserburgh with contents: a decorated love poem



1d red, margins on three sides but into at the right, on an envelope from Ayr?,to Fraserburgh:

February 7th 1846 date stamp on reverse.

The content is a folded letter sheet with printed coloured decorations and a love verse.

Sent only a week before St Valentine's Day and addressed to a man. 

A very attractive and unusual item that would display well. 

Price:  £55.00

NB: the indistinct cancellation allows the ivory head variety around Victoria to be clearly seen.

There is a hair firmly attached to the stamp, possibly contemporary: from the sender?


1d Plate 30



1d red, 'FA', Plate 30: very fine colour and full margins but just touching the left side of the NW corner. 

Rare to find this plate with such a superb upright and complete Maltese cross. 

Plate 30 priced by Gibbons at £120.

Price: £45.00


DUBLIN distinctive cross Type 11



1d Plate 31, 'EE' and large part of 'EF', very fine full margins and portions of the stamps above in the top margins.

Cancelled by strikes of the distinctive DUBLIN Type 11 cross.

This is listed by Gibbons, Spec B1(tf), and priced at £150. 

On the reverse there appears to be a diagonal crease at the left on 'EE' as in the scan.

This is NOT a crease and is within the paper fibres giving this impression from certain angles.

There is no trace of a crease on the front of the stamp. 

An attactive example of this cross.

Price: £65.00

NB: stamps printed on very blued paper with  early stage of an ivory heads.

There is possibly a very small rub in the margin below 'Y' of Penny on 'EE'.  


1d Plate 139: used Block of Eight with blind perfs


Plate 139: overall a fine/very fine block of eight, 'EA - FD', cancelled by the '334' duplex of Halstead, Essex for June 21st 1873.

Stamps, 'FA-FD' are lightly cancelled and each has largely very clear profiles: 'EC' has a light horizontal rub near the top.

Stamps 'EB' and 'FB' have broken pin perfs, unusually TWO on each stamp,

which can be clearly seen on the front and on the very clean back for the whole of the block.

From Plates 71 to 225, only fourteen, including Plate 77, have a higher Gibbon's price than Plate 139.

The largest and finest used block of this plate we have been able to offer.

A very attractive and a rare used block with this combination of condition and features.

A fine display item.

Price: £95.00


Trio of 2d Blue Plate 4 letters from COLERAINE






A very rare/unique TRIO of banking letters from the same bank in COLERAINE

and each sent to the same bank, Belfast Bank, in Ballymoney.

The First:  2d SG 13 Plate 4, scarcer pale blue shade,

two fine singles 'NB', 'KK', tied by a SINGLE partial strike of the '149' numeral of COLERAINE.

'NB' has full margins to very close/touching in the NE corner; 'KK' has full margins.

Remarkably, both stamps have the listed variety SC Spec ES13e; 'Shifted transfers: upper shifts'.

On the reverse are date stamps for Coleraine February 7th 1852 and

a Ballymoney date stamp for SUNDAY February 8th 1852.

The Shaida Collection contained a long cover with a pair of 2d blues plate 4

cancelled by a single inverted '186' of Dublin.

A photocopy of the Shaida cover is provided with this item.

It appears that only four such examples are known.

The example offered here has two SINGLES, rarer to find on a 'normal' cover than a pair.

From our researches we cannot find an example of a pair on cover, except for the Shaida item,

cancelled by a single numeral from any location,

With TWO SINGLES cancelled by a single numeral, this example appears to be the ONLY ONE KNOWN.

In addition, with the varieties on the 2d blues, we are confident that this example will be UNIQUE.

The Second:  2d SG13 Plate 4, pale blue shade, a fine single with full margins, 'ND',

tied by a fine upright strike of the '149' numeral of Coleraine. 

On the reverse are date stamps for Coleraine, June 17th 1852 and a partial strike of Ballymoney for the following day, a Friday.

This stamp lettered 'ND', in the same pale shade as those affixed to the first letter,

is only two stamps away on the sheet from the 2d 'NB' used on the first letter.

Although separated in date by some months, it is possible the bank had 2d's from the same sheet

already cut up into singles for ease of using.

This could explain why two singles were used in the first item and not a pair. 

The Third:  2d SG19 Plate 4, 'CF', fine and missperfed, tied by an inverted '149' of Coleraine.   

On the reverse is a date stamp of Coleraine for September 9th 1854 and Ballymoney

                                                                                      date stamp for Sunday September 10th.                                                                                                     

A unique grouping that would make a memorable display.

Price: £790.00

NB: two of the three letters have SUNDAY receiving date stamps and

each shows a different orientation of the '149' numeral.



2d Plate 3 on an early Railway Letter 1842



2d SG14, fine/very fine Plate 3, 'JE', almost full margins, close but clear at left until just touching the NW square. 

Lightly cancelled by an underinked Edinburgh Cross on an interesting entire to Irvine, October 7th 1842, 

addressed to a Mr B H Blythe, Resident Engineer, Glasgow and Ayr Railway,

it contains references to the purchase of railway sleepers, railway lines and slate: a note on the rear top flap also refers to these.

The addressee was Benjamin Blythe who trained as a Railway Engineer with Grainger and Miller.

Wikipedia has a lot of detail about this man and his famous family members briefly:

 in 1848 he established an engineering practice on the prestigious George Street (at no 124) in Edinburgh

where it would remain for the next 100 years.

 In 1854, after his brother Edward Lawrence Ireland Blythe, finished his own apprenticeship with Grainger & Miller,

Benjamin took him into partnership of the renamed B & E Blyth.

On the front is a very fine strike of the Edinburgh 'Paid 1d Extra', McKay Fig 1150.

For an extra 1d, mail could be handed in late at the Edinburgh Post Office between 6pm and 7pm.

Hence the 2d stamp paid the 1d postage plus the 1d Late Fee.

 We have seen few examples of the 2d used in this way.

 A rare item which the internet information would enhance as a display page. 

Price £320.00 

NB: there is a great deal on information on the internet about the Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway,

including drawings of the early rolling stock,and a print out from the internet is available with this item.


2d Plate 3: INVERTED watermark with MX


2d plate 3 SG15 'JK', very fine square margined example, a very small thin on the reverse,

and with parts of two Maltese crosses: watermark inverted, Spec ES11a. 

This is the first example of this stamp with the wmk inverted and

cancelled by a MX we have been able to offer for many years.

Not listed by Gibbons with a MX on this variety but

priced by them at £875 with a numeral cancellation. 

An estimated Gibbon's price based on a comparison of the normal stamp with

a numeral cancellation and one with a MX is approx £2,500. 

An opportunity to obtain a very rare stamp. 

Price:  £375.00


2d blue Plate 4: Spectacles Variety


2d blue SG14 'BH-BJ', fine 4-margined strip of three:

the misalignment problem of the impressions on the sheet can be clearly seen.

Indistinct numeral cancellations but stamp 'BH' has the listed variety:

SG Spec ES14o, 'Spectacle Variety - later printings'. 

The cancellation leaves most of the variety visible. 

Priced on a single stamp by Gibbons at £1,000.

The stamps are also printed on the listed THIN PAPER, Spec ES14q.

Allowing for this additional variety, the Gibbons price for this item is £2,000 plus.

To obtain it in a full margined strip is a RARITY:

the first example we have seen in a used multiple. 

Price:  £370.00


Earliest known usage of CATTERICK numeral.


1d Plate 45, 'SG', not full margined, tied to a tired thin envelope, no rear flap, to Brackley,

by a very fine strike of the '133' of CATTERICK.  

On the reverse is a superbly struck Catterick MAY 8th 1844 in blue

and a Brackley receiver for the following day.

Parmenter records that this numeral was sent from the GPO in April 1844

but the earliest recorded date of usage is September 10th 1845.

Clearly this numeral will have been used earlier than this. 

However we have not seen many examples of 1d imperf covers with this '133' numeral.

A very scarce early usage that considerably predates the EKD by Parmenter.

Price: £55.00


Nottingham Sideways Duplex in BLUE


1d SG29, fine/very fine with a clear QV profile:

tied by a very fine NOTTINGHAM sideways duplex in BLUE, August 15th 1856,

and a small portion of a second.

Sent to Beccles with a fair strike of a Beccles date stamp on the front for the following day. 

Gibbons prices a blue duplex on cover on a 1d perforated issue at £1,000.

The example offered here is one of the best examples we have seen.

A very attractive and rare item. 

Price:  £250.00

NB: the scan does not do suggest to the deep blue shade of the cancellation.


NOTTINGHAM Sideways Duplex in GREEN

152556. 1d SG24, Plate 9, fine:

tied to an envelope by a partial strike of the NOTTINGHAM (583) sideways duplex in GREEN for July 9th 1855.

The very fine dater portion of the cancellation allows the green ink used to be clearly seen.

On the reverse are transit date stamps for Derby and Belper.

Gibbons price a green duplex on cover at £1,300 on a perforated issue BUT note that this price is for Irish green duplexes

and those from Scotland and England offices command a significant premium.

This is the first example in green we have been able to offer.

Price: £295.00 

NB: the scan does not do justice to the green shade of the duplex




'TO5' on letter written on board Cunarder 'RUSSIA', 4th Sailing: 1847



1d Plate 89, tied to a small very clean and uncreased envelope to Leith

by an exceptional strike of the very rare 'TO5' Travelling Office.

The recipient inscribed at the top of the envelope:

' 22 Oct. 1867 - From Frank.  Dated off Queenstown on Board 'Russia' .......... 20th 1867 expect to arrive on Tuesday 29th inst.' 

Queenstown cds on the front for October 20th 1867 - a Sunday.  Edinburgh cds on reverse for October 22nd 1867. 

The 'Russia' was a Cunard Steamship which began service on the transatlantic run from Liverpool via Queenstown in 1867,

this letter was carried on only its 4th crossing and it stayed on this route until at least 1875.

It left Queenstown on Sunday October 20th 1867 and arrived in New York on Wednesday October 30th. 

In a private communication one of the UK's leading postal historians of this period, described the item as a

'Great Rarity and one that could be unique' .

This is arguably one of the, if not the, finest 'TO' covers extant. 

Hard to see how a finer strike of the 'TO5' could be found.

A significant rarity from the line-engraved period.

An important item of Exhibition quality.

Price: £1,850.00



Archer Plate on entire from a Customs House with unrecorded UDC's


1d red Archer Plate 98, 'KB', very fine with 4-margins, on a commercial entire from the CUSTOMS HOUSE, ALNMOUTH. 

On the reverse are undated circles of ALNMOUTH and LESBURY both of

which are UNRECORDED in the County Catalogue listing for Northumberland, and a date stamp for ALNWICK, November 21st 1850. 

The 1d red is tied by an indistinct oval cancellation leaving most of QV’s head clear. 

The letter, dated November 20th, left Alnmouth, going via Lesbury and then  on to Alnwick from where it would have gone south to Field House. 

So where was the1d red cancelled? 

It is possible that it was cancelled, either intentionally or by accident, at the Custom House before being posted in Alnmouth but more likely, on

balance, that it was cancelled by an underinked numeral ‘8’ of Alnwick and is offered, and priced, on that basis.

An intriguing item and rare with TWO unrecorded UDC's: it would make a very fine display page. 

Price:  £110.00

NB: the Queen's head shows evidence of plate wear.


Superb example of the 'dot in centre' variety


1d Plate 28, 'CG', fine full margined, the filing crease at the right crosses below the 'G' square. 

Tied to a wrapper to Paisley by a very fine/superb GLASGOW cross. 

On reverse is a fine Glasgow date stamp for April 13th 1843 and

a Paisley receiving date stamp for the same day:

a better service than we have today,177 years later!! 

1d Plate 28 is priced on cover by Gibbons at £135. 

The cross shows the variety 'dot in the centre' which is listed by Danzig. 

It was caused by the nail holding the metal cross in place

to the handle of the canceller becoming 'proud' by usage. 

An excellent example of this variety which is seldom found on cover. 

Price  £50.00



Almost a totally clear QV Head: MONMOUTH Cross


1d Plate 36, 'OF', very fine and full margins except just shaved 'O' square:

on a wrapper from NEWPORT - MONS to Bristol, March 11th 1844. 

Stamp tied by a Monmouth MX, not a location listed by Rockoff and Jackson. 

The MX leaves almost the whole of the Queens Head clear of a cancellation. 

Very scarce/rare to find so much of QV's Head visible. 

Price:  £60.00

NB: the apparent browning of the envelope front and back is a trick of the scanner.



Worcester numeral on 1d Plate 52


1d Plate 52, 'KF', 4-margins, superb colour and tied by a fine neatly applied '918' of Worcester to a clean legal entire.

On the reverse is a fine Worcester date stamp for January 31st 1845: plate 52 registered on December 17th 1844.

The cancellation leaves almost all of QV's head clear and allows the superb colour to be seen to advantage. 

A very attractive and scarce item. 

Price: £45.00

NB: the paper to the right of the filing crease is not quite as white because of the way the letter was stored.



Late usage 1d red Plate 162 at Abergavenny


1d Plate 162, 'HG', full margins except just touching below the 'H' square. 

Tied to a legal letter to Usk by a very fine '1' in bars of ABERGAVENNY

and with a superb Abergavenny date stamp on reverse for October 6th 1856 - the same date as in the letter. 

On the reverse is an Usk receiver for the follwing day and this same red Usk date stamp ties the 1d red. 

This numeral '1' is seldom found on the 1d imperf on cover

and this is only the second example we have been able to offer.

The 1d imperf was replaced by 1d perforated examples officially from March 12th 1854 so

the example offered here is a Late Usage of the 1d imperf.

An attractive item and a very scarce late usage of Plate 162 from a Welsh location.

Price:  £75.00


Red Numerals with BPA Certificate




1d red 'TA-TB', Plate 158: two fine 4-margined examples,

close NW corner of 'TB' and uneven margins

at top of 'TA' but on piece with lightly struck


RED cancellations, in the same shade of red as the


PICKERING North Yorkshire cds, for October 27th 1854.


An extremely rare item even so lightly cancelled: it is offered with a

clear BPA Certificate confirming on piece with the red cancellations and plate 158. 


Very few genuine examples are known and fewer still

in a multiple usage with full margins and Certificate.


Gibbons prices a red numeral on a single 1d red at £6,000 on piece


A significant line-engraved rarity and an attractive Exhibition item.


Price: £1,350.00




1019.  1841 1d red plate 21, ‘PE’:

3+ margined with a very fine and almost complete strike

of the rare and distinctive Kilmarnock cross, SG spec B1tj.

Seldom found with such a clear strike of this cross

 and priced by Gibbons  at £1,400.

A rare/very rare item.

Price: £320.00



Number 11 in Cross on a LIST of 47 COLLERIES



1d red plate 37, ‘OE’, fine/very fine 4-margined on letter London to Blyth, January 9th 1844,


ied by a fine upright NUMBER 11 in cross, priced by Gibbons at £1,100. 


North-Shield cds on reverse.   Rare to find this cross on a full-margined 1d on cover.  


Letter refers to the market and shipping of coal with a


long printed list on the left and right side flaps of




Sunderland, Hartlepool, Stockton, Blyth, Scotch, Welch and Yorkshire and on one flap


a list of Colleries under a Newcastle heading on the other flap – some 47 names on each flap!! 


More information on each is available on the internet. 


A rare and remarkable item giving a glimpse into the coal industry at that time. 


Gibbons prices the number 11 in cross on cover at £1,100.


When fully written up this would make a memorable and interesting Display item.


A unique item.


Price:  £485.00


NB: scan available on request of the printed inside lists of Colleries.

Would make a very fine display item when written up with research.


Scroll down for a large selection of Numbers in Crosses on covers



Late use of the Maltese Cross at Grantham.

151426.  1d SG8, 'QG', 4-margined, small NE corner wrinkle,

on small neat envelope addressed to Ruddington nr Nottingham. 

The letter left Grantham on September 21st 1848 and was sent to London. 

It was then sent to Nottingham being received on September 22nd 1848.

It would seem that it went sent to London because the post office official miss-read Ruddington for Paddington! 

Numeral cancellations replaced the Maltese Crosses in England on May 1st 1844:

this MX was used more than 4 years after it was withdrawn from use. 

A rare and interesting example of the LATE usage of the MX.

An excellent display item.  

Price:  £340.00


Latest usage of the 1d red imperf on cover.




1d red, Plate 79? 'HA':

3-margined example tied to an envelope used locally within London. 

The 1d red tied by a double strike of the New Cross SO for July 13th 1905

with on the reverse a London W C cds for the same date. 

Line engraved stamps were invalidated for use by the Post Office on June 1st 1901. 

The cover was not surcharged so it got through the system unchallenged.


From our researches, this is the LATEST known usage on cover of the 1d Imperf.


A superb item of considerable rarity.  


Price:  £450.00


NB: the condition is finer than the scans.



Underinked Cross: Woodbridge


1d red, 'NE', Plate 17, very fine full margins on a letter from WOODBRIDGE to London, April 11th 1842. 

The 1d is tied by a very fine example of an underinked cross with an empty centre.

The cross leaves an almost totally QV head clear of the cancellation. 

A superb example of the 'underinked cross' variety.   

Display/Exhibition quality. 

Price: £85.00




ROMFORD Cross on late plate.


1d red, 'TF', Plate 37, fine 4-margined, on an envelope from ROMFORD, January 22nd 1844. 

The 1d is tied by an upright but slightly underinked Romford cross.

This cross is not listed by Rockoff and Jackson.

A scarcer plate with a Maltese cross.

Fine item. 

Price: £55.00


Greenock Distinctive Cross


1d, Plate 31, fine 'AH', 4-margins and 'GH', almost 3-margins, tied to an entire from GREENOCK to Edinburgh

by fine strikes of the distinctive Greenock Cross, Gibbons Spec B1th, priced at £500 on a single 1d red on cover.

On the reverse top flap is a fine boxed Greenock date stamp for December 2nd 1843 and

an Edinburgh receiver for SUNDAY December 3rd 1843. 

An attactive and rare multiple usage of this cross. 

Price:  £140.00




YARMOUTH Norfolk sideways duplex in BLUE: EKD

152538. 1d, SG29, 'RK', with an unusual small pre-printing paper crease at right,

Tied to a piece by a partially struck YARMOUTH - NFK Sideways Duplex for December 21st 1856. 

Parmenter records the earliest date of usage for this cancellation as December 19th 1856 struck in black

with only one example recorded in BLUE and that for December 24th 1856. 

Hence the example offered here predates this by three days and is only two days after the EKD (in black).

This cancellation is recorded in use to October 9th 1859. 

Gibbons prices a duplex in blue on piece at £400. 

Despite the strike being unclear is some parts this is an extremely rare item

and the only example of this cancellation we have seen in blue.

Price:  £75.00

NB: the scan does not do justice to the blue shade of the cancellation.



Rare Blue numeral of DUNNING and unrecorded udc


1d, 'GB', fine with 4-margins, tied to a wrapper to Alva by a fine and rare BLUE '120' numeral of DUNNING. 

On the reverse is a very fine Dunning udc in the same shade of blue as the '120'. 

Also on reverse is an Edinburgh date stamp for November 23rd 1850 and what appears to be

a Stirling date stamp for November 24th 1850 - a SUNDAY. 

The Dunning udc is NOT recorded by Auckland.

 Danzig notes the '120' blue Dunning numeral as recorded only in September and October 1850

so this example extends its usage in blue to November 1850. 

Danzig gives the Dunning blue '120' the rarest grading; 

Gibbons prices the commonest example of a blue numeral on cover at £750.  

A superb item with a rare/very rare combination of features. 

Price:  £290.00


Rare DUNSTABLE '266' in Blue and an unrecorded Toddington udc



1d, 'AB', not full margined and with some pre-affixing creases:


tied by a very fine strike of the rare '266' of DUNSTABLE to an envelope to Spithead.


On the reverse is a Dunstable date stamp for September 15th 1852 in the same shade of blue as the '266' numeral. 


Also on the reverse is a very fine TODDINGTON udc in black and a Portsmouth date stamp in blue for September 16th 1852. 


The Toddington udcis UNRECORDED in the Couny Catalogue for Bedfordshire. 


Danzig notes the '266' numeral in blue of Dunstable as recorded used only in September 1852 and gives it the highest rarity grading.


The example offered here is for September 15th 1852 and the only example we have seen.


Gibbons prices the commonest example of a blue numeral on cover at £750.


Despite the marks on the item, which are not as pronounced as the scan suggests,


this is a rare/very rare item. 


Price:  £125.00



Leeds Distinctive cross on 1d red black plate 8


152521. 1d red, 'FI', Plate 8, 3-plus margins on a front and and top flap. 

Stamp tied a Leeds Cross with a Leeds date stamp for June 17th 1841 and a

Bradford, Yorkshire receiver for the following day on the front: it has an inverted '8' in the date.

Also on the front, bottom left, is a legible strike in blue of the PUDSEY PENNY POST, rated Rare by Oxley. 

The stamp is tied a typical debris filled strike of the destinctive Leeds Cross, SG Spec A2ua, and priced

by Gibbons in the Edition, QV volume 1, at £900 on a stamp and £4,000 on cover. 

The characteristic outer loops, almost touching, can be clearly seen.

As seen in the scan there is appears to be a thread, or human hair, attached to the MX canceller. 

The stamp is affected by a light vertical crease at the left. 

A very scarce item and one that displays well with the rear flap raised. 

An opportunity to obtain a very interesting example of the Leeds Special Cross at a small fraction of the Gibbon's price. 

Price: £265.00 



York Cross: a few days before being replaced



1d red, 'TK', Plate 21, very fine full margins: on a clean wapper from YORK to Settle, June 28th 1842. 

This first type of the York Cross, as recorded in Rockoff and Jackson, Volume 2, produced very poor and unclear strikes

over a number of months until in early July 1842, a new Maltese Cross canceller was brought in to use:

the distinctive and SG listed York Cross recorded used from July 12th 1842. 

Rockoff records an example of the deteriorated cross for July 6th 1842:

the example offered here is for June 28th 1842 and is the earliest example we have seen or been able to offer

 it s unrecorded by Rockoff.

He records an example for February 15th 1842 and no other until the July 1842 example.

A superb Exhibition item.

Price:  £120.00 

NB: on the reverse is a superb and complete small black wax seal of a Gentleman.

See the item below,152059, for an example of the replacement cross.

These would make a superb display pairing.



YORK distinctive cross on cover: very early usage.


1d red, not full margins, tied to a clean wrapper to Tadcaster by a fine strike of the distinctive YORK cross, SG Spec B1tx. 

On the reverse is a fine York date stamp for July 19th 1842 and a Tadcaster receiver for the following day. 

Gibbons, in the latest QV Volume 1, prices this cross on cover at £2,500. 

Only five earlier dates for this cross have been recorded by Rockoff and Jackson in

'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland', Volume 1: the example offered here is UNRECORDED by them.

An attractive item and an opportunity to acquire a fine example of this cross at a fraction of Gibbon's price. 

Price:  £325.00

NB: it would make a very fine and rare display pairing with Item 152512:

the cross used only a few weeks earlier and showing the need for a replacement.


Distinctive YORK Cross

151574. 2d Plate 3, SG 15, deep full blue:

 fine 3 plus margins, cancelled by the distinctive YORK CROSS, SG Spec E1(3)ui. 

Priced by Gibbons in the latest Edition of QV Volume 1, at £2,000. 

A rare item.

Price:  £445.00


Bishop Auckland '80' in the very rare VIOLET ink





1d. 'SF', Plate 79, tied to a dated part front and part back


by the '80' of Bishop Auckland struck in VIOLET, SG Spec BS29xe.


On the part back is a Bishop Auckland date stamp for April 4th 1848


and a partial Darlington date stamp in a contrasting blue for April 1848.


Parmenter records the numeral '80' in violet on April 4th 1848:


the same date as the example offered here.


In the 2010 Sotherby's Sale of The Mairi Bury Collection,


Lot 790 was an example of the numeral '80' in violet on a cover,


similarly lightly struck, with a March 15th 1848 date and again with


a contrasting blue Darlington date stamp alongside.


It realised £5400.


Gibbons in the latest QV Volume 1, prices a violet cancellation at £3,250 on piece.


A superb rarity which displays well and the first dated example we have been able to offer


of this distinctive shade.


Price: £675.00


NB: the scans do not do justice to the colour of the violet numeral.



1d red Liverpool numeral May 2nd 1844


1d red, almost 3 margins, tied to a clean legal entire by the '466' of Liverpool.

 Letter dated MAY 2nd 1844 and on the top flap is a LIVERPOOL date stamp also for MAY 2nd 1844

and a London receiver for the following day.

On MAY 1st 1844, numeral cancellations replaced Maltese Crosses. 

Hence the example offered here is used on the SECOND DAY of numeral cancellations.

A rare item. 

Price: £270.00

NB: Examples of numerals on 1d reds on cover used on May 1st 1844

usually sell for prices in excess of £2,000.




Scarce 1d Plate 30 with Number 2 in Cross


1d reds, 'LJ' almost 3 margins and 'CG' almost 4 margins, both with fine colour and from the scarce Plate 30.

tied to a clean wrapper to Kendal July 1843 with a very fine Kendal date stamp in blue for July 7th 1843.

Each cancelled by fine/very fine strikes of the Number '2' in Cross: 'CJ' has a large area of QV's head clear.

A single 1d red on cover from Plate 30 is priced by Gibbons at £250.

A Number '2' in Cross, on a common plate, is priced at £550.

An attractive and very scarce/rare combination of a scarce multiple 1d red plate and cancellation.

Price: £130.00


1d red Number 6 in Cross Latest Known Usage


1d red, 'EI', fine 3-margined Plate 42, tied by a fine Number 6 in Cross to a clean wrapper to Gainsborough.

On reverse is a London date stamp for MAY 14th 1844. 

The item was redirected back to London, with a m/s '1' in black and

received in London on May 16th 1844; date stamp on reverse for that date. 

The Last Day of Usage of all the Numbers in Crosses was MAY 16th 1844 as recorded by Rockoff and Jackson Volume 1.

We have handled examples of Numbers: 4,7, 9 and 10 used on May 16th 1844

but have never seen a Number 6 used on the Last Day. 

The example offered here at May 14th 1844 is believed to be the Latest Used Date recorded. 

Gibbons prices the Number 6 in Cross on cover at £450.

A rare item which displays well. 

Price: £175.00

NB: Examples of the Last Day of Usage of Number 4 and Number 10 in Cross

can be found in the Section so do scroll down if interested:

Items 152307 (Number 4) and 151490 (Number 10).

The adressee Sir Jon Beckett: more information about him is available on the internet.


There is a large selection of all the Numbers 1 to 12 in Crosses on cover

 in the bottom half of this Section.



2d Plate 3: Dublin Special Maltese Cross

152530v.  2d Plate 3, 'OE', fine three margined each with traces of an adjacent stamp. 

On an envelope, some light creasing, from Dublin to Drogheda, April 13th 1843. 

The stamp is tied by the distinctive Dublin Cross, SG Spec ES11ul, leaving a clear QV's profile.

Priced by Gibbons £1700 on cover.  

The 2d has been placed top left Contrary to Post Office Regulations

that stated the stamp should be affixed at the top right. 

An attractive item that displays well. 

Price:  £335.00  

NB: There is a reference on the internet to Alderman Thomas Ennis,

Westgate Ward, Drogheda, in an 1843 Handbook to Carlingford Bay.


1d red: RED numeral with Certificate


1848 1d red 3-margined, ‘OH’ plate 80, cancelled indistinct RED numeral, 

SG spec BS29xd, with a Certificate and priced by Gibbons from £5,500

An opportunity to obtain a very collectable certificated example.

A significant rarity offered at a fraction of Gibbon's price.   

Price: £550.00


1d red: RED numeral cancellation


1d red, 'EF', fine 3-margined with a clean back,

cancelled by an indistinct numeral in RED.

Listed by Gibbons as SG spec BS29xd and priced from £5,500.

Although the numeral is unclear the number at the right may be a '6'

and could be the Liverpool, '466', as Danzig lists this in the

handfull of recorded examples of a 1d red with a red cancellation.

An extremely rare item and a very collectable example.

An opportunity to fill a gap in your Collection at a fraction of the Gibbon's price.

Price: £550.00


The next items are examples of ERRORS of Numeral Cancellations.


Ringwood Error of Numeral


1d SG40, fine, tied to a very fine mourning envelope from RINGWOOD to Shaftesbury, by a numeral '120'. 

This is an ERROR as Ringwood was assigned in May 1844, number '644': number '120' was issued to Bridgend.

On the reverse is a Ringwood date stamp for May 18th 1864. 

An attractive example of this scarce Error of Number which displays well. 

Price:  £95.00


Saffron Walden Numeral Error


1d Plate 182, fine, tied to a fine/very fine envelope from SAFFRON WALDEN to Cambridge, July 30th 1870. 

The duplex has the numeral '699' which is an ERROR: Saffron Walden was originally issued with number 669.

Number '699' was issued to Sheerness in Kent. 

On reverse is a Cambridge date stamp for SUNDAY July 31st 1870. 

On the front is a m/s note in red 'Not to be found' and on the reverse 'Not Known' with various postal employers' initials.

The envelope has been roughly opened and there is a 'neat' flap tear at the left visible in the scan not affecting the front. 

An attractive and very fine example of this very scarce/rare Error of Number.

A superb display item.

Price:  £175.00


EKD for Oxford duplex Error '613' and the '613' of Petersfield


1d Plate 139, a few short/uneven perfs at the top, tied to a mourning envelope to Stow -on-the- Wold


by the OXFORD ERROR '613' numeral instead of the correct '603'. 


Parmenter notes the Earliest Known Date,(EKD), for the Flat Top to the Number '3' variety as July 18th 1872.


The example offered here is used on the day before hence this is the EKD at July 17th 1872: a superb item.


The EKD of the error is offered with an example of the correct numeral in the duplex for Petersfield, Hampshire.

Petersfield used the correct duplex throughout the period during which Oxford was using the same, but incorrect, '613'

The envelope has a tear at the front which does not appear on the reverse.

A very scarce/rare pairing which displays well.

Price the pair: £85.00


Oxford duplex ERROR '613': very late usage


1d plate 143, short/rubbed SE corner perfs, tied to an envelope to Farringdon by a fine

OXFORD error of duplex, '613', for October 24th 1873 showing the 'Flat top to 3',

very fine Farringdon cds for the following day. 

Envelope roughly opened with damage at the top and on the reverse flap.

However, the flat top 3 variety  is recorded by Parmenter in use to October 30th 1873. 

This example here is dated October 24th 1873, less than a week before that date, and is

the latest example we have seen or indeed able to offer.

Price: £55.00



Oxford Error of Duplex: SUNDAY usage


1d pink embossed stationery envelope to Ipswich and cancelled by a superb Oxford '613'error of duplex, flat topped '3' variety.

The correct number should have been '603' and not the '613' assigned to Petersfield in Hants.

On the reverse is a partial strike of the Ipswich Sorting Tender with no index letter, Wilson fig. 520.

The envelope has been roughly opened and a part of the top reverse flap is missing.

However, the duplex date of July 27th 1873 is a rare SUNDAY usage

and is the only Sunday example we have seen for this duplex error.

We have seen few examples of this error on embossed envelopes and

it is hard to see how a better strike could be found.

 An attractive and rare item item that displays well. 

Price:  £95.00


The next item is from the Surface Printed Section but is included

as it shows other very scarce usages of the Oxford duplex error.


Oxford Error of Duplex 613: both varieties



d SG103 Plates 6 and 9: both tied to pieces from mourning envelopes.

The Plate 6 is tied by an Oxford error '613' duplex with a round top '3', August 28th 1871. 

The outer ring of the dater is breaking up giving an appearance of a 'dotted circle'.

The Plate 9 is tied by the Oxford error '613' with a flat top '3', January 17th 1873.

This error is seldom found on values other than the contemporary 1d.

A very scarce/rare pairing showing both varieties 'round' and flat top' to the '3'.

Price:  £60.00

NB: The correct number for Oxford was '603', '613' being that of Petersfield in Hampshire.

Petersfield used its correct '613' duplex throughout the period that Oxford was using the same but incorrect one. 



SG52 Plate 1: used in Ireland with a single franking

152517.  Threehalfpenny SG52 Plate 1:

fine used and tied to a clean envelope to Ballymeny by a fine BELFAST duplex for December 22nd 1874. 

Ballymena receiving cds on the reverse top flap for the following day. 

Plate 1, scarcer than Plate 3, priced by Gibbons at £400 on cover. 

This is a fine example of a very scarce single usage as the

 postage should be 1d or 2d on such an envelope.

Displays well.

Price:  £125.00

NB: it would form an excellent and very scarce/rare pairing with the Plate 3 example,

Item 152497 to Whitehaven.



SG51 Plate 3 single usage: Whitehaven Sorting Tender


152497.  Threehalfpenny SG51 Plate 3:

very fine tied, to a clean legal entire from London to Whitehaven, by a London W C/21 duplex for June 28th 1880.

On the reverse is a fine strike of the Whitehaven Sorting Tender on the top rear flap which displays well when raised.

The filing crease on the front is NOT present on the reverse side. 

A very scarce stamp to find used singly on a cover or letter as the postage should be 1d or 2d. 

Gibbons prices Plate 3 on cover at £275. 

An item that displays well. 

Price:  £120.00



Pair of underpaid envelopes to HALIFAX Nova Scotia


A pair of neat, underpaid, envelopes to the same addressee in HALIFAX, Nova Scotia.

The First: 1d Plate 145, tied by the 'G09' numeral of STONEHOUSE, Devon, with a date stamp for October 9th 1873 on reverse. 

The stamp has been affixed in a position Contrary to Post Office Regulations.

Addressed to Dartmouth with on the reverse, not overlapping, are Canadian date stamps including Dartmouth for November 3rd 1873.

Clearly underpaid and in London handstamped, but unusually in red, 'Insufficiently Stamped'. 

On receipt in Canada the m/s surcharge in blue can be seen. 

Parmenter records the Stonehouse 'G09' and it is given a 'G' rarity grading ie Very Rare.

The EKD noted in the publication is January 5th 1874 so the example here pre-dates.

We have previously not been able to offer, nor have seen, an example of this very rare numeral.

On mail to Canada it may well be a unique usage.

The Second: 1d Plate 172, tied by a Bristol Duplex for July 8th 1874 with a supporting date stamp on the reverse for the 9th July. 

As with the first envelope, it is clearly underpaid and received in London a handstamped, in black, 'Insufficiently/Prepaid'. 

On receipt in Canada, as with the earlier envelope, it received the same m/s surcharge in blue.

A remarkable and very rare/unique pairing of items that would make an excellent Display page.

Price:  £175.00

NB: the envelopes are generally in a finer condition than the scan suggests.




1d Plate 212 Guernsey duplex


1d red, SG 43, pl 212, fine example tied to very clean, un-creased wrapper, used locally in Guernsey,

by very fine/superb Guernsey 324 duplex, type G17a, for January 30th 1879.

The wrapper is addressed to Carteret Castel.

Very attractive and scarce.

Price: £65.00



1d Plate 225 on cover





1d Plate 225, fine, on an envelope used locally in London January 23rd 1880.


Very fine example of this most difficult plate to find on cover. 


An estimated Gibbons price on cover is in excess of £2,300. 


Clean and uncreased envelope but with the rear top flap missing.


The London duplex leaves the plate number clearly visible.


A display quality item. 


Price:  £525.00



1d Plate superb used item


1d Plate 105, superb example, placed in a position contrary to the then Post Office Regulations.

Tied to a superb mourning envelope to Gravesend,

an appropriate address given the sad circumstances, by a London W/47 duplex for April 13th 1876.

The duplex leaves most of QV's head clear showing the fine colour of the stamp to advantage.

A rare and attractive item of Exhibition quality. 

Price: £35.00


Rare multiple usage of 1d Plate 219


1d Plate 219; 'PL' single and a pair 'PJ-PK' tied to an envelope from Bideford, August 4th 1879 to Dieppe, France. 

The stamps paid the 3d rate to France for 1/2 oz: see Item 152444. 

'PL' has a small area of light creasing and 'PJ' with a few short perfs at the top, but Plate 219 second in rarity only to Plate 225.

A single is priced by Gibbons on cover at almost £250 and this is the largest multiple usage of this plate we have seen. 

A rare item. 

Price: £85.00


Stamp placed in a unusual position


1d SG40 placed contra to Post Office Regulations, and upside down, on a superb envelope used within London.

A very fine Western W 32 duplex, for April 6th 1861, applied where the stamp should have been placed.

Addressed to W(illiam) Noel Sainsbury who was the archivist at the Public Record Office, London.

He worked chiefly at calendaring and publishing records relating to North America and the Caribbean:

more information on the web.

An attractive and very scarce item which displays well. 

Price: £38.00

NB: the apparent browning is very faint.



1d Plate 72 on piece

151802.  1d plate 72, 'BA-CC' block of 6 and a strip of three 'CG-CI'.

All very fine with excellent colour except very small corner perf fault on 'BC' and on 'CI'.

Tied to a large piece by MAIDSTONE duplexes for July 3rd 1865 and

with London and Ashbourne cds's for July 4th and July 5th 1865 respectively.

'More to Pay' and a m/s 'over 4 1/2 oz' at the two corners. 

An attractive and unusual item. 

Price:  £48.00


Missent to Gloucester and Station Postmark


1d SG17, on an envelope to Wootton under Edge and cancelled by an indistinct Irish numeral. 

On the reverse is a Dublin 1854 datestamp and a Gloucester Station date stamp in red for November 5th 1854:

a rare SUNDAY usage of this cancellation and the first Station cancellation for a Sunday that we can recall.

On the front, also in red, is a fine MISSENT TO GLOUCESTER, County Cat GL403.

This is an UNRECORDED strike being listed as known only in the GPO archives and clearly very rare.

An unusual and very rare number of features making it an item worthy of display. 

Price: £115.00

NB: Some details of the Nina and Monk Mills can be found on the internet.


Single strikes of '545': Contrary to Regulations


1d Plate 84, 'GA-HB': an attractive and fine block of four cancelled

Contrary to PO Regulations by two single strikes of the '545' of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Danzig notes that the single usage of an English numeral cancellation on a pair of 1d reds

is significantly rarer than Scottish or Irish numerals used in a similar way. 

This concurs with our experience.

Stamps 'GA', 'HA' and 'HB' have clear profiles to a varying extent. 

A used block of four was priced by Gibbons at £325 

before adding a substantial premium for the single cancellations.

A rare item which displays well.

Price: £155.00

NB: the block has a very clean back.


Entire from Long Horsley



152434.  1d Plate 44, 'TK': almost full margins, touched below the 'T' square. 

Tied to a legal entire from LONG HORSLEY to Alnwick, December 22nd 1844, by a poor but just legible '537' of MORPETH. 

This numeral is given a rarity 'H' by Parmenter, ie very few exist, and he notes only ONE example known and that is for September 5th 1844. 

On the reverse is udc for Long Horsley, County Cat. NR392, recorded only in 1842 and in black ink.

The example here is struck in a bluey-green and used in 1844: the scan does not show the colour well. 

On the reverse to flap is a strike in black of a MORPETH temporary date stamp for December 1844:

the County Cat. has NO RECORDED example of any temporary date stamp for this location. 

A remarkable item with a unique combination of rare features which would make an excellent display page. 

Price: £95.00


Edgbaston Penny Post


1d, 'NC', appears to be Plate 35, into on three sides, tied to an envelope to London, March 16th 1844,

by a poor but identifiable, EDGBASTON Penny Post, County Cat. BM273. 

Gibbons lists the sole usage of a Penny Post without a Maltese Cross as B1wb,

and is priced at £8,000 on cover in the latest, QV Volume 1.

Despite the poor strike and the 1d red, this is a very rare item.

Offered at a small fraction of the Gibbons price.

Price: £275.00 


Saffron Walden underinked cross!!!


1d 'RK', Plate 14: very fine with full margins tied to a clean entire, dated December 26th 1841, from SAFFRON WALDEN to Ludlow.

On the reverse is a poor and partial Saffron Walden date stamp and a London date stamp for December 27th 1841. 

On the front is a Ludlow receiver for December 28th 1841.

The Saffron Walden cross is the most underinked example of any MX we can recall seeing!

The Queen's Head is totally clear and one is tempted to think the postmaster/mistress was still recovering

from the Christmas festivities which could also explain the poor Saffron Walden date stamp on the reverse.

It was problably struck before the MX and used up almost all of the ink on the pad. 

Plate 14 on cover is priced by Gibbons at £200. 

An exceptional and rare example of an 'empty centre' cross

and the finest example we have seen. 

A superb item of Exhibition quality.

Price: £165.00 

NB: Rockoff illustrates in Volume 2, page 336, an example of a Saffron Walden cross in 1843.

It was poorly struck but with most of the elements of the cross visible.



Winslow, Bucks: 1d worn plate

152440.  1d 'RJ', Plate 40: very fine/superb with full margins and showing a worn plate. 

Stamp is tied to a clean entire to Stony Stratford by the '894' of WINSLOW Bucks:

a November 24th 1846 Winslow date stamp on reverse and

a partial date stamp for Stony Straford, November 5th, on the front.

The numeral cancellation leaves a clear profile and is rated RARE by Parmenter.

An attractive item with a rare combination of features.

Price:  £48.50



1d red on an Envelope to CANADA and a Stampless Wrapper both sent in 1848


152409.  A pair of items, one stamped and the other stampless, both sent in 1848 to CANADA.

The first is to TORONTO and the second to QUEBEC.

The printed description for the Toronto item was taken from the original display page. 

The 1d red has almost full margins except possibly just touched in one place at the bottom.

The top corner creases were there before it was affixed to this small envelope.

The numeral obliterator is '717', SLOUGH and not '777'.

From the Liverpool receiving date stamp of February 19th, the next Cunarder sailing

was on February 27th 1848, the 'Cambria', which arrived in New York on March 20th 1848.

Then sent on to Toronto?

The envelope could have been held held back until this sailing.

NB: The condition of the envelope is finer than in the scan.


The second item is a clean stampless wrapper from PLYMOUTH to QUEBEC via Liverpool, November 16th 1848.

On the reverse is a fine Plymouth date stamp for November 16th and a London transit for the 17th.

The Liverpool receiver for November 17th would suggest that the item was possibly carried on the Cunarder 'Britannia',

which left Liverpool on November 18th 1848 and arrived in Boston on December 6th 1848: then sent onto Quebec.

On the front is a 1/4sCurrency handstamp applied by the Canadian PO which, as in the envelope above,

 indicated the currency conversion from Sterling to the Canadian currency

and the amount to be collected on delivery by the postman.

It was possibly applied in Quebec.

A very rare pair of items both sent to CANADA, one with a 1d red and the other stampless,

and with different surcharge handstamps.

These would make a superb Display and Exhibition page.

Price:  £460.00


NB: We have seen only one other example of a 1d red imperf on a cover to Canada with this surcharge


and that was more than 10 years ago.



1d red to France 1854

152424.  1d red, 'EG', Plate 168, fine 3-plus margins, ragged at the NE corner but clear,

on a clean and uncreased envelope from LONDON to GIRONDE, France, March 23rd 1854.

Handstruck '16' on the front: a scarce double surcharge for underpaid mail to France. 

The 1d red was probably added as a Late Fee.

An interesting address and a superb arrangement of transit marks on the reverse. 

An attractive item which displays well. 

Price: £180.00


1d Plate 19 pair 1842


1d red plate 19, 'HA-HB', full margins but 'HA' at the left side crossed by a vertical filing crease.

At the bottom margin are portions of the two stamps below ie 'IA' and 'IB'.

The stamps are tied to the last page of a letter from London to Wincanton.

On the reverse is a London date stamp for Saturday April 23rd 1842 and on the front two strikes of

the Wincanton receiving date stamp for SUNDAY April 24th 1842: one of which faintly ties 'HB'.  

The third Wincanton date stamp is for Monday April 25th 1842: the day the letter was sent out to be delivered.

This strike firmly ties stamp 'HA'.

The letter is in a finer condition than the scan - there is no browning on the letter.

Gibbons prices a pair of Plate 19 on cover at £300.

An attractive item with a very scarce combination of features including Sunday date stamps. 

Price:  £120.00


KELSO Distinctive Cross


1d, 'TA', almost full margins, vertical crease, tied to a small piece

by the distinctive KELSO CROSS, SG Spec B1ti. 

Priced by Gibbons on stamp at £800 in QV Volume 1, latest Edition 2011. 

An opportunity to obtain a collectable example of this very scarce cross

at a small fraction of the Gibbons price.

Price:  £65.00


1d Plate 160: full margined block of four

152416.  1d, 'ND-OE', Plate 160, fine used with good to enormous margins. 

Light indistinct numeral cancellations leaves 'OD' with a totally clear QV head

 and 'ND' with an almost fully clear profile.

Very clean reverse and priced by Gibbons in this plate at £550 plus.

Large portions of four adjacent stamps.

Very scarce item with such margins.

Price:  £270.00


Plate 62: major re-entry


1d 'TJ', Plate 62, full margins except shaved at the side of the 'J' square.

The cancellation leaves the major re-entry, SG SpecBS28b, clearly seen at the base.

This variety on Plate 62, is illustrated in QV Volume 1.

Priced by Gibbons at £100.

Very fine example of this re-entry which displays well.

Price:  £55.00



Red 'PD' in Oval on a 1d Red


1d Plate 119, 'FB', very fine used, a slightly blunt perf SE corner,

cancelled only by a number of 'PD in oval' in RED.

This is a very rare example of a red cancellation on a red stamp

and the only example we have been able to offer.

We have seen only one other such example, some 15 years ago,

and that was offered by a specialist London dealer for more than £500.

As with the example offered here, it was on a stamp off cover.

A very rare Exhibition item.

Price: £250.00



ANTWERP  to London June 1841: 1d red Plate 8




Family letter written in ANTWERP, dated June 9th 1841, sent to Hoxton, London.

The pripheral and other browning is a lot fainter than the scan or not present at all.

London Ship Letter in red, County Cat. London  L1218, June 14th 1841. 

Letter went from Addlestone to Hoxton, black Addlestone Penny Post, Surrey County Cat. SY4,

recorded in black, 1839-40 so this example extends this period of use.

 Chertsey date stamp on reverse for June 25th 1841 and London date stamps for the following day.

The earlier London transit date stamp for June 14th 1841 has been struck out.


The 1d red'BC', fine 4-margined from Plate 8, is tied by a MX applied probably at Chertsey:

no Chertsey crosses are recorded by Rockoff and Jackson.

1d red Plate 8 priced by Gibbons on cover at £350. 

An attractive combination of features and a rare early usage of

a 1d red black plate on a family letter from BELGIUM.


It would make a very interesting Display especially when the contents of the letter were included.


A superb and rare item.


Price: £285.00 


NB: the detailed and clearly written 3-page letter is from a son to his mother. 

He describes looking on to a square in Antwerp and hearing a band playing as they approach. 

Mention is also made of the Railway Station and a train to Brussels:

it would be worth transcribing as it would enhance the display of this rare item.

The address has in it The Whitmores Head:

a public house which is no longer there but photos are on the internet.



Brighton S/W duplex: rare usage on 1d red imperf

152416.  1d red 'AB', fine 4-margined, Plate 160: tied to an envelope from BRIGHTON to London

by a BRIGHTON sideways duplex, '132', for August 16th 1854. 

This cancellation is usually found on the 1d SG17/18 and this is

the first example we have seen on a 1d red imperf, on or off cover.

Danzig records only 12 examples of sideways duplexes on the

1d red imperf on cover and Brighton is NOT one of them. 

A very rare item. 

Price:  £120.00



Liverpool cross: double strike on Plate 27

152343.  1d red plate 27, 'OD', fine 4-margined and tied to a clean wrapper to Glasgow by

 a double strike of the LIVERPOOL cross: contrary to Post Office regulations. 

The second cross barely touches the stamp and may explain the second strike.

Liverpool date stamp for June 19th 1843 and a boxed Glasgow receiver for the next day. 

Gibbons prices Plate 27 at £120 on cover. 

Price:  £75.00


Liverpool cross: rare second strike off the stamp


1d 'KK', ragged margin at right and top right corner, tied by a LIVERPOOL cross with a second applied below the stamp.

Addressed to the Hon Colonel Macadam Cathcart.and details of him and the family are available on the internet. 

The crosses show some debris and overinking.

A rare item. 

Price: £150.00 

NB: we have not previously seen a second strike of the Liverpool cross away from the stamp.

The following locations are known with similar second cross usages:

Colchester; Cork; Edinburgh; London, Spilsby and Alfreton.

See item 152151 above for an example from Gravesend.


1d Plate 27: DUBLIN Special Crosses




1d reds, rejoined pair, 'CF and CG', Plate 27, both stamps completely open NE square.

 'CF' very fine', CG' thinned, both have fine margins and are

cancelled by fine/very fine DUBLIN crosses,

SG Spec B1tf, priced by Gibbons at £300 as two singles. 

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price:  £75.00


1d Plate 37: DUBLIN Special Cross

152412. 1d red 'OH', very fine/fine Plate 37, very clean back.

cancelled by a fine DUBLIN Special cross,

very scarce on this plate with a Maltese Cross.

Gibbons prices this Dublin cross at £150, SG Spec B1tf,

 on an 'ordinary' plate but at £300 on Plate 37. 

An attractive item with a very scarce combination of features.

Price: £70.00


1d plate 39: Dublin Crosses

152276.  1d plate 39, 'HJ-HL':

 'HJ' full margins, close at 'H' square, with a very light vertical crease barely visible from the front. 

Very fine colour and a clean reverse, each stamp cancelled by a very fine strike of the characteristic DUBLIN cross. 

Gibbons prices this cross on a single 1d red at £150 and a

pro rata strip of three Plate 39 with an ordinary MX at £330. 

This Dublin strip priced by Gibbons at £500 +++

A very attractive and very scarce item. 

Price:  £85.00




Triple MX from London on Plate 30


1d Plate 30, 'PJ' and 'QB', both fine/very fine 4-margins,

very large in places and portion of another stamp at the bottom of 'QB': tied to a legal letter used locally in LONDON.

There is a very small wrinkle in the SW corner letter square of 'PB'. 

On the reverse top flap is a red London date stamp for July 23rd 1843. 

The stamps are tied, Contrary to PO Regulations, by three MX's instead ot two:

'QB' was cancelled first, then 'PB' and then another strike on 'PB' by which time the ink on the canceller was reducing

hence the open centre to the second cross on 'PB' leaving the Queen's head more visible. 

1d reds from Plate 30 are very scarce especially on cover and a single on cover is priced

by Gibbons at £140 in QV Volume 1, latest Edition. 

A multiple usage of this plate on cover is rarely found and

we can not recall previously a 'Contrary to PO Regulations' number of MX's on this Plate.  

An attractive and rare item which would make an interesting display and

could be enhanced from the information about the addressee available on line. 

Price:  £155.00

NB: the letter is addressed to His Excellency Major Macphail. 

Reference is made to him on the internet in parliamentary reports in this country and abroad. 



Coventry Cross.

151294.  1d red brown, Plate 22, vertical pair 'LF-MF', fine with full margins:

cancelled by the distinctive COVENTRY CROSS clear on 'LF'. 

Spec B1te, priced by Gibbons at £750 on a single stamp

hence on a pair at £1500 plus.

A rare cancellation in a vertical multiple of this distinctive cross.

Price: £290.00


Superb Strip Plate 36.

151292.  1d red brown Plate 36, 'MA-MC':

very fine and attractive strip of three with large/very large margins

and two stamps with clear profiles. 

The small MX is reminiscent of the DUMFRIES listed variety.

Horizontal Guide line thru the values, each shows a fine Ivory Head

and offered with a clean RPS Certificate

The misalignment of the stamps is clearly seen.

A pair in this plate priced by Gibbons at £160. 

The scan does not do justice to the rich colour. 

Price: £135.00



1d Plate 34 early usage


15198.  1d red plate34, ‘SF’: superb large square margined example

on a building trade entire from Manchester to Warrington, August 24th 1843.

Stamp tied by a crisp double strike, contrary to PO regulations, 

of the Manchester Type 2 cross leaving a clear profile.

This example unrecorded in Rockoff Volume 1. 

An early usage of this plate, registered in July 1843:

we have not seen an earlier example.. 

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price:  £125.00



Distinctive GREENOCK Cross on 1d red from a Black Plate

151217: 1d red ‘IK’, black plate 10:

fine 3-plus margined on a very clean entire to Edinburgh, December 18th 1841.

Stamp tied by a superb GREENOCH cross, SG Spec A2uj,

and priced by Gibbons at £1,250 in the QV Volume 1, latest Edition.

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price:  £350.00


1d Plate 48: Dublin '186' on Block of 8 with Certificate


1841 1d red plate 48, ‘SA-TD’, block of 8: very fine/superb used block, Dublin ‘186’.

Touched or just in to at places but the central block of 4, ‘SB-TC’,

is fine 4-margined: very close but clear at NW corner of 'SB'.

The ‘T’ row all show a degree of double bottom as noted in QV Volume 1 page 186, SG spec BS37d.

Superb rich shade of red brown and with a German, H Richter, Certificate of Authenticity.

Gibbons prices a block of 4 at £375, without the variety.

Price: £310.00 



1d reds Plate 12 with variety



152415. 1d imperfs plate 12, 'TE' and 'TB':     

two superb 4-margined singles, both with clear profiles.

Tied to an entire, March 10 1842, from East Grinstead to Wellington, Somerset. 

‘TB’ with basal shift and faint letter ‘B’: SG Spec BS1c.

A single plate 12 on cover priced by Gibbons at £200 not allowing for the variety.

Exceptional item from a Gold Medal Winning Collection.  

Price: £180.00   


The next group of items illustrate some of the different types of duplexes introduced

in London in 1853 which replaced the numbers in 'oval of barrs only' cancellations.



1d Plate 166: early London duplex


1d red, 'AD', Plate 166, fine/very fine 4-margined: tied to an envelope, filing crease away from the 1d,

by a very fine first type of London duplex for June 27th 1853. 

This is type 72A, the bars arrangement in the numeral part of the duplex is: 2-10-9-2.

 The only type with a different number of bars on the sides of the circle with the number.

Sent locally in London to Hammersmith with an interesting addressee: Sir John Philippart.

A very fine item that would make an interesting display page

and enhanced with the information re Sir John. 

Price:  £46.50  SOLD

NB: these duplexes are very difficult to find on cover with full-margined 1d reds.

On the internet is a full biopic of Sir John Philippart:

he was elected a Knight of St. John of Jerusalem on 11 November 1830.



1d Plate 170: early London duplex


1d red, 'AD', Plate 170: a fine large square-margined example

tied to a slightly tired envelope by the early type of London duplex for June 24th 1854.

This is Type 72A which is the only type with a different number of bars

on the sides of the circle with the number ie 2-10-9-2.

An interesting address to a 'Soap Manufactory', sent to the Minories in London.

At the top in a different hand is: 'For Book of Martyrs': perhaps a link to the Minories Holy Trinity Church?

These duplexes are very difficult to find on cover with full-margined 1d reds.

An interesting item.

Price:  £48.00

NB: 1d perf 16, SG17, introduced in March 1854 hence

the example offered here is a late usage of the 1d red imperf.


1d red Plate 165: early London duplex


1d red 'IK', appears to be Plate 165: very fine 4-margined example,

tied to a clean envelope, very light vertical bump/crease clear of the stamp and barely visible.

The superb duplex, August 11th 1853, is Type 73A with 2-9-9-2 bars arrangement

in the numeral part of the duplex around the circle. 

On the reverse is a 'Chief Office' struck in blue - better strike than in the scan.

Very difficult to find these duplex types on cover with such a fine 1d red. 

An attractive item and very scarce so fine. 

Price:  £55.00 


1d SG17 with a London duplex


1d SG17, 'HI', fine, on a clean envelope sent locally in London. 

The stamp is tied by Type 74A duplex for October 26th 1854:

the bars arrangement around the circle with the numeral is 3-6-6-3. 

The month and day plugs are unusually shifted to the right and the

'12' is larger than any we have seen on these early duplex types:

compare it with the previous item, 152399, which has a normal size code '12'. 

An attractive and very unusual item. 

Price: £46.00


1d SG29 on wrapper with a London duplex


1d SG29, 'HB', fine, on a clean wrapper used locally in London, part of top rear flap missing,

Stamp tied by a very fine/superb Type 76D London duplex for January 2nd 1857. 

This type, bars arrangement 3-7-7-3 around the numeral circle, is the RAREST of all the types

that do not have the smaller Cresswell type cds in the duplex. 

A very fine and very scarce/rare item. 

Price:  £48.50 




London to Milan 1850

152388.  2d Plate 4, SG13 pale blue shade,'JK-JL':

 'JK' full margined with surface adherence, 'JL' 3-margined, 1d red 3-margined.

Tied to an entire from London to MILAN.

The letter is dated CHRISTMAS DAY1850, written mainly in italian but partly in English.

 In the italian section of the letter, a reference is made to the GREAT EXHIBITION of 1851.

An unusual and rare 5d rate with the 1d possibly added as a late fee. 

A rare combination of features. 

Price: £285.00

NB: the letter is in a finer condition than the scan suggests.



SLIGO Cross and Penny Post

152382. 1d 'EK', fine, 4-margined except just touching at 'E' square:

clean entire to Dublin requesting advice on applying for a post with Customs and Excise.

Stamp tied by a fine strike of the Type 2 SLIGO cross:

Rockoff and Jackson Volume 2, note that Moxter records the Sligo cross

on covers between July 1840 and February 1844. 

However Rockoff and Jackson have been able to record only seven examples,

from October 1841 to February 1844, and they classify two types of cross.

Of these, only two examples December 1843 and February 1844, are of Type 2. 

The example offered here is a later usage than recorded by either Moxter or Rockoff and Jackson.

On the front all struck in the same shade of blue are:

a Sligo March 26th 1844; a Sligo Penny Post; a No.1 and a TOO LATE. 

The TOO LATE strike explains the Sligo March 27th 1844 on the reverse.

Also on the reverse is a fine red Dublin receiver for the following day.

The scan does not do justice to the blue of the cancellations. 

An attractive and rare item which would make an interesting display.

Price:  £285.00 

NB: The address is interesting: below 'Dublin' the writer has added

'or else where'. 

Does he mean Dublin or Ireland?

Would certainly be a challenge for the Postman!


Number 8 in Cross: a superb strike


152390.  1d red 'NE', 3-plus margins with portion/traces of FOUR adjacent stamps.

Tied to an unreased entire from London to Manchester, by a superb Number 8 in Cross.

London date stamp on reverse for August 17th 1843 and a Manchester receiver for the following day.  

A most attractive strike of the number 8 in cross and priced by Gibbons at £450. 

Price:  £160.00



Plymouth Cross




1d , 'LB', Plate 32, fine 4-margined tied to a neat mourning envelope by the Plymouth 'ordinary' cross.


From the list of examples recorded in Rockoff and Jackson, the example offered here is, at November 4th 1843,


the second latest usage noted and unrecorded by them.


On the front is a superb strike of the Plymouth Py(Penny) Post County Cat. DN 1127 first used in 1843:


a scarce combination and the first we can recall. 


The envelope is addressed to LADY LOPES, MARISTOW. 


On the internet is a wealth of information re the Lopes Family and images of Maristow House. 


An attractive and scarce item which would make an interesting display when fully written up. 


Price:  £85.00 


NB: the envelope is in finer condition than the scan suggests.




1d red sent from JERSEY




1d red 'FL', 4-margins on a wrapper to London, JERSEY cds in red on reverse, July 15th 1850,


and a London receiver for the following day. 


The fine 4-margined 1d red is tied by a fine '409' of Jersey and has the full deckle edge and the inscription 'PRICE'. 


A very rare/very scarce inscriptional item from the Channel Islands: the first we have been able to offer.


Price: £165.00



1d red sent to Paris



1d red, 'OG', 3-margins, fine colour, tied by the '405' of IPSWICH on entire to Paris:


Ipswich September 5th 1845 date stamp on reverse top flap.


10d charge in m/s and a red Boulogne transit cds on the front.


Scarce usage of the 1d on an overseas cover; possibly added as a late fee.


A fine and attractive item. 


Price:  £130.00 


NB: the apparent browning at the top of the 1d is far fainter than the scan suggests.



1d SG19Wi plate 4: INVERTED Watermark



2d SG19Wi, Plate 4, 'BI': a very fine/fine used example with INVERTED watermark.


Cancelled by the '51' in oval of bars and a partial boxed red transit mark. 


This '51' cancellation was applied at the London District Post, Registration Clerk,


and is recorded by Parmenter with a Rare grading. 


The combination this cancel on this 2d with inverted watermark is, at the least, very rare if not unique. 


Gibbons prices the basic SG20Wi at £325 without the premium for the rare cancellation.


A superb item that would display well when written up. 


Price:  £160.00 


NB: the London Postal History Group record this '51' as seen used on both registered and apparently normal mail. 


The latter were on registered covers prepaid in cash and then put in another envelope.



1d red full margins with part inscription

152374.  1d, 'PL', possibly plate 19, fine/very fine 4-margined example tied to a neat and clean

entire from LONDON to Ashburton by a fine Maltese cross; small part of the upper flap corner missing. 

Slightly ragged margin at the left but a very large margin at the right with a part marginal inscription.

London date stamp on reverse for January 10th 1842 and an Ashburton receiver for January 11th 1842 on the front:

The scan does not do justice to the deep brown shade.

Priced by Gibbons on cover at £120 in QV Volume 1, 2011 (latest) Edition. 

An attractive item whivh displays well. 

Price:  £60.00


Late Fee usage of 1d Red on a Mourning Envelope

152373.  1d reds, 'DG' and 'EH', both fine and each with QV's profile clear;

 'DG' is 3-margined and 'EH' full - margined except just shaved at the bottom of the 'E' square.

'EH' has virtually a complete Queen's head clear of the '383' numeral of HULL. 

Very unusual to find two 1d reds on a mourning envelope, peripheral tear at the top as in the scan.

We can not recall seeing another such usage.

It is likely that the 1d added at the bottom left was paying a Late Fee. 

A Hull date stamp on the reverse for April 30th 1852 and a Wakefield transit stamp for May 1st 1852.

On the front is a Halifax receiving date stamp also for May 1st.  

An attractive and unusual item. 

Price:  £48.00



The next group of four items show:


the Experimental Engraving of the letters rather than hand punched,


for Plates 50 and 51,


and the Provisional use of Reserve Plates16 and 17.


They are each ex the Statham Collection.



1d Reserve Plate 50: SG42


1d SG42, 'SF', very fine tied to an envelope from KELSO to Glasgow, May 26th 1864.

The stamp is printed from Plate 50, experimental engraved letters on the plate rather than the usual hand punched ones.

The envelope has a part of the rear flap missing but is very fine otherwise.

Priced by Gibbons at £70 on cover which is undervalued in our experience. 

Price:  £40.00

NB: the envelope is finer than the scan suggests.


1d Reserve Plate 51: SG42


1d SG42, 'DJ', fine/very fine, used locally within LONDON, August 17th 1863.

The stamp is printed from Plate 51, experimental engraved letters on the plate rather than the usual hand punched ones.

Fault to the top left corner of the envelope but on the reverse is a very fine embossed 'L.& N.W.R. Solicitors Office':

sent from the London and North Western Railway:  full details of this Railway Company are available on the internet.

Priced by Gibbons at £70 on cover which is undervalued in our experience. 

Price: £35.00


1d Reserve Plate 16


1d, Spec C13, 'GL' very fine, used locally in LONDON, April 1st 1864:

the stamp is printed from Reserve Plate 16. 

Reserve plates 15, 16 and 17 were brought into use owing to a shortage of the penny plates with stars in upper corners

and the delay in preparing the new plates with letters in those corners ie the penny plate numbers.

They were used upto March 1st 1864.

The example offered here is, significantly, used on April 1st 1864: the day the 1d plate numbers, SG43/4, were issued.

From our researches we cannot find an example of SG43/4 used on this date and none are reported by Booth. 

Priced by Gibbons at £70 on cover which is undervalued in our experience.

Price:  £55.00

NB: the envelope has a small corner fault top left otherwise it is very fine.


1d Reserve Plate 17


1d Spec C10, 'DG' fine/very fine printed from Reserve Plate 17

 used locally in LONDON, May 10th 1864.

Reserve plates 15, 16 and 17 were brought into use owing to a shortage of the penny plates with stars in upper corners

and the delay in preparing the new plates with letters in those corners ie the penny plate numbers.

They were used upto March 1st 1864.

Priced by Gibbons at £70 on cover which is undervalued in our experience.

Price: £45.00



Saffron-Walden Cross: 1d Plate 30


152357.  1d red 'IL', Plate 30, fine with large to very large margins:

tied by a lightly struck cross of SAFFRON - WALDEN, April 18th 1843, to an envelope to Maidenhead. 

Rockoff Volume 2, illustrates only one envelope, May 10th 1843, with a 1d red tied by

a very weak strike of the Saffron-Walden cross: struck just 3 weeks after the example offered here.

It appears the ink pad had dried out even more for the May 10th strike! 

1d red plate 30 is priced by Gibbons in the latestQV volume 1 at £250 on cover:

a very scarce plate and especially with such large margins.

A fine Display item.

Price: £75.00  

NB: the envelope is much finer than in the scan and there is almost NO browning front or back.




Earliest Recorded Usage of a numeral cancellation in IRELAND



1d red, 'KF', 3-plus margins just tied to a very clean mourning envelope by the '186' of DUBLIN. 


On the reverse is a Dublin date stamp for JUNE 22 1844 and


a Six Mile Bridge date stamp for June 23rd 1844 - a SUNDAY.  


This is the earliest recorded usage of a numeral cancellation in Ireland.


A superb Exhibition item.


Price: £385.00



1d red Plate 9: Ballinlea, February 20th 1841



1d red Plate 9, 'SE': large square margined example, crossed by a filing crease,


tied by a very fine MX to a financial entire, dated February 20th 1841, from BALLINLEA to BALLYMONEY, Co Antrim. 


Superb Ballymoney date stamp on reverse for February 21st 1841 - a SUNDAY. 


The 1d red was issued on February 10th 1841and the earliest known usage of the 1d red Plate 9 on cover


was in the Pichai Collection: a 3 plus margin on a cover used locally within London on February 19th 1841.


The example offered here is the earliest known example used in Ireland.


In fact, it is believed to be the earliest known Irish usage of a 1d red from any plate. 


It is also one of the earliest known Irish usages of the BLACK cross:


black ink officially replaced red ink on February 10th 1841. 


The letter is in a cleaner condition than the scan suggests.


An Irish rarity.  


Price: £570.00


NB: the Pichai cover was last seen in 2005 in a London Sale: the cover torn, creased and rather dirty.


In 2009, a 1d red Plate 9, with only 2 plus margins, on a wrapper from DUBLIN to WEXFORD,


February 25th 1841, was offered for sale by a specialist London dealer at £2,250. 




1d reds plate 21: Thetford MX underinked


1d reds, 'LI' and 'HG', both 3-margined, 'HG' vertical filing crease: tied to an entire by THETFORD open MXs.

 Letter from GARBOLDISHAM sent to Harleston,

Thetford date stamp for March 18th 1842 and a Harleston receiver for the next day. 

HALLING undated circle NOT recorded in the County Catalogue

unless it is a misspelling of Harling which is recorded for Norfolk. 

There is a Halling in Kent which has no postal markings in the Kent County Catalogue listing.

The example here would appear to be an unrecorded misspelling

The stamps, especially 'LI' showing an excellent example of the underinked cross giving an open centre impression. 

A single 1d Plate 21 priced by Gibbons on cover at £120 in 2011in the latest QV Volume 1. 

An interesting item which would display well. 

Price:  £75.00

NB: Plate 21 registered on December 11th 1841, hence an early usage at March 1842.

The browning on the letter, caused by the ink of the writing showing through, is NOT as pronounced as the scan suggests.



Engraved advert for a SAFE inside the letter


1d red, 'RK-RL', Plate 153, RK has 4-margins but ragged at the left,

RL is 3-margined and the right side is very ragged:

the stamps are cancelled by the '466' of LIVERPOOL, cds on the reverse for

June 21st 1853 and a Wakefield receiver for the next day,

the former in green and the latter in blue.

One of the '466's just catches the SE letter square:

presumably this first attempt to cancel the stamps was then corrected with two further strikes. 

The letter has a fine engraving of a safe and printed details of their products. 

An interesting item. 

Price: £65.00

NB: Items 152343, 152344 and 152339 would make an interesting Display showing

unusual usages of the Liverpool Maltese cross and numeral cancellation.



Scarce usage of 1d red going abroad



1d red 'LJ', fine with 3 plus margins on a Cross Written entire from MANCHESTER to LEYDEN, Holland.


Manchester '498' double strike tieing the stamp with on the reverse a date stamp for October 2nd 1846


together with a very scarce transit mark in red. 


Please note the item is generally cleaner than the scan suggests. 


Rare destination with the 1d red probably added as a late fee payment. 


Price:  £175.00



Guernsey to London sent during the concession period

152346.  1d red 'KL', alsost 3 margined, tied to a part printed entire from

the SLAC Assurance Co to London by a very fine '324' of Guernsey

with on the reverse a very fine Guernsey date stamp for October 31st 1844

and a London receiver for the next day. 

Also on the reverse is a poor strike of the Southampton/Ship Letter. 

On the front is written 'pr private Steamer via Southampton'.

The sender took advantage of Royal Mail's concession

at that time to allow mail to and from the Channel Islands

to be carried on private vessels. 

A very scarce item. 

Price: £95.00

NB: This item and the Number 4 in Cross from London to Guernsey, Item 15185,

would make a superb display pairing.


Redirected from London to Brighton: temporary skeleton cancellations

152327.  1d red 'JK' plate 80, fine with full margins except just touched at the 'K' square corner,

and  tied by a London numeral in diamond and bars to a commercial entire to MAYFIELD.

 On the front is a fair/good strike of a Mayfield udc UNRECORDED in the County Catalogue. 

The letter was redirected to Brighton with a 1d red, 'GK', poor margins, tied by the '428'  of Hurst Green. 

On the reverse are two strikes in blue of the Hurst Green temporary (skeleton) date stamp. 

The first is for March 18th 1849 - a SUNDAY, and the second for March 19th 1849.

The strikes are County Cat. SX729, and given a rarity 'F', price code which many years ago

was up to £80 and is certainly well above £100 now.

This temporary date canceller was recorded used up to 1849 so these examples in the last year of usage.

The letter was delivered in Brighton on March 20th 1849.

We have seen very few double uses of a skeleton cancellation and not previously with a SUNDAY usage. 

A superb and very rare item which would make an excellent display page. 

A unique combination of features. 

Price:  £150.00



LEEK numeral in Blue: matching pair of envelopes



1d reds on two envelopes, 'CI' and 'CG', sent on the same day, April 3rd 1850, to the same addressee and address nr Ashbourne.

LEEK date stamp for April 3rd 1850 on the reverse of each in the same shade of blue as the numeral '448'

and an Ashbourne date stamp on the front for April 4th 1850. 

However, on one the date is clearly April 3rd but on the other it appears to be a date error of the 30th. 

On the reverse both have a complete black seal with initials within a shield. 

The 1d reds are both 3-margined and each has a small corner bend at a bottom letter square. 

Gibbons prices a blue numeral on cover at £750 hence the pair at £1,500. 

The envelopes have some wrinkling and some peripheral faults but an unusual pair

which would make an interesting display page.

Price the pair: £120.00 


1d red: Blackpool Penny Post in BLUE

151418.  1d red 'RH', Plate 23?, 3-margined, tied to piece by the

BLACKPOOL PENNY POST in BLUE without a MX, SG Spec B1wb.

Gibbons prices a 1d red on piece with a Penny Post in BLACK at £1,800

combined with a black MX. 

A Penny Post cancellation is only priced by them in black ink at £1750 on stamp

and £6000 on piece

An estimate of their price in Blue ink is £3,000 plus on stamp. 

Danzig noted that only TWO locations of a Penny Post in Blue

on a 1d red had been recorded: Blackpool and Kirkham.

Although the stamp is defective at the right this is

a very rare item which dispays well.

Price: £475.00

NB: the only example of a blue Penny Post cancellation,

not in combination with a MX, we have been able to offer.


A u=nique used 1d red

152320.  1d red 'AK', fine with three very large even margins and an enormous top margin.

The top margin shows a part inscription: '...............remove the cement'. 

The other part of the inscription would have read 'In wetting the back be careful not to (remove the cement)'.

The stamps 'AJ' and 'AL' have been removed leaving 'AK' and then presumably attached to a letter or wrapper and posted. 

The indistinct cancellation has bars which appear straight suggesting a Scottish usage after June 1844.

In more than 40 years as specialist dealers in Victorian stamps we have

NEVER seen anything like this used example with the top margins in this form.

A truly remarkable item and one that is likely to stimulate discussion when displayed. 

An intriquing and fascinating unique survivor. 

Price:  £175.00



1d imperf from Jersey to Ireland

152272.  1d, 'OK', 4-margins, (close but clear NE'):

tied to a neat envelope to Banbridge, Ireland, by a partial double strike of the '409' numeral of JERSEY. 

On the reverse an attractive array of 1852 coloured transit date stamps including:  Jersey date stamp in blue for January 8th;

an Irish transit cds in orange-red for January 11th - a SUNDAY and a Banbridge cds in green for January 12th.

 A very scarce/rare combination of place of origin and destination. 

Price: £85.00 

NB: the apparent staining on the reverse is barely visible in 'the flesh'.    



1d Plate 35: exceptional

152311. 1d 'OD', from Plate 35:

an exceptional example with a black maltese cross

and the top margin showing part of the stamp above.

The reverse shows an early stage of the Ivory Head variety.

Exhibition quality.

Price:  £55.00


2d Plate 4: Dublin numerals Contrary to PO Regulations.

239.  1841 2d blue plate 4 SG15:

very fine used strip of three, IA-IC, large to very large margins,

cancelled Contrary to P O Regulations by only two186 numerals of DUBLIN and rare as such. 

Stamps printed on THIN paper, Spec SG15q.

An estimated Gibbons price allowing for the strip and paper variety

is in excess of £1,000 before allowing a premium for only two cancellations.

Superb item of Exhibition quality.

Price: £285.00



Mullingar Co.Westmeath: cancelled Contrary to Regulations

151411.  1d SG17, very fine miss perfed strip of three and a single:

tied to a piece and cancelled Contrary to Regulations

by two strikes only of the '345' numeral of MULLINGAR, Co. Westmeath.

An attractive and rare item in a deeper shade than the scan shows.

Price:  £69.00



2d Plate 4: Single ABERDEEN numeral Contrary to Regulations

152314. 2d SG14 Plate 4, 'BA-BB': a very fine 4-margined pair, close at the NW corner on 'BA' but just clear. 

Cancelled contrary to Post Office regulations by a SINGLE number '1' of ABERDEEN. 

The cancellation leaves both stamps with a clear QV profile. 

The pair is printed on THIN PAPER, listed by Gibbons as ES14q and priced as a single at £225. 

With SG's premium for a pair, their price increases to £700 without a premium for the single cancellation. 

An attractive and very scarce item which would display well. 

Price:  £225.00


2d Plate 3 used in ABERDEEN

152315. 2d SG14, 'AD-AE', Plate 3, very fine with fresh colour:

A full margined pair lightly  cancelled by Aberdeen numeral '1's.

The stamps show the characteristic letters 'A' and 'D' of plate 3.

Printed on THIN PAPER which is NOT listed by Gibbons

on this plate 3 but is for plate 4 - see item 152314.

Priced by Gibbons as a pair at £280.

A very fine and attractive item.

Price: £120.00


2d Plate 3: exceptional STRIP of THREE

SS7. 1841 2d blue plate 3 SG14. 

An exceptional strip of three, ‘TA-TC’, cancelled by Aberdeen numerals.

Huge to very large margins and printed on un-catalogued thin paper

Thin paper is listed by Gibbons for 2d plate 4 but not as yet on plate 3. 

Exhibition quality and rare so fine.    

Price:  £325.00 


2d Plate 9, 'T' row: Wolverhampton numeral 905

152322.  2d plate 9, SG45: 'TA' to 'TF', generally fine used, 'TA' pulled perf at the top

Stamps are from the bottom row of the Post Office sheet.

Remarkably EACH cancelled by the '905' of WOLVERHAMPTON.

The watermarks show variation in shape and position.

A rare grouping that would display well.

Price: £95.00



Plate 45 with Number 4 in Cross used on the LAST DAY


A rare VERTICAL strip of FOUR and a single 1d red, all from Plate 45,

'HL-KL' and 'KK' with part marginal inscription on 'HL-IL'.

The very rare 5d rate with Number 4 in Crosses on a large part entire;

side flaps removed, from London to Thatcham.

Plate 45 with any type of Maltese Cross especially on cover, is very scarce and rare in a multiple usage.

On the reverse top flap is a London date stamp for May 16th1844 and a Newbury date stamp for May 17th 1844.

As detailed in the London Section of the GB and Ireland MX’s by Rockoff and Jackson,

May 16th 1844 was the Last Day of Usage of the Number in Cross cancellations.

Very few are known, only seven examples recorded previously including the 7, 8 and 9 mentioned above,

and none recorded for the rarest Number 4 in Cross.

Gibbons prices, in the latest QV Volume 1, a single 1d red with Number 4 in Cross on cover at £1,600.

No other
such multiple usage of the 1d red with a any Number in Cross on the Last Dayof Usage is known.

The use of a Maltese Cross cancellation in London, both ‘normal’ and with Numbers in Cross, ended in the Inland Office on May 16th 1844.

 Rockoff and Jackson, Volume 1 page 179 note that after this date numerals in diamond in bars replaced the Numbers in Crosses.

Over the decades we have only
been able to offer Numbers in Crosses for 7, 8 and 9 on cover

used on the Last Day of Usage, May 16th 1844,

There is one other known example of a cover with the Number 4 in Cross with a last day of usage:

an unplated and cut into horizontal strip of three.  


A memorable and Exhibition quality item with a unique combination of features.  


Price: £1,350.00


Envelope to TOBAGO: very rare usage of 1d red



1d red, 'NC', 3-plus margins, tied by a smudged numeral '159' of GLASGOW to a very clean and uncreased envelope to TOBAGO (West Indies). 


On the front is a good strike of the very scarce and miniature single-arc stamp with a letter 'L', McKay figure 422 in 'The Postal History of Glasgow'.


This stamp was used to denote a late posting and as usual here it is used in conjunction with a late fee paid by a 1d red. 


On the front are superb/very fine strikes of 'Insufficiently Stamped' and 'Part-Paid/More to Pay' both in the same shade of red: these were applied in London.


The latter of the two strikes is very scarce and Johnson in 'Unpaid and Underpaid Mail' notes that


this strike is 'rare/important enough to be included in a collection of unpaid marks'. 


A m/s '11d' in black on the front indicates an underpayment and the paper seal has the initials of a Company. 


A very rare destination and extremely rare bearing a 1d red: the first we have seen to Tobago. 


Also, we have not previously seen this unique type of Glasgow late fee, McKay figure 422, used with a 1d red imperf going to an overseas destination.


A very rare and attractive Exhibition quality item. 


Price:  £720.00


NB: it is possible that the post office worker in the London Office,


who probably put on both underpayment strikes, initially applied the 'Insufficiently Stamped'


but then put on the 'Part-Paid/ More to Pay' because he thought the 1d was paying part of the postage fee to Tobago,


not realising the significance of the tiny Glasgow late fee strike. 


The colour of the strikes suggests the same ink pad was used for both.



Number 4 in Cross on entire to Chorley

152305.  1d 'KC', full margins, close but clear NE corner, creased by a vertical fold:

tied to an entire by a very fine/fine almost upright strike on the Number 4 in Cross. 

On the reverse are transit date stamps for London Charing Cross April 26th 1843

and a Chorley date for the following day.

An early usage of this rarest of the numbers in crosses, barely a month after the EKD.

Gibbons prices this cross on cover at £1600. 

An opportunity to obtain an example of this cross on cover at a fraction of the Gibbon's price. 

Price:  £135.00



Mixed perfs and cancellation types on a turned envelope




1d fine SG26 perf 16, 'GB',Spec C5(1) tied by a partial strike of the HAWICK '174' numeral, on an envelope to Hull, November 12th 1855.

Soon after the envelope was received on November 13th 1855, it was turned inside out and addressed to LIVERPOOL. 

A fine 1d perf 14, 'OJ', Spec C6(1) added which was cancelled by a fine/very fine HULL spoon, Type D for November 14th 1855. 

A very rare combination of perf types and cancellations. 

Price: £145.00

NB: this item would make a superb Exhibition pairing with item 152295.

1d SG26 Spec C5 priced by Gibbons on cover at £240 and Spec C6 at £75 with a numeral cancellation.




An 1822 Document sent in 1842 in Wales 


A remarkable item: an official document, dated 1822 with another dated note inside for 1835, turned into a letter and

sent locally within CORWEN, Merioneth, on May 2nd 1842 and received the following day.

On the front is written 'Stamped Sunday Night': May 1st 1842 was a Sunday. 

The postage fee has been paid by a 2d blue Plate 2, SG5, and two 1d red imperfs.

The 2d blue, NL', is just 4-margined has a large portion of the Queen's head clear though with faults.

One 1d red is almost full margined and the other is only a partial stamp.

The three stamps would all have been marginal and the margins have been folded on to the back of the letter to help to seal it.

The staining on and around the stamps and on the back of the letter, appear to be largely from the gum of the stamp margins.

The partial 1d stamp was damaged when the letter was opened.

A 4d rate with an 1840 2d blue used in conjunction with the 1d red is a rare combination and especially so on a complete cover or letter.

The 'Daisy' Collection, The Dr Pichai Collection, The Chartwell Collection and the Lady Mairi Bury Collection:

none of these contained a 4d rate with this combination on cover or letter. 

The 2d Plate 2 on cover is priced by Gibbons at £3,250. 

A very rare Welsh usage.

A truly remarkable survivor which despite the faults would make a memorable Exhibition item. 

Price: £355.00


1d PLATE 177 with Certificate on an Entire


1d imperf, 'NE', not full margined but printed from the very rare Plate 177 and with an RPS Certificate. 

Gibbons, prices this rarest of 1d imperf plates at £2,750 on a stamp alone:

no price is quoted on cover.

Very few examples of this plate are known on cover;

neither the Mairi Bury Collection nor the Chartwell Collection contained an example on cover.

This entire was used in London, July 7th 1854 and the stamp is tied by

a very fine '79' in oval of bars of the London District Post Chief Office, 79D4B. 

 As in the scan, the stamp is surrounded by some non-blueing of the wrapper's paper

but the stamp is not affected by it. 

A considerable rarity with an RPS Certificate.

Price:  £650.00



Dr Perkins Experimental Blued Paper with Certification


     FRONT                                                                                          REVERSE                                  

15141:  Dr Perkins Experimental Blued Paper, a very fine UNPRINTED sample, block of 4, Large Crown Type 11.

A few sheets of this paper were used to print 1d perforated plate 121, 2d blues plates 9 and 13 and the three halfpenny plate 1. 

These printed single stamps are priced by Gibbons in the latest Volume 1, 2011 Edition,

at £6,500, £11,000 (2d plates 9 and 13) and £9,500 respectively. 

Only in marginal examples of the printed stamps is the blueing easily visible from the front.

All unprinted gummed paper should have been destroyed. 

The unprinted sample offered here clearly shows the blueing on the side to be printed

and, on the reverse, the way in which the gum was affected by the blueing process.  

An opportunity to obtain a superb item of considerable rarity, offered with RPS Certification,

at a small fraction of the printed stamp price and as rare in our experience. 

A superb and rare Exhibition item. 

Price:  £535.00

                         NB: Gibbons offered a non-marginal block of 4,1d plate 121, at £27,500.  



Valentine embossed envelope: 1854

151649.  1d red imperf, 'QJ', Plate 169:

3-margined example with a diagonal scratch to the plate in the NE corner. 

This has resulted in an unprinted area. 

The stamp is tied by the '798'  of THRAPSTONE, Northants. 

Sent to a Miss Beale in Cambridge, on Valentine's Day, February 14th 1854. 

On the reverse is a receiving cds for the day after Valentine's Day!! 

This might explain why the reverse of the envelope has some damage to it:

perhaps the recipient was very eager to get at the contents!! 

A delightful fancy printed envelope with an embroidered and flowery design. 

Some peripheral faults but a rare example of a Valentine with a 1d red imperf.

 Rare also to find the 1d red displaying damage to the printing plate. 

An attractive and rare item. 

Price:  £195.00

NB: the reverse side is in better condition than the scan suggests


STONEHAVEN: the non double-lined cross variety


152294.  1d 'SA', Plate 30:

a very fine/fine 4-margined example from this scarce plate tied to an entire from

STONEHAVEN to Montrose, July 22nd 1842 and delivered this same day. 

The Stonehaven cross here shows no double-lined effect. 

Rockoff and Jackson Volume 2, list and illustrate 18 examples of the double-lined cross,

but only 11 examples of the Stonehave cross with no double-lined effect.

Only one 1842 example is listed, that on a 1d pink envelope.

 Stonehaven had a population in 1841 of only 3021 and

even the none double-lined cross on cover is very scarce. 

Gibbons in the latest Edition of QV Volume 1, prices a 1d plate 30 on cover at £140. 

A rare combination of plate and cross. 

Price:  £120.00


Missent to Glasgow: a rare SUNDAY usage

152180.  1d red, corner crease on entire written in Edinburgh and sent to Stiirling. 

1d red would have been cancelled in Edinburgh; Edinburgh type of cds on reverse for June 13th 1847.

On the front is a fine strike of the MISSENT TO GLASGOW, Aukland GW184, rated very rare.

On the reverse top flap is a fine Glasgow date stamp also for June 13th 1847 which displays superbly when the flap is raised.

There is also a small part of a Stirling date stamp in blue for the 14th.

June 13th 1847 was a SUNDAY so this is a rare Sunday usage of a Missent mark

and the ONLY example we have seen of a Missent strike used on the Sabbath.

Attractive item with a rare combination of features.

Price: £95.00




1d Plate 36: Number 8 in Cross Block of Four



1d, Plate 36, 'IK-JL', block of four, light crease across the top two stamps:

 'JK' and 'JL' both show the J Flaw variety, BS25e. 

Gibbons prices, a block of 4 in this plate at £850

before a significant premium added for the number 8 in cross cancellations

which have been applied upright. 

Rarely are blocks of four found with any number in cross cancels other than the 12 in cross:

the latter used mainly on heavy packages/letters. 

An attractive and rare item. 

Price:  £290.00


Belfast Spoon: 1d with Gothik K

152287.  1d SG29 Plate 27, 'MK' with the Gothik K variety, SG Spec C8J:

tied to an entire by a BELFAST English type b spoon for February 20th 1856 struck in blue-black. 

Very scarce combination of variety and cancellation. 

Price:  £70.00

NB: In the Embossed Section of the website are rare examples of

Irish Spoons on cover with 1/- Embossed values.



1d imperf from Jersey to Ireland


1d, 'OK', 4-margins, (close but clear NE'):

tied to a neat envelope to Banbridge, Ireland, by a partial double strike of the '409' numeral of JERSEY. 

On the reverse an attractive array of 1852 coloured transit date stamps including:  Jersey date stamp in blue for January 8th;

an Irish transit cds in orange-red for January 11th - a SUNDAY and a Banbridge cds in green for January 12th.

 A very scarce/rare combination of place of origin and destination. 

Price: £95.00 

NB: the apparent staining on the reverse is barely visible in 'the flesh'.    




152271.  1d, 'HI', 3-margined, filing crease: Registered Letter from Leeds to Pontefract, Yorkshire, November 18th 1848:

a Pontefract receiving date stamp on the reverse for the following day.

The registration fee was reduced from 1/- to 6d in March 1848:

on the front is a m/s '6' in red paying the newly introduced registration fee. 

The letter refers to enclosing FOUR Banknotes with a total value of THIRTY POUNDS

confirming that this was a registered Money Letter.

A very scarce and attractive item which displays well. 

Price:  £95.00

NB: £30 was a considerable sum in 1848!! 



1d red Plate 2: from JESUS COLLEGE Cambridge



1d red, Plate 2, 'AG', very fine square margined example from this black plate and tied by a very fine CAMBRIDGE cross. 


The printed entire is from JESUS COLLEGE and is an account for rent due for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1841.


It would appear to be for a crop of malt and wheat from land owned by the College. 


Very fine Cambridge date stamp for November 20th 1841 and a London receiver


for November 22nd 1841; November 21st was a Sunday. 


1d red plate 2 is priced by Gibbons at £550 on cover. 


A superb item with a very rare/unique combination of features. 


Would make an interesting and memorable Display item. 


Price:  £325.00 




1d Red: Black Plate 2

152012. 1d red, 'BC', Plate 2:

very fine large margined example from this black plate.

Priced by Gibbons at £325. 

A difficult stamp to find in such fine condition.  

Price:  £135.00



Leeds Special Cross on 1d Plate 1b



1d red, 'QJ', plate 1b,very fine large margined example with signs of plate wear:


cancelled centrally by the Leeds distinctive cross, SG Spec A2ua. 


As is often the case, the strike of the cross is rather smudged but


the characteristic shape of the outer part of the cross can be seen at the bottom and right side. 


Priced by Gibbons at £750 on the cheapest red


from a black plate and at a minimum of £2,000 in this very scarce plate. 


We can not recall previously seeing this rare plate with a Leeds cross.


A very rare item. 


Price: £295.00



NORWICH Characteristic Cross: an interesting Addressee


the distinctive NORWICH Cross, SG Spec B1ts; priced on cover in at £1,250,

1d red, possibly with some crude rouletting?, tied to an envelope from Norwich to London by

and unusually leaving most of the Queen's head clear. 

A Norwich cds on the reverse for January 12th 1844 and a London receiver for the following day.

This example is NOT recorded by Rockoff and Jackson. 

The addressee is the Reverend William Sandys Wright Vaux:

the celebrated 19th Century English antiquary and numismatist at the British Museum.

There is a FULL BIOPIC of him on the internet which would provide a useful resource

for writing up this interesting and very scarce item. 

Price: £150.00 

NB: the browning of the envelope is not as pronounced as the scan suggests.


1d red Norwich Cross


1d Red, 'CA, Plate 28, fine 4-margined: close but clear at 'A' square,

cancelled by the Norwich distinctive cross, SG Spec B1ts. 

Priced by Gibbons at £450 in the latest QV Volume 1.

On reverse is a fine Ivory Head.

Very difficult to find this cross on a full-margined 1d red.

Price:  £85.00


Wrapper to The Postmaster, Ledbury: EIGHT different date stamps




1d Plate 38, 3 -margined, tied to an outer wrapper from MANCHESTER to Ledbury by the ordinary Manchester cross, February 15th 1844. 


There are no less than EIGHT different Ledbury date stamps, four are on the inside and five on the outer flaps:


two are for February 15th; and the others are for February 16th; 19th; 20th; 21st; 22nd; 23rd and 26th -

the latter has the '2' hand inserted as seen in the third scan. 


Clearly the Postmaster used this item to check the date stamp before use on items of mail received in the Post Office at Ledbury. 


Very unusual and the first as such we have seen.


An interesting and memorable Display item.


Price:  £55.00



London Cross: MAY 3rd 1844

152266a.  1d red, Plate 43:

full margined except JUST touched under SE letter square, tied to an entire used within London.

The 1d has a superb rich colour with the London cross leaving the ENTIRE QV head clear. 

On the reverse top flap is a fine London date stamp for MAY 3rd 1844: barely two weeks before the London cross was replaced with numerals. 

A point of the central diamond can just be seen and with the curved inner portion,

thse confirm that this is not the number in cross cancellation - see the following item 152266b.

1d Plate 43 with a Maltese cross cancellation on cover is very scarce and this is the finest example we have seen.

A very attractive item with a rare/very rare number of features. 

Price:  £120.00

NB: See item 152266b below also used on May 3rd 1844. They would make a remarkable pairing.



Number 2 in Cross: MAY 3rd 1844



1d red pair, Plate 39, huge margins in places but into at base, Number 2 in Cross, on entire London to Southampton. 

Fine Lombard Street date stamp for MAY 3rd 1844 and a Southampton receiver for the following day, both on the rear top flap. 

The Last Day of Usage of the Number in Cross cancellations was MAY 16th 1844 so the example here is inside two weeks of its last usage.

Gibbons prices a single Number 2 in Cross on cover at £550 not allowing for the pair OR

that Plate 39 on cover with a Maltese cross is scarce and carries a significant premium.

A rare combination of features. 

Price:  £65.00 

NB: the weight of the letter does not require a 2d fee so the 'additional 1d' may have been a Late Fee payment. 

This item and Item 152266a would make a very interesting and very rare pairing.


Late Usage: Plate 170

152267.  1d Plate 170, 4-margined on neat envelope to Chaford, April 4th 1858.

1d imperfs were replaced officially by 1d perforates on March 12th 1854:

hence the usage here of this imperf stamp is a late usage: stamp cancelled by an indistinct numeral. 

This is the latest usage of imperf plate 170 we have seen. 

Price:  £67.00


Greenock Cross on piece

152015.  1d red, almost 3-margined, tied to a small piece

by an excellent strike of the Greenock cross, SG Spec B1th. 

Priced by Gibbons at £250. 

Price:  £45.00


BRIGHTON Cross on 1d red Plate 10



1d red Plate 10, 'RC', superb 4-margined tied to an entire from BRIGHTON to London, January 25th 1842. 


This example of the distinctive Brighton Cross shows its peculiar asymmetry. 


Rarely found with a complete strike and this example is fine. 


Unrecorded by Gibbons on a 1d red from a black plate.


On a 1d red from a non-black plate, this cross on cover priced by Gibbons at £750 in QV Volume 1. 


An estimated Gibbons price for this cross on a 1d red on cover from a black plate is £2,000. 


This item is made rarer by the 1d red showing the listed variety: Spec AS69c, (Check letter P converted to R by hand engraving).


The date markings display superbly when the rear flap is raised as per the scan. 


A superb and very rare item.  


Price:  £580.00


NB: Only four earlier dates are recorded by Rockoff in 'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland, Volume 1'.




Handsworth Penny Post and MX Cancellations

152254.  1d red, almost full margins, tied to piece by:

the Handsworth Penny Post, 'PyP No 15'  in BLUE and overstruck by a MX,

both tie the stamp to the piece: stamp with small area of creasing at left.

Gibbons lists this combination as B1wc,

and on piece is priced at £475 which is undervalued in our experience.. 

Rare item. 

Price: £140.00


1d red Plate 12

152255.  1d red Plate 12, 'HD', very fine 4-margined, tied to clean entire from Grays Inn,

by a MX leaving almost all of the Queen's head clear. 

London date stamp for June 7th 1841 and a Ludlow date stamp for the following day,

both on the top flap which displays well. 

Scarce plate on cover priced by Gibbons at £200

and rare/very rare with such a partial MX leaving the Head so clear.

Display quality item.

Price: £85.00



LYME Town Cancel on 1d Red

152257. 1d red, 'SG', virtually 3 margins, tied to an entire from LYME to Chard.

The stamp, light vertical crease, is tied by a fine strike of the LYME 'Wessex' circular name stamp for June 17th 1842. 

It is also tied by a lightly struck, but legible, CHARD 'Weesex' name stamp for June 18th 1842. 

Interestingly, Danzig records the Chard 'Wessex' name stamp used on a 1d red from June 1842. 

Gibbons prices this type of cancellation, Spec B1va, at £2,750 on cover. 

We have not previously seen a 1d red on cover tied by TWO different 'Wessex' date stamps. 

An extremely rare item. 

Price:  £320.00 

NB: the overall condition of the item is finer than in the scan.



Registered at Glasgow

152259.  Registered part front and back, December 7th 1850.

The 6d registration fee paid with a strip of three, 2d plate 3, and a 2d Plate 3 paying the postage.

'SC' full margined and the strip has 3 margins with 'RL' creased as in the scan.

On the front is a fine strike of the very scarce 'Registered at Glasgow' circular double arc, McKay Fig 463. 

Scarce item. 

Price; £75.00



A Rare SIX single 1d red franking

152260. 1d reds, all Plate 50: SIX singles, all full margined except 'CG' which is full except close to shaved at left. 

Tied to a wrapper from PERTH to Dunfermline, May 10th 1845 and received the next day.

Stamps cancelled by the '280' of Perth; a clean wrapper with the left side flap missing.

A SIX SINGLE stamp franking is much rarer than one of a strip of six and

remarkable to find virtually each stamp with full margins. 

Plate 50 is the rarest of plates 46-58 and priced by Gibbons at £50 for a single stamp NOT on cover. 

A very rare combination of features: an Exhibition item. 

Price: £155.00

NB: the front of the wrapper is cleaner than the scan suggests.

SEE item 152258 above: also has multiple single full - margined 1d reds.



SG51 Plate 1: Multiple Usage on a Registered Envelope

152222.  Fine SG51 plate 1, threehalfpence, partially separated strip of three, 'BG-BI', and a 1d plate 150.

Tied to an envelope by BURTON on TRENT duplexes for May 5th 1876.

Registered to Ashbourne, cds on the front for the following day. 

On the reverse a DERBY Registered Oval for May 5th 1876 and two wax seals for the Burton-on-Trent Bank. 

Very difficult stamp to find with a multiple usage especially used internally within the UK. 

An attractive and rare item. 

Price:  £195.00 



1d SG17: superb

151531.  1d SG17, 'AC': a superb example tied by a Derby sideways duplex,

May 30th 1855, to a clean entire to Leek - very light central filing fold. 

The S/W duplex leaves the Queen's head virtually totally clear. 

The scan does not do justice to the rich shade of the stamp.

Cannot recall being able to offer a finer example of SG17 on cover. 

Superb and attractive item. 

Price:  £75.00 


Sunday usage of a rare spoon.

152204. 1d SG29, 'QH', Q corner perf missing:

tied to a piece by a very fine/superb strike of the rare STOKE-on-TRENT spoon

for March 29th 1857 - a SUNDAY.

In the GBJ some years ago an article appeared with the results

of a date analysis of a collection of 135 examples of spoons, NONE was a Sunday usage. 

We can recall seeing only one other example of a spoon used on a Sunday.

It was a common spoon and we sold it many years ago! 

A very rare Exhibition item with a unique combination of features. 

Price: £140.00


Madeleine Smith in GREEN

152197.  1d SG29, fine, 'GB':

tied to a small piece by a strike of the Glasgow Type 2 Experimental Duplex in GREEN.

Green ink is known used from May 5th 1856 to May 15th 1856: a period of only ELEVEN days.

The date, not a full strike, is MAY 5th 1856: the first day of this ink being used

Priced by Gibbons in QV Volume 1, 2011 - latest Edition, at £550 on piece for an Irish duplex

with a note that green duplexes in England or Scotland command a significant premium.

It is very hard to find any example in green with such a short period of usage.

A very rare item. 

Price: £220.00  


Madeleine Smith in GREEN




A pair of SG29, light horizontal crease:


tied to a piece by two fine strikes in GREEN of the Type 2 GLASGOW Experimental Duplex. 


This cancellation in green is known in use for ELEVEN days only between MAY 5th 1856 and May 15th 1856,


The strikes on this piece are for MAY 6th 1856 - the second day of usage.  


Priced by Gibbons in QV Volume I latest Edition, at £275 for a SINGLE strike on piece


and is much underpriced in our experience.


It is very hard to find any example in green with such a short period of usage.


From our researches, the example offered here is the only known multiple usage of this rare colour.


On MAY 16th 1856 green ink was replaced by the usual black


as seen in the piece which is included with this item.


An extremely rare/unique pair of Exhibition importance.


Price:  £445.00


NB: the scan does not do justice to the green colour.



2d SG34 plate 5


152213a.  2d SG34 plate 5, 'QG-RH':

fine/very fine used block of 4 each cancelled by the DUBLIN '186' and priced by Gibbons at £1,000.

One or two perfs strenghened by a small hinge at the top centre. 

An attractive and very scarce/rare item especially so fine and with an Irish usage. 

Price: £285.00


Captain F W Egerton: H M S Salamis


152185.  Envelope from NEWARK, May 13th 1877:

to Capt. F W Egerton R N of H M S SALAMIS, Mediterranean Squadron, Malta or elsewhere. 

Malta has been deleted and Piraeus added in two places: the port of Piraeus is the chief port in Greece.

The postage has been paid by a 1/2d plate 10 and two 1d plates, 195 and 199. 

The photo of H M S Salamis is available on the internet as are more details of the ship.

 In the National Maritime Museum, is an inscribed cigar case:  'To Commander F W Egerton R N, H M S Salamis

From Captains R N Sir William N W Hewitt, John K E Baird and Richard Wells

in Rememberance of their Pleasant Shooting Excursion Oct.15th 1877'. 

A very rare item that when fully written up would make an interesting and memorable display. 

Price:  £110.00

NB: Those who presented the cigar case were all Vice-Admirals and Knighted: biopics on the internet.

Sir William N W Hewitt, won the Victoria Cross in the Crimea War in 1854.

There is a full biopic on the internet and a photo of him.

The brown marks on the reverse of the envelope are fainter than the scan suggests.


Fine Strike of the Rare 'Misdirected to York'

152187.  A fine1d SG 40 tied by a STAINES duplex for March 16th 1859 to a mourning envelope to Easingwold. 

On the front is a fine strike in blue, of the rare/very rare 'Misdirected to York', County Cat YK 3378. 

This strike is given the highest rarity grading of 'H'. 

The only example we have ever been able to offer or can recall seeing. 

An Exhibition item. 

Price:  £125.00 

NB: the envelope is in a finer condition than the scan suggests.



The LEEDS Special Cross on 1d red Cover

15187.  1d red imperf, ‘NL’, Plate 2:

superb, large to very large margins, on clean wrapper to London from Leeds with a very fine Leeds

November 2nd 1841 and London receiving cds both on the reverse. 

The stamp struck by a fine Leeds Special Cross, SG Spec B1tl. 

Although not tied it clearly belongs and the margins are so large that

when the cross was struck centrally it did not overlap on to the wrapper. 

Priced by Gibbons at £2,500 but a much higher price for usage on Plate 2. 

This item is recorded by Rockoff in Volume 1, page 154,

with only two later examples recorded for the Leeds Special Cross. 

This superb item last appeared on the market in 2002.   

Price:  £720.00

NB: The addressee, the Rev Elijah Hoole, 1798-1872, was a

well known Tamil Scholar and Wesleyan Methodist Missionary. 

Many references to him can be found on the Internet.


1d red Plate 9: Newcastle Stamp Office to Alnwick Stamp Office 1841

152181.  1d red, 'RC', Plate 9:

very fine 4-margined example tied by a double strike of the Newcastle on Tyne MX leaving a clear QV profile. 

Rare entire from the Newcastle Stamp Office to the Alnwick Stamp Office, August 28th 1841. 

We can not recall previously seeing a 1d red from a black plate on a Stamp Office letter. 

On the reverse is a partial strike of the ALNWICK date stamp in red for August 29th 1841 - a SUNDAY. 

Gibbons prices a 1d red plate 9 on cover at £375. 

A very rare/unique combination of features. 

Price:  £295.00



Nottingham numeral in GREEN with RPS Certificate


1d red 'TE', fine Plate 70, three plus margins, on a clean wrapper to Chesterfield from NOTTINGHAM, February 21st 1847.

Stamp tied by a very fine '583' of Nottingham in GREEN. 

Offered with a clean RPS Certificate (2010) confirming plate 70 and the Nottingham numeral in GREEN, SG Spec BS28xc. 

Priced by Gibbons at £7,000.

Parmenter records this numeral in green ink used on February 5th 1847

and on occasion to March 6th 1847.

An attractive and rare item that displays well. 

Price:  £1,420.00



DUDLEY numeral in bright GREEN 1856


1d 'GK', Plate 140, almost 3-margined but with some light creasing: on an insurance report, side flaps removed for display purposes. 

Sent from DUDLEY to Cradley, the stamp is tied by a fine '263' of Dudley in bright GREEN. 

On the reverse is a Dudley date stamp, in the same green ink, for January 1st 1856 and a Stourbridge receiver for the following day in red.

This is a late usage of the 1d red imperf and from our researches this example is

the latest known usage of any GREEN numeral on cover with a 1d red imperf.

Gibbons prices a green numeral on cover on the 1d red imperf at £7,000, SG Spec B2xc

Parmenter rates the '263' numeral as RARE even in black.

This suggests a Gibbons price well in excess of the above figure. 

An exceptional rarity and an Exhibition item of importance.

Price: £1,585.00



1d Plate 18

152175.  1d Plate 18, 'CG-CH':

fine/very fine full margined pair except for just barely touching NW corner square of 'CG'.

Tied to a piece by MX's and a pair priced by Gibbons in QV Volume 1 at £325.00. 

An attractive item from this very scarce plate and seldom found in a multiple.  

Price:  £95.00  


1d Plate 27

152176.  1d red Plate 27,'GE-GF', full margined except touched at right side of 'GF'.

Tied to a piece by fine/very fine strikes, not overlapping and almost upright, of the Number 4 in Cross.

The scan suggests small rubbing on 'GE': there is possibly a very small scuff at the bottom but this is only slight if at all.

The totally open top of the NE square can be clearly seen confirming Plate 27.

Gibbons prices two single 1d reds with number 4 in cross at £1,200 not allowing for the pair and the plate.

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price: £225.00


1d SG12: Orange-Brown in a rare multiple



1d SG12, 'LD-LF': Plate 102: a superb and rare multiple printed in the distinctive orange- brown shade.

'LD-LF' have exceptional margins with portions of three other stamps in the margins.

'LF' has 3-plus margins, touched at the right side, and a portion of the stamp above ie 'KF'. 

The stamps are printed on uncatalogued thin paper:

the 2d blue plate 4, printed during the same period as this 1d red, is listed by Gibbons as a variety.

The stamps are cancelled by the seldom found '195' numeral of CHIPPING NORTON (Oxon).

A SINGLE of 1d SG12 priced by Gibbons at £275.

A superb item of Exhibition Quality. 

Price:  £270.00

NB: this is the finest multiple in this shade we have seen.

The scan does not do justice to the shade.


Number 7 in Cross


1d red, fine/very fine, full-margined pair, 'KJ-KK', on small envelope, part of the bottom rear flap missing, to Ramsgate.

On the reverse is a London date stamp for July 25th 1843 and a Ramsgate receiver for the following day.

Gibbons prices a single number 7 in cross on cover at £450.

A very scarce usage and rare to find a full margined multiple on cover: an attractive item. 

Price: £290.00



Archer Plate 94 used in Edinburgh with Certificate


1d ARCHER Experimental Perforation, SG16b: fine example from plate 94,

tied to a letter from The Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee RAILWAY COMPANY.

Used locally within Edinburgh, June 8th 1854, and tied by the '131' of Edinburgh; this is 

and a very rare usage in Scotland. Filing fold clear of the stamp. 

The item is offered with an RPS Certificate.

Priced by Gibbons at £2,200 in this plate.

Price: £835.00



SG52 Very Fine Used Block of Four

125.  SG52, 11/2d lake red plate 1, 'EA-FB',very fine USED Block of 4 from this scarcer plate,

two stamps have Herne Hill Dulwich CDS's for August 10 1872.

Priced by Gibbons at £750 before a premium for the cds's is added.   

Price: £295.00 


SG51 Plate 1: Multiple Usage on a Registered Envelope

152222.  Fine SG51 plate 1, threehalfpence, partially separated strip of three, 'BG-BI', and a 1d plate 150.

Tied to an envelope by BURTON on TRENT duplexes for May 5th 1876.

Registered to Ashbourne, cds on the front for the following day. 

On the reverse a DERBY Registered Oval for May 5th 1876 and two wax seals for the Burton-on-Trent Bank. 

Very difficult stamp to find with a multiple usage especially used internally within the UK. 

An attractive and rare item. 

Price:  £195.00 


Perth Experimental Duplex: very rare New Years Day usage



1d SG29, fine used, tied to a part wrapper, no side flaps, from PERTH to Kirriemuir by

the Perth Experimental Duplex for JANUARY 1st 1857.

Of the 18 types of Scottish Experimental Duplexes, this is the ONLY example of any type

we have seen used on New Years Day.

On the reverse is a fair strike of the South Metheven Street Receiving House struck in green.

This strike is recorded in black from 1846 to 1857 and in green in 1857 and 1858.

Hence its usage on January 1st 1857 is the earliest recorded in this ink

and may well be a First Day usage in this shade.


Also on the reverse is a Kirriemuir cds for January 2nd 1857 also in green.


On the inside is a printed heading: Edinburgh Perth & Dundee and Scottish Central Railways

Superintendent's Department Perth. More info on the internet about this early Railway Company.


A rare/very rare item. 


Price:  £110.00


NB: one wonders if the slightly blurred impressions of the Perth duplex and the Receiving House could be a consequence

of the postmasters/mistresses recovering from the Hogmanay celebrations!



CORK SPECIAL Cross: one of the latest known usages.

152157.  1d plate 44, 'JC', almost full margins, just touched/clear at left side of the 'J' square:

tied to a dated piece, April 9th 1844, by the CORK SPECIAL cross. 

Rockoff records ony three later used examples of this disctinctive cross. 

This example shows some debris/dirt in the cross. 

Gibbons, Spec B1td, prices this cross on stamp only at £400 and on full cover at £950: latest QV Volume 1. 

This latter price is undervalued in our experience.

Very scarce item. 

Price: £125.00 


MOTTRAM Penny Post on 1d Red Plate 9





1d red, black plate 9, 'TL', very fine with full margins except partially into at the SE letter square.


Tied to a wrapper from Manchester to London, July 13th 1841, by a very fine strike of the


MOTTRAM Penny Post (P.P.), County Catalogue M322 and a Manchester Type 1 cross: this large strike is often smudged and unclear.


Gibbons in the latest Edition of QV Volume 1 list a 1d red from a black plate, SG A2ye, on cover at £4,000


The stamp has been placed over a very light pre-existing horizontal line in the paper. 


An extremely rare item that displays well. 


Price:  £550.00 


NB: Although there is a difference in the shade of the paper, caused by the way the wrapper was filed in the Solicitors,

it is far less than the scan suggests: this applies to the front and reverse sides. 


An indication of this item's rarity is that in neither the Lady Mairi Buri nor the Chartwell Collection

was there an example with a Penny Post/Maltese cross combination on cover.




Arbroath Cross on 1d Plate 8

152124.  1d red Black Plate 8, 'OG', 3 plus margins but defective at the right, tied to an entire from ARBROATH to Irvine:

very fine strike of the Arbroath Cross with an Arbroath date stamp for July 4th 1842 on the top flap which displays well when raised.

Rockoff and Jackson record this cross in Volume 1 but not the example offered here.

Only five examples with an earlier date are recorded by them. 

Although this cross is unlisted by Gibbons, in our experience it is rarer than Greenock, Perth and Stirling which

together with Dundee are the 'Post Road Crosses' and difficult to distinguish from each other unless on cover.

Gibbons prices the Greenock cross on cover with a 1d red from a black plate at £1,500 and the Perth cross at £3,000. 

This is only the second example we have been able to offer and the first for some years.

Price:  £120.00


PERTH CROSS: letter from and to interesting individuals

152131.  1d red, a very fine 4-margined example, plate 21, 'IG': tied to an entire by a fine/very fine PERTH CROSS, SG Spec B1tt. 

On the top flap is a superb Perth boxed date stamp for November 29th 1842 and a similar Dundee receiver for the same day. 

The letter is from a Rev Kerr Johnston, wax seal with his intitial 'J', to a Dr Thomas Dick of Broughty Ferry Nr Dundee.

The Rev Johnston is asking Dr Dick if he could stand in for him on the next Sunday and give the sermon.

He mentions that the STEAMER sails on Saturday from Dundee at 1 0'Clock so he could have a comfortable seat and cabin.

An engraved picture of Dr Thomas Dick is in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery and his picture, and a detailed biopic, is on the internet.

Briefly: he was a scientist and a natural philosopher who in his writings assured readers of the compatibility of science with religion.

Also on the net is a portrait of the Rev Kerr Johnston of Perth and a detailed biopic of him too.

The PERTH CROSS on cover is priced by Gibbons at £1,000 in the most recent Edition, QV Volume 1. 

A superb item that would, when written up fully, make a rare and interesting Exhibition page. 

Price:  £325.00


Distinctive PERTH Cross on Banking Entire

152125.  1d red, 3-margined, clear profile, tied to a clean Perth Bank letter to Edinburgh

by a very fine/superb strike of the PERTH characteristic cross, SG Spec B1tt. 

Perth date stamp on the top flap for March 5th 1842: this example is unrecorded by Rockoff and Jackson. 

Priced by Gibbons at £1,000 in the latest, 2011 Edition, QV Volume 1. 

An attractive example of this cross. 

Price:  £125.00


Entire to Switzerland: very rare Forwarding Agent Cachet

152095.  1d red plate 54, 'OK', very fine, large square full margins:

tied to a shipping invoice, December 4th 1846, from Liverpool to WOHLEN, Switzerland - a rare destination. 

On the front is a fine strike, neatly applied and upright, of the very rare HARNDEN & Co, No.6 Cook St. Liverpool. 

In 'The Postal History of The Forwarding Agents', by Rowe, this strike is given a rarity grading of 6: 10 is the highest.

There are only four strikes within the UK with a higher grading.

He notes that most markings were struck on the rear of letters and strikes on the front command a premium.

  The shipping invoice states that shipment was sent on (the Cunarder) 'CAMBRIA': 

she sailed on December 4th 1846 and arrived in Boston, USA on December 16th 1846.

The strike is an attractive design having a sailing ship within it. Rowe records 1846 as the last year of usage.


This item is offered with an interesting letter, dated April 7th 1849,

 from the same Forwarding Agent in Liverpool to a hotel in London.


A 1d red, 'EL', full margins except just touched at the SW letter square, is tied by the '466' of Liverpool.


On the reverse is a strike of the same very rare HARNDEN & Co No. 6 Cook St. Liverpool as on the invoice to Wohlen.

Rowe records this cancellation in use to 1846 so this may be an isolated strike.


A remarkable and unique pairing that are of Exhibition quality and importance. 


Price: £795.00


NB:  short shipped is when a cargo is listed on a shipping manifest but not included in a shipment.



Forwarding Agent cachet of Edward, Sandford and Co, Liverpool



152120. 1853 July 8: an interesting entire to London from Liverpool.  Almost 4-margined 1d red imperf

cancelled ‘466’ of Liverpool and on the bottom left front a very fine/superb upright strike of the

very attractive Forwarding Agent cachet of Edward, Sandford and Co. incorporating an image of a

transatlantic paddle steamer.  This exact cachet is illustrated by Rowe in

‘The Postal History of The Forwarding Agents’, page 115 and he notes that examples

struck on the front of a letter carry a premium as most were applied on the reverse side.  

The letter mentions cargoes on the Cunard Line’s  ‘Europa’ and ‘Asia ’ and on the Collins Line’s ‘Artic’:

The Cunarder 'ASIA'  left Liverpool on July 16th 1853: 'Europa' left on July 9th 1853.

The 'Artic' of the Collin's Line had departed on June 25th 1853.

The 'Artic' was lost the following year, 1854, with a great loss of life,

in a collision in dense fog near Cape Race, St John's, Newfoundland.

An attractive and rare item.

Price:  £330.00 

  NB: the apparent  browning on the letter is NOT present: a quirk of the scanner.      



d Plate 3: full-margined BLOCK of 4

152119.  2d blue plate 3, SG14, block of 4, (BC-CD). 

A fine 4-margined block of 4 with close to large margins tied by light ‘466’ numerals of Liverpool. 

On reverse is a Liverpool cds for December 12 1846 and

a very fine boxed date stamp of Glasgow for SUNDAY December 13 1846.

Also on reverse is a complete red wax seal with the imprint of a Paddle Steamer with full sails. 

Full-margined blocks on cover of this 2d blue are rarely found.  

A block of 4 is priced by Gibbons at £1,700 on stamps alone and

hence an estimated Gibbons price on cover is in excess of £5,000.  

Price:  £675.00


Envelope from Abergavenny to Prussia

W6. Small envelope from ABERGAVENNY to Prussia, January 28 1854. 

The 6d ship letter rate to Prussia has been paid by three imperf plate 4 2d blues,

AJ, AK-AL in a single and a pair with consequetive letterings.

Stamp ‘AJ’ has 4-margins and shows plate corrosion marks in both ‘Postage’ and ‘Twopence’ areas.

The 1d imperf, plate 172, almost 4-margined, and was probably added as a late fee.

Aus England Per Aachen in orange on the front.  Stamps tied by the numeral ‘1’ in oval of bars for Abergavenny. 

On the reverse are overlapping date and transit markings including one for Abergavenny,  January 28 1854. 

This item with the imperf 1d or 2d sent overseas from a location other than from Cardiff, 

is the first as such we have been able to offer.  

A rare Welsh item to an overseas destination.

Price:  £270.00

NB: envelope in finer condition than the scan.


2d Plate 4 Spectacles Variety


 1139.  SG19 plate 4 ‘BH’:

fine example tied to entire from Belfast to Ballymoney by fine Belfast spoon English type b without code for July 7th 1855.

Placed upside down as frequently seen – possibly as a protest against British rule at that time.

Stamp ‘BH’ shows a trace of the ‘Spectacles Variety’, Spec F1q, which suggests wear to the plate,

the stamp was issued perforated in March 1854.

The first example of this stamp with this popular variety on cover we have been able to offer.

A rarity especially with an Irish spoon cancellation: possibly a unique combination.

 Gibbons prices this variety on stamp, not on cover, at £550 in QV Volume 1.

This suggests an estimated price on cover of £1,000 plus.

The only such variety used on a cover in Ireland that we have seen.

   Price: £465.00  


2d Plate 4 SG23

152152.  2d very fine SG23, 'OA', blind 'A' of Plate 4:

tied to a clean wrapper from London to Basingstoke, a light London cds on reverse for June 15th 1855.

The light cancellation leaves a large portion of QV's head clear.

Gibbons prices this 2d on cover at £375 without the premium for so lightly cancelled . 

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price:  £130.00


SG36a: Very Rare with cds.

151498.  2d SG36a, 'IA': a superb, missperfed example,

cancelled by an upright LIVERPOOL cds for March 25th 1858. 

An exceptional stamp and the finest we have been able to offer.

Very rare to find with a cds, especially upright, and in such superb condition.

Gibbons priced at £325 plus125% is £800 plus. 

An exceptional stamp of Exhibition Quality.

Price:  £250.00 

NB: the uneven blueing is a trick of the scanner.


SG45 Plate 9

309.     2d SG45 plate 9:

superb used block of 4, NC-OD, very light cancellations,

three with clear profiles and the top pair with

virtually a single numeral cancel. 

Rare in such fine condition.

Exhibition quality.

  Price:  £180.00 


PLYMOUTH Special Cross: 1d Plate 5 State 2 RPS Cert

15189.  1d red black plate 5, ‘AB-AC’: a pair on an entire to Edinburgh with a Plymouth cds on the reverse for April 20th 1841.  Although

‘AC’ is affected by a filing crease, both stamps are cancelled by fine strikes of the rare PLYMOUTH Special Cross.

 In Rockoff Volume 1, page 226, this item is recorded and both strikes illustrated. 

Only one other earlier example of this cross on a 1d red is recorded – March 1841 – and ONLY four other examples of this Special Cross are

 recorded on 1d red covers. The pair offered here is the ONLY recorded multiple usage on either the 1d black or 1d red. 

Gibbons prices this Plymouth or Norwich on a SINGLE 1d red on cover from a black plate, SG Spec A2uc, at £3,500.

The Plymouth Special is a much rarer cross on cover than the rather similar Norwich Special Cross despite being given the same price by Gibbons.  

The example offered here is with a RPS Certificate confirming the Plymouth Cross and the 1d red pair from Plate 5, State 2. 


An extremely rare item.   


Price: £750.00



NORWICH Characteristic Cross: rare DOUBLE strike.

151423.  1d red 'HG', 3-plus margins:

tied to entire from NORWICH to London cancelled Contrary to PO Regulations,

by a double strike of the characteristic NORWICH CROSS, SG specB1ts. 

This cross priced by Gibbons at £1,250 in the latest of Edition of QV volume 1. 

On the reverse is a Norwich cds for November 8th 1843 and a London cds receiver for the following day.

Both are on the reverse top flap which displays them well when raised.  M/s top left 'Under 1/2 oz'. 

We have not seen previously a double strike on cover of this cross on a single 1d red.

Rare item. 

Price: £350.00



Extremely Rare 5d Rate with MX's



A clean and uncreased wrapper without contents but listing several enclosed letters


from Ceylon, Manila, Singapore, Macao, Batavia and Forbes, from London to Preston, February 7th 1843.


The very rare franking of 5d is made up of 1d red 3-margined, added as a late fee,


and a very fine SG14, four margined pair, close but clear at the right, 'GK-GL', plate 3. 


The pair has been partially severed between the stamps by the postal clerk ready to be fully cut when required.


All the stamps are cancelled by black MX's. 


Researching over the past 20 years or so has revealed


only a few examples appearing on the open market of the 3d rate


and NONE for the 5d Rate with MX's.


Examples of the 3d Rate were:


1d red plus single 2d on cover cancelled by MX's;


H O Fraser Spinks Sale, 2001, Lot 401, realised an inclusive figure of £3,105


and another example in a Spinks GB Sale, 2006, Lot 368 realised £3,500. 


A specialist GB dealers list in 2005 offered the 3d rate with MX's on cover, a


1d and 2d both 3-margined and overlapping, at £2,250. 


We have not seen previously the 5d rate with MX's on cover and


have not found another example from our researches.


A remarkable and extremely rare item of Display importance. 


Price: £1,785.00  


NB: the colour of the stamps is far better than the scan suggests.


Neither the Lady Mairi Sale nor the Chartwell Collection Sale had examples of the 5d rate.




Rare 5d Rate: London numerals on piece.

151416.  1d red and pair 2d Plate 4 SG14, 'EK-EL', 'EL' full margins, 'EK' 3 plus margins:

tied to piece by London '12' in diamond in oval of bars. 

All tied to a piece of a wrapper? posted under the Printed Matter scheme, introduced in February 1848  

by Rowland Hill to encourage the circulating libraries of the time.

The charge was 6d up to 16oz: this piece has printed on it 'Under 12 oz'.

Perhaps the sender calculated a pro rata cost would be 4d halfpenny for 12oz

but no halfpenny stamps had been issued at that time so they rounded it up to 5d? 

A rare and unusual usage which would repay research. 

Price:  £220.00


Rare 3d rate with 1d and 2d both full margined.


151882.  1d Plate 63, 'MB', fine 4-margined and 2d Plate 3, 'BL',

fine 4-margined, tied to a legal entire from London to Warminster. 

London cds on reverse for February 26th 1847 and a partial

Warmenster date stamp for the following day. 

The 2d has been affixed over a light fold in the wrapper. 

A very fine example of the very scarce/rare 3d rate and

rarely is this rate found when both the 1d red and 2d blue have full margins. 

Price:  £375.00


Advertising Poster for Auction of Land in SHAP

152112.  1d plate 85 tied by a double strike '606' of PENRITH to a printed poster sent to a Lt Colonel Salmond in Alfreton,

with a receiving cds for April 26th 1865 on the reverse. 

The poster, approx 42cm by 34cm, is in excellent condition. Printed in black, it is advertising the auction sale of valuable lands at SHAP.

Sale to be held at The Greyhound Inn, Shap on Friday April 28th 1865.

Two valuable Closes of Grass Land situated near The Kings Arms Inn, Shap.  The Auctioneer was a Mr John Jackson, Penrith.

Superb item in excellent condition: a rare survivor. 

Price: £80.00

NB: on the internet are uptodate pictures of the two Inns mentioned.


LEEDS Continental Duplex: EKD and Sunday Usage


1d SG40, missperfed, and tied to a small, clean and uncreased envelope to London by a fine strike of the rare LEEDS Continental Duplex. 

The stamp, placed as it is on the envelope, resulted in it being turned around 180 degrees by the post office official

 and the duplex applied so that the '447' bars cancelled the stamp with the dater portion clearly visible. 

A rare cancellation, especially on such a neat envelope, but the item is made very rare/unique

by the date of January 10th 1864 being not only the Earliest  Known Date but also a SUNDAY usage.

On the reverse is a London cds for the following day and an interesting embossed shield. 

The missperfing affects the SW letter square and there is a very short corner perf.

The stamp has been pierced by two small pin holes, seen in the scan of the reverse side,

and the surface has been disturbed by two other even smaller pin holes.

Despite these, this is an attractive item of Display Quality and importance.  

Price:  £220.00


A Very Early Sailing of the new Royal Mail Steam Packet Company

152108.  A clean wrapper, no enclosures, from MONTREAL to Hawthorn Hill, nr Maidenhead, May 28th 1842:

in m/s at the top 'per Halifax Royal Mail Steamer'. 

This item was carried from HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, by the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. 

As detailed below, the inaugural sailings of this Company took place on January 3rd 1842. 

Two ships, paddle steamers, THAMES and TAY, left on this date from Falmouth: the Thames destined for Berbice, Havana, New York and Halifax. 

The Tay was bound for Barbados.  On all outward bound sailings, the steamers would call at Coruna, Spain and Madeira. 

Because of the great number of ports which the ships had to visit, a round trip would take from anywhere between four and six months.

Sailings from Falmouth would be on the 3rd and 17th of each month.

In view of the time taken for each each round trip, this item has to have been carried on one of the very early sailings,

and possibly on the first sailing of The Thames. 

On receipt in MAIDENHEAD on June 15th 1842, the wrapper was redirected to London with a

block of 4,1d red plate 24, 'FI-GJ', affixed

and cancelled/tied by four very fine/fine strikes of the Maidenhead Maltese Cross.

'GL-GJ' have been separated by a vertical cut which would have been done by the postmaster/postmistress

before the Post Office was opened to save time cutting them off the sheet when needed during the day.

Offered with this item is a front addressed to the Company's Office in London.

The Line's motto is 'Per Mare Ubique': 'Everywhere by Sea'.

A superb and unique item of Exhibition importance.

Price:  £1,150.00

NB: the wrapper is in a remarkably fine condition considering its size and the journey it has experienced.

We have neither seen, nor can we find, an earlier survivor of mail from this Royal Mail Packet Company.

There is a wealth of information about this Shipping Company on the internet that could further expand

the item's description for Exhibition or Display purposes: see further details below.


Valentine embossed envelope: 1854

151649.  1d red imperf, 'QJ', Plate 169:

3-margined example with a diagonal scratch to the printing plate in the NE corner. 

This has resulted in an unprinted area. 

The stamp is tied by the '798'  of THRAPSTONE, Northants. 

Sent to a Miss Beale in Cambridge, on Valentine's Day, February 14th 1854. 

On the reverse is a receiving cds for the day after Valentine's Day!! 

This might explain why the reverse of the envelope has some damage to it:

perhaps the recipient was very eager to get at the contents? 

A delightful fancy printed envelope with an embroidered and flowery design. 

Some peripheral faults but a rare example of a Valentine with a 1d red imperf.

 Rare also to find the 1d red displaying damage to the printing plate. 

An attractive and early Valentine Envelope.

A rare item.

Price:  £195.00

NB: the reverse side is in better condition than the scan suggests


Embossed envelope used within Liverpool 1858

151942.  1d SG36 tied to a lace-effect embossed envelope, by a Liverpool Spoon, Type C4 Recut, for 24th February 1858.

Sent within Liverpool, no postal markings on reverse, but on the top flap is an embossed Cherub holding a dove.

SG36 was issued on December 26th 1857 and this example, used on February 24th 1858,

is the earliest usage we have seen and the only example on an embossed envelope.

Priced by Gibbons at £160 on an ordinary cover. 

A rare combination of features. 

Price:  £78.00  SOLD

NB: the browning of the envelope is far less pronounced than the scan suggests.

Was it a delayed Valentine's Day item?


Matched Pair of Embossed Valentine Envelopes

152093.  Two fine/very fine identical envelopes, with delicate embossing, posted the day before Valentine's Day February 13th 1868,

to the same addressee in THORNER near LEEDS from Newcastle upon Tyne. 

From the time code, it would appear they were posted at the same time. 

The handwriting appears to be different but the top envelope has a fine1d red 'BG' plate 86 and the other a fine 1d plate 86 'AG'. 

The top envelope has a part of the rear flap missing. 

Intriguing to ask the question why the same sender would try and disguise their handwriting? 

Both are addressed to three young ladies! 

On the reverse of each is a Leeds receiving cds for February 14th 1868,

applied in almost the same place on the envelope and with the same codes. 

A remarkable and attractive pair of items which would make an interesting and memorable display page. 

Price the pair: £140.00

NB: the house, Thorner Lodge, can be seen on the internet.

Both envelopes are finer than in the scan.



1d Red: used in the Isle of Man


1d red 'TB', fine 4-margined, close but clear at the bottom,

tied to a very fine small mourning envelope to Edinburgh by the '407' numeral of the ISLE OF MAN. 

On the reverse is a partial duplex of the Isle of Man for November 25th 1853,

a Liverpool blue/green cds for November 26th and an Ednburgh receiver for November 27th 1853. 

Parmenter records this specific type of '407' numeral in use from January 11th 1851 to December 14th 1852 and is rated as RARE. 

The example offered here extends its usage by almost a year and so may be an isolated strike. 

An attractive and superb item with a rare combination of features. 

Price:  £135.00


Greenock cross on 1d Plate 9

152058.  1d red PLATE 9, 'GL': large margins except at right, clear to just touching. 

Tied to a small piece by a double strike of the GREENOCK characteristic cross. 

Gibbons prices this cross on a 1d red from a black plate at £600,SG Spec A2uc.

This stamp has an unlisted broken bottom frame in the SW corner. 

Attractive item. 

Price:  £150.00


YORK distinctive cross on cover: very early usage


1d red, not full margins, tied to a clean wrapper to Tadcaster by a fine strike of the distinctive YORK cross, SG Spec B1tam. 

On the reverse is a fine York date stamp for July 19th 1842 and a Tadcaster receiver for the following day. 

Gibbons prices this cross on cover at £2,500. 

Only five earlier dates for this cross have been recorded by Rockoff and Jackson in

'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland', Volume 1: the example offered here is UNRECORDED by them.

An attractive item and an opportunity to acquire a fine example of this cross at a fraction of Gibbon's price. 

Price:  £325.00


Distinctive YORK Cross


2d Plate 3, SG 15, deep full blue:  fine 3 plus margins,

cancelled by the distinctive YORK CROSS, SG Spec E1(3)up. 

Priced by Gibbons  at £2,000. 

A rare item.

Price:  £445.00



Coventry Cross





1d red plate 24, 'SI': very fine 4-margined, on wrapper from Coventry to London.

Tied by a fine Coventry distinctive cross, SG spec BS10tg, for June 28 1843. 

Interestingly the cross appears to be showing signs of wear. 

A rare item so fine and priced by Gibbons at £2,200.

Rare to find this cross with full margins on cover.

Superb item.

Price: £880.00 



Very rare BLUE Nottingham CDS on 1d red on cover

152115.  1851 March 28, 1d imperf blue town cancel.

A very fine example, ‘AI’, 4-margined with close but clear to large margins,

on an envelope to Derby – part of rear flap missing and opened roughly at the top.

However, the 1d imperf is  tied by a

superb Nottingham Town circular date stamp  in BLUE for March 28 1851.

A further similar cds strike applied top left with the same orientation and showing the blue ink of the cancellation to advantage.

There is also a red ‘1’ in m/s applied centrally and a Derby receiver on reverse in green for March 29 1851. 

It is possible the 1d red was paying a Late Fee charge.

In the Spinks GB Sale, December 2005,  Lot 812 was a 1d red imperf, small to large margins,

tied to an envelope by a partial blue cds of Truro, applied upside down: it realised an inclusive figure of £2,875.  

The item offered here is a more attractive example which displays better: unrecorded as a blue cds by Danzig. 

A blue Town cds, Spec BIbv, is priced by Gibbons at £4,500 on cover.

A superb line-engraved rarity: an Exhibition item.  

Price:  £1920.00

NB: a loose thin card has been place inside the envelope for display purposes.


A UNIQUE cancellation on 2d Plate 3

152106. 2d blue plate 3, SG14, pair ‘DK-DL’:

 'DL' 4-margined and 'DK' 3-margined, scissor cut between not touching the designs, both stamps with faults.  

However, each stamp has been cancelled by strikes of the Liverpool transit mark, (Robertson type 64/65), 

used on the outside of maritime mail going through Liverpool .

The date is August 31 and the only sailing in the period 1840-1860 on that date was on August 31 1850

when the Cunard packet ‘Asia’ sailed from Liverpool to New York/Boston. 

From our researches we can find NO other such example of this type of transit mark

being used as a cancellation on either the 1d red imperf or 2d blue. 

An exceptionally rare and probably unique item

and one of Exhibition importance.

Price: £620.00  


2d Blue Plate  with BLUE numerals

152117.  September 6, 1852, SG14, pair 2d blue plate 4, ‘MH-MI’:

 tied to an unfolded envelope to Loughborough by BLUE ‘448’ numerals of Leek, Staffs. 

‘MH’ has large to huge margins and ‘MI’ is almost full margined with a minor rub in the SE corner.  

Leek cds on reverse for September 6 1852 in the same blue ink as the ‘448’. 

Spec E11wb, and priced by Gibbons as a single 2d with blue numeral on cover at £2,500. 

An estimated Gibbons price for a PAIR with a Blue Numeral on cover is £7,000

A very rare item which displats well.  

Price:  £1,095.00   


152118.  2d SG 13-15, PLATE 4:

RECONSTRUCTED SHEET of 240 stamps, almost 70% are 4-margined examples. 

Remarkable and rare with additional blocks, multiples, varieties, papers and covers.

Priced by Gibbons well in excess of £30,000. 

Great basis for further development and with huge potential. 

Rare to find a reconstruction of this 2d in such fine overall quality.  

Price: £7250.00


  B Blank Corrected with RPS Certificate    

152078.   Plate 77b B Blank Corrected Spec BS 29b:

 a used copy of this rare stamp with the ‘92’ numeral cancellation of Bolton, Lancs.  

Not a 4-margined copy but the cancel leaves the letter squares clear. 

Clear RPS certificate.

Priced by Gibbons at £1,900.

 Price:  £450.00


2d Plate 3: block of 8

151220: 2d SG14 Plate 3, ‘MF-NI’, a used block of 8 on piece, tied by the ‘258’ of Dover. 

The left hand block of 4 has full margins and is fine;

the right hand block of 4 has a scissor cut between ‘MI’ and ‘NI’

and ‘NI’ has a small SE corner fault. 

However, ‘MF-MG’, is cancelled contrary to PO Regulations, by a single ‘258’.

We cannot recall a block of this size with one pair cancelled in this manner.  

Gibbons prices a block of 4 in this plate at £1,700.  

An impressive and rare multiple. 

Price:  £525.00


BLUE MX's on 2d Blue Plate 3


2d blue plate 3, SG14, ‘MJ-MK’. 

Each stamp with 3 plus margins albeit close in places,

small scissor cut in NW square and small surface rub on ‘MK’. 

Some wrinkling and minor surface rubs on reverse

BUT each stamp cancelled with a BLUE cross, Spec E2ua. 

A SINGLE stamp with a blue MX priced by Gibbons at £4,000

hence a pair at least £8,000 pro rata.

A very rare item and the first multiple with a blue cross that we have been able to offer. 


Price:  £525.00




15016.  2d blue plate 3, SG14, ‘FA’. 

A fine example with large square margins cancelled by the characteristic Dublin cross,

Spec ES11ul and priced by Gibbons at £700. 

Printed on thin paper – listed by SG for 2d plate 4 but not yet for plate 3. 

A rare combination of this cross on a 2d blue with full margins. 

Price:  £260.00


Dublin Cross: 2d Plate 3

15160.  2d blue, plate 3, ‘AK’: very fine square 4-margined example in

the scarcer deep full blue shade and with the listed variety ‘guideline in the NE corner’.

Tied to a wrapper used internally within Ireland from DUBLIN to CORK,

April 16th 1844, by a superb distinctive DUBLIN cross, SG Spec E1ul

and priced on cover by Gibbons at £1,700. 

The MX leaves a largely clear profile; Cork receiving cds on reverse for April 17th 1844. 

This cross is seldom found on cover with a full margined 2d blue. 

Very scarce/rare item.  

Price:  £535.00


Dublin Cross with outer breaks


15196.   2d blue plate 3, ‘IH-II’: pair, ‘II’ full margins, just clear SE square, with a contemporary written date of 1844,

and tied by two superb strikes of the DUBLIN characteristic cross to a piece. 

Both crosses clearly show the constant break in the outer frame which is recorded by Rockoff,

Volume 1, p 92/3, between March 1843 and March 1844

with only 3 out of 41 covers showing this variety and all on 1d reds. 

None are recorded on the 2d blue and as far as we are aware, the examples offered

here of this variety are the only known strikes on the 1841 2d blue.

The characteristic Dublin cross, without the constant break,

is priced on a single 2d blue by Gibbons at £500.  

A very rare and attractive item.   

Price:  £475.00    

NB: this Item would make a unique pairing with Item 15195 in the 1840 2d Blue Section.



2d Plate 4: Dublin numerals Contrary to PO Regulations.

239.  1841 2d blue plate 4 SG15:

very fine used strip of three, IA-IC, large to very large margins,

cancelled Contrary to P O Regulations by only two186 numerals of DUBLIN and rare as such. 

Stamps printed on THIN paper, Spec SG15q.

An estimated Gibbons price allowing for the strip and paper variety

is in excess of £1,000 before allowing a premium for only two cancellations.

Superb item of Exhibition quality.

Price: £285.00


2d Plate 3: exceptional STRIP of THREE

SS7. 1841 2d blue plate 3 SG14. 

An exceptional strip of three, ‘TA-TC’, cancelled by Aberdeen numerals.

Huge to very large margins and printed on un-catalogued thin paper

Thin paper is listed by Gibbons for 2d plate 4 but not as yet on plate 3. 

Exhibition quality and rare so fine.    

Price:  £325.00 


Please scroll down for more 2d blue examples.




1d Plate 37: used BLOCK of 20

1207.  1d SG40/41 Plate 37:

 A remarkable used block of TWENTY, ‘HA-IL’, 10X2. 

‘IA’ with fault but the stamps are cancelled by indistinct strikes of the numeral ‘76’ in bars,

 illustrated by Parmenter in ‘The Barred Numerals of England and Wales’. 

As seen in the scan, there is one clear impression of this ‘76’ type

which Parmenter notes is recorded in the proof books for Campden

However, he further notes that this cancellation may never have been issued!

An impressive and rare multiple proving the usage of this unusual and rare cancellation.

A superb and impressive Exhibition item.  

Price:  £520.00


1d SG40 Plate 44

1039. 1d red SG 40 plate 44, 'HH-JL', some short perfs on  'JK' and 'JL'.

very fine/fine mint Block of 15, (10 stamps un-mounted) in a rich deep shade. 

Gibbons price a mint block of four at £325 in their latest, 2011, Edition QV Volume 1.

A very scarce and attractive multiple.

Exhibition quality.

Price: £545.00 


1/2d Imperf variety with RPS Certificate

15032.  1/2d SG48, plate 6, ‘CA’,  variety IMPERF, Spec G4h

large to enormous margins three sides, only just into on the fourth,

tied to small piece and with a clean 2003 RPS Certificate. 

A rare item and priced by Gibbons from £3,200 on stamp alone.

Rarely seen for sale and the first one we have been able to offer. 

Price: £570.00

1/2d Plate 9

1040. 1870 1/2d SG 48 plate 9: 

very fine/fine used example from this rare plate,

and neatly cancelled by the '625' of Portsmouth.

 The plate number is clearly visible on both sides and scarce as such. 

Price: £220.00       


1d SG 40 pair: Single Scots Local Contrary to Regulations

152040.  1d SG40, very fine vertical pair on a wrapper from GLASGOW to PAISLEY, March 8th 1857.

Cancelled Contrary to PO Regulations by a fine/very fine single Scots Local of Queens Street, Type XV111. 

Recorded in use from 1854-57 so this the last year of usage. 

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price:  £75.00

NB: seldom find vertical pairs on cover.




2d Plate 3: PAISLEY MX used on New Years Day

152011.  2d Plate 3, 'DF', fine 4-margined: tied to an entire to INVERARY by fair double strikes of the PAISLEY CROSS.

Rockoff, 'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland', Volume 2 page 219,

records and illustrates the cross on 9 covers; the latest is for January 4th 1843.

In all of these examples bar one, the cross is consistently poorly struck with varying amounts of debris.  

The stamp in this example is poorly struck too: it may have been lifted and replaced but certainly belongs. 

On reverse is a fine strike of the boxed Paisley date stamp for JANUARY 1st 1844.

A rare New Years Day usage in Scotland:

only four New Year Day usages are possible for this 2d plate during the Maltese Cross period.

Gibbons prices this 2d on cover with a Maltese cross at £650. 

A rare/unique and interesting combination of features. 

Price:  £275.00 

NB: the letter refers to a servant who left without giving a month's notice and went to a post as Butler in another household. 

His previous employer, the Earl of Glasgow, had decided to prosecute him for breaking his contract.

The brown markings on the front and rear of the letter are far fainter than the scan suggests.



1d SG17: used block of 6


152010. 1d SG17, 'IA-JC', overall fine used: very scarce block of 6 with fine colour and Greenock '163' numerals.

'JA' with a corner crease and 'IA' with a small corner wrinkle.

A few short perfs but a very scarce block in overall fine/very fine condition.

A block of 4 priced by Gibbons in the latest 2011 QV Volume 1 at £400

and hence a block of 6 at £600 pro rata.

An attractive item. 

Price: £115.00



1d Plate 76: very fine used block of 8


152021. 1d Plate 76, 'MJ-PL':

very fine vertical block of 8, with SALISBURY duplexes for March 11th 1865.

The block clearly shows missperfing on each stamp. 

An attractive item. 

Price:  £65.50   


1d Plate 142: Rare Used Block of 9


152023.  1d Plate 142, block of 9, 'AD-CF': a rare fine used block from this scarcer plate.

Some perf irregularities, especially on 'AD' and 'AF': each stamp with a crisp Eastcheap B.O. EC cds for March 19th 1872. 

'AD-AF' show a broken pin perf at the bottom sides.

Rich original colour that the scan does not fully show.

Plate 142 used is the 7th rarest of all the plates, 71-225, including Plate 77. 

A used block of 4 in this plate, without the adding the premium for the cds's, is priced by Gibbons at £270.

This is the largest used block of this plate we have seen.

A rare and attractive item.

Price:  £168.00 SOLD 



A rare trio 'F' row showing marginal watermark letters

152003.  A trio of used 1d reds: 1d imperf 'TF', fine used, 4-margined with a NW cut clear of the design;

 1d 'TF' plate 213 (both from the bottom row of the sheet) and 1d 'AF' plate 137 from the top row.

Each has the watermark displaced such that marginal watermark letters are visible.

The 1d imperf has the letters 'OS', the 1d plate 213 has portions of the letters 'GAT' and 1d plate 137, portions of the letters 'TA'. 

These are from the marginal watermark 'POSTAGE' which occur at the top and bottom of each Post Office sheet as well as at the sides. 

At the bottom of the Post Office sheet it is reversed on these issues.

The 1d imperf and 1d plate 213 show the watermark letters the correct way round but

with the 1d plate 137, the watermark letters show the sheet was reversed before printing.

1d plate 137 having lettering 'AF' is from the top row of the sheet and the 1d plate 213,

'TF' from the corresponding position but at the bottom of the sheet.

The perforating of 1d plate 137 shows a problem with the vertical perforators which did not fully punch out the holes.

This same stamp has perf irregularities at the bottom probably caused by poor perforating.

A unique and rare trio.

Price: £65.00


1d Plate 70 LATE USAGE of a PRESTON CROSS: 1846


152004.  1d red Plate 70, 'RA': very fine with almost full margins, touching in NW corner square,

on a very clean and uncreased entire from PRESTON to GIGGLESWICK near Settle(Yorks).

The letter is dated inside Preston October 11th 1846, the date should have been October 10th 1846 as

on the reverse, both struck in blue, are date stamps of Preston and Settle for October 10th 1846.

The 1d red tied by a fine strike of the Preston cross: this was replaced by the numeral '628' on May 1st 1844. 

Hence this is a late usage of a Maltese Cross and, from our researches, it appears to be

the first example recorded from the Preston Office. 

An extremely rare item of Exhibition quality. 

Price:  £485.00 

NB: Plate 70 was put to press on June 30th or July 30th 1846.

 The well written letter is begging for clothes or the money to buy a winter coat and other items.


2d Plate 3: Aberdeen Cross 1842

152005.  2d blue Plate 3, 'JL', fine 4-margined:

tied to an entire from ABERDEEN to Edinburgh, December 5th 1842. 

One side flap has been removed which leaves a partial letter. 

The 2d tied by an upright Aberdeen cross - Rockoff and Jackson illustrate one example

of this cross on a 1d red cover, also for 1842, in Volume 2.  

Gibbons, QV Volume 1, prices this stamp at £650 on cover. 

A difficult stamp to find on cover with an MX and full margins. 

Price: £165.00 

NB: The Aberdeen date stamp and the Edinburgh receiver are on the top flap which raises for display.



Two entires, 1d red Plate 14, same letterings and basal shift variety


151991.   Two fine entires, each with a 4-margined 1d red from PLATE 14 and lettered 'RI' with the listed basal shift variety, Spec B53d.  

The FIRST is to STONY STRATFORD, August 26th 1841. 

The superb 1d red tied by the Stony Stratford date stamp, County Cat. BU301 in addition to the MX; the letter is to an uncle from his nephew.

On the reverse top flap is a partial strike of a Coventry cds for August 25th 1841. 

The SECOND is from GLASGOW to Inverary with a Glasgow hexagonal date stamp for December 10th 1841 on reverse. 

The fine/very fine 1d red is tied by a Glasgow cross with typically retained debris

 as commented by Rockoff and Jackson in Volume 1 of the MX's of GB and Ireland. 

The commercial letter with printed headings is from 'Engraving and Lithographic Establishment, 54 St Vincent Street, Glasgow'. 

1d red plate 14 is priced by Gibbons at £200 on cover, without the basal shift variety, in their latest Edition, 2011, of QV Volume 1. 

A very rare pairing of Exhibition quality.  

Price:  £180.00

NB: the apparent browning on the first letter is fainter than the scan suggests.


1d red on entire to Morristown USA 1853

151987.  1d red, ‘PC’, plate 168, 4-margins but with faults, on a commercial/legal letter to

Morristown, St Lawrence County, New York State from London, July 5th 1853 cds on reverse. 

On the front of the entire, is a Too Late GPO strike, Parmenter, ‘London Late Fee and Too Late Mail’, p82,

second issue of the first type in use from April 2nd 1851. 

He notes that 90% of this cancellation is found on inland mail and used on mail too late for a particular despatch.  

Affixed top left and contrary to PO regulations, the 1d red is tied by the London ‘27’ in diamond and bars.

In view of the ‘Too Late’ strike, this confirms that the 1d red was in payment as a Late Fee because

the letter was posted after the usual closing time for accepting mail.

New York American Packet cds charge applied on receipt at the New York Exchange Office

and a ‘3 cents’ charge, both in black, and neither overlapping with the Too Late strike.

Attractive combination of cancellations and a rare transatlantic usage of the 1d red

to a location in the USA which had a population of barely 2000 in 1850.     

Price: £175.00          

NB: as to whether the usage of the 1d red was a Late Fee payment or not

on inland and overseas mail has been the subject of some debate.

However, the example here confirms this usage and as such is rare

and displays well.


1d imperf to USA on Cunarder 'America'

151987a.  1d red 'SA', margin in places, tied to a clean wrapper by the '700' numeral of SHEFFIELD. 

Sheffield date stamp on the front for September 14th 1849 and on the reverse a lIverpool transit mark for the following day. 

This item would have been carried on the Cunarder 'America'

which left Liverpool on September 15th 1849 arriving in Boston on September 26th.

This was 'America's' fifth sailing to the USA after the introduction of the Treaty Rate Period

following the periods of the RetaliatoryRate Period and the Restored Rate Period. 

The 1d red was added as a late fee for the time the letter was handed in at the post office in Sheffield. 

Attractive and scarce provincial usage of the 1d red on an item of mail to the USA. 

Price:  £145.00


1d Plate 8: PERTH CROSS unlisted by Gibbons

151940.   1d red Plate 8, 'BK': very fine 4-margined clearly showing the 'O' flaw.

Tied to an uncreased wrapper to Dunkeld by a superb strike of the distinctive PERTH CROSS.

On the reverse a very fine Perth date stamp for July 2nd 1841 which displays well when the rear flap is raised.

The Perth cross on a 1d red from, a non-black plate on cover,

is priced by Gibbons at £700 and from a black plate at £750: the latter underpriced in our experience.

An attractive and very scarce item

Price: £450.00 

NB: There is some peripheral browning on the edges of the envelope,

not affecting the 1d red, and far less pronounced than the scan suggests.



2d Plate 4: late usage 1856


151923.  2d SG14 Plate 4 'DK-DL':

pair cancelled by the DUNDEE Experimental Duplex for April 19th 1856 

with a break at the bottom of the outer circle. 

The SPHG reported that this break appeared between April and June 1856

in the lower arc of the date circle due to damage. 

This at April 19th 1856, is believed to be the earliest example of this damage

and the only one known on the imperf 2d blue. 

Very few examples are known of any of the Scottish Experimental Duplexes

used on the 1841 2d blue and this is the first one we have been able to offer. 

A very rare/unique item. 

Price:  £185.00


DUMFRIES distinctive cross


151903.  1d red 'LH', on entire from TERREGLES, a small village near DUMFRIES, sent to DUMFRIES

with on the reverse a lightly struck but legible Dumfries boxed date stamp in red for August 17th 1843. 

The 1d red, good margins on three sides but in to at the top, tied by a fine strike of the

distinctive DUMFRIES CROSS, listed by Gibbons as Spec B1tfa, and priced at £1,100 in QV Volume 1.

The letter refers to rent arrears for the past NINE YEARS totalling £5.13.3:

barely the price of a gallon of petrol in today's money!! 

This example is NOT listed by Rockoff in Volume 1, and only four earlier examples are noted - the EKD is June 17th 1843.  

None of the examples listed by Rockoff are used locally in Dumfries.

An attractive example of this small cross on an interesting local entire. 

Price:  £245.00 

NB: the vertical filing crease at the right does not cross the 1d red. 



6d rate with 1d reds from mixed plates.


151883.  1d plate 83 and plate 80: pair is almost full margined the block of 4 is not. 

Tied by the '308' of Stirling on a printed entire to Dundee with a completed Agent's Confidential Report,

East of Scotland Life Assurance Company on Henry Monteath, Manufacturer from Galashiels. 

Stirling green date stamp on reverse for December 8th 1849 and a

Dundee receiver date stamp in blue for December 9th 1849 - a Sunday.

Both these date stamps are on the top flap which display well when raised. 

In the latest Gibbons QV Volume 1, the minimum price

of a used block of 4, not on cover, is £325 and approx £450 on cover.

A very scarce franking for a 6d rate especially with mixed plates. 

Price:  £90.00


1d SG40 SIX single examples with a SUNDAY usage


151885.  1d SG40, SIX single examples tied to a OHMS printed envelope by

the '419' of KINGTON with a Kington cds for February 16th 1862. 

Some peripheral faults to the envelope but the date of February 16th 1862 is a SUNDAY usage from Kington. 

Envelope addressed originally to Edward Divett, MP for Exeter in London.

Then redirected to Sidmouth then redirected further to Exmouth:

London cds for February 17th and 18th, Sidmouth cds for February 18th and an Exmouth cds for February 20th 1862.

Very unusual to have the 6d postal charge paid by SIX SINGLE stamps, four of which show misperfing. 

A very scarce item. 

Price:  £70.00


1d red Plate 10: rare early usage on a Fire Certificate.

151884.  1d red plate 10, pair 'KI-KJ': 'KI' 3-margins,has a tear bottom right because the entire

was opened roughly but 'KJ' is a fine 4-margined example.

This entire is a large FIRE CERTIFICATE from the CALEDONIAN Insurance Company, Edinburgh,

pertaining to a property owned by a John Wilson of Blackhall. 

There are several handwritten amendments, on the inside flaps, covering the years up to 1844. 

Also inside are two superb line engraved images of Britannia holding her shield against a country background.

One is large but affected by an internal tear; there is an Edinburgh cds on the top flap for March 3rd 1841.

We have not seen an earlier usage of a PAIR of 1d red plate 10 on cover. 

The stamps are tied by superb Edinburgh MX's.

In the latest Edition of QV Volume 1, Gibbons prices a pair of plate 10 at £500 not on cover

and an estimated price on cover in excess of £1000. 

A rare, if not unique, usage and combination of features. 

Price:  £175.00 

NB: the contents would merit research and this could produce a very interesting display item.




CALTON Glasgow Date stamp




1d SG17, misperfed example, perf fault/rube bottom left, tied to piece by a very fine strike

 of the CALTON Glasgow date stamp for December 9th 1854. 

This, and other dated name stamps were used before, during and after the official period

of use of Scots Locals which were undated. 

Scarce item. 

Price: £45.00


1d red worn plate and Worcester Skeleton

151892.  1d red, 'TF', full margins but rather ragged, the '918' Worcester numeral leaves a clear profile

and most of QV's head and ties it to a clean entire to Pershore; the stamp shows overall wear.  

On the reverse are three strikes which hardly overlap.

These are: a London - RD - Worcester undated Town Receiving House C Cat CCWO895; 

a very scarce Worcester Skeleton/Temporary handstamp for December 26th 1846, C Cat WO889

recorded to 1846 so this example possibly the latest recorded and

a Pershore date stamp for the following day, C Cat WO552.

An attractive number of features and very scarce thus. 

Price: £60.00



1d SG24 Plate 9


151805.  1d SG24, Plate 9, 'GA-HB' SG Spec C3:

generally fine/very fine but with some light wrinkling in the corner areas of the top two stamps.

Bottom two stamps with almost clear profiles, cancelled by the '698' of Scarborough, North Yorkshire. 

Gibbons in the latest, 2011, Edition of QV Volume 1, prices a block of four at £650,

without the premium for 'HA-HB' so lightly cancelled. 

Very difficult to find this stamp in such a fresh block.  

Price: £175.00 



Waterford Cross on 1d Plate 5

151780.  1d red, Plate 5, 'LH':

very fine 4-margined example on a clean wrapper from WATERFORD to Dublin. 

Stamp tied by a superb strike of the Waterford cross

with a superb Waterford date stamp on the top flap for May 13th 1841. 

Rockoff records only three earlier examples and one is a 1d black cover.

Plate 5 priced by Gibbons on cover at £400. 

Very fine item and scarce as such. 

Price:  £185.00



1d Plate 21: NEWTON-LIMAVADY cross

151749.   1d red plate 21, 'EF', fine 4-margined, close at 'F' square but clear:

tied to a clean banking entire from NEWTON-LIMAVADY to Ballymoney. 

On the reverse is a blue cds of Newton-Limavady for March 6th 1843

and a superb COMPLETE red wax seal 'Belfast Bank Branch N.Limavady'.

Rockoff in Volume 2 page 210, 'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland',

illustrates only six examples on cover of this cross

A late strike, May 30th 1844, shows a cross with an empty centre.

The authors speculate as to whether this is a weakened centre or a result of inking. 

This example, March 6th 1843, shows a similar empty centre.

The later examples in 1843, August and December, are complete strikes with the usual diamond in the centre. 

Hence the example offered here confirms the empty centres are a consequence of inking. 

An attractive and very scarce item. 

Price: £85.00


1d red Plate 9

151752.   1d red Plate 9, 'NG', fine/very fine, very close/just touching at the left:

tied to a clean wrapper from London to Perth by a very fine black MX.

Lombard Street date stamp on the reverse for March 8th 1841,

less than 4 weeks since issued, and an Edinburgh transit cds for March 10th 1841. 

This black plate priced by Gibbons at £325.  

Attractive and clean item. 

Price:  £60.00



Burnley Sleleton: SUNDAY usages.



151737. Two examples of the rare BURNLEY SKELETON, County Cat. LA233.

The first is a 1d red, 'MJ', tied to a clean letter from Manchester to Burnley, July 26th 1845.

The name has been blocked out as has the short letter inside except for a Manchester date of July 25th 1845. 

On the reverse is a Blackburn date stamp for July 26th 1845 and a strike of the BURNLEY skeleton

for JULY 27th 1845 - a SUNDAY - struck in the recorded blue. 

The second is a 1d red, 'MI', Plate 52, fine 4-margins, very close but clear at the top margin,

tied to a separated large part entire and opened at the base for display purposes. 

Sent from Clitheroe to Burnley, August 2nd 1845, the 1d red is tied by a superb '207' of Clitheroe.

 On the reverse is a strike of the BURNLEY skeleton for AUGUST 3rd 1845 - a SUNDAY - again in blue.

It begs the question whether this Burnley cancellation was only for Sunday usage?

We have other examples in stock of this type of skeleton eg Cheltenham, Item 151745, used on weekdays.

The scan does not show the blue colour very well.

This cancellation only recorded in 1845 and these are first we have seen. 

A remarkable and rare/unique pairing: the Burnley skeleton used on consecutive SUNDAYS. 

Price for the pair:  £150.00

NB: on the reverse are partial offsets of the '207' in black and Clitheroe date stamps in red.



Cheltenham Skeleton 1848: EKD


151745.  1d red, 'FF', almost 4-margined, rub in SE letter square:

tied to a small, neat envelope by a very fine/fine '177' of Cheltenham. 

Sent to Berkeley with on the reverse a receiving date stamp for February 8th 1848. 

This date stamp, County Cat. GL38, recorded to 1847 so this extends slightly the period of recorded usage. 

Also on the reverse is an exceptional strike of the rare Cheltenham skeleton,

County Cat. GL169, for February 7th 1848, struck in the recorded green ink. 

This cancellation only recorded used in 1848 and this believed to be the earliest known example

The front of the envelope has a brown stain caused by the wax seal on the reverse BUT the other browning

 is NOT present: a trick of the scanner and the central stain is fainter than in the scan. 

This skeleton cancellation was used on a MONDAY. 

Price:  £70.00

NB: see item 151737 above for SUNDAY usages of a skeleton cancellation.


PAID 6d EXTRA of Edinburgh

151736.   1d red, 'AD', very fine 4-margined, Plate 49:

tied to a clean wrapper to Hamilton by the '131' of Edinburgh with an Edinburgh cds on the reverse for August 15th 1845. 

Next to the 1d red is a good strike of the Edinburgh boxed: ' PAID 6d EXTRA', Auckland ED184. 

This is a rare strike and was applied as a Late Fee which for the high price of 6d,

a letter could be handed in at the Post Office, during only a 20 minute period between 7pm and 7.20pm,

just before the Post Office closed for the day: the letter would be processed that evening. 

This strike is considerably rarer than the 'PAID 1d EXTRA' variety. 

Price:  £90.00


Paisley Cross: 1d red Plate 9 repaired state


1d red Plate 9, 'EC-ED': fine full margined partially severed pair,

prepared by the postmaster/postmistress for ease of separation.

Stamps affixed Contrary to PO Regulations at the bottom left.

Both stamps are from the 2nd repair printing, 'no 'O' flaw', SG Spec AS61.

Tied to a cross written entire by three strikes of the PAISLEY cross with a boxed

Paisley date stamp on the reverse for September 2nd 1841. 

Rockoff in 'The Maltese cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland', Volume 2 page 219, illustrates and describes this cross.

Its appearance is similar to the so-called 'Post Road' crosses of Arbroath, Dundee, Perth and Stirling.

Of the 10 examples he lists and illustrates, this is the third earliest at September 2nd 1841. 

He comments that from  September 1841, the cross was poorly struck with evidence

of varying amounts of debris in the obliterator: the cross does not appear to have been regularly cleaned. 

The 1d red Plate 9 without 'O' flaw is priced as a single stamp by Gibbons at £400

A pair in this repaired state would be priced on cover at £1,500 plus. 

A very rare item. 

Price:  £375.00 

NB: the condition of the letter is much finer than the scan suggests and there is NO browning. 


The following four items show usage of the extremely rare 'GPO Newspaper Branch'.

A leading expert in the cancellations of London said that in more than 35 years

he had never seen this cancellation on either piece or cover

and very rarely even as a partial strike on a stamp.


Extremely rare GPO Newpaper Branch

151726.  11/2d, SG52, Plate 1, excellent colour, very fine used:

cancelled by the extremely rare GPO Newspaper Branch, Alcock Fig 587. 

This may well be a unique usage on this stamp.   

Price: £135.00  SOLD


Extremely Rare GPO Newpaper Branch

151727.  1d plate 140, two examples, one damaged:

each tied by the the extremely rare GPO Newspaper Branch, Alcock Fig 587. 

We have been unable to trace from our researches another example,

except for the item below, on piece or cover and this supports the above comment.

A remarkable item and a very very rare.

Price:  £200.00



Extremely rare GPO Newpaper Branch

151728.  1d Plate 146, a pair perfinned H and Co? 

Each cancelled by the the extremely rare

GPO Newspaper Branch, Alcock Fig 587. 

An extremely rare multiple usage.

Price:  £175.00  SOLD



Plate 55: 306 of Lisnaskea

151678.  1d Plate 55, SG40, 'FL-GL':

overall a fine used block of 4, cancelled, Contrary to Regulations,

by only two '306' numerals of LISNASKEA. 

Gibbons, in the latest Edition, 2011, of QV Volume 1,

prices a block of four in this plate at £150.

Unusually, there is a plate sratch on 'GL' to the left of QV's head.

A misalignment of the stamps is also visible. 

A very scarce/rare Irish usage.  

Price:  £85.00


Plate 55: 302 of Letterkenny

151679.  1d Plate 55, SG40, 'GC-HD': 

some light wrinkling, short/pulled perfs on 'HD' and a brownish reverse,

but cancelled by the '302' of Letterkenny. 

Gibbons, in the latest Edition, 2011, of QV Volume 1,

prices a block of four in this plate at £150. 

Scarce Irish usage.

Price:  £45.00


Plate 59: 28 of Ballaghaderin

151681.  1d Plate 59, SG40, 'DJ-EK':

short perf 'E' square of 'EK' otherwise fine/very fine block.

Cancelled by inverted '28' numerals of BALLAGHADERIN. 

Gibbons, in the latest Edition, 2011, of QV Volume 1,

prices a block of four in this plate at £150. 

Very scarce Irish usage.

Price: £55.00


Plate 60: 272 of Killarney

151682.  1d Plate 60, SG40, 'GI-HJ': 

some light wrinkling on 'HJ' otherwise a fine block of 4.

Incomplete numeral cancellations but appear to be '272' of KILLARNEY. 

Two stamps with clear profile.

Plate 60 is a scarce plate and Gibbons, in the latest Edition, 2011, of QV Volume 1,

prices a block of four in this plate at £250.  

A very scarce Irish usage. 

Price  £82.50


Plate 60: 141 of Ballygawley

151683.  1d Plate 60, SG40, 'NH-NK':

strip of 4 cancelled by superb strikes of the '41' of BALLYGAWLEY.

Each of 'NI-NK' cancelled by an inverted, numeral single type of '41' but

'NH' by the upright numeral portion of the '41' Ballygawley duplex. 

'NI-NK' are very fine used, 'NH' has a light vertical crease. 

A most unusual combination of the types of numeral '41' used on a scarcer plate.  

Gibbons, in the latest Edition, 2011, of QV Volume 1, four singles are priced at £120. 

A rare and possibly unique usage of the '41' numeral:

we cannot recall seeing any similar combination.

An attractive and very rare item.

Price: £70.00


Plate 62 SG40

151686.  1d SG40, 'AL-BK':

very fine used block, very faintly and indistinctly cancelled

leaving virtually each stamp with clear profile.

'BL' has apparently a small piece of black hair 'impressed' into the surface:

perhaps as a love token from the sender? 

Gibbons, in the latest Edition of QV Volume 1, prices a block of four

in this plate at £150 plus with the 125% premium is added for so light a cancellation. 

Unusual and scarce. 

Price:  £65.00


Number 1 in Cross: Plate 32

151677.  1d red Plate 32, 'QE', very fine/fine 4-margined, close at SW corner but clear:

tied to a clean entire by a very fine Number 1 in Cross; entire with a very light horizontal central filing crease.

 On the reverse is a London date stamp for March 31st 1843 and a Rochester date stamp for April 1st 1843. 

Number 1 in Cross priced by Gibbons in the latest, 2011, Edition of QV Volume 1 at £550. 

EKD for this number in cross is March 21st 1843 so this an early example of its usage.

An attractive and very scarce item in such fine condition. 

Price:  £235.00

NB: Please scroll down for many other numbers in crosses.


Dublin to London to Whitby 1866

151627.  1d Plates 74 and 79 on an envelope, one side flap missing, from DUBLIN to London. 

1d plate 74 cancelled in Dublin but another full duplex applied at the left for August 17th 1866:

Contrary to Regulations.

In London it received a N W Miss-sorted strike and a 1d plate 79 affixed for the redirection to Whitby,

tied by a N W London duplex for August 20th 1866. 

An attractive and scarce combination of usage and cancellations. 

Price:  £65.00



2d Plate 3: full margined strip with Double Letter variety

151666. 2d Plate 3, 'SB-SD': a fine full margined strip of three, tied to an

entire from GLASGOW to Birmingham, September 28th 1850, by '159' numerals.

This plate has only FIVE double letter listed varieties and 'SD' is one of them, Spec ES11h. 

On reverse is a partial boxed Queen Street and other transit date stamps. 

A pair of 2d blues in this plate priced by Gibbons on cover

at £550 in the latest Edition, 2011, QV Volume 1.

Very scarce item. 

Price:  £270.00


Dublin to Port Philip Australia

151656.  2d blue Plate 3, 'block of 4', split into two pairs, 'FH-GI': 

on an envelope from DUBLIN to a very scarce destination, PORT PHILIP, Australia. 

Dublin date stamp on reverse for April 1st 1852 and a Ship-Letter London date stamp for the following day on the front. 

Front of letter with 'p First Ship Direct'. 

M/s '3' in black applied on receipt and a Melbourne Ship letter mark on the reverse for July 1852. 

The two pairs of the 2d are each cancelled Contrary to PO Regulations, at that time, by a SINGLE strike

of the DUBLIN '186' numeral applied upside down.

Although this was again Contrary to PO Regulations perhaps appropriate as it was sent 'down under'!

The envelope has an embossed crest of The Royal Dublin Society 1731. 

This Society was founded on June 14th 1731 by 14 men who met in Trinity College: the 'Royal' prefix was added in 1821.

It was formed to promote 'husbandry, manufacturers and other useful arts and sciences'.

Further information available on the internet. 

A very rare item in better condition than the scan suggests.

Price:  £520.00

NB: in 1999, a long/large envelope, not to Australia,

was offered with an untied pair of 2d blues, cancelled by an upside down '186' of Dublin.

It was described as ex Shaida and that only four such examples were known.

We have seen only one other item, (in 2004), addressed to Port Philip (1852), with a

strip of four 2d blues: it was sent from Sheffield. 


2d Plate 4 strip of 4 on envelope to SIDNEY

151655.  2d Plate 4, strip 'MB-ME':

full margins except 'ME' which has faults, on a small, uncreased, envelope to SIDNEY, New South Wales, Australia.

'MD' has a paper wrinkle/crease around the NE corner but is cancelled by the

Ship-Letter London date stamp, May 14th 1852, in RED and extremely rare as such.

 Sent from CATRINE with a MAUCHLINE boxed date stamp for May 13th 1852

and a red London Ship letter date stamp for May 14th 1852.  

On receipt in Australia, various transit marks applied on reverse, 

and on the front is a handstruck '3' and a m/s '5' both in black. 

Also there is a boxed ADVERTISED UNCLAIMED applied in Sidney. 

A remarkable item and especially rare with a 2d blue cancelled

by the red London Ship Letter date stamp: the only example we have seen and quite likely unique.

Gibbons prices this 2d blue with a RED 1844 numeral cancellation,

Spec E1wc, at £20,000 on a stamp OFF COVER

and unpriced on cover in the latest Edition, QV Volume 1.

A superb line engraved rarity of Exhibition importance.

Price: £735.00

NB: the envelope is in better condition than the scan suggests especially on the reverse.



Block of TEN SG40 on part entire

151654.  1d SG40, block of TEN, 'GB-HF':

'GC' some creasing the rest are fine/very fine. 

Tied to a large, folded at left side, part entire from Worcester, May 29th 1861, to Malvern. 

A 10d rate indicates a letter upto 5oz. 

An impressive and very scarce/rare multiple usage. 

Price:  £125.00


1d red on redirected item to Paris 1850

151652.  1d red, Archer plate 93, 'IJ', 3-margined:

tied to an envelope by the '52' in oval of bars of the London Chief Office. 

This at July 11th 1850 extends its period of use. 

Redirected to a Hotel in PARIS with a handstruck '8'

with other transit markings on both the front and reverse. 

Very scarce/rare usage of the 1d red imperf on a

redirected item to an overseas destination. 

Price:  £150.00 

NB: the envelope is in a finer condition than the scan suggests.


       Exceptional margins on strip of three

151638.  1d red, 'IJ-IL' strip of three with '207' of CLITHEROE, Lancs:

a fine multiple with exceptional margins showing traces of SIX adjacent stamps. 

Each stamp shows an early stage of the ivory head which the scan does not show well. 

Very scarce/rare. 

Exhibition item.

Price: £170.00


1d plate 69: INVERTED watermark

151642.  1d red plate 69, 'JI', very clean back: fine, 4-margined example

very lightly cancelled with a Scottish numeral,

and with INVERTED watermark.

A very small grease spot? at the base of QV's head.

An attractive item. 

Priced by Gibbons at £400.

Price:  £130.00



Bristol Cross on Plate 15: Coach Builders Bill

151623.  1d red Plate 15, 'TG', very fine 4-margined with a listed Basal Shift:

tied to an invoice used locally from a BRISTOL Coach Builders, Perry and Perrot, by a Type 1 Bristol Cross. 

Invoice lists all the work done from April 19th 1841 with a Bristol date stamp on the reverse for January 5th 1842:

all this work for just over 12 gns. 

A superb display item. 

Price:  £95.00




2d Plate 3: block of 6 with MX's


151602.  2d Plate 3, 'RA-TB': 


a block of 6 cancelled by Maltese crosses, 'SB' with small fault at right, rest of the block is sound.

''RA' and 'SB' full margined and 'TB' just touched at 'T' square.


A block of 4 with MX priced by Gibbons at £5,000 in the latest Edition of QV Volume 1

hence a block of 6 prorata at £7,500. 


A very rare item. 


Price: £485.00


1d SG Spec C9: cream toned paper

151603.  1d SG C9 yellowish to cream toned paper, 'MG-NK':

the transitional period from blued to white paper printings.

A very rare used BLOCK of 10, with some perf strenghening by stamp hinges and

a perf fault on 'NJ' but this the largest used block in this printing we have seen or been able to offer. 

Some areas with part of the original gum.

Cancelled by six strkes only of the numeral '864' of Wells (Somerset) and hence Contrary to PO Regulations.

'MJ-MK', 'MH-MI' and 'NG-NH' have been cancelled by a single strike of the '864' numeral.

In the QV Volume 1, Gibbons prices a used block of 4 at £525. 

A remarkable item and very rare. 

 Price:  £370.00



An important recent IRISH addition to our stock.


1d red Plate 9: February 20th 1841

151579.  1d red Plate 9, 'SE': large/very large square margined example, crossed by a filing crease,

tied by a very fine MX to a financial entire, dated February 20th 1841, from BALLINLEA to BALLYMONEY, Co Antrim. 

Superb Ballymoney date stamp on reverse for February 21st 1841 - a SUNDAY. 

The 1d red was issued on February 10th 1841and the earliest known usage of the 1d red Plate 9 on cover

was in the Pichai Collection: a 3 plus margin on a cover used locally within London on February 19th 1841.

The example offered here is the earliest known example used in Ireland.

In fact, it is believed to be the earliest known Irish usage of a 1d red from any plate. 

It is also one of the earliest known Irish usages of the BLACK cross:

black ink officially replaced red ink on February 10th 1841.

The letter is in a cleaner condition than the scan suggests.

An Irish rarity.  

Price:  £795.00

NB: the Pichai cover was last seen in 2005 in a London Sale: the cover torn, creased and rather dirty.

In 2009, a 1d red Plate 9, with only 2 plus margins, on a wrapper from DUBLIN to WEXFORD,

February 25th 1841, was offered for sale by a specialist London dealer at £2,250. 


1d Plate 41: re-entry with Number 9 in Cross



151585.  1d red Plate 41, 'IL': a fine 4-margined example tied to a wrapper from London to Leith,

February 2nd 1844, (side flaps removed for display purposes), by the Number 9 in Cross.  

Stamp 'IL' shows the listed variety, SG Spec BS26D(b) 'Major Re-entry' and

only one other stamp on this plate has a re-entry: the cancellation leaves the variety visible.

Gibbons prices this number in cross on cover at £550.

not allowing for the re-entry or it used on a scarce plate with an MX. 

A rare item and the only example of this re-entry we have seen with a number in cross on cover. 

Price:  £300.00


Single usage of Number 12 in Cross

151620.  1d red, Plate 32? 3 plus margined, close but clear at SW bottom corner,

on commercial entire to Glasgow: fine London cds on reverse for September 27th 1843

and an equally fine Glasgow boxed date stamp for September 29th 1843.

Stamp tied by a very fine and almost upright strike of the Number 12 in Cross.

Vertical filing crease and a small surface fault below the stamp.

Priced by Gibbons at £1,600 on cover

without the premium for a SINGLE usage. 

Price:  £325.00


Scroll down for examples of Number 1 through to Number 12 in Cross on cover



1d red Plate 9: London Type 2 Cross

151575.  1d red Plate 9, 'HA': very fine large square-margined example

tied to a printed and uncreased entire by the scarcer Type 2 LONDON Cross with Broken Points.

London date stamp on the reverse for May 25th 1841.

The printed entire is in connection with an appeal for donations for

a Portrait of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 

Gibbons prices 1d red Plate 9 on cover at £375 without allowing a premium for the London distinctive cross. 

This is one of the finest examples of Plate 9 on cover we have been able to offer for some considerable time. 

The watermark is unusually misplaced to just above the SW letter square. 

Superb item. 

Price: £230.00

NB: the browning at the left side of the entire is NOT present - a trick of the scanner.


YORK Cross

151574. 2d Plate 3, SG 15, deep full blue:

 fine 3 plus margins, cancelled by the distinctive YORK CROSS, SG Spec E1(3)ui. 

Priced by Gibbons in the latest  Edition of QV Volume 1, at £2,000. 

A rare item.

Price:  £445.00


BLACK, RED and BLUE cancellations

151557.  1d red 'BD', full margined except just touching at the NE top corner

and small light corner crease on legal letter to Basingstoke, August 2nd 1852. 

Stamp tied by a London numeral in BLACK, a straight-line Cornhill in a vivid RED and a BLUE Basingstoke date stamp.

In the Spinks GB Sale of December 2007, was Lot 1473, an entire used within London,

July 1849, with a 4-margined 1d red tied by a black District Office '55' and by a light strike of this same Cornhill in red.

It realised an inclusive price of £530.

The example offered here is the ONLY example of which we are aware

with a 1d red on cover tied by BLACK, RED and BLUE cancellations.

This rare/unique item is offered with a 1d red, 4-margined, tied to a piece by

the London District Office '52' with a straight-line Corhill in red alondside

and a piece with a 2d blue plate 4, not full margined, cancelled by the London District '55'

and tied by a part straight-line Cornhill in RED. 

A remarkable and unique trio which would display well.

Price:  £485.00



Number 6 in Cross: 1d red Plate 37

151584.  1d red Plate 37, 'PE':

very fine 4-margined example tied to a neat envelope, finer condition than the scan,

by a fine/very fine  strike of the Number 6 in Cross.

An interesting address, Doxford House, Embleton, nr Alnwick

with an Alnwick date stamp on reverse for September 16th 1843. 

On the front is a faint but legible TP East Barnet at the top.

Stamp placed Contrary to Post Office Regulations at the bottom left side.

This plate is scarcer with a Maltese cross as listed by Gibbons. 

Number 6 in cross priced by Gibbons at £450 on cover

not allowing for this scarcer plate usage.

An attractive and scarce item. 

Price:  £210.00 




Norwich Cross: rare 2d multiple




2d blue, 'HJ-HL', Plate 3: 'HJ' and 'HK' almost 4-margined and 'HL', 3-margined,


some light creasing visible on the back.


Cancelled by the distinctive NORWICH cross, SG Spec E1uc. 


Priced by Gibbons at £1300 on a SINGLE stamp


hence a figure of £3900 for three singles before the premium for the multiple is added. 


Rare multiple with these crosses and offered at a fraction of Gibbon's price.


Price:  £485.00



1d SG17: miss perfed block


1d SG17, Plate 180: fine used in a very scarce BLOCK of 6 with significant miss perfing.

Some perf strengthening as per the scan with very fine colour and a large part original gum. 

A used block of 4 priced by Gibbons at £350 unplated 

Attractive and very scarce multiple. 

Price:  £165.00


1d SG17: superb

151531.  1d SG17, 'AC': a superb example tied by a Derby sideways duplex,

May 30th 1855, to a clean entire to Leek - very light central filing fold. 

The S/W duplex leaves the Queen's head virtually totally clear. 

The scan does not do justice to the rich shade of the stamp.

Cannot recall being able to offer a finer example of SG17 on cover. 

Superb and attractive item. 

Price:  £75.00. 





New Additions of Numbers in Cross on cover: 


at least one example of Numbers 1 to 12 is offered and in some cases several. 



Number 1 in Cross: a very rare combination 1d red and 2d blue



1d red, NG' 4-margined, just touched at NE corner by very light crease in the wrapper, Plate 42,

and 2d Plate 3, 'PK', 3-margined: each tied to a clean wrapper to Lincoln by the Number 1 in Cross.

1d red added as a Late Fee making the rare 3d rate.


The 2d has the listed variety, Spec ES11d (shifted transfer, duplicated base), cancellation leaves this clearly visible.


On reverse a London cds for April 30th 1844 - the last day of usage of the MX outside of London,

and a May 1st 1844 Lincoln cds - the first day of usage of numeral cancellations which replaced the Maltese Cross.


Gibbons prices on cover the 1d red with number 1 in cross at £550

in the latest Edition of the QV Volume 1 and the 2d blue at £2,250. 


An extremely rare item and the first such 3d rate with a Number in Cross that we have been able to offer. 

Price: £725.00 


Number 1 in Cross on Entire: an exceptional strike.

151508.  1d red, 'EA', Plate 37:

an almost 4-margined example, small SE corner crease, tied to a commercial entire

 by an exceptional, Exhibition quality, upright strike of the Number 1 in Cross.  

Very fine double ring More to Pay and m's '2' in black. 

November 3rd 1843 London cds on reverse and a Stourbridge cds on the front for the following day. 

This cross on cover is priced by Gibbons at £550 in the latest  Edition of the QV Volume 1.

An attractive and rare combination of features with such an exceptional strike. 

Price:  £225.00


Number 1 in Cross: one of the Earliest Known Usages.

151509.  1d red 'PD', fine Plate 28, almost full margins, on wrapper to Manchester:

roller flaw in NW square, Spec BS17d, illustrated in QV Volume 1 page 91. 

Stamp tied by a fine strike of the Number 1 in Cross.

Partial London cds on the reverse and a Manchester cds for Sunday March 26th 1843. 

Extremely early usage of this number in cross - EKD March 21st 1843. 

Gibbons prices this strike on cover at £550 in the latest Edition of the QV Volume 1.

Very scarce item. 

Price:  £200.00


Number 2 in Cross: EKD for multiple usage.

151511.  1d red pair, 'FD-FE', very large margins, surface fault NE corner of 'FE', scarcer Plate 30: 

an entire to Dawlish, London cds on reverse top flap for March 24th 1843 and a Dawlish date stamp

on the front for the following day and tied by superb/very fine strikes of the Number 2 in Cross.

Plate 30 is scarce in pairs, priced by Gibbons at £275 on stamps alone, and very scarce on cover with this type of cancellation. 

Interesting and legible letter family letter: 'glad to hear you arrived safely without encountering any of those

'moving accidents by flood and field' which now happily very seldom occur'. 

This expression has references on the internet to 'Othello' and Wordsworth in his poetry.

The cross is priced by Gibbons in the latest Edition of the QV Volume 1

at £550 on a SINGLE stamp on cover. 

The EKD for this cross is March 21st 1843 and the example offered here

at March 24th 1843, is the earliest known multiple usage. 

Rare item. 

Price:  £375.00

NB: the brownish markings at the left are much fainter than the scan suggests.



Number 2 in Cross sent to the Channel Islands.

15011.  1d red, ‘LB’, fine 4-margined, tied to envelope by a very fine/superb NUMBER 2 in cross, 

London to Guernsey, Channel Islands, Guernsey date stamp for June 23rd 1843.  

On reverse a complete wax seal impressed by a type of medal/decoration? 

Addressed to Major General W Napier, Commanding in Guernsey:

 marked private and signed by a friend or family member? 

In February 1842, he became Lt-Governor of Guernsey and Alderney: item supplied with a full biopic. 

Number 2 in Cross priced by Gibbons at £550 on cover. 

When written up fully this would make a very fine display item. 

Rare usage to the Channel Islands.

Price:  £285.00

NB: the envelope in finer condition than the scanned image.


Number 3 in Cross: 1d red Plate 20

151512.  1d red 'SK-SL', Plate 20: fine pair, 'SK' full margined, 'SL' 3 plus margins. 

Wrapper to Cheltenham, part of the name erased, London May 29th 1843 cds on reverse and a Cheltenham receiving cds.

Very small scissor cut at the top between the stamps but clear of the design.

'SK' has the catalogued variety BS9g, recut 'K' square and cancelled by a fine number 3 in cross.

'SL' cancelled by a lightly applied strike leaving the whole of the Queen's head clear

and then by another which has about 90% off the stamp. 

This cross priced by Gibbons in the latest Edition of the QV Volume 1

at £600 on a SINGLE stamp on cover.

Very scarce item.

Price:  £180.00


Number 4 in Cross: one of the earliest known usages

46.   1d red SG8, 'PC', Plate 32, 3-margined with Number 4 in Cross:

almost complete, upright superb strike tieing richly coloured example to wrapper from London to Edinburgh .

Wrapper with central horizontal filing crease but on reverse is a Lombard St date stamp for 23rd March 1843.

The EKD for the Number 4 in Cross is March 21st 1843 and hence

this is one of the earliest known usages of this cancellation.  

Priced by Gibbons at £1,600.

Price: £390.00  


Number 4 in Cross: one of the Earliest Known Usages.

151513.  1d red 'LC', Plate 31, 3 plus margins, close but clear at the left: on a small, clean wrapper to Manchester.

Stamp tied by a partial strike of the Number 4 in Cross leaving a clear profile and most of the Queen's head clear too. 

London March 23rd 1843 and Manchester March 24th 1843 cds's on the reverse top flap. 

The EKD for the Number 4 in Cross is March 21st 1843 and hence

this is one of the earliest known usages of this cancellation.  

This cross priced by Gibbons in the latest Edition of the QV Volume 1 at £1,600 on cover. 


A rare item. 


Price:  £320.00


Number 5 in Cross: addressed to the Headmaster of Eton College.

151514.  1d red 'TA', full margins but just touched under 'A' square: 

wrapper with side flaps removed for display, London June 8th 1843 to Windsor.

Addressed to Dr Hawtry, Headmaster of Eton College, 1834-53.

His biopic is on the internet and the views of old Etonians from this period. 

Stamp tied by a very fine strike of the Number 5 in Cross:

priced by Gibbons in the latest Edition of the QV Volume 1 at £550 on cover.

An unusual item. 

Price:  £125.00

NB: there is some light age browning on the edges but NOT as pronounced as in the scan.




Number 6 in Cross upright strike: 'Half Bank of England Notes Enclosed'





1d red 'GD', Plate 37, very fine/superb large/very large 4-margined example:

 on a clean wrapper to Preston from London December 13th 1843.

Stamp tied by a very fine upright strike of the Number 6 in Cross. 


On the inside flap is a note about the contents: 'Half Bank of England Notes enclosed'.

It is known that for security in transit, some organisations and individuals would send two letters

 to the same addressee, each letter with half of the same bank note(s) in it..

It may be the case here but in view of the sums mentioned it might be some

form of a money order which in effect was as good as cash?

We have not previously seen this type of description of enclosures.

A very unusual and rare combination of features that would display well 


A superb item.


Price: £295.00 


NB: Plate 37 is scarce with a MX cancellation and rarer still with a Number in Cross.

Gibbons prices a Number 6 in Cross on cover at £450.

The slight browning near the top of the stamp does not affect the 1d red.



Number 8 in Cross: very early usage on envelope.

51. 1d red, 3 plus margined, 'GK', on a very clean and uncreased mourning envelope used locally within London.

Addressed to The Lord Mayor of London from Lord Liverpool, (signed 'Liverpool' bottom left front). 

Double strike of the Number 8 in Cross, London date stamp on reverse for April 10 1843. 

This is ONLY 9 days after the official issue of this maltese cross cancellation.

Priced by Gibbons at £450 on cover.   

Price: £185.00


Number 8 in cross on 2d Blue Plate 3 Entire.

151402.  2d blue plate 3, 'AB', SG14:

4-margined example on clean entire to Cheltenham, September 23rd 1843.

Tied by a very fine strike of the Number 8 in Cross, SG Spec E1vh,

priced by Gibbons at £2,800 on cover.

The stamp has a pre-affixing diagonal crease across the left hand side corner. 

Despite this, an attractive example and hard to find full margined on such a clean entire. 

Price: £375.00

NB: the grey shape above the letter is caused by a reflection of the scanner on the hawid mount.


Number 9 in Cross: sent to HMS Rodney

151517.  1d red 'TI', plate 34, fine 4-margined on incomplete entire:

a page missing inside, from London to Portsmouth October 3rd 1843,

addressed to a Lieut. Edmund Lyons, HMS Rodney.

Letter mentions an Admiral Warren and may repay transcription; stamp tied by a very fine Number 9 in Cross. 

There are full details of HMS Rodney on the internet but briefly:

HMS Rodney was a two-deck 90-gun second rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy,

launched on 18 June 1833 at Pembroke Dockyard

She served in the Med but also in the Crimea as depicted in the painting: Bombardment of Sebastapol.

Number 9 in Cross priced by Gibbons at £550 on cover. 

An interesting and rare item. 

Price:  £390.00 


Number 10 in Cross.


1d red 'LF', Plate 34, fine 4-margined example: on a neat and uncreased engraved entire from Robinson & Sons,

Licensed Custom House, Water lane, Tower Street, London, January 24th 1844, to Hathersage. 

Stamp tied by a very fine/fine strike of the Number 10 in Cross. 

Gibbons prices this at £1,000 but the analysis by Rockoff in Volume 3 of:

'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland', suggests that the Number 10 in Cross is the rarest. 

This reflects our own experience of full margined examples on cover. 

A rare item especially so fine. 

Price: £385.00


Number 11 in Cross.



1d red, 'SK', Plate 41, superb example with parts of three other stamps, on wrapper, December 12th 1843,


tied by a Number 11 in Cross, unusually applied sideways, which leaves part of QV's profile clear. 


Priced by Gibbons at £1,100 on cover.   


Rare to find this cancellation on such a large margined 1d red.  


Price:  £395.00



Number 11 in Cross: pair on Turned Letter.



Turned letter: the original stampless entire sent on September 1st 1843

with a very fine/superb Erith 1py P Paid strike and a London lozenge for this same date.

The letter was sent with a reply on September 14th 1843 and a pair of 1d reds affixed

over the filing crease and tied by two strikes, one with the centre uninked, of the Number 11 in Cross,

'QE' full margins except just touched SE corner, 'QF' three plus margins.

On reverse is an almost full red wax seal of the PRIVY PURSE and the most complete one we have seen.

A single number 11 in cross on cover priced by Gibbons at £1,100.

We cannot recall previously seeing a turned letter with a Number in Cross.


A very rare cover.


Price: £395.00


NB: The Privy Purse is the British Sovereign's private income, mostly from the Duchy of Lancaster.


This amounted to £13.3 million in net income for the year to 31 March 2009.



Number 11 in Cross on a LIST of 47 COLLERIES



1d red plate 37, ‘OE’, fine/very fine 4-margined on letter London to Blyth, January 9th 1844,


tied by a fine upright NUMBER 11 in cross, priced by Gibbons in latest Edition, 2011, QV Volume 1 at £1,100. 


North-Shield cds on reverse.   Rare to find this cross on a full-margined 1d on cover.  


Letter refers to the market and shipping of coal with a long printed list


on the left and right side flaps of COLLIERIES in


Sunderland, Hartlepool, Stockton, Blyth, Scotch, Welch and Yorkshire and on one flap


a list of Colleries under a Newcastle heading on the other flap – some 47 names on each flap!! 


More information on each is available on the internet. 


A rare and remarkable item giving a glimpse into the coal industry at that time. 


Gibbons prices the number 11 in cross on cover at £1,100.


When fully written up this would make a memorable and interesting Display item.


A unique item.


Price:  £495.00


NB: scan available on request of the printed inside lists of Colleries.


Number 12 in Cross on 2d blue with full margins

151521.  2d SG14, Plate 3, 'DC':

fine 4-margined, close at the left but clear, on a wrapper to Rochester,

and tied by a fine upright strike of the Number 12 in Cross: London cds on reverse for December 11th 1843.

Priced by Gibbons at £1,600. 

Seldom found on cover with full margins. 

Price:  £475.00



Plate 3. 

151457.   2d blue plate 3, SG14, 'JL':

very fine used, marginal inscriptional with full deckle edging,

reading: 'SIDE of the Lette(r)'.

Full margins except into top right. 

Rare item. 

Price:  £275.00



Plate 3: superb strip.

 151458.  2d SG14 plate 3, 'FJ-'FL':

superb strip of three, very scarce/rare so fine.

Each cancelled by the '92' numeral of Bolton.

Price:  £275.00



Latest usage of the 1d red imperf on cover.




1d red, Plate 79? 'HA':


3-margined example tied to an envelope used locally within London. 


The 1d red tied by a double strike of the New Cross SO for July 13th 1905


with on the reverse a London W C cds for the same date. 


Line engraved stamps were invalidated for use by the Post Office on June 1st 1901. 


The cover was not surcharged so it got through the system unchallenged.


From our researches, this is the LATEST known usage on cover for the 1d Imperf.


A superb item of considerable rarity and of Exhibition status.  


Price:  £525.00


NB: the condition is finer than the scans.



1d plate 166: late usage 1860





1860 March 26 1d imperf plate 166, ‘AL':


a very fine, very large to good, 4-margined example,


on mourning envelope – rear flap missing.


Sent to Gainsboro, Lincs, and tied by a very fine Leeds duplex for March 26 1860.


A rare late usage of the 1d imperf and unrecorded by Danzig for Leeds .

Sheffield and Gainsboro transit CDS's on reverse.


Price: £380.00




1d pink uprated with SG52 Plate 3 to Chicago.

151422.  1d pink envelope uprated with a fine SG52 Plate 3:

tied by DALMALLY duplex for September 13th 1878 and sent to Chicago, USA. 

On the reverse is a purple CHICAGO MAIL CARRIER cds for September 27th. 

A rare usage of this stamp on a 1d pink envelope. 

Price:  £120.00



1019.  1841 1d red plate 21, ‘PE’:

3+ margined with a very fine and almost complete strike

of the rare and distinctive Kilmarnock cross, SG spec B1tj.

Seldom found with such a clear strike of this cross

 and priced by Gibbons at £1,400.

Price: £225.00


COVENTRY CROSS: one of the earliest known examples.




1842 1d red plate 21,'BI', 3-margined, on entire from Coventry to Lutterworth:


tied by the Coventry distinctive cross, SG spec BS10te, July 8 1842. 


This example is listed and illustrated by Rockoff in


'The Maltese Cross Cancellations of GB and Ireland' Volume 1 page 84.


Only one earlier example of the Coventry Special Cross is listed. 


It is on a 1d pink envelope, last seen almost 30 years ago,


in a Christies/Robson Lowe Auction in 1989.


The example offered here has a PEGB Certificate.


Gibbons prices this cross on a 1d red on cover at £2,200. 


A very rare item.


Price: £370.00




February 25th 1841: Earliest Known Date of usage for 1d red Plate 10



1d red PLATE 10, 'TH' 4-margins, crease NW square and 'QC' 2-margins:


used on a printed Balance Sheet for the Great Western Railway, up to February 22nd 1841. 


Sent from London to Bath, Lombard Street date stamp on reverse for February 25th 1841.


This is believed to be the Earliest Known Date of usage of a 1d red from black plate 10


and also the Earliest Known Multiple franking of the 1d red. 


A damaged example of 1d red Plate 10, 'EH', used on cover dated February 26th 1841,


was in the Sale of the Dr Buranasombati Collection and


later offered, in 2009, by another Specialist Dealer for £2,250. 


Stamps 'TH' and 'QC' show three of the seven distinctive letters of Plate 10: T, H and Q. 


A very rare and possibly unique item with an interesting railway connection. 


An important Showpiece item.


Price:  £685.00 


NB: the letter is in overall better condition than appears in the scan.



1d red: rare used block of 12



1d red-brown, SG 8, plate 71:


a rare used Block of 12 (3 by 4), 'EH - GK', light 258 numeral cancels of Dover,


touched in places and some creasing as to be expected for a block of this size.


An attractive item and rare multiple. 


Price: £520.00


NB: The Chartwell Collection Sale in 2012 had a similar used block of 12,


4X3, cancelled by the '250' of Devonport.


It was touched in places, scissor cuts, creases and other faults.


The block realised in excess of £1,400 inclusive of the buyers premium.




Superb distinctive YORK Cross.


1d red 'EA' Plate 24, just shaved at top right side:

cancelled by superb distinctive YORK cross,

SG Spec B1tx, priced by Gibbons at £700. 

Rare with such a fine complete strike. 

Price:  £185.00


1d Plate 24 Block with Ivory Heads

151393. 1d red Plate 24, 'RJ-SK':

full margins except around the SE letter square

 but very fine IVORY HEADS.

Gibbons prices a block of 4 in this plate at £850. 

Attractive and scarce item. 

Price: £180.00


Very Rare Usage: 1d red imperf at the July 1890 Exhibition




Envelope posted at the July 2nd 1890 Penny Postage Exhibition: 


the postage to Southampton has been paid by a an almost full-margined 1d red imperf, Alphabet 1. 


This has been cancelled by the Special Exhibition Cancellation. 


From our research we cannot find any other example.


of a 1d red imperf postally used and cancelled in this way at the July Exhibition.


We are aware of a similar usage at the May 1890 Penny Postage Exhibition.  




Price:  £530.00


NB: although there are age markings on the envelope


they are FAR LESS pronounced than the scanned image. 




1d Red Plate 5 with two Exeter Skeletons



1d red Plate 5 ‘FJ’:


Very fine/superb 4-margined, tied by a very fine MX to a clean


and uncreased wrapper from London to Exeter.


The MX leaves most of QV’s head clear.


On the reverse is a London cds for March 29th 1841


and TWO very fine/superb  strikes of the very scarce Exeter temporary hand stamp,


County Cat DV608, for March 30th 1841 which is recorded used only in 1841.


This example is believed to be the earliest recorded usage


of this skeleton cancellation on a 1d red cover.


Gibbons prices the 1d red from black plate 5 at £400 on cover. 


A rare combination of condition and features.   


Price: £250.00

NB: 1d reds used on cover in March 1841,


are scarcer than 1d blacks used in this same period.




1d SG17.

151341.  1d SG17, very fine used strip of 4 tied to piece by the '131' of Edinburgh.

Superb rich shade and a scarce multiple so fine. 

Price: £50.00



2d Plate 3: INVERTED watermark with MX

151361.  2d plate 3 SG15 'JK', very fine square margined example but with a very small thin on the reverse

and with parts of two Maltese crosses: watermark inverted, Spec ES11a. 

This is the first example of this stamp with the wmk inverted and

cancelled by a MX we have been able to offer for several years.

Not listed by Gibbons with a MX on this variety but

priced by them at £875 with a numeral cancellation. 

An estimated Gibbon's price based on a comparison of the normal stamp with

a numeral cancellation and one with a MX is approx £2,500. 

An opportunity to obtain a rare/very rare stamp. 

Price:  £350.00



OP-PC ERROR Used in Scotland

151253.  SG53, three halfpence, Plate 1:

Error of Lettering, 'OP-OC' for 'CP-PC'. 

Good used example of this popular rarity tied to small piece by the '135' of ELIE, Fife.

Bluntish perfs at bottom left but a very collectable example and

one of the few we have seen used in Scotland. 

It is offered with a very fine Plate 3, SG51,

with the correct lettering 'CP-PC', also used in Scotland.

The error is priced by Gibbons at £2,000.

An attractive pairing that would display well.

Price: £370.00



Bristol S/W duplex in BLUE.


Entire from Bristol to Llandovery with 1d star tied by

 a Bristol sideways duplex for April 10th 1860

with Camarthen and Llandovery cds's on top flap for April 11th 1860. 

Offered with a piece, 1d LC perf 14 plate 60 tied by a superb

 Bristol sideways duplex in rare DARK BLUE for October 8th 1860. 

Parmenter does NOT record this sideways duplex in blue and

 Gibbons does NOT price any coloured sideways duplex.

They do however price blue duplexes at £500 on piece.

These would make an interesting display pair of items showing the same type of cancellation,

 used in the same year, but in black and blue inks. 

Price:  £65.00


Distinctive STERLING Cross



151216: 1d red ‘RD’, Plate 27:

fine 4-margined tied to a commercial entire, Stirling to Edinburgh December 23rd 1843,

by a fine strike of the Distinctive STIRLING cross recorded in use

by Rockoff between August 1843 and June 1844. 

Underpriced in our experience by Gibbons on cover at £550. 

Price:  £195.00



Late usage 1d Plate 120

151251.   Envelope from Winchester to London, March 22nd 1905. 

Postage paid by a 1d plate 120.

This stamp was registered in 1868 therefore used some 37 years later.

Attractive and scarce late usage of this 1d issue.  

Price:  £85.00



Glasgow to Bordeaux

S6:    Entire, Glasgow to Bordeaux,

August 26 1870 with SG 47 2d plate 13 and

two 1d SG43 from the scarcer plate 142

one of which is a superb and scarce cds example.

Attractive item.

Price: £75.00

Image 1 Image 2


Ireland to Holland: 1d red usage

15158.  1d red, ‘ML’, 3-plus margined example tied by a BELFAST ‘62’ numeral

on a wrapper to ROTTERDAM. 

On reverse two Belfast EVg for November 8th 1850 Blue

single arc cds’s and other transit date stamps with a Rotterdam receiver for November 11th.

A rare usage of the 1d red from Ireland to Holland probably added as a late fee.       

Price:  £190.00

Plate 4

15020.  2d blue plate 4, SG14, ‘RA-TB’. 

Used BLOCK of 6, not full margined but each stamp cancelled by the numeral ‘51’ in oval

of horizontal bars of the Registration Clerk; usually seen used on Registered Mail. 

The largest block we have seen with this rare cancellation. 

A used block of 4 of 2d plate 4 priced by Gibbons at £1,100. 

Price:  £185.00

RIDEOUT Machine Cancellations


This is a small selection from an Award-Winning display that can be found in

the 'Early Machine And Trials' Section of this Website see Homepage

152077.  1859: 1d SG40, ‘GJ’, very fine example tied on a clean wrapper to Hull by a superb strike of the

CHARLES RIDEOUT TRIAL machine number 2, with codes ‘CR’, April 15th 1859. 

Lambs-Conduit St udc on top flap. 

Very hard to find this quality of strike on such a neat cover.  

Price:  £120.00


Rare Later Trial in 1866

152075.  Fine envelope to Ledbury with a fine1d plate 98 tied by a very fine strike 

of the Rideout Number 2 Machine code ‘CR.’

Used on November 16th 1866 and early in this later trial period as

the Number 2 Machine was trialled sporadically between October 23rd 1866 and July 10th 1867. 

Examples from this trial are therefore rare. 

A very fine strike of this rarity and in overall fine condition.  

Price:  £345.00


151236.   1d SG 43 plate 101: trimmed perfs at top right BUT has an INVERTED watermark AND

cancelled by the Rideout Number 2 Experimental Machine. 

The SECOND TRIAL took place in 1867-68 and examples from this trial are rare. 

Possibly a unique combination of the 1d with this watermark variety and this rare cancellation.

Price: £46.50



More Items:


Numbers in Cross on Cover

43.      Number One: A fine/very fine almost upright strike tieing v fine 4-marg'd 1d plate 20 to a very clean, uncreased entire to Wakefield, d/st on rev June 13 1843. A scarce item with this combination of features.   Priced by Gibbons at £550.00.   Price:  £190.00 IMAGE

44.      Number Two: good/fine strike tying very fine 4-margined 1d red plate 25 to very clean entire to Ludlow, London cds on reverse April 26 1843 .  £110.00 IMAGE

45.      Number Three: very fine strike tieing deeply coloured 1d red, good margins but just touched at NE corner, open NE top and10 o'clock ray flaw, to clean entire to Spalding, latter recvr in green on rev, April 4 1843, early use of this number in cross. Now cat £600.   Price: £85.00

46.      Number Four: 1d red SG8, plate 32, 3-margined with number 4 in cross: almost complete, upright superb strike tieing richly coloured example to wrapper from London to Edinburgh . Wrapper with central horizontal filing crease but on reverse is a Lombard St date stamp for 23 March 1843  EKD is March 21st 1843 so this one of the earliest known dated covers.   Priced by Gibbons at £1,600  Price: £390.00   IMAGE

47.      Number Five: An almost upright strike tieing a superb richly coloured 4-marg'd 1d plate 24? to a very clean wrapper to Norwich, d/st on rev for 4 August 1843. Very attractive item.  Priced by Gibbons at £550.       Price:£175.00 IMAGE

48.      Number Six: Fine/V fine upright strike tieing large/v large 4-marg'd 1d red on v clean wrapper to Preston, Dec 13 1843. Priced by Gibbons at £450. Price: £295.00  IMAGE

50.      Number Seven: very fine near upright strike on very fine 4-marg'd 1d plate 42? tied to large part wrapper, 12 April 1844. £58.00

51.      Number Eight: Double strike tieing 3 1/2 marg'd 1d on very clean and uncreased mourning envelope addressed to The Lord Mayor of London from Lord Liverpool, (signed 'Liverpool' bottom left front), d/st on rev for April 10 1843 - only 9 days after official issue of this maltese cross cancel.  Priced by Gibbons at £450.   Price: £185.00  IMAGE



2d Blue Stamps and Covers 

285.    1841 2d plate 3 SG 14: fine/very fine used ‘NH’ 4-margined with light black cross.  Guide line through value. Attractive example.  £65.00  IMAGE


286.    1841 2d plate 4 SG 15: used pair in a deep blue shade and printed on thin paper. Margins very close to parts of other stamps at top and side.  £80.00  IMAGE


1d Red Perforated Issues Stamps and Covers


1038.  1856 1d, SG29, plate 44, LATE USE OF MALTESE CROSS: washed example with tear at base but cancelled by a BLUE cross and with a PEGB Certificate. Priced by Gibbons at £1,500.   £155.00  IMAGE  

305.     1856 1d SG29: very fine example tied to clean envelope, some creasing, by a very fine Belfast English type a spoon, September 13 1856, code EgX, to Shrewsbury. Un-recorded usage for this month by Arundel. 

            Price:  £42.00  IMAGE


307.     1858 1d SG40: tied to clean envelope to Leichlinbridge by superb Waterford Irish type spoon, August 3 1858 code C. Couple of short perfs.  Price: £58.00.  IMAGE

269.    1867 1d plate 84 SG43: very fine example on small entire to Pershore tied very fine/superb Worcester Spoon 6th recut, September 11 1867 .  £65.00  IMAGE

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